HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-25, Page 2aniwamosa STANDARD TIME WILL AGAIN 'BE IN EFFECT --1111V-Village Of Ltitknow- -COMMENCING- AT 2•06 • • Sunday, October 29 IMP alio !Ma 4111.10. IOW "MOW 4111111P. +NSW "Moo 411110...111111 41111P. .1.11P 1:,_•4 KC: .... ..v•;,•:;:::•:•:•%, ..... P.4.:::::•:•::x:P • • , Dominion and Armstrong • cAjottnit tUSIIIONFLOR AND LINOLEUM . ' YOUR iitiiiikinit Wiz' inxttiAterid citirritz : , _ _ ,. ram, if A TORS ngAt4.1urs • WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 1972 THE The LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO "The Sepoy Town" — On the Huron-Bruce Boundary Second Class mail Registration Number 0847 Established 1873 — Published Each Wednesday Afternoon Member of the C.W.N.A. and 0.W.N.A. Subscription Rate, $6.00 a year in advance — to the U.S.A., $8:C Donald C. Thompson, Publisher 178 Attelid Bruce W.I. Rally. At Allenford, Ripley Lady Named Chairman MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6th LUCKNOW TOWN HALL 8 P.M. --- Changes in the election procedure have elim- inated the' previous "nomination meeting", a mat- ter • of procedure for many years. Lucknow_MmicipaLComicil is calling a rate- payers meeting, for November. 6th at which time —village--ratepayers_are__int_e_d_to attend. Com- ments, questions and answers will be welcome. Henderson Is Life Saver Of Month Paul Henderson', Toronto•Maple Leaf forward who scored the win- ning goal in three of Team Can- . ada's four victories over the 'Soviet Union team, has been pick- ed as• "Life' Saver of the Month" for September. TheL29q_ear-old native of Lucknow thus joins Ken Dryden • and'Henri RiChard of Montreal Canadiens as a winner of the awards, presented by the Life Saver candy company for the ,last 20 months for an Outstanding achievement in any sport. A tro h • and aliome entertain -further-Donations To Pool Fund Olive and Jack' McIntosh, Osh- awa, '$20; Donald Kirkland., Leamington, $10; Mrs. Jean Reid, Strathroy , $10; 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Taylor, Ottawa', $5; Duncan Mac- Millan, Lake Orion, Michigan, $2; Betty and,, Art Hinschberger , • _Kitchener , $5; Mrs. Wm. Alton, Willowdale, $10; Ellwood and Joan Irwin, Sarnia, $10; John and Donna Carter, .R. Lucknow, $5; Fraser Ashton, Hull, Quebec, $5; Lucknow Dist. Co-op..), Luck- now , $200; George Joynt, Luck- now , $100; Frank MacLennan, R. 3, Lucknow., $10; Gordon Morri- son, R. 1 Lucknow, $10; Alan E. Bruce County Women's Institute Rally was held Thursday, October 19 .Allenford United Church with Chairman Mrs. Graham Chambers of Bruce North presid- ing, assisted. by Sec, ,- Treas. Mr$. Ken McKinnon'of Port Elgin, Rev. Manning welcomed the 178. ladies registered. Devotions were in charge' of Silver Lake Branch , Bruce South and _Iri' Memoriam . COnduotett by-Park-Head--Braneh4--L- Bruce. North.' Miss Barbara De Visscher, Bruce County Home. Economist gave her report on. 4H and Senior training schools . and listed achievement days. Mrs.' Earl Busch'gave the museum report. She reported'a good attendance at both the Museum and log cabin, also 200 new. items were added this year. Mrs. 'Basil Underwood reported for the_genealogirai society who are collecting family histor- • ies and listing navies on tomb- stones in area cemeteries. . • • Mrs.. Givens reported for the Historical Society and•stated that another plaque was dedicated this ,year. This-one is .at Wiarton. Mrs. EinersOnErrike and Mrs. Ed UrStadt, ProvinOialBoard, Directors brOught greetings and spoke briefly 'as did Mrs.' Harvey Houston, Provincial P. R.°. • Area President, MrS'.. Harold BlasingTbronght-area--greetings,:and_ invited all to the Area Convention in Wiarton October 30 and 31,. 'A group from WhiteSchoOl Branch, Bruce Centre proVided instrumental music, Mar Branch, Bruce North and Whitechurch Branch, South each gave a Short skit., Malcom Branch, Brtice East-gav-e-a-pusir al skit T is entertainment was. greatly enjoy- ed.. Mrs. Thomas Cowie of Allehford a ceramics teacher was guest speaker and showed the procedure from the clay Mixture through to the finished product and had 'an interesting display of various types. 'She was introduced by Mrs. Harry Kennedy and thanked by Mrs. Arthur Teasdale who present ed-her The theme of the Rally 'was Friendship. Mrs. Graham Cham- bers spoke on the theme as did the Presidents of the four distiicts - OLIVET GROUP Mrs. James Kirkpatrick, Bruee South; Mrs, Morris cowanlock, Bruce Centre; Mrs. Fred Friar, Bruce East; Mrs, James Coyne, Bruce North. SeOretaries - Mrs. A. McLeod,' Mrs.., G. Crawford, Mrs. A. Tea- sdale and Mrs. J. Urbhott gave' short statistical reports. Assembly singing was led by Mrs. L. Broad- foot with pianist Mrs. Eldred -Aiken, -Bruce- Centre- MrS. James COyne presented the Rally Schol - arship to Joy Shouldice who ex- pressed her appreclation. Mrs. Emke and Mrs. Urstadt had dis- play .up of W.I. Supplies. An invitation to meet in Ches- ley , Bruce' East District for the 19'73 Rally was extended. Mrs. Wm. Arnold gave the Courtesy remarks. ARNO Mrs, Emerson Ernke conducted the election Of officers. These are; past Chairman, Mrs. Graham Chambers, R, R. 1, Allen ford; Chairman, Mrs. Wm. Arn- old,' Ripley; 1st vice chairman, Mrs. Harry Kennedy , R. R. 3, Tara.; 2nd vice chairman, Mrs. Arthur Teasdale, R. R, 2, Dobbin. ton; 3rd vice chairman, Mrs. James Coyne, R, R, 6, Wiarton; Sec - Treas, Mrs. Ken MCKin11011 R.R.1, POrt Agin; Assist, Treas. Mrs. Leslie Pilgrim, R. R. 1, Cargill; Public Relations Officer, Miss Eva McKelvey , Paisley; Assistant P. R.O. ,. Mrs. Carl ROurke , R. R. I, Hepworth; Auditors, Mrs. Philip Ford, Port Elgin; Mrs: Basil Underwood, R. R, 2, Port Elgin; Scholarship Committee, Mrs. Cecil Hollands, R.R. 1, Kincardine; Mrs. Earl' Busch ,.R. R..1, Southampton; 1.,Ers: Wm. 'Middleton; R. R. 3, Paisle; Mrs. James Urbshott, R. R. 4, Wiarton. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2Sth, 1972 RATEPAYERS MEETING MUM OF LUCKNOW 444++444-440 AND a 'a t$2. PER SQ. YD. ON HARDINST PETS amp K R, ALT S r r.1. , -, .7 •-• --4.-t.t7k. 0-.. '";',,!..... 7 - • ,.6 - • .. ... ..e4P 0 ;,„,.. - .";:+1„, lit Ats • . ....- - 40 . • N'd ....t...,---S1.%bt:"411.:-70;017:•: ;Alf 160 . Jjr..41,4•41( • - :0 ‘...___.. A .. • - . IN STOCK FABRIC'S IL IMITED LUCKNOW SENTINEL, .04.K.KNOW„ ONTARIO. CONTINUED FROMPAGE; 1 attends kindergarten. Gracy's parents are living but their circumstances are pitiful. The father is unskilled and does not haveregular employment. When he' does work he is a day labourer and his earnings are Very •meagre,• far from, enough:to meet the-needs-of his wife and .fami.141., Although the mother is re- sourceful at trying to make the most 'of little , 'she cannot do much with her husband's low in- come. M Grac,y was deSperately in need Of help with clothing, food and educational supplies, The ChristianChildren's'Fund of --C-a•natla;_t4ie-§pohsor4hg--dr-gani tion , arranged for her to be taken care of and the funds raised by the Olivet Group will go rowards gas pUrpos-e. Most of the money raised by the Olivet Group is at the rum- mage sales held periodically in Lucknow, In September ,1340 was taised at the'Pall sale. Custo and Drapery Hardware ment console goes to eac win- • ner and the annual winner-Dryd'- en in 1971-gets an automobile. • nr....E =-.-1 $25, , LUCKNOW, ONTARIO wAzi..PA;PrjikkiDC4,L PAINTS PHONE 01404