HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-18, Page 8THE
Custom Butchering -- Curing anchSmoking
Cutting and Wrapping, — Sausage Making — Fast Freezing
+10.0 ••••20,
Hai% cattle in on Thursday for Friday's kill
"ow 4mo• oar dew 4gisa• WIMP AMP 41110P 06110. +OW
With Two lifig—CoClaii;114-164Abli-To ang our rom
1 To 3 Weeks — Whatever Your Requirements Are
For Home Freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed Beef, Pork
--and-Lamb-in Any Quantity- At- Lowest Marketing -Prices
ABATTOIR 395-2905 STORE 395.2961
.Windsor Wo'n.one loSt
two in the series.
Each-ream. was introduced-to
President Nixon and‘,,.t..•,e nests
at a state dinner in. \N. 15hinstti:•
It was'the experienc.c e a.life-.
time for David and the other , ti
team members. •
.0 TY
Represents Canada
hi Little League
World Playoffs
Tuning up, tightening up
should be on your
schedule right now. Come
Winter the going
will be sr')noothl
In the Ashfield-West Wawa-
nosh Recreation League, boys 12
to 16 years, Port Albert against
Dungannon, Port Albert has taken
the final series in 3 games straight
to win the trophy two years in a,
The first game played at Port
Albert-on Sunday , October 1st saw
Port Albert take the lead 1 game'
to 0 with the score Port Albert .7 ,
Dungannon 4.
The second game was played
in Goderich at the Agricultural
Park on Thursday , October 5th at
8 p.m. , Port Albert taking the
lead.2 games to none with the
score Port Albert 5, Dungannon 3.
The third game was played on
Monday , October 9th in Goderich
at 8.30 p.m. with Port Albeit
winning with the score Port Albert
26, Dungannon 1.
The line-up, for the Port Albert
team is: Pitcher, Brian.,Petrie;
Catcher , Clarence (Cap) WilsOril':
1st Base, Glen Tigert; 2nd Base,
John CraWford; 3rd Base, Lloyd
Tigert; Short Stop, Charlie Craw-.
ford; Out Fielders, Terry Austin,
Eddie Sinnett ; Jiin McKinnon;
Subs, Rtibery draham Wayne -
Graham, Paul Doherty , Jim Craw-
ford; Manager, Philip 'Petrie;
Coach, Ken Doherty ..
As this is the last of the Baser
PortAllieriWiij s Championship In
BOys 1210 16.04, Recreation League
ball games for this season, thanks'
goes to John Austin and Clarence
Doherty of the Ashfield-West •
Wawanosb Recreational Commit-
tee„ all the coaches and manag-
ers of the teams; the Umpires who
gave of their time to see that the
games were run smoothly; to the
parents who drove the boys to
pines and practices; to the score-
keepers and all who he'lped in any
way possible to make this season
so enjoyable.
• —
This• week Donald MacKinnon
rolled the high triple OS and also
'the high single 278 '. Coming in.
next was.HarOld Errington with a
662 triple and .271 single.
Gamei 250 and over; Donald
MacKinnon 278, Harold Errington
271 , Herb Barger 263.
Team points; Bill Button's
-Dodges 0, Howard Agnew's Buicks_
7; Jack Caesar's 'Oldsthobiles 0,
Clarence Greer's Pontiacs 7; Bill
SteWart's Fords 5, Grant Chis-
holin's Mustangs 2.
Team standing; Buicks 16,
Fords 14, Pontiacs 14, Mustangs
12, Oldsmobiles , Dodges 2.
Odies 9 P.M.
with 273 and high triple' was bowl•
ed by Lynn Wall: with,674.
Games 200 and cilreff--Afitie
Wisser 273 and 204, Mary Jardine
257 , Lynn Wall 243, 225 and 206',
Marie Hoffman 220 and 219, Iso-
bel Tiffin 214, Grace HOpf 207,
Dean Agnew• 204, Barb Sanderson
Kinloss League
Fraser MacKinnon started 'the
season with 'a high single' of 239
and a high triple of 570.' For the
IMPM116,4 al•CMICtS.11110 1.114. VI. Immo NM., ..t
captured high-single with 213
and. the high triple of 496. •
Other 'men with gameS over
200 were: Lloyd MacDougall, 205 ,
and Murray Keith 203.
Team points, Ann NlacDoug-
all's Macs 2, Doris MacKinnon's
Wealthys 5; ,Mary,Lavis' Spys 0,
Elizabeth Dickie's Pippins 7.
Fraser cKituton again cap-:
tured high single with 230 arid
Gerald Rhody had high triple with
582: Other men over 200 were
Gerald Rhody with 215 and Garnett
Farrier with 204. The ladies
Gerda de Jong had high single with
192 and high triple with 497. ‘,
Team points-, -A-rin-MacDougall's
Macs 5, Doris. MacKinnon's Weal-
thys 5, Mary Lavis' Spys 2, Eliz-
abeth Dickie's Pippins 2.
Team standings; Macs 7, Weal-
thys 10, Pippins 9, Macs 7 , Spys 2.
MehS f 7 Pall.'
Ron Stanley captured both high
single and triple with scores of--
273 single and 643 triple.
Games over 225; Ron Stanley
273., Jack Treleaven 257, Wayne
Rhody 246 ,t Murray Reid 234,
George Humphfey 230, John Err'''.
be r Lin-228 , Eva ns_I-lelm_243
Team points: Owls 0, Vultures
7, Cardinals 7, Hawks 5, Spar-
rows 0, Crows 2.
Team standings: George Stan-
ley's Hawks 19, Evans Helm's
Cardinals 14, Ron. Stanley's Vul-
tures 14, George Humphrey's
CrOWs 14, Wayne Rhody's Owls
2, Art Purney's Sparrows 0.'
Marion MacKinnon and Jessie
Joyrit both rolled a high single '
game of 239 and Marion also .
rolled the high triple of 662 ..
Games of 200 anclover: Marion
MacKinnon 239, 224, Jessie
Joynt 239, Jean Phillips 201, Rena
McNab 200.
ald's Oysters 5, Isobel Miller's
Lobsters 2; 'Bell Mole's Shrimps 4,
Janet Ma'cPherson's Scallops 3
Vana Gammie'sf lams 4, Carol.
Martin's Crabs 3.
Team standings: Clams 28,
Lobsters 24, Oysters 23, Shrimps
21, Scallops 16, Crabs 14,
David Blue, son of Mr. and.
Mr's. Jim Blue of Windsor , has
had a ,successful year'in the base- .
ball world and is a member of .
.the_Canarlian_champioilstn-p-Ieaa, —
and represented his country •at an •
international baseball series in
the United'States. •
David's mother is the lor::,er
Betty Johnston of Luc know.- !Lis
grandparents are Mr. and ..".lts..
and Mrs. Albert Garninie of LOck-
now. .
Competing in the Ontario Maj-
or Little League provincial play
offs at Dundas, Windsor South
Canadians the tea IT) on which
David -plays-centre4i-elt---t-he-,--
Ontario championship. Thc
league is for players \ Lars and .
under.''In the -Dundas senes ,• pay.
id hit a two-run hdrrier which
traVelled.265 feet and was a" '
factor in the series victory . Press
reports at the tinie indicated/the
home run was one of thi2 lorlest
hit,balls in the series.
• ,
Windsor advance to, the Canad-
ian Little League pl.a offs in Ed-
monton,and by virtue of three •
victories and no defeats 'won the
Canadian champidnship. •
Windsor', representin Canada,.,
left immediately for Williams-:
port, pennsylvania where they
competed in, the Little League
WOrld Series.
Eight teams were in the Little
League World Series. re-irgrdt
12 year-olds represented the
cream of the crop of two million
youngsters who pia}' Little League
ball in 8.700 leagues in.3e nations
Participating were Porto
Canada, Nationalist China,
Spain and three tLa:ns from
the U.S. from Indiana .
Sean Agnew led the way for
the ladies this week with the high
single of 237 and high triple of
Ladiet .oVer, 225 were: Dean
Agnew 237; Grace Ftliort 230,
225 and Jessie Joynt 226.
Honours .for men, go to Harold.
Errington with the high single , of
324 as well as high triple of 723.
Good bowling!
Hawthorne 288; Donald Mae Kin -
non 276,; Jack Caesar 269, 255 and
Frank Thompson 264.
Tearni standings. are:, Cubs 26;
Tigers 22; Squirrels 16; Beavers
16; Zebras 15; Kangaroos 14; Chip'-
munks 14; Coons 11; Wolverines
10;' 'Gophers 9; Pole Cats 8; Lions
Town & Country
Men's high single was won by
Les Purvis at 201. Men's high
double was won by Howard Barg-
er at 348.
T ea rrrpoints-IPLiFv-is!--Vio,_-
lets 3, Al Irwin's Oranges 2;
Clarence Bell's Blues 5, Harry
Lavis' Reds 0; Earl McDonald's
Greens.5, Mel King's Yellows 0.
Standings: Greens 17, Violets
14; Blues 10, Yellows .8, Oranges
7, Reds 4.
--L-adiest-high-single-was-,Wan by Anne Wisser bowled high single
Mabel Steward at 163, Ladies' ,
411IPPI6j high double was won by Betty
1*-T rifaclailratik 292. 7 ;.
Team points; Dean Agnew's
Gumdrops 5 ', Barb Sanderson's Ju
Jubes 2; Marie Hoffman's Choco-
lates 7, Lorna Guay's Lollipops'
0; Marianna Porter's Peppermints
2, Grace Hopi's Jelly Beans 5;
Team standing; Gumdropi 30,
Jelly Beans 28, Chocolates 28,
Ju Jubes 19, Peppermints 17,
Lollipops 4.
_Ladies_60 p.m.
Viler Your urn-
RR. 1 Lucknow
Phone 528-5052