HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-18, Page 4THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, 010.000 • WEDNESDAY,: -MOM 18th, 1972 • A \ „si....,,,, , \ ,1/4 ,.•,\\:.,.; „ ...,:,.,.. \,, , \ • ..\ . '•\•., .: •,,,, ',.. „.,:ii.„„„ ki•.• . •••:•,••••:,..; ••••. isk,•::, \ $.:"•••••• 'N ,tik l'\ , ,...\\•,..,,,, •,. ', N •\... „„„„, \\N: • ,\,,,,,,,. „,....., ,.. .. , , ,•,•„:, . ..,,,:,. 4.. •$••:, - ii::::::„ •.•::. .ii• .• s ,,,,.,! „- \•• ' \\'''''',* • , "\N•.‘„,,,,,,,.„ •••• •,,..\‘,„ \ • \ i„.„k„„, •;ii• ...„. \ \ \_ i• , , .. ‘;•,. \ i'k \ \ l.,,.:E.,4 li•is,'..k,':'?•:•,'N '''' • lik'",i' ''''',:, ;i: s•-•,..:N• ,••• \ ' ....„: \ s • \ \ .., . •.>. • '''•••-• •...N.:, • ."-tk••••••• • • .4:•:,..,•:•.;),..•0:,;.:•••.•.{.:;',.:••.•:••••.::•.:•.;.••••::::1:SS"....;•. • :ife• • FOR SALE COMING EVENTS NOW AVAILABLE/ DR. W. V. JOHNSTON'S BOOK "Before the Age of Miracles: Memoirs' of A Country Doctor", is now available at The Lucknow Sentinel. Dr. Johnston was, a gen- eral practitioner in Lucknow 'for 30 years and his book involves his life and work in this community. $6.95 at• The, Lucknow Sentinel. Mail orders accepted. • Legion Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday, .8:45 p.m. Pot of Gold game - winner take all. 14 reg- ular games, $10 each. 2 Share the Wealth games. A $30 Special. Jack- pot games for $100.00 on 56 calls or $25 consolation prize. STOCKER SALE LUCKNOW COMMUNITY SALE Phone 395-5230 or 528-9912 ccomodation for_400 head Robert Macintosh CONSIGNMENT October October 30 AFTERNOON OPEN HOUSE The Staff and' Pupils of Kinloss •••••••••••••• HOCKEY REGISTRATION Re istration for all minor hockey' must register before taking to the ice. Registration may also be done through' the schools in the area. RECEPTION A Reception for Mr. and Mrs. Glen Phillips. (Carolyn MacGilli- i-vrayq-will-be---held- a L--the-Lu cknair_ Legion Hall, Friday, October 20th. Music by Tiffin's Orchestra. Lunch of The County of Bruce 1907 •-• 1968 written by Norman McLeod j,same•price. • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL . FERRIS TRACTOR PARTS Continually wrecking farm trac- tors, many late models. Burgess- vile' 519-424-9111. _ SANDBLASTING before November 1st. Each exhib- bitor submitting 5 slides or more will receive $5.00 in addition to the prize money. Elaine Errington. Sec't. BLYTH BINGO. Come 'to Blyth Lions Club Bingo, every Saturday night at 8:30 p.m. in Blyth Memorial Hall.. Admission $1.00; 12 regular games Of •$10 each; 2 share the -wealth games; -$25-special-door prize, _$125 jackpot on 60 calls or under; if not taken $10 added each week. CHRISTMAS CAIZNIVAL You are invited to a Christmas Carnival of Avon Products Wednes- day, October 25th, 8 p.m. at Purple Grove Community Centre. Lots of prizes, coffee served, bring a friend Put on by your Av,on Rep: Male and Clathy_DOte,„, .Deanna &Ott,. J • WANT ADS GET RESULTS tl SILVER LAKE GENERAL STORE RESTAURANT or Shop 524-6511: • KINLOSS, ONTARIO in Lucknow. • •sequel of this book, The History TABLE PAPER FOR SALE - cob corn. Phone SUPER CASH BINGO • Table Paper iss now availtble in Teeswater 392-6537. checked patterns' of yellow, gr4feen - - - - or red "'36" wide; by 100' length, FOR SALE 12, nine week old priced $3.50 a roll. Also available pigs. Phone 357\1670, • as before in white at $2.25 a roll.' Y _ -• The Lucknow Sentinel, FOR SALE --c,35 Suffolk ewes. Phone 529-7948 Dungannon. FOR SALE - Moffat electric clothes dryer with automatic thermostat, special $159.00. Pollock Electric, Ripley, phone 395-2982. FOR SALE - good. grain rack and hoist. Everett Whitehead, Tees- water 392-6847. FOR SALE - carrots, potatoes , 1/2 gallon ice'creain 85c and cabbage. Mrs.' C. Weatherhead, Lucknowr-phone-528-3829, Clearance Sale of 'all men's, "FREE" your ,own• snowmobile re- . from $1 to $4.98 Floyd Stanley, 528-5157 after '6 p.m. I A reception will be held in Luck- now Legion. Hall on Saturday, Oct- ober--21- in-honouif-Mr-,--and Mrs. Ray Cranston (nee Linda Stanley) newlyweds, from.9 - 1 o'clock. Mus- ic by, the ``Country Music Men". . , Open 1:ThitY-4÷30-a.m'1"-P* house-with_alL Closed Tuesdat Evening conveniences in Kinloss Township, FOR SALE immediately. Leo Mur- - 2 first calf heifers ray, R. R: 3 Holyrood, .phone /395- chooe from. No Lunch served. Everyone welcome. matter where Helm, Lucknow, phone 528-2006 or • , you live, you'll always receive 395-5186. • FOR RENT - 3 bedroom heated apartment on. Havelock Street N., - - -- ladies and childriiiis• dress shoes avaitable---Novemberst--Contaet-T ,RECEPTION / Phone Ripley 395-5353 Anniversary, also the ladies ( ROY'S ALUMINUM. R, R.' 1 Holyrood served, everyone welcoMe. SALES, AND SERVICE, win:; • - --- PHOTOGRAPHIC 'COMPETITION dews, doors. For, tree estimate call.' TOVVNSHIP OF FOR SALE HUMIDIFIER SUPPLIES We ' have filters and Sanitaire for your humidifier. Greer T.V. and Electric, Lucknow 528,3112. PICTURE FRAMING - our spec- ialty, wood and metal. Snyder Photo Studio, Wingham, James Snyder, proprietor, phone 357-1851. FOR SALE .- Beatty automatic feed_and manure handling equip- ment, stabling and pressure sys- tems. Contact Beatty Farm Ser- vice Centre, Clinton 482-9561. FOR SALE - pepper, butternut and hubbard squash, turnips, car- -rots,-,- -cabbageand-pumpkins for Hallowe'en. Very reasonable prices. Phone Mrs.. Lorne Sparks 528-5304. FOR SALE --1968 Triumph Spit- fire convertible, new top, clutch and paint job, wire wheels $925. - Phone Goderich 524-6600. FOR SALE - Van Dale Silo Un- loaders; George Wraith, Box 95' Goderich. Phone Residence 524-7002 FOR SALE -2L 303, high-power deer rifle with .4 boxes ammunition. George Fisher, 17 Patrick St., , • Wingham,, phone 357-2347. ' • 'AUCTIONEER 'SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Licensed. Auctioneers in the news of Teeswater an is- trict, pick up a copy. . • • BARN, EQUIPMENT -- complete line of Acorn Equipment and Clay Equipment • for ' pushbutton farm- ing; Weststeel-Rosco Granaries Chore - Boy Milking -Parlours; Lowry Barn Supply, Amberley, phone 395-5286. THE LUCKNOW. SENTINEL - is for sale at Mel Stanley's Sunoco, --FOR SALE gifl's winter dress coat, size 8 or 10; several girls' dresses and slacks, sizes 8 and 10. -Mrs. Don_Thampson, Lucknow phone-528-3516. - FOR RENT_ FOR-RENT- bed sinrooming i in LucknOw, furnished, cooking facil; ities, linen supplied. Glenn's Apart ments phone 528-3723. FOR RENT - farm home, miles south of Amberley. Available. e Nov- ember 1st. Contact'E. Gibson; .m 396- 7924 after-6-p. -'- FOR RENT heated apartment available November 1st. Apply An- derson ApartmentS, Lucknow 528- 3045. • , Sales of all types wishes on our 56th We n ' Road SUperintendent SNOW REMOVAL Sealed marked tenders will be received 'until 5 p.m. October 31, 1972 for snow removal at the fol- lowing schools. LUCKNOW PUBLIC KINLOSS CENTRAL 'RIPLEY 'HURON CENTRAL RIPLEY DISTRICT HIGH . All applications must be on ten- der.,form ,,which can be obtained by Writing. or-teie-Proi-iing t e em- ployer below. Snow brewers "preferred: The Bruce County Board -Of XduCation Box • 190 Cheeky, Ontario Telephone 519443-2014 Attention Mr. M. S. Waldo* Supervisor' of Building and MaintinanC, These kindnesses will le ltoy Mehin ngber : membered. Bt. We wish to express our sincer thanks to relatives, friends an, neighbours for their kindness an donations to,, the Gideons and Can cer SOciety and the gifts of fooi broue to our .horries ,were al •• very much' l appreciated. • We would like to thank our fair • • The Reid Famil II a delicious dinner A•ll was muc appreciatedn will long g, be 0 membered. • . . Ellen and gill Evil FARMS . ' ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD 'The best 'in Home' Grown, Dry Fe, Drug Free Beef. Try our 1'5 Home Made .Sausage.. Custom ki ling by appointment. Phone ,52lt-21:2 CHILD HEALTH CLINIC The child. health •clinic of tl Bruce County Health Unit lot Or school . children and infants will I held in, the Legion Robins:Luc now f rom Io r n 0. n .to' 11:30 :"-in fitst-Ober---21 .•. NOTICE Anyone interested in Avon Pi ducts on the not-Inside of Luckno phone Barb • Sanderson, 5!•3102; FOR SALE DEMOLITION WORK :-SPRAY4AINTIllt ARNOLD STOTHERS PHONE 5214403 , FOR ESTIMATES pair_parts and accessory "catalogue, "Save up to 30%. Just • mallyour name 'and address to -"Direct Dis- tributing Inc., P.O. Box 1178, Hull Quebec, Canada..A complete sel- ection of parts and accessories to `fast-servicer`fast-service - EXCAVATING AND TRUCKING sand awl gravel: Phone Robert Sy.mes. Lucknow 528-3047: HIGHEST PREVAILING. PRICES 'paid for dead and 'disabled COWS and horses. Call collect 881-3459 Walkerton. Graf Stock Removal. • PLAYING CARDS Plastic coated single decks from $1.19 up as well as double decks o eke Jecks (euchre Cards only). Drop Irlie-tfiekiiiii? Sentinel. PATZ FarM Automation', Stable Cleaners Silo tinloaders, Cattle Feeders Andrew Berg 4 Highway 11 1 MILE EAST OF CLINTON, PHONE 412-7i111 freshened in the last week. Robert 2821• BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT TENDERS will be received by er, 250 gal. tank and. stand, in good ..„ FOR SALE - Duo Therm oil burn- Contact LloyG Johnston, R.R. 3 the' undersigned until 6 p.m. Mon- condition. Phone Barry Johnston, 395-5231. • FOR SALE - milk-fed 4...apUlIST -TENDE Phyllis Jerome, R.R. 3,Lucknow, phone 529-7605. TOWNSHIP OF" KINLOSS' - TENDERS' FOR SNOWPLOWING Holyrood, phone 395-5390. FARM FOR SALE 95 acres. bidder must supply, his own man. Standby time of $10 peer day wing- Priced for quick sale. Phone 357- everyday beginning, December 1st, 2429 after 8:30 p.m.1972 and ending March 31, 1973. FOR.SALE--used Simplicity , Township tender forms to 'be used wringer• washer, with pump and Available from the- Road Superin- err in-good-condition Greer _TV. terident. Lowest or any tender not and Electric, Lucknow; phone necess-airilFa-ffePted., Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater good gifts-,..J1n: • cards 528-3112. ' - Frank Schumacher, Teeswater 392-6170 - WEST WAWANOSH ' Roy Emberlin, your local deal . TENDER FOR SNOWPLOUGHING THE TEESWATER NEWS - is available at The 'Lucknow Sentinel, 1-00-per JuLareinterested PAPERING - PAINTING Tenders will be received by the Floor Sanding and Spray -Paint- ±-Ered-Fm rli n,Phone-Lu cic,4th-,1:972--for74-, undersigned until 6 p.m. November trikk-equipped-with. now. IplOugh and wing: State size and ' year of truck, Size of plough and FOR SALE - 3 furrow AC plow, 3 wing, price per hour. point 'hitch adjustable 12 to 14" - Tenderer to supply own wing- with wheel. Phone 395-5433. man. Standing time $10 per day THIRD PRINTING ' when not ploughing. • NOW AVAILABLE Lowest or any tender not nec- Norrnan Robertson's History of ; essarily accepted. Bruce County, first published in!' Harvey Culbert, 1906, second printing in 1960. Road Superintendent • PRICE 0.00 R.R. 6 Goderich ___Emb.achls_Pharmagi, H. and B. Add $1 for shipping and handling • • Discount and Koyle's Supertest We also -have availare• the TENDERS. COMING EVENTS SHORTHORN CONSIGNMENT SALE Wellington and. District Clul Erin fair grounds, Saturday, Oc ober 28, 1972,,1:30 p.m., 32 femal( consisting of cows •and calves, brr and Open heifers, 5 performam tested bulls, coming from mar of, the top herds in the proving For catalogues contact Smith Gri fin, Acton (519) 833-2369. ' CARD OF THANK I would like to thank everyon who sent cards, letters, flower and who visited me in Winghar Hospital. Also the ones who wer Central Public- School -invite 7par---- PIA to my family .at homy ents and anyone interested to visit the school and observe the classes at work on Wednesday, October 25th anytime from 2:15 to 3:45. FIGURE .SKATING .. . .. . REG ISTRATION, _ - - --symPathy-shown._Special_thanlm_t For Lucknow Skating Cli.ib will Rev. Nicholls, Drs, Corrin an be held Friday and Saturday, Oct- McKim, - the staff and nurses a ober -20 and .21 from 1 - 3 p.nri. in Wingharri Hospital,' also to Lk, the Mayfair. Banquet Room. Power and Roberta • Whytock for the. use 'Skating will . be taught. Boys are of their facilities at the 'Log Cali welcome. 'For further information. Restaurant for the luncheon at the call Mrs. Leonard Stanley 395-5191: tune of 'the death of our father.. Al . .. was.. greatly ' appreciated. , • . eo-niey Fan* The relatives ' of the late Mis Elizabeth •M.tu•die wish to expres thanks for. the many kindnesse and visits, while she was at Pine crest ' Manor Nursing Home and it Wingham. Hospital and f dr ex,pr96 siOns of sympathy at the time o her death.. All Was deeply appiec fated. : . : players planning to p ay oc ey,,, ‘ .1 h-e-Mxtrclic Fail; this • winter inclOding. House Lea- ---- W --- ---- - ober 21 and Saturday. Ottober 28 thanks to. all who were so thought e wish to express our sincere gue';' will, be held on Saturday, Oct- ful at the. time of our Mother's,'pas • day, October 23, 1972. Successful. office beside -the arena. All boys sing. Your cards, floral. tributes from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Recreation an St Peters Guild who prepared u ily, friends and neighbour's, for th Anyone entering the photograph- ic competition sponsored by the 0.A.A.S. and the C.N.E. should'sub- mit his or her 2" x 2" coloured • . NOTICE Slidei taken at the 1972 Lucknow seer-et-ary