HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-18, Page 21AL Before The Age of Miracles n try Doear BY DR. W. VICTOR JOHNSTON $6.95 Dr. Johnston was born in West Wawanoslirownship and was a general practitioner in Lucknow for thirty years. His book reflects his life and practice in this community. MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED AT SAME PRICE ev,...obeirasurrismgrewutze. wd4me etteheemzolame.mosturentwerwarierrossemarrmeinim wevemateAVA I 104ES E--AT THE ,WCKNQIN SENTINEL are covered with a thin layer of ice. Don't forget.. .pump your brakes to slow or stop on slippery surfaces.. Be a wise driver! Ad- just your driving habits to theSe changing driving conditions. DRIVERS: Being constantly aware of the traffic pattern, and al, ust-ingyaux-speed--to r d - weather and traffic c6nditions, can do a lot to help keep you from suddenly being involved, in a collision. A. R; BURGESS, Public,Information Officer. RUBBER "'STAMPS FROM LUCKNOW SENTINEL WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1972 THE ,14.c.KNow SENTINEL, 41gKNOW; ONTARIO. PA004--TWENTY4011 DON'T FORGET HOCKEY AND FIGURE SKATING REGISTRATION THIS WEEK-END (Forinerly Mark= Shoes) Lucknow Phone 528-2011 SUPPORT THE LUCKNOW and' DISTRICT SWIMMING POOL FUND Kincardine At 4.00 p.m. September 2, Constable Poland investigated a two car collision on #21 High- way at the Junction 2nd Conc. Huron Twp. A vehicle operated by Eleanor. Maltby, Guelph had been eastbound on Conc. 2 and entered #21• highway at which time a Collision occurred with a southbound vehicle operated 'by Jang Jean CHO, Windsor. Dam- age to the vehicle's was apprOxini- ately'$2,100.00. - On September ,2, at 4.40 p.m. Constable Whitelaw investigated a two car collision south of Conc. 1(), Huron Twp. on the Shore Road. A vehicle operated by Elizabeth Horton, Owen Sound had been southbound and was struck from the rear by a second vehicle operated by Gregory Bit-. ton , Da-mage-te-th vehicles was $.600.00. At approxinaately..,8:a0~p:rn: _- September 2-,. Constable • Whitelaw • investigated a single car accident. on #86highway east of Atnberley. , - A vehicle operat•ed by Reinhard Kitchener was westbound. on #86 highway when he struck • __,•_ •twocattlebeasts walking . on the , roadway. Damage to the vehic- le was .$700.09; The driver suf- . fered cuts and bruiSes. At the. • scene two other vehicles were damaged as a result of the . animals being on the roadway. • On Monday , SepteMber 4 , at • approximately 12,30 a.m. Con stable McPhail investigated a single car accident on #86 high- way east ,of the Eighteen Mile river bridge. A vehicle operated . by, Wm. MacKenzie, R. R. # 3, Goderich had been westbound . on the highway when the left , rear tire blew out causing the vehicle to go out of control, enter the north ditch and overturn. At 3.00 a.m. Monday, Sept- . ember 4, Constable McPhail investigated a single car accid- ent on Conc. 10, Huron Twp. 1 mile west of #21 highway. A vehicle operated by David Mac- Donald of Ripley had been east- bound when the driver lost con- trol, entered' the south ditch and struck a hydro pole. The vehicle was totally demolished as a result of the accident. On September 8, at approxim' ately 11.00 a.m. Constable La- Pointe, Walkerton O. P. P „ in- vestigated a two car collision on #9 highway, 1/2 mile 'west of Kinloss. An eastbound vehicle operated by Pauline MacInnel, Kincardine was Jp -aallis-rorr- with a second vehicle operated by Duncan Campbell who was turning out of his driveway onto the highway. • • . On Friday September 21, at approximately. 12..30 a m Con- stable Burgess investigated a single car accident on the ,North Share--Road-:--A-pric-k-up--tritek-ap--• - erated by ThornaS. Westgate, southbound ; bast control of his ve- hicle an. fresh gravel and. struck a telephone pole located 'in. the .east diteh. Damage to the ve- hicle was $375.00, " On Friday, September '21, at approximately 11.3'0 a.m. Con-' stable BUrgess• investigated a single car accident at the Jct. 'of Conc. -4, Huron 'Twp. and Bruce "Cty..Road 7. •A soathbound a•pefated by Irene LanglaiS, R. R. # 4,, Kincardine', Ontario . "After years' of neglect, the • Liberal government, on the eve of a general election, has finally raised the • basic Old Age Security payment by the miserly amount of $2.88 per month,'.' Huron New Democratic can- didate Shirley Weary said in a prepared statement , released this morning. "It can hardly be considered a • Mrs. 'Weary added. "Increases supplementary benefits are available to our started tia turn east on Conc.. 4 ; Huron Twp. when the steering mechanism failed causing the .. Vehicle to go out,df control and .strike a tree. At approximately 4.00.a .rn. , equally, and more than a mere level of existence should be provided she feels. "These people have worked hard, paid taxes, raised and educated children, and h e contributed by service an sacrifice to the wealth of Canada," Mrs. Weary charged. Mrs. Weary said that the New Democrats have fought hard in flation. With the election im- minent, the , government could no longer ignore the pressure for on the North Shore road Kincar- i, dine Twp.. A southbound vehicle operated by Allan Fry , Kincar- dine went out of , control on the loose ravel surface and struck the en o a ri•ge. amage to the vehicle was $200.00.. At approximately 4.00 a.m. Octo,ber 8,, Constable Poland An= vestigated a single car accident .on Conc .. 0, Kincardine Twp. , west of #30 Sideroad. A vehicle Will enable them' to engage in The New Democrat candidate activities that, make life in- rioted-in her stnrement_that-the-4erestins,-----TheNevi----Demoeratie-._ Trudeau government has chosen Party recOgniies these facts to perpetuate this system, con- •however' and would continue to Crary to the principle of univer- recognize them as a govern- sality which should be the basis •ment." of the program. Every old age According to Mrs. Weary, the penSioner should be treated • New Democrats feel the old age 8aturday , October 14., Provincial . Constable Whitel4w of the' Kin- cardine Detachment investigated a tWo,car collision on #7 Bruce - County Raad, 0.6 miles north .of #86 Highway. A.souttibound ' vehicle operatedby. Gary Court- ney of R. R, # '1, Dungannon was in collision with a northbound Vehicle operated by Cynthia . A passenger in the Holmes vehicle was John D. Calling, Ripley. All three parties were taken to the Kincardine and District Hospital by ambulance.. Cynthia Holmes 'was later transferred to St. Jose- eph's Hospital., London where, she died of injuries. Both vet-do-lei were demolished as a result of the collision. On Tuesday, October 3, Con- stable Whitelaw investigated a two car collision on #21 Highway north of Concession 7, Kincardine Twp. A vehicle operated by Joan SMith , Bricker St. , Port Elgin was turning, into her laneway and was in with a second northbound vehicle operated by Claude Morin, Tiverton. Dam- age was approximately $700.00. Charges were laid as a result of the investigation. On October 8, Constable Polanc. investigated a single Car accident "Misery" raise for pensioners says NDP candidate .Weary . security psogram should not be treated as a welfare system, for- cing people to disclose their savings and their incomes. Rather such payments should be generous rewards for past ser- vice to the country, and a means enjoying the years following retirement. "NDP Member of Parliament Stanley Knowles expressed ed as a result of the collision. On Friday, October 6, Constabl le- Wiwezaryk-investigat-ed --aTr ---:- accident on #9 hy,iy. west of Mil= larton. A westbound vehicle op- erated by Brenda Irvine, R. R. #4, Kincardine•attempting to pass a second vehicle ,,, went out of con- trol and overturned in the south ditch. 'the 1972 Toyota car was totally demolished in the accid ,- ent. SLIPPERY ROAD SURFACES October weather means chang ing weather. Experienced driv- ers know that changing weather means changing driving conditions. Remember.. , Octob- er, is a month for slippery road' surfaces...especially when the first frost appears and the roads Operated by Bryan Jones, R. R. #4, Paisley, eastbound on Conc. 9, left the road' and overturned in the north \ditch. The-1967 Plymouth ‘Ya,,L.,ciLcAsjy_ely_fia.mag-: coincidence that this . increase Parliainent for a substantial in- Party policy .when he proposed was announced just in' time 'for crease' in pensions, and for a to the government that.'pensions. pensipners. to receive _a lump realistic cost of living escalator ,jae increased to $150 per month sum of retroactive payments a to be built into pensions, so that to` all those over 60 years of age . few' weeks before that election," payments will keep up within- who are out of, or have left the labour market and to all others at age 65 and for the elimination. of the means test," senior citizens if they agree to , change but *a nswered • this Mrs. Weary,, explained. "This is discloSe their total income in a pressure with benefit increases .party policy and a policy that means test. Nearly .1,000;000 of. only $2.88 and maintained will be put into force upon- the it election of a New Democratic - --Canadians have- had to-sub- _the_rneans_test to this humiliating means test in "Past governments have not -SovernMent on October 30.' order to receive enough money - acknowledged that there is- 'a to survive," the NDP candidate need for more than 'a' bare, , • sur- pointed Out. "If the means test is viva( in old age," Mrs. Weary not insulting enough in said. "They ,have not recognized ' ' - the fact that a portion of a pen- that when people have cOm- sionerts outside income .is sub- pleted their years of labor, they trarre_d_frarn_these b,enefit4 .,,,,,_h,...,a_tight_to_an_.income„that„