The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-25, Page 7IMM14(-4(it
1971 CHEVROLET 10 passenger
1969 CHEVROLET 10 passenger, air conditioning
two times three
Six ones
Make up your own \ i \ to remember ‘otit
code. hen it to our friends.
POSjfiL conE POST&
What's New
At Huronview
An event which is looked for- •
t-o with .a great deal of
interest by the residents of'
Huronview , "The Sunday after-
noon scenic drive" , took place
last Sunday. The drive this year
was a combined effort of Ontario
Street 'and Wesley Willis United
Churches of Clinton with the•forty
drivers taking well over one
-hundred enjoy the
scenerv. The members of the two
churches are to be commended for
this very worthwhile social service
I e.g. 36 monthsal 11.78%d7: on new and
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'Mrs. Mirk F4ynn, Mrs. Mary
Tayl6t, NorinarISPeir and Jerry (-)
Collins provided the music for
Monday afternoiin's get together.
The Goderich volunteers were on
hand to assist with wheelchairs
anied at the piano by Mrs. Earl
Allen. DUring the afternoons
program., two new residents were
welcomed ro-Huronview along
with several guests.
The Lakelet Wornen'S'Institute
1972 PONTIAC-Ventura, 4 door sedan
3 --1972 CHEVROLET Impala, 2 Wand 4 door hardtops, fully.
3 — 1972 BUICK Skylaik, 4 door' hardtop and 2 — 4 door sedani
BP Service Station
Phone 887-6173
were hosts.on Wednesday after
noon fofathe October Birthday
.Party.- Firs: Lyle Niurtay.was
master of ceremonies for,the aft-
ernoOn and Mrs. Helen Reidt was.
pianist for. the program s which
included a skit ,by six ladies,.
readings by Mrs. Emerson Fergus-
on and electric guitar' numbers. by
'Mrs. Harry ,Heimbecker, The
celebrants received a gift' from'
the institute and birthday cake
and tea were served to one
hundred and fifty residents and
guests. Mrs. ,Irwin, who this,
month celebrated her ninety-
first birthday, thanked the ladies
on'behalf of the residents.
The Family Night program was
arranged this week by Andy
Gibson of Wroxeter, who along
with brother Arthur, daughter
Ann, Sherry Ann, JaCkie and.
Mrs. Robertson of Wingham,
provided an hour of
October 14, 1972, ebrother for
Mrs. Wright is well and has'
almost completed theseries-of
21 rabies shots after being bitten
by a stray-cat in her yard just two
or 'three days before.the baby Was
Miss JaCkie Lewis' of Hamilton
was home for the 'week end with
her parents.
.Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chis-
holm and family, Alex
Virginia and Leone visited on .
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Payne and famiry at Flesherton.
. Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Wrn. Caesar, who were
Mr. and Mrs. Syd• Gibson, Strat-
ford; called on Tuesday to see
Miss Beth McConnell.
—MD.-and -Mrss-i-Osoar Cuthill--
from Surnmethill have been•assist-
ing the latter's parents 'to _pack ,
-prior to rritiving to-Goderich the
end of October. Mrs. Wilfred
(Louie) , from Dartmouth
Nova Scotia, and her younger
daughter, Mrs. Wm. (Joan) Kirk-
patrick from Islington were also
welcome visitors before the
Elliott's leave Dungannon. The
Wilfred Elliott family had form-
erly lived on the second conces-
sion of Ashfield. -
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Comfort of
St. Catharines are visiting Mrs.
Cecil Blake and Barbara this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Blake and
Becky of Galt were home for the
Week end, and Mrs. Jack McDon-
agh was a recent visitor with Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thornpsoh
were guests on Sunday of Mr. and
Mrs.' Chas. ,Hodgins Wingham'.--
Kenny Logtenberg , son .of
and Mrs.' Der'k Logtenberg, is in
Goderich Hospital recovering
frOm scalds.on,his legs.'and feet.
MrS.,Gordon Finnigan is also a.
'patient there with pneumonia,
since Wednesday: Eldon ulberr
'had.the misfortune to receive a .
broken thumb.' DWight Aldham
too has pneumonia. We hope
Woman 'Bitten.
By Rabid. Cat
Congratulations to Mr, and
Mrs. Robert Wright, R. R, # 6',
_ _Goderich-,-,on-the- birth-of-a-son ,
1972 TORINO 2' door hardtop
2 — 1972 BUICK La Sabres
1971 CHEVROLET •4 door hardtop
1971 PONTIAC . Catalina, 4 door hardtop
2 -7;1971 FORD GalaXie 500;12-01dardaThardtops
1970 CHEV Impala, 4" door hardtop
2 — 1970 FORD Galaxie, 2 door and a 4 door hardtop
2 1969 CHEVELLES, 2 door hardtop and a 4 door sedan
196(k' MOUTH Fury III, 2 door hardtop
2 —1969 PONTIAC Parisienne, a 2 doOr and a 4 door hardtop
1969 CHEV Impala 2 door hardtop
1968 JAVELIN 2. door hardtop, fully, equipped
20 —' 1965 - 1968 Models
A number of 1971 Chevrolets (former police cruisers),
1972 PONTIAC 10 passenger
2 — 1970 CHEV 1 ton, V8 automatics
1970-GM.C.-118-auto-r-aatic, cab and chassis
1970 FORD 1/2 ton pickup'
1969 — 50 series cab and chassis
10)8 G.M.C. 1 ton pickup, V8
12 — 1969 and 70 CHEVROLET and FORD vans in 6 standards
and 6 automatics
w•AAAAAAA•vvvv%ivwv,""' Brussels Motors
acquaintance -recently with Mrs-.
Thos. Webster while her husband
enjoyed fishing at Port. Albert.
When you purchase your wedding invitations
from The Lucknow Sentinel you will receive one
year's free. subscription. (value $6.00) to
The-Luclmow Se4tinel
met Thursday at Mrs. Alvin Kerr's,
Mrs. W. Rutledge chaired the
meeting and welcomed members
and visitors.
After the opening ode and Mary
Stewart Collect , the roll call
-w-as-a-nsw ered-w-ith-a-v a r ie ty-of
ideas for fostering love of rural
living. ,Aminvitation was receiv-
ed frorn Carlow visit
them October 24, also one from
Goderich W.I. to visit on Novem-
ber 2.
, The short course- a D-Car-low-H a 11
WI Speaker
Tells A bout
Dungannon Women's Institute
happy times spent on 'their farm
and of vacationers coming year
ar. Everyone enjoyed_
the discussion that followed tier
talk, Mrs. Kerr thanked Mrs.
Durst and presented her .with a
Mrs. Rutledge thanked Mrs.
Kerr for her home and following
tire-singing-of the Queen and tire
W.I. grace, lunch was served.
Hostesses were, Mrs. F. Young,
.Mrs. W. A. Stewart and Mrs.
introduced the guest speaker, Mrs.
Albert Durst, of Benmiller.
"Harvesting vacationers" is, a new
form of cash crop for farmers. It
is a holiday on the farm for •
paying guests from the city.
People from the city want a real
change of pace. City people can
iate what they have around them
all the time.. Mrs. Durst is really
enthusiastic about her work and
explained how she coped with
as many as four families holiday-
ing in their home at one time.
Scra books and ictures tell of
routine as an art an' o it to t e
best of our ability."
Mrs. Kerr, convener of agric-
'ulture and Canadian Industry,
is November 16', 10 a.m. to
4 p.m. Mrs. Hugh McWhinney 'is
to be the representative at area
convention in London October 26 ,
21 . trecrsu
married recently and are residing each is much improved soon. in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Dawson ' Th_e_Childrea'_s_Aid Society
have exchanged homes with Mr. 'held their annual banquet for
and Mrs. David Dawson and Foster Parents on Wednesday even•
children, and moved 'during this • ing at Brookside School. Dungan-
past week. non U.C. W. catered to over 150
Mrs. W. 0. Kelley (nee Merle who attended.
Killough) Of Seaforth renewed
Mrs. Kerr gave the motto,
"Find your joy in what you do,
pot in what you intend to' do".
"It is whar•we do that counts",
• she said, "Life is composed
mainly of small things. Big mom-
ents come only once in a while:
We should think of the daily