HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-25, Page 12Elliott , Saturday , OctobEr2
9 a.m. The meeting' closed with
- the_ 4-H Creed.
Supper Serifers
The 7th meeting of the Dungan-
non Supper Servers was held • at
the home of Mrs. Maclnnis on
Friday ,-October 20, at 7 p.m.
Lois Adams brought the meeting
to order with everyone reciting the
• 4-H pledge. Roll call followed.
The secretarial report was given.
Discussion was "Outdoor Set-
tings for Barbecues". Chocolate
Fondu was served for lunch with
apple chunks-,- cake and marsh-
• ing on Thursday, October 19, at
the Lucknow Central Public .
. • School. ,
The President , Elizabeth Ritchie
Conducted the meeting, opening
with the 4-H pledge. The roll
call was answered by all meni--
bers. The Minutes of the third
meeting were read and the
treasurer's report given.
Mrs. Ritchie discussed salads,
salad dressings and salad accomp-
Elizabeth Ritchie and Joanne
Ritchie made a jellied 'salad. •
Nancy Alton and Marilyn Sproul
made a french, dressing. Ruth g
"Alton and Susan 14eutzweiser •
demonstrated how to make a
tossed salad.
IsIts WalreVitie over h'
• • •
pamphlets on salads. She also -
showed us a kohl rabi in ch ese
cabbage and parsley. She then
cut it up and gave us each a
piece of kohl tabi.
The Meeting closed with the
4-H .creed
Salad Queens
Whitechurch Salad Queens held
• their 4-H meeting on Saturday
at 9 a.m. at the home of assi$tant
leader Mrs. Elmer Sleightholin,
The roll call was answered by 10
girls telling - How you like vege -
The next club to be, held may• -
be Creative.Block Printing.
Kathy Purdon "and Janet .Adams
'are to demonstrkte on 'Achieve-
ment Day and have 3 raw ,
vegetables on display. The topic
planning of vegetables into meals
was given by Mils,. Elliott. Linda
Moore will make a tossed salad,
-------rathyPurdon a Perfection Jelly ,
Wendy England a French Dressing..
Dish washers will be Janene Fur-
don ad Ruth Elliott.
Atithe meeting Kathy Wybenga
demonstrated making bean tom-
ato soupT;Mary Lou Marns Made—
stuffed baked potatoes. Kathy
Purdon made scalloped asparagus
and egg. Dishwashers were Lori
• Purdon and Wendy England. Group
work was meal planning and
They all tasted the dessert ,
baked potatoes and asparagus and
decided they were all delicious.
The next meeting will be, at
the home of leader Mrs., Walter
This steam or dry iron has a colour coded 'Attic guide
'tor correct . heat Furnished in popular avocado with
Comfortable contoured handle Vent sole plate and 1100
- --watts -
Item Code No 54)-800
Big Savings on Quality "Small Appliances
Professional Style Hair Dryer
General Electric brings you a modern design: compact
. size 2 slideloaster Finished in attractive avocado with SALE MICE, •
high lustre chrome and textured end panels
The Hair Dryer ,That 'Really Does The Job"! Detachable
Hood For Both Storage & Easy Carrying 3 Heat Setting
Plus Cool Setting For Summertime Comlort
• Lightweight Portable Unit Comes In Beige & Ott-White
With Attractive Silver Trim, Item No 541.886 .
9 1,1 Meru-pity desrgned-end-controls-and-R5aLwatt 17--
• Th,tmost.mc dial tempordfure control gives ev ,,n Normth •
1500 \A-Itt 'HIGH - and 1000 watt -LOW' infra led hedtinq
elements • Push button control for both heat rdncjes • Safety
tip over switch • Baked on harvest gold endalt;1 \Aith hright
plated safety grille
Item No. 541-250
""A•NP:,.V.,Z, I ...,.,Sts‘.414.4 •••• ti,tit.:40. • .•.7.5te•Ski ••••Stc• • 5..4•00•AW,
• ••.. •
1%88 2v p.
88 4 _ II
Sale Price 21
AUTOMATIC fporressregivalbarricsa9dHiPgehimaail;
DRYER dr um
v o lume lume through the large
ensures safe
wrinkle free drying. Fi- •,
ForTractOrs in the 40-80 H.P. Class
,Heated protection • Slurdiiconstruttion • Low-cost-This is the--
cab designed for quick, easy mounting, easy access .from either side,
unrestricted vision, low' noise level, adaptability fOr use with Wont
end loaders.
Some of the great features include: Frame of aircraft quality
rustproofed steel tubing • Top and side panels of heavy nylon fabric,
Coated and impregnated with weather-resistant plastic • Removable
side panels for summer work • AdjustabTe top heighticii-stoncku, p----
operation •,Safety glass windshield, side and rear windoWs of heavy
duty tempered vinyl • Olastic coated conical springs secure top to
frame, reduce noise, vibration • Hurd windshield Wiper.
FARM 9 17 6
hem No. 529-100
PRICE each.
A banquet and dance will be
held on October 20th, 1972, to
-honour-Sherry Pollock- of- Ripley
who recently won the Ontario
Dairy Princess title. This event,
will take place in thesRipley Dis-
trict Secondary School Auditor-
ergy in the small 'grains. Sample
kits for testing of hay, haylage,
corn silage' and grain for mois-
ture and protein are available
from this office. The cost of anftl-
yiis of each sample is $5.00.
Denis Quish
Associate Agricultural. Rep.
. . _
The sixth meeting of the St.
Helen's Happy Handicrafters was
held on pctober 19th with eighteen
girls present. The meeting open-
ed ,with the 4-H pledge. We
answered the roll call with "Your
favourite sandwich - what does
it include?"
, The leaders told us Achieve-
ment Day will be on November
25th and, our record books are to
be in by November 10th.
We discussed how, to plan good '
meals. BeverlerMac,Pherson,
Janet MacPherson, Gail MacPher-
son and Loree Gammie made'
rolled banana sandwiches. Dayle
MacDonald. Mary Nicholson',
Mary Anne Boyle., Ann Boyle and •
Carol Martin made checkerboard
We will meet again on October-
24th at 7.15.
Entertain Mothers
The Zippy Trinetie$'4-H Club
of Trinity. Church on Saturday
evening.. This club "'The Third
Meal" was their eighth and.:,finai.
Meeting. The girls prepared and
served the,meal making an enjoy-
e- .e ening--for-their-luests .
Bruce. Faith -Report
Persons over' 18 years sand in-
terested in dairy farming, have a
choice .of two courses being of-
fered by the Ministry of Agri-
, culture and Food ,through their
Colleges at Kemptville, Centralia
and Ridgetown. One of the
courses is .fora 10 week period
and the other consists of one year
theory and one year practical..
Management of livestock, mach-
inery, crops will be studied along
with record keeping and special
topics particularly related to
dairy husbandry. For further in-
formation call this office.
Application can be taken from erg
county for enrollment in DIVE.
or R.O.P. Forms are available
at this office.
Presently a variety of materials
are available on the market
which can be added to corn sil-
age at the time of filling to raise
the protein content of the silage
tein 'content of corn silage is
between 8 and 97c. In tests that
have been made over a number
of years, it seems that these mat-'
erials do • quite a good job and
that there is no loss over the
minter period. There are basically
two types of materials being ap-
plied, namely Ammonia and
Urea.,,Urea has been used for
many years as a .cirage additive,
but there has been problems from
time to time with miring this
,material evenly with the silage.
However, an accurate metering
device is 'presently available for
application which will hopefully
elirkinati. these problems. All of
these materials seem to be •much
more reasonably prided than the
regular protein supplements and
are especially suited to the-farm-
er growing large acreages of
corn silage.•
Two moisturetesters are in
this office and can be used for
corn Silage or gram* vain tests far'
anyone whp wishes these tests.
Some tests on barley recently
showed- that- the bushel weight
ranges between 38 and 48 pounds.
'the average bushel weight being
about 43 pounds - uncleaned. This
does not mean however, that the
quality of the grain is much low-
er.Tbe protein content of the
which is slightly above aperage.
However,. the energy content of
the ivain will be below. that of
other years and 'consequently--
farmers looking for high beef
gains or milk production might
add some corn to their ration to
coMpeniate for any lack of en-
niShed in all 'porcelain
top. Complete with safety -
door switch giant in-door lint filter (151
"SUNRAY" element. Full two ye'ar part
Overall height 431.2", width
height 36", Item. No. 503-213,
165" ea.
An excellent CO-OP
grips on top and rear
assembled- with 2 y
30* in diameter and
automatic oiler with
pression release for
ear warranty.
featwes big 3.1 a
easier starting! La
handle Weighs.10
manual Over ride,
value, the St 161
. • .
Features;Twa time cycles
V.; 7•••• I II "
Next,tneeting is
October 2.5 at 6 p.m. at Linda
• Young's home.
Classy Cookers •
The Lucknow No. 1 Classy
Ga-me-Supermarket_RUIllalr._ compised_oLeLeven girls enter -
Ruth Elliott, Linda Moore and - tained their mothers at a buffet
Wendy England Judged the menus'., supper in the Sunday Schobl room
CGE Automatic Toaster
Item Code No 541.848
CGE Electric Iron
" 4.• • .
ium, and will start at 7:00 p.m.
Banquet tickets will be available
from Bruce County Milk Commit-
tee members, Ontario Ministry of
'Agricultural and Food office in
Walkerton and at MacLean'S in
Fred' Eckel •
14-i 40n1Inissio Fieldman .