HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-18, Page 1010 a.m, Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship . Those wishing transportation to church contact Wm. G. Hunter 528-2741. POINT TO PONDER • The lesson of life• is to believe what the years and centuries say against the hours. Emerson TV. • PAN! TEN ..CK THE •14ROWSENTINEIL..t,OCKNOW ONTARIO •• .1 • „T . • wEpsESDAIG OCTOBER18th, 1171 conducted the devotions. Mrs. Ewan MacLean read the treasureet- report. Special music.was supplied by Mrs. Don Bell and Mrs. Jack Needham, South Kinloss. the Wingham Evening_Auxiliary_ presented a panel entitled ,Thiffie Third World", introduced. by Mrs. J. W. English. Mrs. Murray Und- erwood very capably and interest- ingly related the story part which Was followed by the paneidiscus- ion-with-Mrs-.-Robt,-Arbuckle__ moderating, assisted by Mrs. Robt /vIc•Kague and Mrs. Nixon. This proves to be an excellent intro- duction to next year's study of India 'as it points out the great • poverty of so many people there , and tells how missionary work is made so difficult by so-called .'red tape'., materialism, and the various complexities of _the • count- ry. It is necessary for /„ missionaries to learn to live with the local people as they live , and train them to carry on with .• the 'work. The natives must be • educated 'to work and talk with others in order to meet their basic needs. The gap 'between the rich and the poor has to be. closed, and government aid mist be extended. It was indfked a very Worth- while contribution, so if you • would like something different for a meeting, why not invite this group to visit you? , :Courtesy' remarks weie extend- . ed by Mrs. Virdin Mowbray, • • A sectional meeting. of the. • Maitland Presbyterial was held in Ripley on October 11 at 8 p.m. With Mrs, Mel Ritchie , Kincar- z, dine, presiding. She opened the meeting with a poem and prayer. Greetings were extended 'by Mrs, Donald Martyn, Ripley. Mrs. • Lovell Huston and Mrs. Wm. Mc- ' , Creath , both of Ripley also Miss , Jessie McPherson,. Kincardine ; Luckriow , and closing prayer by ' Mrs. Henry MacKenzie, Ashfieid, concluded a very interesting meeting. Sectional- Meeting Held At Ripley C""- worship. Hall on,Friday afternoon. Follow . • Kinloug.h KINLOU OH' NEWS Mrs.. Ronald Thacker was host- ess for the OCtoher meeting of the Anglican Church'Women at her • home on Thursday afternoon, Oct- ober 12th. The president , Mrs. Gertrude WalSh, was tin the chair - and opened the meeting with •-MemberS Prayer and the.Prayer Partners prayer. Mrs. Roy Collins read the scripture from • Romans, chapter 13. Mrs. David 15aidenby gave the meditation on "Thankfulness" and concluded -withra-Thanksgiving-prayer.. • Mrs. Midford Wall read the minutes of the previous meeting. and the' roll call was' answered with the word "Thanks". An. . invitation was accepted from the attend their Thankoffering meet- ing on Wednesday , October .18th.• The ladies' were reminded of the South Saugeen Deanery. Workshop to be .held Goderich. on Monday, October 23rd., The meeting closed. with the ; litany 'from the Living'Message , with everyone taking part. • . A quilt for the bale was.quilted during the afternoon.l Grace was sung and delicious refreshments were served. Courtesy• remarks' were given by-Mis:-George , :Graham., At lima time Mrs'. Walsh told Some ofthe highlights. 'of her recent trip to the ,East . Coast and showed,'pest card pic- tures and foldeti. •Mrs.'..MidfOrd Wall will , be the November hostess.- . This will be the annual meeting and • bale packing. • Mrs -. Imrne-Dtrrnin-eoriVcricr of-fl Mernbership and community Friendship gave the . worship Service based on Thanks- giving. Mrs. Dan Tiffin read the scripture and gave the call to Psalm 100 was repeated in uni- son. Mrs. Durnin led in prayer _ _ok "Ask an Indian about India". A lively discussion 'followed on the chapter. Mrs. Milian Moore , presided for the business. The roll call was'answered by 14 members and 1 visitor giving a verse from ProVerbs with• the word 'help or send, Mrs. Albert Coul- tes gave the treasurer's report: Plans were made to attend the Rally at Brussels October 19. Mrs. De Koeijer sang What a Friend- We Have In Jesus atcornpanied by Mrs. Garnet• Farrier. Mrs. Moore thanked Mrs. Tiffin for the use of her home and closed' the meeting with'prayer. *VVVVVVVVV!' Whitechurch' U.C.W. V,lhitechureh United Church Women held their October meet- ing on Monday instead of the usual date at the home of Dan Tiffin at 2 p.m. Pack Power *AAMAAAAA.0 ANDS- •"0%.,Ww•".0%"."."..".!"e'w LUCKNOW Rev. Robert 'Nicholls, B.A. Minister , OCTOBER 22nd •prepared by Mrs. Roy MacKenzie, Liddle and' Mrs. Blue. A sing song was-enjoyed-with Mrs. MacKenzie at the piano. Mrs. Kirkpatrick and Mrs. Gem- mell sang a duet and Frank Scott gave two selections on the violin. Donald Blue introduced the- guest speaker and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Trussler from Point -Clark7-Trethowd-rnany hiterest ing pictures of local places of interest. The roll call was "Name your fitst teacher". This proved an - interesting way of everyone partic- ipating. The Historical group. will meet in another month, while the.Women's Institute will meet' on the firstFtiday-in.Nov- ember in the Legion Hall. Dele- gates to WA. Rally in Allenford are Mrs. Jack McLean and Mrs. Roy. Mae Kenzie. Delegate to Area Convention in Wiarion is • Mrs. Jack• McLean with Mrs. Fin lay McLeod as alternate.. A wreath will be purchased Trinity UCW with others assisting,'- Mrs. Joe The local Historical Group of Ripley were guests of the Ripley Women's Institute at the Legion ing a brief busineis period. Mrs. Arnold' was asked to act as chair- whioh was _al1 and Mrs. Roy . MacKenzie. ' W: I. Entertain is onca roup Scott, Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Frank Scott, Mrs. Donnie McDon- magi- - e__ REFORMED CHURCH J. WI Van Stempvoort Pastor LUCKNOW CHRIST-FAN A former LUcknow resident, in the person of Jean (Armstrong) , Matthews, passed away in London on October 6. She was born in Lucknow in 1900 and attended Lucknow Public School. Later she 'left Lucknow to reside in London whereshe-married_Jolin_Mauhems. Tfiey had one son, William, who predeceased her at age sixteen. She won Many friends T frorn her kindly cheerful disp tion. She had been about her home dutie until s husband , retired• for the night. Early in the morning he was shocked to find she hat-passed away in her 'sleep fromIthe.effeets Of a stroke. for-c enotaphan_L$19 was voted. to High School Awards. Hostesses for meeting Were Mrs. Bert Irwin,' Mrs ?. Elwyn Pollock, Mrs. Red' Moore and Mrs. Gem- Refreshments were served WE STILL HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF HALLOWE'EN CANDY RED ROSE TEA BAGS, 90's CRISCO, 1 LB. KISMET SOFT MARGARINE, I lb. tub ucknow Naive Dies In London GENORE, ERAL. ST R.R. 7 Lucknow —Lanes r- #hone. 529-7248 • SPECIALS • 79c 49c 32c Besides her husband she leayes to mourn her loss three sisters, Mrs. Harriett-Wilson'of-LUe-know-,--- Mrs. Ethel Buck of London and Miss 'Beatrice Armstrong, .also of London. She was predeceased by:one sister Annie (Mrs. Barrett) and two brothers °William and Alfred Armstrong. Burial was in Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Lon- don. As a result of a motor vehicle accident October 13, three Wing- ham Hospital staff members were injured on King Street, Waterloo, Ontario. Clayton Baird, age 24, R. R. 2, Wingham, was treated at g-w Hospital and transferred to Wing-, _.ham-Hospital_Octolier 14, with `both left leg, abrasions too both arms-, injured left shoulder.. He was admitted to hospital with .a full length leg cast. Passengers in the car: Carolyn Rode; R.N.S. , Wing- ham, was treated at St. Mary's' Hospital, Kitchener for shuck, lacerated face•, •and then released. _ Kay. Marie Hardie, Reg. N. , this hospital with facial lacera- tions and abrasions. Treated and released. Richard McPhirson, age 20, R.' R. 2, Wingham, was treated at..St. Mary's. Hospital and trans. ferred to. Wingham with. fractured , , ribs and abrasions to left hand and chest. • The accident was invest'igat'ed l_by Waterloo City Police. Ric 'ard a ows, age , ham, while playihg football a t the Wingham Bail Park, October 15, fractured his left collarbone. Julie Mulvey, age 6, R. R. 1, Wroxeter , datighter of Mr. a'tid Mrs. Murray Mulvey, received 1st and 2nd degree bLirns to her left leg when she spilled hot tea. ,9,,VVVV jgq - Thankoffering meeting in the • • Chureh, the evening of October 10. The President, Mrs? Jim Hunter opened the meeting with a Thanks- giving verse. Mrs. Blake Alton led in prayer and hymn 383 was sung. Mrs. Hunter then read the Meditation.with the rheme being"TO Gitte Thanks" folloWed by another short prayer by Mrs. Alton. Mrs. Eunice Duns• muir sang a iblro'ricridw---Who Holds To-morrow" which was much enjoyed by all. Mrs. Alex Hackett introduced the guest speaker, Dr. Lambert, from Goderich, whom the United Church had-helped to spOnsor asra missionary in Africa for a number of years. Dr. ,Larnbert showed • life there , which was all very interesting. 'The speaker was thanked by Mrs. Hummel. • The meeting closed with a prayer by 'Mrs. J. Hunter and the, singing of hymn 384,:following which the• ladies •all enjoyed a cup of tea in the Sunday School Rooms Services: 10:00 a.m. Service 2:30 p.m. Service VISITORS WELCOME Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. Minliter Phone 528-2740 OCTOBER 22nd 10 a.m. Sunday. School 11 a.m. Morning Worship WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS FOR - FORDHAM 'WATER BOWLS HospitalTreats Varied Injuries Wingham , was treated for-shock, chest •injuries and then released from St.s Mary.'s Hospital; Kitch- ener. Douglas Baird, age 18, R. R. 2,:.• Wingham , was treated at St. Hospital-arid-brought i-nto When, you purchase your wedding invitations from The L.ucknow Sentinel you will receive one year's free (value $6.00) to The Lucknow Sentinel SUBSCRIPTIO TO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL .,!!! • !!!=•-• wag.