HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-18, Page 17CouP10.Will Live 1n Wroxeter
- Photo by Snyder Studio
Alex T. MicNay, Box125
Miller MacKenzie Ltd.
Breaks- Bldg,, Telt 5244320
TORONTO-372 Bay Street (416) 364-7495
BARRIE — 35 Dunlop Street (705) 726-6495
ORILLIA — 73 Mississaga St. E., (705) 325-2226
Here's a great way to put your money to work:
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Other terms available. Minimum deposit, $500.
Call or drop in and see us today.
I'S •
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Martyn
spent Sunday in C011ingwood with
M. and. Mrs. Allan MacLean,
Several from the Ashfield Pres-
.i byterian Church W.M,S. atterid-
ed Presbyterial in Ripley Knox
Church on Wednesdiy evening.
Among those attending were Mrs.
Henry MacKenzie, Ivirs. Ewan
MacLean, and Mrs. Doug Martyn.
sympathy of the community is
‘`' s extended to Miss Margaret Mac-
' Leod in the passing of her brother
Dr. Wrn ! McLeod of Sault Ste.
Mare. Dr. MacLeod was, in Rip-
ley for several years.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parrish and
family spent a couple of days •
" with Mr. and Mrs. John MacRae
• of Mono• Mills.
Graham Hamilton is now play-
ing. hockey at Waterloo. Ken
Parrish has returned home and is
back to school in Wingham.
ik .) Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Art
Mattliewman on Sunday included
Mr. and Mrs. Powers of London,
Patty Powers led the group of Folk
Singers of St. Andrew the Apostle
church of London, who provided a
concert on SaturdAy night in Pip-
ley. for the Jr. Farmers, Sunday
morning Mass at the Catholic
Church in TeesWater and St.
Andrews United Church in
Ripley At which an overflow crowd
invited the young group back to
Ripley in the near future,
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Oliver McCharles included
Miss Edna Jamieson of Clinton
and Mrs. Joyce Evans of London.
Sympathy of ,the community
is extended the MacKendrick •
families in the death of Mrs.
Mary IVIacKendrick, Who was
buried at Lochaish Cemetery on
MondAy. The MacKendricks were
once the 'store keepers at Lochalsh
in the store now owned by Frank
A fatal accident occurred in
his-are-a--on Friday--night--;--w-hen- -
Cynthia Holmes lost her life.
Sympathy of this 'area goes to her
family and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kieffer are
residing 'in Wroxeter following
their marriage September 23rd in
Sacred Heart Church, Wingharn.
Father Kiminski officiated at the
double-ringserem_ony.amid a
setting of yellow gladioli. White
ribbons adorned the guest pews.
Miss Rosemary Schmidt of Blue-
vale was Organist and soloist was
Mrs. Mary Lou Barger , sister-in-,
law of the bride of Lucknow.
Mrs. Kieffer is the former Mary
Barger, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Barger Sr. of Lucknow.
Parents of the groom are Mr. and
Mrs :-Oscar Kieffer of Ir. R. 1
Biuevale. Mr. Barger gave his
daughter in marriage.
/.The bridal gown was floor-
length white polyester shantung
and featured ,an empire waistline,
high callar'and long puffed
sleeves gathered into etight cuff.
The waistline, collar, sleeVes and
a long attached train,were•trim-
med with wide white cotton lace
and the bodice featured tiny white
buttons• between two rows of lace.
Her waist-length scalloped edged
veil Was.also trimmed with lace
and she carried a bouquet,of,
yellow. 'roses with long white rib-
M-r--S . Janet Sager--e-f-4.know
was her sister-in-law's matron
Of honor and bridesmaids were
another. sister-in-law / Mrs. Rosa-, •
lene Barger and Misses Karen and
Elaine Kieffer, sisters of the
groom of Bhievale. They were
gowned alike in floor-length
goWns of•mint green
al -hi empire
Wai.Stlint:s, high collars and short
puffed sleeves of the dresses Were
trimmed with heart-shaped white
cotton lace. 'They carried nose-
gays of yellow and, white mums
with yellow andwhitestreamers.
`The bride's niece, Lisa Barger
The draw for the' David Brown
tractor, on which National Farm-
ers Union iiiembcrs haye.been
selling tickets ,"was held at A
NFLrdance at Sebringville on
Saturday, October 7th.,
Perth County Dairy Princess,
Kathy Fink„ drew the winning
ticket. -Winner was Nancy Fries
.-.o.f..(V.,00dstock. Since the'Fries
live in Woodstock, they sold the
tractor and took:the money in- .
stead.: '
,Pre:Sid-cm of District 5",. 'NFU-, -
from which the tractor draw orig-
inated , is Lorne Luther, •R,
3 LuCknow.
• it
of fines and dust. ,
For other classes of livestock,
'notably laying hens and cattle:. the
advantages are largely in. •handling.
Bin flow' is made easier and segrega7
tion of ingredien,ts is reduCed.
Maybe It's time 'you, switched to
Let's diScusS it.
Feeders of hogs,. chicken broilOrs and
turkeys derive the greatest, feeding
advantages from pelleted rations. With
broilers and turkeys, the purpose is to
enable the birds to eat more. With
hogs there are big advantages . . .
improved feeding efficiency (about
10%), and impr'Oved ra tes Of, gain
(.7-8%). The explanation is that, the.
pelleted %rations 'provide increased
digestible energy, increased availability
of other nutrients, and reduced feed
LUCKNOW. - PHONE 528-2026
4....1111111.1111, 411r4111.11111
of I_Ucknow , was flower girl. She
wore a floor-length gown 'of white
polyester crepe with short puffed
sleeves, trimmed with mint
green and white daisy lace. Rog-
er Kieffellr-of_lia_milton was
ring bearer. •
Barry Hogg of Gorrie was
groomsman and guests were usher-
ed by Brian McBurney, Jack •
Ross and Raymond Wright , all of
R. R. 1, Wingham.
'Wedding guests were received
by mothers of the, bridal couple
at the reception' which followed
in the_Llic kilOW—LegiOn H41.1.!
The bride's Mother wore a
floor-length gown of blue crimp-
lene trimmed with silver sequin
lace. Her corsage was red roses.
The groom's mother chose a floor'
length'gown of blue velvet with
top of-W-Inte and silver broCade.
Her corsage was also red roses.
For -travelling to Northern Ont-
ario the bride donned a street-
length green dress with red and
green plaid top and red
accessories. A corsage of red
roses completed her ensemble.
More Swimming
Pool Donotimis. •
'Further donations to the •
Lucknow Community Swimming
Pool are:
Gerry 'Mews., R, Ripley, $5;
Roy. Havens family, Lucknow;
Mrs. Bob Hamilton, Lucknow ,
$25; Percy McClenaghan, Listow
el, $5; Earl Cranston, Lucknow ,
$25; Harvey Alton, R. 2 Auburn
$10; Don Dennis,' Lucknow, $25;
Frank Austin, Dungannon, $25;
Mrs. Harvey Webb, Wingham,
$5;. Chester Feagan, Goderich,
$5; Wm. E. Andrew , R. 7 Luck-
now, $10; "Mrs. Bain, Lon-
don, $5; Elmira Finnigan, GOd-
erich, $5; Mri. C. E. Smith,
Seaforth, $10; Mrs. M. L. Ptird-
on, Belgrave, $5; Mrs. Fred
Fowler , Kitchener, $2; Dr. and
Mrs. W. B. Pearson, R. 3 Holy-
-rood, $5G-;-Mrs. Margaret M.ae--
Donald , Walkerton, $5; Mr. and
Mrs. W. Cummins, Saskatoon,
Sask. , $10; S. G. Burns, St.
Thomas, •$50; Mrs. William Duf-
fle, Hamilton, $10; Donald 'C.
M.aelntyre, R. 5 Luc-know; $
Mr: and Mrs. Henry Gardner and
Lane, R. 3 Lucknow, $10;' Don,
Matthews, London, $25; Robert
W. Scott , R. 7 Lucknow , $25;
Miss Margaret MacDonald', Sarnia,
$10; William Hardie, R. 1 Bel-
grave, $5; W. J. Kinahan, R.'2
Lucknow $10; Teeswater Cream-
ery Ltd ! , Teeswater, $16. •
Martin's General Store , R. R. 2
Lucknow , $3; Mrs. Margaret
Black, R. R. 2 Lucknow; Miss
Isabel .Miller , R. •R. 2 Lucknow ,
$5; Miss-Wilkeimine--Autherford ,
R. R. 2 Lucknow , $5; Hugh Todd,
R. R. 2 Lucknow, $5; Angus Mac-
Donald, R. R. 2-Lucknow $5; Ray .
Nicholson, R. 2 Lucknow , $2; Robt
MacNay,, R. 1 Kincardine , $10;.Ross
Errington; R. R. 2 Lucknow , $25;
Gordan MacDonald, R. R. 2 Luck-,
now, $2; Ronald McCrostie, R. R.
R. R. 2 Lucknow, $5; Jim Aitchi-
son, R. R..2 Lucknow, $10; Jack
Aitchison, R. R. 2 Lucknow, $5;
Wm. MaCPherson, R. R. 1 Luck-
now , $25; Keith Kilpatrick, Luck-
now; Mrs. T. S. Chambers, Tor-
onto, $10; Mrs. James, Valad ;
Windsor , $2. ,
• ,