HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-25, Page 16` X - PAGE SIXTEEN Alex Macintosh of Liicknow was on a week's vacation. He * returned last Friday to his position at the Ripley Chopping-and Feed Mill. * a * a a a John Inglis and Ross Willits were home for the week end. They are working on a job at Corunna in the Sarnia area. a a a . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fludder, and family members were in Burling- ton last week visiting with Joe's father who is ill in hospital there. Mr. and Mrs: Earl Peterson of ' John Deere Snowmobiles for '73. They bring you distinctiVe styling and outstand- ing performance, superb craftsmanship and rugged durability. All this and more blended • into a snowmobile that makes you wish • winter would 'never end.-Uncommon snow- mobiles—the dazzling new 'JDX Series. JDX8 and JDX4Iciw profile, unique trim treatment, bold John Deere "blitz-black" color. New wide-track 600—with' all the power and flotation 'to carry two snowrno-• bilers where they want to go and back. New . 400 and 500—with John Deere's proven performance and reliability. See" them at our dealership soon. Ask about our parts, service, and-financing. • •••••••••••••• Q.43"14DEEAE-) USED MACHINES FOR SALE '72 BOA SKI 36 H.P., 700 MILES '71 SS AHRIENS, 28 H.P. '68 SKI DO OLYMPIC Ryan. On SUnday Mr.' and Mrs.' Past week,' -Eldon Johnston of Goderich visited ' Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McWhinnc) Mrs. Ryan. '-left Thursday on a motor trip in . Mrs. Robt.. Irvin visited Mr. an d Mrs. Cecil Gogo at Kemptville, N. anti On Sunday afternoon. Mr. and ' the Ottawa area , visitin 1r Mrs. George Kennedy at White- a rid44-r--,a-n€14,ilm.11_,..bia ir and church. fathily at Engleside. Mr. and : Mrs.. Harry Chambers of boderich William Wiggins has been a are spending a few days- in Dan- patient in Wingham Hospital this gannon. : ' • RIPLEY ABATTOIR Custom Butchering — Curing and Smoking Cutting and Wrapping — Sausage Making — Fast Freezing 4111*. 411111. *OW *olow Ado* HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON FRIDAYS Have cattle in on Thursday for Friday's kill *111** *NW *MN* 41111*.•411111* .011111. mew 41111P. With Two Two Big Coolers,'We Are Able To Frog our; Beef Prom- 1 To 3 Weeks — Whatever Your RequirementS Are For Home Freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed Beef, Pork and Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Price 'ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION 4 CHAS.. HOOIS1VIA, PROP. AnAITOIR 395-2905 • . STORE 395-2961 Nowarsigoi THE' LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKN.ow, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,, OCTOBER 25th, 1972 This Week In Ripley • '41 •, by Ab Wylds HONOUR SHERRY Last Friday evening several hundred people attended the Sherry Pollock night in the auditorium of the Ripley District High School. Sherry, the Ontario Dairy Princess for this year, was honoured with a banquet and 'a aance„,Sherry received 'beautiful gifts on the occasion and it was nice for her many friends to be with her back home in Ripley. • Pictures of the banquet were shown on the late television news on Friday evening from c.K.N.X. and on Sunday morning Sherry was featured in a taped interview on C.K.N.X,. radio at nine with farm broadcaster Bill Rohman. Sherry 'mentioned in this interview how often during the past summer she •went through the milking . competition routine at the dairy - barn of her neighbours,. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Needham on the tenth .concession. She also mentioned 'the help Jim and his wifeiDorothy 'gave her in getting ready for the competition. Jim himself•is no ' stranger to the Coliseum in Tor- onto. It was also very nice for Sherry to be able to spend a week end home with her parents, Wally and Elaine. Pollock, her sister Joanne and brothers Sandy and Mike at their farm north of R ipley and visited with her grand- mothers Mrs. Ernie. PolloC'k and Mrs, George Sutherland in Ripley and all family relatives here. Stratford and Mrs Fran Wylds of Ripley visited on Saturday with Mrs. A.J. Peterson at Gateway Haven in Wiarton. A number from the Wiarton Home were leaving at the time on a bus tour to Walkerton including a visit to the Christmas Fair there. a a a Mrs. Hamilton MacKinnon of Ripley'' is in hospital in don. •She was taken to London last hursday by Mrs. Alan McLean. a ' * • * . The dinner and evening dance following the wedding of Miss Nancy Coiling last Saturday afternoon was held in the audit- -orium of the Ripley District High School. a * * a a. LODGE HONOURS ' On Saturday, October 14, Mrs. Roy MacKenzie of Ripley was 'given,the .high honour of the Dec- oration of Chivalry by the Rebeikah,Lodges of Ontario. A member of Huron star Rebe- kah Lodge No. 30S, Ripley, Mrs. Violet MacKenzie was one of 26 -sisters to receive this award' at this special gathering held in. the Bracebridge and Muskoka Lakes Secondary ,School in Bracebridge on Saturday evening. Fifteen members of the loCal Rebekah Lodge travelled to Brace• bridge for the event'. They enjoy- rhe_beautiful ceremony and the hOSpitality on the occasion, Sisters from 10dges from Thunder Bay to Windsor to Kingston in Eastern Ontario took part in the impressive ceremony which was under the leadership 'of Major • General Elmer Teft of Corunna Department Commander of Ontario. Ki ";;i ;A pl rqf Feeders of hogs, Chicken broilers and turkeys derive the greatest feeding„, advantages from pelleted rations. With broilers and turkeys;the purpose is to enable the birds 'to eat more. With hogs 'there are .big advantages . . . improved feeding efficiency (about,. 10%), and improyed rates of gain (7-8%): The, explanation is' that the pelleted'rations provide' increased digestible energy; increased availability of other—nutrieats, ancLteduced feed wastage through the virtual elimination es_and dust. • , . FOr other classes' of liVestock, notably laying hens and cattle,, the advantages are largely in :handling.- Bin flaw is made ea s ier and segrega- . tion of ingredients is reduced. Maybe if s time you switched to SHUR•GAIN PELLETED RATIONS? Let's discuss it. Pelleted Rations? Some Livestock! Someiimes! Some F'laces! Awarded Sales Trip To Portugal DUNGANNON NEWS Intended for last week Jack Caesar flew from Malton on Sunday for one week's holiday in Portugal. He is a CKNX sales- man who.was awarded this trip. Recent yisitors'with Mrs. Minnie Jones and Melvin included Mrs. J. Marks', Windsor, Mrs, Verne Carneron Galt and Mr. and 'Mrs. Gordon-pinnigan Gode_rich . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Webster motored to Willowdale on Satur- day evening to• visit Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thomas and family , return7 ing Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young and John spent Sunday in London with "Chuck" who has had further check-up on his hands. 'He is doing well in his re-habilitation studies. The Youngs also visited a sister-in-law Mrs. Marjorie Moore in St. Joseph's Hospital, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold MacIl- waib at their home. Mrs. Mac1.1-1 wain pad recently returned from hospital. The trees, now decked in red and gold, . Their splendour soon will shed; Bin d-o-not.thin-k on-w-int-er-days Their bare, black boughs'are dead'. ThoUgh autumn comes when few' birds sing, New life will Stir again in • spring!' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kidd of Georgetown spent Saturday with' the latter's mother,. Mrs'. john • Nothing Runs —Like-a-Deere- CASSIDY S GARAGE TEESWATER PHONE 392-6402 ti LUCKNOW — PHONE 528-2026