HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-18, Page 15WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11101b, 1172 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL., LUCKNOW,,
rile. flOMCS isintigVed
We have shared many fond and
some frustrating memories - the
first visit in the' Spring of 1970,
the first annual Snowflake Music-.
snow arid slim supply of snowmo-
biles, the presentation of the
now 'symbolic trombone, and
Santa's visit, on Saturday. The ,
second annual Snowflake Music-
ale , Fall 1971 much the same
but that symbolic trombone was
being played by a Wiarton student ,
along with thirty-five other stud-
ents with new instruments-:---You
had helped hatch the idea and it
'was time to free the young band
'from your care On ,to new, areas
of endeavour.
Please accept this letter as a
formalinvit,ation_Lon_behalLaf_the • —
students-and staff .of Mildmay7
Carrick Public School to visit us
on December 1, 1972.• You have
established 'a high. standard of ..p
musical excellence. I am con-
fident that this Will continue.
Yours truly, •
Wayne R. Swanton.
Readied by
PHONE 528-3835
Original service
replacement parts
soir factory trained
improvidt cklytim
All, the children from the Open
Area 'went to the bush ,4st Thurs-
day morning. They looked for
'leaves, insects, butterflies, sal-
arnanders , rocks, toads, frogs
and wild flowers. ,They brought
all the things back that they
found and worked 'with them the,
rest of the day and Friday too.
;Some interesiing things made are
booklets and crafts. They also
sang songs and had contests. Wow.,
did-they have fun!
Mr. Flanagan's class was as
busy as bees making crafts out of
tooth-pick& and craft sticks. Var-
ious models were made, such as
bird houses and bird feeders, etc,.
Mr: Snowden, Supervisor of -
French Instruction in Bruce Coun-
ty , visited our school with Mr.
McLay a our regular French Teach-
The band is busily_selling 'big
500 chocolate bars to raise money
for new uniforms. Are you Will-
ing to suppOrt them? Thank you!
Mts. McMurray told us that
_Oc_tober_the 24th boys an.cLgirls
will' be taking part in a soccer
Mrs: McMurray is sporting a
fabulous Micky Mciuse watch
these days!! !! ! How lucky, can
some people iget?? I
By Margie panting
and,linda Moore.
$urprise Couple
On Anniversary
Friends., neighbours and rela-
tives gathered at the home of Mr.
evening for a surprise, party, on the
Occasion of Mr. and Mrs. Moffat's
twenty -fifth. wedding anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Moffat and their
family Don, Bob, Murray and Miss
Susan Hall were dinner guests of
their son, Bill Moffat and Mrs.
Moffat of LucknOw;
Upon arriving home' they found
their Mine filled with well-wish-
ers. After a lovely evening was
spent playing progressive euChre;
Dave and Eileen were presented
with' many beautiful gifts includ-
ing silver trays and dishes, a
lamp, clock 'card tp ble and
chairs, picture , etc. The immed-
iate family had presented them
with a chest of silverware at the
dinner party: Dave and Eileen
t44.1.1tq qv eJK9P,..c „t11934gtlte.
fulness and best wishes.-
A lovely lunch was then served
by the hostesses.
Concert Band,
if I have 'not expressed my
,thanks to you sufficiently in the
'past., I would like to emphasize
My appreciation for all that you
people have' done for music in
•Bruce County. Special thanks is
in order for your contribution in
generating interest in the Wiar-
ton area.
the hard work of otheis, the 'gen-
erosity. of many and the inspira-
tion provided by your group,
Wiarton Public. School was able to
build an instrumental program
of whieh everyone whO.becanie -
involved can be very proud.
,Hall during t e church service.
After singing many'fa.vourite gos-
pel songs , the offering was receiv-
e'cl. The play was then rehearsed.
He doesnft want to stand on a ribbon cutting, hand shaking, flag waving campaign that's for .
the birds. Charlie wants a better Huron Riding and he means it. He's a digger not a scratcher.
He'll discover those' area problems and he'll, Meet the people concerned face to face to discuss
them. And he's not afraid of getting his boots dirty if -its going to 'promote ,,Huron and
He's a member of the Tax lievielk Comrnittee .of County Council and a member Of ,the Social
Services Committee. He belongs to many Federal. and Provincial animal breeding,associations.
He's--served=on-the=Regional--neveloment-Cou-nCi l-forreight_years Latte rl vice-presidenty_as
and he's served on the Huron Planning Board - last year as chairman.
Charlie is a farmer and ,understands farming prOblems. He's! convinced that the sugar beet
inckistry could be•revived in HiliOn and Middlesex. He feels there are better ways of marketing
corn in peak periods and he'd like to encourage more Canadian farmers to become involved in
livestock breeding.
And Charlie will fight for other benefits, too. For instance, he'd like more area developMent, he
believes in 6oderich Harbour as a potential Great Lakes port, •lie:feels that Sky Harbor airport
should be maintained and would fight for a subsidy, if necessary. . ,
Stimulationof local industry is another key issue Charlie believes in. He wants to give incentives
to light industiy to boost local economy. And he wants to make sure the 'brains' of Huron and
—Middlesex Huron RidirTginstead-oftleading-sou-th-or to the-Gitles.
A better' Huron' Riding is worth fighting for: Charlie Thomas is a fighter.
b a,
Mrs. Taylor's class made pup-
pets which they called "Talking
Birds". Their original plays were
acted out Friday afternoon and
• then written.
Mr: 'McKeon's class wrote let-
ters to diffefent Companies for
inforthation on . radiation. This
is' for the projects they're doing
on radiation.
Lucknow Central School 0..
Invitation Comes
To School Band
Mildmay-Carrick Public
.holildmay , Ontario,
Thursday, October 5, 19'72
Dear Members of the Lucknow
The regular meeting of the
C.O.C. was held at the Langside