HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-25, Page 22SAL SAY' BRING YOUR FRIENDS' AND RELATIONS, THEY YE GOT • VALUES HERE THAT ARE SENSATIONS AT YOUR 117 :1FRIEND Johnatone's.. • Furniture..: Phone 528-343 WHITECHURCH: Mr. and Mrs. DougI'as Conley and Jason of Wingham visited Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs.-Wallace Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Evans Of Hyde Park and Mrs. Edith Brown of London visited on Sunday 'with their mother., Mrs. Bill Evans, still a patient at Wingharii and District Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Russel McGuire and Brian were at Tho.rnbury on Wednesday , where they visited NEW 26"„ cougt. coNscoLEs. New From -.P4NA$ When you decide .,,t4; .buy big-screen T.V., you're opting for the highetit quality picture TV can deliver — you're demanding the clari- ty and precision of the picture you see at the movies. you're laying it on the line that you want the brightest picture; the purest possible color;,the utmost in reliaAJility:Now Panasonie- makes the big-screen decision easy to make, with their new 26” color consoles that deliver the movie-screen quality picture you're look- ing for, in a big war. ' Two automatic •oontrol systems! If you have the idea that quality odor needs„ an expert's touch an the 'controls, forget it. Panasonic Color—T.-Ws-have_not_just_oneAtutomatio_co _ , w Gm _ _ _ 7 9_ trol, but two, Panalock AFT takes care of tun- Io ingillEIC takes care of color and tint. -- Greer T V Electric LUCKNOW PHONE 5284 • PAGE Twiwnr:nvo. THE 4tiCKNOW SENTINEL I,,UCKNOW,, ONTARIO - 'WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 1972 • Couple Will Live In Gorrie HEAT LOS ••. 6. • We Will Replace Broken Glass In Wood or Aluminum Windows NOW IS THE TIME TO REPLACE CRACKED AND BROKEN WINDOWS For .ThatUST PAINTED.- LOOK". • r10Hti W. HENDERSON -LUMBER1104. - WE CUT GLASS ANY . SIZE WE'LL DO THE WHOLE JOB FOR YOU, AT A MOST REASONABLE COST TS • The marriage -of Marion Laura Reid, daughter of Mr. Milvert Reid and the late Mrs. Reid of . R. R. 3 Lucknow , and Peter. John Keil, son .of Mrs. Harold Keil and the late Mr. Keil of R. R. 2 Gorrie , was solemnized in Trinity Lutheran Church, Kurtzville on —Satutd-ay Septe-mbe-Tr--9-th at p".m. Rev. Arthur Schiernan of Kurtz- Ville officiated at the double ring ceremony. KEIL liElD yellow ,roses. For travelling the bride wore a red -and black plaid pant suit with black accessories and corsage of white carnations. ' - Following a wedding trip to Eastern Ontario arid Quebec City ,-- the couple are residing at Gorrie , _where the groom is employed with the. Keil Insurance Agency and the bride - is 'employed at. Walter's Clothing Store , Wingharn..• Phone 5284118 . Lucknow Joe Wasney of Long Beach, Ca-lifornia w and Mrs. Stuart Jamieson in Lucknow on Saturd•ay. He was on his way to Sudbury on his annual moose hunting exPedition. It is three years since he visited here. Mrs. Wasney was visiting at: Dayton, Ohio with their daugh- ter Karen, Mrs. McDade, Mr. McDade and two children. The son -Twain marrrecrInd--- residing in Toronto. The'Lucknow Chapter of Tops met at the Town Hall October 8 with 14 present. Last .week's recommendations Visrtsliere, Going— North To Hunt TOPS Club Hold Meeting were accepted; that we raise the penalty to 26¢-a lb. gain; cha-rms--- are to be purchased for awards; 4 consecutive weeks absence and we lose our Tops status; 25¢ weekly fee is to, be paid even if we are-abseht and we are to let the leader know if we are not going to be at a meeting. Felt banners are to be made and a mem r receives a red felt star for ever i ! 5-1b. weight, loss. - Mayme Wilkins was crowned Queen of the Week and Marian Mowbray's team won over Ben) Embeilin's. ring - Tre lave n—Irrea -trended— Inspiration Day in. Owen Sound October 14th. Barbara Brillinger, the Area Supervisor, was speaker. She advised overweight people to take more pride in themselves. and' their own worth and not soOth their fnistrations by eating. • Three visitors were present at the regular meeting.' The evening concluded with, - exer6ises. , with his-parents Mr. and Mr's. Bruce -McGuire. 'Mrs. Russel.MeGuire, Mrs. Johnston Conn, Mrs. George'. Fisher, Miss Merle Wilson mid Mrs. •ViCtor Emerson attended Bruce County W.I. 'Rally at • Allenford on Thursday ,,,October 19, representing Whitechurell W:l. branch. Mrs. Fisher ,irid Mrs. Conn in the forenoon put oi l ihumorous skit. for Wititechurch- W, I. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morrison of -Lu-cknowwere -in London_ at We: Hospital, where Ton: had his usual check up. The. were accompanied by M S. a il,tcc Conn, who remained' to visit with her father Earl taslick now out 'of intensive care and with her 'brother. in-law Russel Ross ,at Hospital. • Little Miss Robin Willis of Ne\,-. ry spent a, few days last We6; her grandmother Mrs. Attending the LI .C... W. al Meeting at Brussels from -, U. C. W. here. were Mrs. V:-ed Tiffin, Mrs. George Thon:r's6i, Mrs.. Malan Moore and brother Dr. Donald Watt o; Mrs:: Dave Gibb, Nirs, Flw.00d ros o , rp7. agrian,, Mrs. 'Lorne Durrun, rs Cliff -Laidlaw ,• Garnet.. Farrier., The bride was given in mar- raige by her father. Her only attendant was Miss Mary Lou Keil of R. R. 2 'Got?rie. :Groomsman was' William H. Keil of Wingham, brothel- of the groom.- Ushers were. Joseph Brown, of Listowel, cousin of-the groom and Lloyd Reid of R. R. 3 LucknOw , brother of the bride. Organist was Mts.,Rosemary Struthers of Wingham. A rece tion followed at the Wingham Golf and Country Club. The groorh's mother wore a long gown with plain bodice and flowered skirt.. Her corsage was ,