The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-01, Page 16.1 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER let, 1972 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE SIXTEEN The. LucknOw Chapter of Tops held their weekly meeting Octob- 54n-the-To-w-n_Ha 1 1 with_15 present. ' After weighing in it was found the laciresstrad lost 24 lbs. and- gained 1"1/2. fatal loss to date has been 127 lbs. that compliance iiifirTlie—Mtinitipal---Election.s—Act-,--1 chapter 95, the period for nominations in the said TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS is the period from 4 THE 9th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 19n UNTIL THE 13th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1972 REEVE and 4 COUNCILLORS-iiid-A -REPRE: SENTATIVE ON 'THE BRUCE COUNTY / BOARD—OF ED_UCATION_to represent' the Townships' of Kitilois, Culross and the Villages of Lucknow and Teiswater. All these offices are for a two year term. -Ol-which-all Electorsare -hereby -required-to take- notice--and govern themselves accordingly, and if a greater number of candidates than required to fill the said offices, are nominated and make the required declarations, polls will be opened on the dates stated below for the purposes of taking the poll ,from 11 o'clock in the forenoon until 8 o'clock in the afternoon. ADVANCE POLL — First day, 27th day of November, 1972, (being seven days before polling day) —ADVAN CE7P OL-L---=., -Second- da rr--2nd-day--of--December--19_72 (being two days before polling day) POLLING DAY the 4th day of December, 1972 Given 'under my hand this 28th day of October 1972 FRASER, MacICINNON Returning Officer at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, (being the period between the twenty-fifth and twentf-TiFdayt-Wor -pe Burg- for-the purpose of nominating fit and, proper persons for the offices of Nominees must be a Separate School supporter and may be from any municipality • within the County. of Huron. ( One Representative to be elected) NOTICE OF OMIKATIO Nominations of Separate School Supporters for Representation on the Betty Emberlin's team won over Marion Mowbray's. Betty was crowned Queen of the Week, hav- ing lost .7 1/2 lbs. in the one week. We had a . sing song, (a Tops Song) and Jane Treleaven conduc ted an exercise game, "Footprint rilitch-prOvid-ed-a-lot-of-fun: ' We have threeliew members A half hour of exercises follow- W. C. HORNER Clerk, Hay Township Zurich, Ontario • The pupils and teachers at. Pine River Central School enjoyed their annual Hallowe'en party at the school on Friday. Pre-school children 'of the area were' guests at the party also. The title of Rev. Mr. Hill's message on Sunday was "faith, Truth and Freedom". A trip of young' boys Tommy. Wilson; Brock Walden and Ricky Irwin sang 'Just a-Closer--Walk-with T-11 Ferguson' and Joan Ferguson accom- panied On the organ.and piano. Members Of the Lowry families were in Toronto on the week end attending the Saturday weddingv of Miss Corinne Lowry. HONOUR BRIDE ELECT Mrs. Bob Bensorr (Brenda Henry) was hostess, for a -shower..„_hanour- ' ELIZABETH JORDAN The death of lvliss Elizabeth Mary. Jordan of Lucknow occurred . on Monciay,October 23rd at Wing- ham and District Hospital in her 76th year. She was born at Fuliarton, Ont- ario on August 28, 1897, a daugh- ler of Duke W. Jordan and Sarah Kellington. Miss Jordan resided in Lucknow with her brother and his wife Mr. and Mrs. John Jordan. They came to Lucknow in December 1956, from the 5th line of Morris. Township, where they 'had farm- ed. Miss Jordan is survived by two brothers John of Lucknow , Clay- ton of Toronto and-one sister Mrs - Jas. R. (Velma) Turnbull of Peterborough. She was predeceased 'by one brother George of Edmonton, Alberta. The funeral service `was 'held at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, Lucknow .on Wednesday, October 25th. Rev. Robert Nicholls of Lucknow United Church was min- ister. Pallbearers-were James_Davis of Lucan; Mervin Pipe of Morris Township; James Knight and Les- lie Knight of Grey Township; Willis Knight of Brussels; Dalton Jcirdan of Mitchell. Interment was in. Brussels Cemetery. irig Miss Brenda Humphrey, bride,- elect. Mrs. Benson entertained, -ather_London home and Pcsts were girl friends of the bride. An enjoyable' social time was had by _all with Brendatherecipient of lovely gifts. Visitors on §unday with Mr. and Mrs. Len times were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Rillet and family from Windsor. Misses Gertrude 'Lee-and Mary Walden of London spent the week end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Walden. Mary has just returned from'an enjoyable tour of the British Isles and Europe. • Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Hill and little son Matthew were Sunday visitors with Rev. and Mrs. John Hill. Spending the week end with their parents here were Margaret Courtney from Sarnia and Wendy Courtney of London. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ferguson and family were guests of Mr. and Mti. Roy Geddes in Kincar - dine on Sunday. Miss Maithel Lee Wilson visited on the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Wilson and S' Tommy. Lucknow ,Resident Died In Hospital. AMBERLEY RESIDENTS OTF4iEsSHTip II .WAWANOS and VILLAGE OF AUBURN Notice of Nominations THE ONTARIO GOVERNMENT HAS REVISED THE MUN- ICIPAL ACT AND THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS , ACT. "DUE' TO THESE REVISIONS NOMINATION PAPERS MUST BE OB- TAINED FROM THE UNDERSIGNED FOR NOMINATION TO THE OFFICES OF REEVE, FOUR COUNCILLORS AND THREE POLICE VILLAGE TRUSTEES FOR A TERM OF TWO YEARS, AND EACH NOMINATION MUST BE SIGNED BY TEN ELECTORS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE AT THE TOWNSHIP ELECTIONS' PERSON NOMINATED _ MUST CONSENT TO NOMINATION TO SPECIFIED OFFICE BY. SIGNING NOMINATION FORM BEFORE THE CLERK. NOMINATIONS will be received by the undersigned com- mencing November Rh,' 1972, up to and including November 13th, 1972 at 5:00 P.m. Should a poll be required, polling will take place on Monday, December 4, 1972, from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the various polling subdivisions in the Township. Advance polls will be held on_Monday, November 27, and Saturday, December 2, 1972, from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., it The CTerk's Office in her honieTR.R-. 2- Lucknow. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: MRS. JOAN' ARMSTRONG, _Clerk, rwp. West Wawanosh NOMINATION!.., , • Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW In the County of 'Bruce that in compliance with The Municipal Elections Act, 1972, chapter 95, the period for nominations in the said ' VILLAGE OF LUCKN is the period from, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9th, 1972 UNTIL MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, 1972 at 5 o'clotk in the afternoon, (being the period between the twenty-fifth and twenty-first days before polling day)• for the _=_-purpv_se-of-nominating fit aid proper persons for the offices of REEVE and 4 COUNCILLORS and' A REPRE- ---SENTATIVE- ON ,THE-- BRUCE COUNTY. BOARD OF EDUCATION to represent the Townships of ICinloss, Culross and the Villages of tuclen—o-waiidirceswater.--A11---these offices are-for_ a two year term. of which all Electors are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, and if a greater number' of candidates than required to fill-the saidoffice; me-nominated-- apd make the required declarations, polls will be opened on the dates stated below for .the purposes of the poll from 11 o'cloCk in the forenoon until 8 o'clock in the afternoon. Total TOPS- Loss Has Been 12716s. NOMINATIONS Notice is hereby, given to the Municipal Electors of the TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS In the , County of Bruce HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION will be received by the undersigned Commencing on Thursday, November 9 and until 5 P.M., E.S.T., on • Monday, November 13, 1.972 ADVANCE POLL — First Day, Monday, November 27, 1972, (being seven days before polling day) ADVANCE POLL — Second Day, Saturday, December 2nd, 1972, -(-be Ing Avi.o....AaysitEdstrse_po day POLLING DAY — Monday, December 4th, 1972 Given under' thy hand this 30th day of October, 1972 ALFRED E.' HERBERT Returning Officer