HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-18, Page 2aA PAO' 1V0 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1911 ditoriga council Briefs ,„ Several items of business follow• ing the setting of the 1972 tax rate at the Octoher,theeting of Luck- now Village Council, A story on _the tax rate appears elsewhere in this issue. • a • Reeve' George Joynt reported that he extended the sympathy of the village and council members to the family of the,late Ralph "Buick" MCLaughlan who died suddenly at Tillsonburg in his 50th year. 'Mr. McLaughlan repreSent- ed the Frank Cowan Insurance Company in this area and Reeve Joynt said that he will be missed by municipalities all over Ont- ario. f ANDAR TIME WILL AGAIN BE IN EFFECT • In The Village Of Lucknow COMMENCING AT 2:00 A.M. The LUCKNOW SENTINEL Lticictitow,. ONTARIO "Thal Sopoy Town" — On tho Huron!Bruca BoUndary Second Cliss Mail Registration NuMber 0847 Established 1873 -4 Published Each Wednesday Afternoon Member of tha' C.W.N.A. and 0.W.N.A. Subscription Rate, $6.00 a year in advance — to the $8:00 Donald *C. Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1972 this worthwhile projeCt," are the cornments.of Ron and Lynn Nich- • olson of Preston. Mrs. William Duffie o Ham'ii-. ton says, "I suggest calling the swimming pool The Paul Hender- son Pool." • _ • Lucknow Fire Department is to be requested to &the usual patrol duties on Hallowe'en. • • • A public, meeting of ratepayers, in s lieu of the previous nomina- tion er held, under new provincial regula- tions, is to be held in the LucRNiTlicrovni Hall on Monday ; November 6 at 8. p.m. '• • a • STUDENTS GOING Miss Jane Joynt ,"daUghter of Mr. and Mrs. 6eorge sloyrit of Lucknow, is attending York Univ- ersity , Toronto' in her 4th year of a degree program in Fine Arts, majoring in Studio Art and Art • IIEW-1-T--T • Mr. and Mrs.. Jack liositt are pleased to announce tlie forth- coming marriage' of/their daugh- ter , Heather Isabelle to Mr. Ron-, aid George Duncan, son of Mr,. s. George Duncan, Sea- 'borough, Ontario.. The Wedding Will take place Satu'rcia);•No.eri'i- ber 11 at 5.00 p,. m. in:Wiirnar Heights.United Church, Scar*- . • ough. Comments and donations to the pool fundsontinue.to come from near and far. • • • • * "We hope the project is very successful for the children of your area" is the comment of Rose Chin and Family of Toronto. • • • • • "Hope I'm' not too late getting in, m -small donation'to this long- bulance in question, a police car, fire vehicle, etc. that it would be fitting to have. But when a vehicle, by its actions, endangers all life between home base and the accident scene, it's time for some re-examination of the whole' matter. The incident in, question presented a hazard to every moving individual and vehicle on its Tali ea—ird-alfeini-gn-aringsimple-traffic- safety rules on our main street, almost didn't 'make it around a corner-in-attempting-a-left turn at, a high rate_ of speed. .41 scale of an accident—a----s quielas-possible;whether-it- be-the-am-- mentioned on. earlier occasions What They Say About The Pool We all realize the importance of a rescue vehicle getting to the some recognition to Paul Hender- sori in the Luclmow arena and that he hoped that the arena commit- tee would consider this at an early date. The Reeve congratulated The Lucknow Sentinel on the editorial and Other stories concerning Paul Henderson which appeared in the paper the week ,before. He said, "our-loc-al-paper-gavc a- -concise report on the successes of Paul Henderson and his connection with the Sepoy, Town". • • a. Reeve Joynt stated that he had to the Lucknow Lions Clu • • • • Daylight Saving' Time was set to end on Sunday, October 29th time needed pool in Lucknow. Wish you success in this worth- while project" from Grace(Howey) Anketiman of Waterloo. • • • • * "Good luck with' your project" Says Rennie Graham of Toronto. • * • • • "Best wishes for a real success- ful venture" from Etta Belle Col- lver , of White River, Ontario. tuber 29 at 2 a-.m. - •• • •. A sign, indicating the Lucknow Municipal Office, is to be instal- led at the outside of the town ha 11. History. Great Grandson Rev, and Mrs. J. E. Hummel James M. Hummel; son of College, London, is now f shawe of Lucknow, a •raduate of Fan- , Pi: Stauffer on the staff of the. Kent County ' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stauffer of. Roblin, Manitoba w'efe callers in the -Village on Tuesday Of last, week. . Mr. Stauffer , sson..of the late .Mr.- and Mrs. Joel. Stauffer', resid- --ed-in-Lucknow until l l3 When the ,Stauffer .famil) inovt-d west, Their home was thi.. house just ' Stauffer , -eaine'to . 'east ofCarnejt. Town Hall, what was to beco: Lucknow, and Earl is .a great :,meson of Ell is credited - eofmKainnit,osst.r,-.1.v“su•the Town- hip . v's .1 A DANGEROUS SITUATION! A recent incident in this town points out the absurdity of the , action servants supposedly acting in the interest of the public at large. An ambulance, proceeding to the scene of an accident, has been the subject of much discussion among village residents, particularly those who happened to be on the main street the day in question. The people of Luclunw and every conmunity have 'a right to their safety and that of their children. If such displays are allowed to continue unchecked, some 'day the rescue vehicle will end up being the cause of the death of someone who only feels he or she has the right to use the public thoroughfares. A flashing light and a screeching siren doesn't lieence anyone for, carelessness and the breaking of alll safety rules. • A request for land severance by Oliver Glenn, -for a lot on Ross Street where a new home is -Being constructed ; was approved by council. // • • • • A letter was received.by .cil from.Mrs. Helen -(Johnstone)' Dagg of London, Lucknow , who hoped that a spec- ial day for Paul Henderson would be held in Lucknow. She also' suggested naming the new sWim- ining pool the "Paul Henderson. Pool". On the- first matter, ReeYe Joynt said that the coMMunity would have to forego any special day at this time. On' the second suggestion, the Reeve said the suggestion Would be turned over Visits 'girt ace ham. I • ECKERSLEY 1100CINS. Kinloss wish to announce the forth- Coming marriage of their )oung est daughter Joyce Eloise to Mr,' Creig Eckersie.y „soy. of Mr. and. Mrs..E. V. Eckersley of Wingharn. The wedding will take place-Oct- ober 28,1972. "Here.'s a drop for your pool, hope will soon be filled, Good Luck," are•the comments of Violet Webster of London. • • •. • • • "I am happy to have a share in the Lucknow Swimming. Pool Fund. Goad luck in your project" are the wishes of Mrs.•j. A. '(Marian I.) to right, Mrs. Pearl Bell, Mrs, Audrey Macbonald, Mrs., Carroll Back row,. Mrs. Jean Robertson, - McKim, ;Dr, Jack .McKim, Jack Mrs. Margaret Finlay, Mrs. Shit- NEWLY INSTALLED OFFICERS of Huron Chapter 85. Order of the Eastern Star , are: front row', left MacDonald, Miss "Margaret Mach- an. • _onou U.S.' Convention - David Elphic k•of the Lochalsh area was awarded a •ai6S'aChi eVe% ment plaque at,a three-day G Seeds convent ion held at Nlacly inac island, Mich an for"distin- .gnished *chl chic: Penn- sylvanio , New and Ontario, The announce was Vde Ohio, district mlaim:ct.for the company, Mr. and Mrs, Elphick were heir oared before abot,171, people at a banquet at the rand Hotel on'Nlackinac' • • • • • "As this' is a very worthwhile project, I wish the LiOns Club :every Success in their drive to collect money to finance the in:. ,stallation Of the pool" .:These witthes are from' Alvin Cameron', DD.S.,Ottawa • - • • • • "'We wish you every success in ley Brooks, Mrs. Isobel MacKen- zie, Mrs. Carol Armstrong, Far- ish Moffat, Mrs. Shirley Steven Children's Aid Society in Chat-' son, Mrs. Kathleen Moffat, Mrs. Johanna Kaake Mrs. Mary New- bold , .Miss Maudie Fiiher.,