HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-18, Page 181 72— os THE-LUCKNOW SENTINEL!, LLICICNOW, ONTARIO -- PAGE EIGHTEEN
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Candidate, for Bruce
Under the Leadership of . . .
Robert Stanfield
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row Means Changing a Lot of Things in
Canada Today]
A, PROGRESSIVE . CONSERVATIVE Government Will Create a Better
life for More Canadians. A. Progressive Conservative ' Government
. _ 3v1r. and Mrs._Howard.Trimble
of Toronto spent last week visit- .
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Niels
* '0 le • • '
• • • • le.
The Ripley District Bible Soc-_
annual neeting
on October 12th in St. Andrew's
United Church with the chairman
Cameron MacAuley in charge.
Rev. George Ball of St. Andrews
• opened the meeting with prayer.
Bill Arnold reported that 420
dollars had been sent in to ' Toron-
to which was five dollars less than
a year ago.
October'22nd ,Will be observed
as Bible Society Sunday. The
local canvassers depend on the
support of everyone in the district,
• « • • •
,The funeral of Miss , Cindy
Homes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
• f4?-4, ."'.9.?•Zeri:::,• 4/37 ")."::'9,Py:4.,y,f,
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This Week la Ripley
In preparation for the snow
drifts of the coming winter Am-
brose Gamble has had the fire
hydrants in Ripley marked by
attaching to each, a steel fence-
• • • 4! *
Among those who attended the
fair, and were missed in reporting
were John MacCharles and 'Gary
Stainton of-Petrollt and Ivfr-o-attcl
Mrs: Gordon Munn of Stoney 0
Doug .Holmes of Millarton, was'
held on Monday afternoon at the
McLennan-McCreath Funeral
Home in Ripley with interment -
in Kincardine Cemetery. Cindy,
who-was in her 22nd year,,.passed
away in St. JOseph's Hospital in
London on Saturday as the result
of .a car accident. The entire
community was shocked and sad-
dened to learn of her death and
sympathy goes to her parents and
the remainder of the family. Her
mother, Mrs. Lorraine Holmes, Is
a member of the 'staff at the Rip-
ley Royal Bank. Cindy was driv.:
ing John D. Colling's car when it
was in collision with 'a car driven
by Gary Courtney of Dungannon,
according to reports. • The loca-
tion of the accident_was_about.a
half mile north: of Highway 86 on
the fifteenth.' At this point there
is a dip in the pavement where
the Spring Creek crosses the fif-
teenth. It is also' reported that •
Johit-D. Colling;---although
severely injured , made his way
to summon help. The , wrecked
car was brought into Ripley where
it was viewed by many people on
the parking lot at .Howard Hodge's
garage.. The whole dr iver's Ode
of the car, was smashed in.
* • *
The funeral of Mrs. Jim McKen-
drick was held at the MacKenzie '
Funeral Chapel in Lucknow on
Monday afternoon. She was 86-
years of age and passed, away at
the Newmarket Nursing Home.
Interment was in the Lochalsh
Cemetery. Many people will re-
member when ti hey lived in Loch-
alsh. Survivin:g her are six
daughters and a son Douglas. One
son Murray predeceased her.
• • • •11 •
. Starting in mid August and
right through to'the first part of
October ; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
McCliarles of -Highway' 86' east of
Lochalsh have 'had a busy time
travelling to many centres in
Ontario to act as judges at differ-
alarge fair. •
Then they were at ,Bracebridge.
The school fair here was amazing
with one entire'hall being filled
with children's exhibits and over
1000 school children marched in
the parade, Mrs.•*Mason also
judged at Bracebridge. They re;-
meinber the great grain show here
with wonderful sheaves and grain
exhibits. The Bracebridge Agric:
ultural Society has moved the
railway station to the fair grounds '
and uses it as one of the exhibit
halls - the only place in'Ontario
to do this. Mr. And Mrs. McChar-
les and Mrs. Mason spent two days
judging here- They also attended
the evening Concert staged, by
champion fiddler, Rudy Meek and
family -Marion had to cancel
judging at flower 'shows at Lion's
Head and Brusselt to go to Brace's' •
bridge. •
Then back in SOuthern Ontario
they judged at Mitchell - a three
day event and atDrayton which •
was a Saturday and Monday fair.,
Drayton-had -avery good school-
fair with the arena filled with
school exhibits. Mitchell's main '
exhibit building is an octagon
shaped structure of brick and
glass. They judged at Chesley
and Tiverton. Tiverton had a
tremendous school exhibit and a
very good display 'in baking.
At Kincardine this summer
'Oliver judged field crop competi-•
dans, while Marion was one of a
panel orthreelud-get--to---pirk--frorn
eleven 'entrants the beauty queen
for the Paisley fall fair.
Ivlation also judged the,
flower shows at Goderich and Mid•
land. At Goderich it was the dis-
play of the Goderich Garden Club,
At Midland there are 1000 mem-
bets in the Horticultural Society •
The former Ethel Martin of
Paramount , now Mrs., Allan Stu-
- art of Eganville, was here visiting
with her brothers Fred and
Goldie at the Martin homestead
on Highway 86, and also with Mr.
and Mrs. Elden Lowry. She
attended the Ripley Fall Fair and
is quite interestet:Lin,things hap-
pening in the area.
• • « • • • •
ent fall faire.
OrtAugust_16 Marion and...01iver.
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.-
Omar Brooks of Lucknow., went to
Thunder Bay as judges sent to
Northern Ontario by the Depart-
ment in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs.
Brooks were guests of the fair
school exhibits and needlework
while Oliver, placed the vegetabl-
es, hay ,• grain, pets, poultry,„
•dairy and beef cattle. It was
a three day fair covering August
18, 19 and 20.
-- They-were -at.,Co.e. Hill
Bancroft area on Au-gust 24.
Mrs. Bert Mason *of Kincardine
was-vTfth -them as -a -departmental-
judge. Accompanying them
were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook-
who went to see 'the fair. Here
Oliver judged the field crops just
before the fa•if. This was the
second ear at Coe Hill which has
-Can-Do-Better ! „••
Sponsored by Bruce- Federal P.C. Assocolion
and to .say the least they had a
,huge...(11S.Play of,entries •
Mr. and Mrs. Mc Charles and
Mrs. Mason were well received at
these different centres. Many of
these fairs have already engaged
them 'to judge next fall.
• • $ • *
Donald and Jack Deacon of
Toronto visited last week With
Mr. and 'Mrs. James Kirkpatrick.
The St. Andrews the Apostle
-Youth- -Choir-ef-London, 45-mean -
•bers under director Kevin McDoug-
all, were 'in Ripley this past week
end. In the Ripley' Distript High
School auditorium on Saturday
evening they staged a musical
concert for the Ripley Junior Farm-
ers. and on Sunday morning the y
were at St.,,,Andrew's United
Church in Ripley.
• • • • •
Bill Kirkpatrick, son of Mr.
and. Mrs.. James Kirkpatrick, is
attending the.University.of '
• • • •• •
• Mr. and Mrs.:Alvin MacKen-
zie and Mrs,. Franks visited over
the week end with Mr, and Mrs.
James Kirkpatrick.
* • • • •
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