HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-25, Page 13item SALE 548-003.. PRICE Imperial Gallon 88 filter (154 ye'ar parts SALE PRICE 22" ea Item Code No. Rioular 402.280 $10.50 ea. 402-385 14.50 ' 402-055 - 3.7511. 402:370 3.25 ea. 402-320 7.00 ea, 402-085 8.60 u.. • WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER .25th, 1972 THE 1-PCKNOW, SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. PAGE THIRTEEN ,, • .,,,e-4....•••••.:.0.jc.:ii•;:,:•-••• COOP KNOWS WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOUR DOG! We Agree That Your Dog Is A'§pecial Member Of The Family, So It ''• Stands To Reason He Deserves The Best! Stock Up On Our Two ... .complete & Delicious HI-BOY Dog Foods Especially Prepared For :i. Dogs 01 All Sizes, , . :i Hi-Boy Dog Chunks Are Tasty & Nutritious A Complete Balanced :,. Formulation Of All The Protein, Fat, Carbohydrates, Vitamtas:, Minerals & Amino Acids Necessary For Growth & Robust G.o6(14--.)- •,. Health These Nutrients Provide,Y•our Puppy With Healthy Bones, Teeth & Muscle & Keep The Adult 'Dog In Peak Condition. Fil7Bby —Dcg--Chews-+fvve —A—Higher -• Than Average Nutritional ' • . 6t DOG FOO . • D • , - Concentrated Complete Diet. Content For Active Hunting . Working Dogs Who Require A More . ,, CO-OPCANNE11. . •k';' DON'T FORGET! Have Water On Hand,At Alt Times. Coup Hi-Boy Dog Foods May Be Fed Moistened, But Not Soaked, To Bring Out The Full Rich Meaty Flavor. (6 Parts' Dry To 1 P4rt Reg. Value : SALE Water) Pay Special Attention To Feeding Directions on'The Package 2 can - 39,C PRICE . CANS • & Never Overteed Yout Dog. , . . • • . ...;,,,,,,*i*.wiwowigoomricmoN,:qoi;:omsa,.,..,4,4mr:,•yrk.-,,,,,..r.yrriwn,,,:-!.:..v:,: ...:""g ,,W ; r:' ' :qt."; ..,:!: ...... . . ' ..;,... ; ,,mr,..,:,....m$,..,..4:3m:Ar.$4WAWAN** 1,1"14%, I BOY DOG CHUNKS! & EWS! 50 LB, BAG 25 LB. BAG 10 LB. BAG Reg. 5.99 SALE 549 PRICE BAG HI BOY DOG CHEWS 50 LB. BAG . 25-LB. BAG Reg 4.75 Reg. 2,55 SALE _25 SALE PRICE ilr BAG 'PRICE 230 BAG HI-BOY DOG CHUNKS Reg, 3.49 Reg, 1;75 SALE PRICE 325 SALE 149 BAG PRICE IBAG C GREAT SAVINGS ON YOUR WINTER AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS Guaranteed for 30,000 mile; or two years! Give your car all winter protection and save at the same time. Anti-freeze has ethylene glycol...base.for. extra protection and is fortified•with corrosion inhibitors to prolong * engine Life — (especially P4: . effective in new aluminum • engines). -Will not foam, j f evaporate or boil away. Mixes with all other types of per- manent anti-freeze. SaVe now ' with-this low.price, STAN-GARD PERMANENT ANTI FREEZE DE • ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS., 1') CO-OP AUREOMYCIN CRUMBLES -.50 Iti. Bag An antibiotic feed addit1ve containing Aureomycin plus Vitamins A, b3, and: E for stress con- ditions caused by shipping, handling, and sudden temperature changes, 2) CO-OP TYLAN 200 FOR INJECTION - -100-cc • An injectable solution of 200 mg./cc of Tylosin for effective treatment of -contagious calf pneumonia, shipping fever, and secondary infections associated with virus diseases, Vitamin A • • Vitamin D3 500,000IU/cc 75,000 IU/cC An injectable solution of Vitamins A, D3, and E for the prevention of deficiencies. 200.000 1U Penicillin G Procaine/cc, .25,gm. Dehydrostreptomycin Sulphate/cc. 5) CO-OPINJECTABLE IRON 100 cc An iron dextrali containing 100 mg. of utilizable iron/cc 6)-CO-OP MASTITIS FORMULA A.- 240.cc Contains four antibiotics plus a potent anti-inflammatory steriod A "BeSt Value" treatment for acute cases of mastitis displaying severe udder congestion • • CO-OP CO-OP A'ureoinycin Criimbles CO-OP Tylan 200 CO-OP Vitamin ADE Injectable CO-OP Penicillin Streptornytin CO-OP Injectable Iron CO-OP Mastitis A , FR SUMMER COOLANT '95 ea. CO-OP PRE SEASON SNOW TIRE SALE! CO-OP's NEW 4-PLY NYLON TRACTION SNOW -TIRES! • New. improved tieaci',design .• Rugged all nylon construction CoMpare CQ-OP TRACTION to any other economy snow -tires before you buy — yoU'll find these are' trul the 'rnoretor....y.citur4noneyLtires,offering-more-than-adotrate-traction-in-mud snow, It's the tire designed. with safety in mind, at a price you can afford! Blackwell only.. . . F-78-14 . I .G-78-14. -4..---;-H--78-14 Traction 4-ply Traction .4-ply TractiOn 4-ply nylon snow b/w > nylon snow b/w ..nylon snow b/w• Item No.. 569-162'q Item No. 569-183 Item No. 569-114 • SALE PRICE b! „SALE PRICE • SALE PRICE • 1740. !". • •F-78-i 5 • Traction 4-ply ;: Traction 4-ply Tradtion 4-ply nylon snow b/w gi nylon snow b/w Item No. 569-18WItem No. 569-106' SALE PRICE SALE PRICE 17" • • ea. 1915 ...v ea. "Mt,4Z•e*Ialatt*,11N :.78-15_ 1714845 nylon snow b/w Item No. 569437 SALE PRICE 202 CO-OP GT 2+2 78 SERIES SNOW TIRES SINGLE. WHITEWALL Now — Ultimate Traction in a CO-OP 78 SERIES BELTED SNOW TIRE Deep wide • tread bites into the snow to keep-you, going even when road conditions are. et their Worst! Wide belted construction' for greater stability, and maximum traction at all speeds, greater puncture'resistance, plus the polyester features ... No flat spotting • ...,smoother 'ride. • - F78-14 Item NO. 569-191 G-78.-15 - Item No. 869-194R1 Item No. 569-1951 Item No. 569-196 SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE 23" 24" , ea. F48-15 SALE PRICE _23!!.• G-78-14 -H-78-15 H-78-14 • m--41156 SALE'PRICE A 2nri95 a. 25 30 .a ** * ** ** ** * ** * * *-* * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * *** * * * * ****** * * * 4* C he St 10AD 'n cuts trees 'up to big 3.1 al cement and coni- . :arling! Largi uffler, adjustable ever ride,c le rubber cushion Weighs10 r and chain, Fully anty, Phone 528-2125 able mit- Y of (3 in s in • man. eialu Immature Lungs ( While the fetus is still tucked safely within the womb, tests can detect respiratory disease. • The next step? Delaying birth ungs-atelietter developed., . • A California research team has developed a quick and inexpen7 sive test to determine which babies' might have hyaline mem- brance disease , a respiratory ailment that takes the lives of 28,000 infants each year. The disease, an immaturity in devel- opment of the lungs, afflicts pre- mature babies. Normally, a special chemical lines the. air sacs in the lungs and prevents the sacs from sticking together and collapsing. but in hyaline membrane disease the chemical is Missing. The col= lapsed sacs ca.nnot.hold air'; the infant cannot take in enough oxygen. The' necessary chemical lining ecorrrerwhen-the-fetal-lungs — mature . The 'chemical itself is similar to agents in detergents that help sustain the foamy bubbles. If the chemical is in the lining of the lungs of the fet.- us , it will also be present in samples of the anmiotie fluid that surround the unborn child. Mixing the fluid with a small amount of alcohol in a test tube and shaking it to produce bubbles is a way to spot the chem- ical.' If bubbles are, still present at-the-end-of-15-Tnintiterrthe rulip have propel lining. Dr. Alan J. Margolis, an obste- trician at the University of Cali- fornia, 'says in Cases of spontin., ems premature labor, 'delivery of 4), the baby might be postponed by certain drugs if the. test shows that 'the infant would have hyaline membrane disease if born at that time. Women who smoke have more ANntaneOus_abortions and-premat- ure births than women who don't smoke. FOr further information, contact• your Christmas, Seal Association, 634 Eighth Street East, Owen . Sound, Ontario. , I