The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-01, Page 3FFEE • • FEATURE! -- CORDON BLEU 25 Fl. Oz. Tin n n STEW Beef, Chicken, Irish 55c PRE-PRICED 79c! 32 Fl. Oz. Bd. "IVORY LIQUID 69c ALLAN FOIL WRAP nil: is rt. oz. ma CHAMPION DOG FOOD 4i59c 1-LB. BAG RED& WHITE FOOD STORES RSA FEATURES!, OUR SUPPLY HOUSE IS CELEBRATING ITS 47hANNIVERSARI' 111 • • • • • 11 • • a • • • • • Helen Salkeld of North Gower visited last wee-lcwith- r paren s NIL and Mrs. T. J. Salkeld of , Lucknow. .afenda Jamie''son 11-year-old a ught-or-o-f-+Ir . and-Mr s:-Stu a Ft Jamieson, Lucknow,is a patient in Wingharn Hospital with pneu- monia. Earl Swan, who has been resid- ing, with. his-son:and , and Mri:,•Rusiel Swan in. Ashfield, has Moved ,to an apartment in the • loynt Block on Lucknow'S Main ',Stfeer. John Brady of KerWood was a visitor last Week end with his aunt Mrs, William Rogan Lucknow and' other' relatives in the area. • ••••-•, Miss Gladys McMorrati, South- ampton, Mr. and Mrs. Millard Bell, Paisle.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Holmes, Winds& and Mr..and Mrs. John Beacoek of Lindsay were recent visitors with Mrs. Jack McKendrick, • • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 1972 THE 1,LICKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. 1 mmumammOmmummommommommummommoimmummummumumemmommumummommomma n n • • • • a • •▪ -. • • • • • • • •▪ ---FEkTUREI=.70AK-BRANES 1111 • • tititrs* • NI I 1 • a . . 1040/11 larif% r'" . , . 1 PORK SHOULDERS EXTRA SPECIAL SAVINGS IN ADDITION TO OUR REGULAR FEATURES! FEATURE! — SPAGHETTI OR 14b. Pkgs. CATELLI MACARONI 2149c BAKERY FEATUREI 24-0z. Size '‘ imsursmiefft - APPLE PIES to -White .49-4. FEATUREI .— BRIMFULL CHOICE QUALITY 19 FL Oz. Tins , CREAM style CORN 4i99c BEST BUY! — 72-0z. INSTANT or 5-Lb-QUICK Your choice -- bap R !tin POOD GATSi.th Tubs IIMFKAliFT Margarine 3 $1 WONDERSOFT Tissue 2129c EMITS BISCUIT FEATURE] — SUPREME — 5 Varieties n • • • n n n n n n n • • • • n n • • n 01 • n FEATURE! — Raspberry or Strawberry (with pectin) 24 Fl. Oz. • BERRY B X JAMS 59c FEATURE!.— SQUIRREL BRAND 16 Fir:Oz. Jar — ma: • • • n a' • 3 89 Collo Pkgs. n • • • qe:orgiait Bay: Macs and Spies. In Stock Dairid , Sieve-n-and Ken-neth Atkinson,. sons of 'Mr. and Mrs. Wayne. Atkinson, •Lucknow are now home from Wingham and District Hospital, :where each boy was hospitalized for two weeks extending over a four week period. Mrs. John Emerson, and :Mr. .and Mrs. Wayne Nixonand land') spent Sunday Willi 'Mr': d-rid• Lsaac Nixon, Belfast. Frank Seat was in Windsor and Detroit last week and while there attended the wedding of his grandson David. Bernier in Pontiac Michigan. Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Eastrrian of Burlington,spent the week end with Mr: and Mrs'...Roberj Helm and 'other, reUtives.' Th-Cladles are sisters. Kimberley Sandtrson, 6-year- oldLdaughter_oLMr and_Mrs.. El- mo Sanderson, Lucknow, is patient in. Wingharn and District Hospital with pneumonia. --She was admitted 'last Saturday. •/ ' Last week end Mr. and Mrs. Ted Collyer, Mr. and Mrs. John MacIntyre and Mary Maclntyre attended the wedding 'of Glyn Maclntyre, the formers nephew, to,,Lee 'Ann Himle in Hudson, Ohio. Quite coincidentally Pres- ident and Mrs. Nixon stopped ov r at' thrir-rnotet-whfle--t were there. On Sunday they at., tended Rex Humbard's service at Th"e Cathedral of To-morrow in Akron, Ohio-. Eriroute 'home They visited with Angus MacKay, Mr. and'MrS . J. Matkoviteh and Mr, and N1rs. A. Huffman in' Detroit. Social Evening For Henr OLIVET NEWS A good crowd from this com- munity attended a social'get to- gether on Saturda_y evening at the home of Mr. and. M.S.. Allan MacTavish in honor of Mr. and Mrs ,DOug_ Henry and boys who recently moved to GOderich, also Mrs. Howard Henry who. moved--- to Ripley._ A very warm welcome is ex- tended to our new ,neighbours Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dawson and family and Mr. and Mrs. 'Glen Hodgins and family. " .Miss Nancy McGuire entertain- ed a few girl•friends at her home -on-Saturda•y-evenint--..--- Several from here attended the bazaar on Saturday held in the St., Andrews United Church, Mrs. Jean Carruthers and child-, ren of Godericp visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hamilton and Wendy, PNONE 52.81001 • on Saturday. Week end visitors with Mr. ark Mrs. David Rigg and•Adon were, NNW 1••n •••• • COM. rippo. Donnie Rail and Ron Peterson, all of Toronto. GIRL GUIDES freshie everyone had an exciting time trying to catch bobbing and swinging apples. We are happy to have Lieuten- ant Linda Johnston baek with us again. 14 IL CIL : " e • ,6-01.‘)"°` BUY OF THE WEEK • • • • • • ▪ • • icormimmiummirmimmumumumnumullum•••••••••••••••••micumimmmiiimlionsmismniimmummosinnmilimmulialist NOTICE CLOSING FRIDAY NIGHTS AT 6 P.M. The LucknOw Girl Guides held their Hallowe'en Party in the Tow_n_Hall_Thursday. The Guides brought younger children to the party---.A-fter- a---- few, games were played and a story was told, Vi Rathwell judged the costumes. The win- ner of the girls was Shelly Gard- ner, the boys was Darren.McKim and the winner of the Guides was Beverly Wilkins. Julie Nicholson was the winnek of the game , Ghostly Handshake. After a ---Aurerlyfirotliogs7/7hips and