HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-18, Page 1WOO A Yoar In Advanco $2.00 Extra To VS.A. 1EpimsDAY, OCTOBER iethi ,1972 • Single Copy ,115e 24 flirts
Cynthia 'Viola Holmes, 21, ,of
R. R. 4, Kincardine, died of
head injuries in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London,. Saturday,
. bout six hours after the car she
was driifing was in head-on colli-
sion with another car on the 15th
mile north of Highway 86.
Cindy , as she is known, had
accompanied John D. Coiling
of'Ripley.to the University of
Guelph and were returning when
the accident happened shortly
after 3
Miss Homes was taken to the
London hospital by Kincardine
AmbUlance. She attended Kin-
cardine High School and recently
graduated from Western Univer-
sity in LondOn.
John D. , 21, Was 'asleep in the
front passenger seat when the
ed in going for help to the former
Henry farni on the 15th. He was
admitted to Kincardine and,Dist-
rict Hospital with a broken wrist,
face cuts , concussion and back
injury. His condition is reported _ .• satisfactory. John D. is the son
of Mt. and Mrs. Allan Calling of.
achievements and many feel
that recognition ,should be forth-
corning. •
One such: sport wrote a letter to
the Village Council and it was
read at last week's meeting.
They gent in question is from
Waterloo., that city to the south-
east where the only thing more
important to the'population than
Team Canada is possibly the
Oktoberfest celebrations• which .
wound-up last week'efid.
The letter writer•describes him-
self as A Canadian, Totonto born.,
an old age pensioner and 70 years
of age. He hastens to advise counr
eil that he•,is in no way related to
' the Henderson family.
• His suggestion "That Lucknow
Council femme the villa e
Ef&ER50711 .
Despite the sincerity of the
writer, and the good intentions he
. had towards the village, council
were just not ready to get into '
that one on the night the tax rate
was being set and with elections
just a few weeks away.
The letter was filed.
Lucknow Institute
To Purchase Fence
For Swimming Pool
Garniss TB arn B-urns
Fire Marihall Investigating
Second Fire Loss In
Six Month Perio
Mr.. and Mrs. William- Evans of
Whitechurch were recently hOnor-
ed at ainne~h`e Ong can
Church Hall in Lucknow by their
family on the occasion of their
50th wedding anniversary.
They were married in Skegby
Parish, Church , Nottinghamshire ,
England on,Septerriber 2nd, 1922
and came to• Canada in April'of.
'1929. Mrs. Evans is the former
-Evans,—They farmed-in-the--
London district until they moved
to their.farm at Langside 'in 1944
and then retired to Whitechurch
in 1966, where they now reside.
They have a family 'of three
Writer Suggests
Council Rename
The name "Liicknow" has be-
corne known far. and wide in the
past 'few week§ following Paul
Henderson's successes with Team
Canada. 1 Sports fans throughout Canada
are enuinely interested in_Paulls_
Couple-Mark 50th-Anniversary
Lucknow Women's Institute,
at their regular meeting last week,
approved a community project
which will be of great assistance
in the installation 9f the Lticknow .
and District Swimming. Pool.
,ent Of the LuCknow .W.I. , told
The Sentinel. Monday that the
ladies had approved the purchase
of the fencing which will enclose
the completed pool..
--TotafrOst-of-the-projecris est= • •
imated'at approximately $10.00.,.
• The ,chain..link fence will. in-
*elude steel posts•and steel tbp • •
rail arid will be vinyl covered in
an aqua and 'white. colour:
The project ,o4e of many
a. • • • •'
undertaken over the yearn by the „,.,.. •
Lticknow• Women's Institute, is a•
cornmendable one, ".
Died lh -Hospital .
Lucknow Village Council set
the 1972 tax rate At their meeting
last week and it is down slightly
from 1971 it' the residential divi-
sion., The commercial rate '
'shows a slight increase.
Last year due to a redistribu-
tion of funds by the Bruce County
Board of Education, the school
rates.'were reduced considerably,
a total-of -about .19 mipsialpw
ever , Lucknow Council took.this
opportunity to increase their gen-
eral rate about '18 mills to prov-
ide for a reserve fund and addi-
tional work projects so the taxpay•
Water Problems
x~erienced Locally
n Tuesday
er did not feel all the benefit of
this reduction.
With the school rates' levelling
off where they should be this year,
the. general rate, was also reduced
to level off from•last year' in-
Total tax rates for this year,
with last year's in brackets , are:
public school ,residential
104.38 (105); separate school res-
idential 107.04 (122.31); public
school commercial, 116.89 (115).
A breakdown of the new rates;
with last year's in bracketi, is as
Lucknow main street north towards
Holyrood .
Cecil Garniss had plished the
ruins of the burned out house into
the foundation and had been burn-.
ing, the house ruins in a clean-up
operation on Friday.
Huron Chapter 89, Order of the
Eastern Star, held their Installa-
tion of Officers for the 1972-73
Heart of Friendship Year, in' the
Masonic Hall, Wirigham, on Oct-
-ober 10th at 8 p.m. — ,
Those installed were: Worthy
Matron, Mrs. Carroll, McKim".
Worthy Patron, Dr. Jack McKim;
Associate Matron, Mrs.
Audrey MacDonald; Associate
Patron, Mr. Jack MacDonald;
Secretary , Mrs. Kathleen Moffat
P . D .D. G .M. ; Treasurer, Mrs.
can_RobertsomP14-;--M-iss Marg-
aret Machan, Mrs. Pearl Bell,
Mrs. Mary Newbold, Mrs. Shirley
Brooks, Mrs. Isabel MacKenzie,
Mrs. Shirley Stevenson, Miss .
Maudie Fisher, Mrs. Carol Arm-
strong ,' Mrs. Johanna Kakke , Mrs.
Margaret_Finlay, Mr. Farrish Mot'.
Ripley. •
Also taken to the Kincardine
hospital was the driver of the sec-
ond car, Gary Courtney , 20, of
R. R. 1, Dungannon. He, too, is
in satisfactory condition with, a
broken nose., face cuts, ,and sprain
rok6 ari a :a WP1 KioN 1610.,-La. lila —
car and was knocked unconscious
in the collision. Gary is the' son
of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Courtney, R.
R. 1 Dungannon.
Provincial police of.the Kincar-
dine detaChment said Miss Holmes
sons ana one udu 611.....
Edith Brown of. London , Eric of
Hyde Park; Bob of Hamilton and -
Ted of Georgetown, 19 grand-
children and 2 great grandrhildreri_.
Almost 50 family and friends
enjoyed a lovely dude" served
by the Ladies Guild. Congratu-
latory messages were received
froin Prime Minister Trudeau•,
Premier Davis, Murray Gaunt,
many gift and cards of. •
good wishes from their family and
friends,,• both here and in England.
Several who attended were •
from Toronto, Hamilton, London,
Arva , Lucknow,, Whitechurch,
Kinlough, Auburn, Goderich and
,Mr. and Mrs. Cecil GarniSs of
Lucknow , who six months ago lost
their home and all personal poss-
essions. by:fire:, on Saturday Lost
their barn by fire.
The barn was located on the
Garniss property on Rdse Street
West, just vest of Stpuffer Street
whichiLthe.road luortitigirom_ the
Lucknow Water System gave
village users 'some problems on. •
Tuesday. .
Work was underway Tuesday /,
morning to cut out the No. 3
water well below the Flax Mill
-in-preparation-for-a-sw itch-over-
the new well south of the public
school in a few days.
Work was being done by ihe
Lowry Construction Company of
Huron Township, sub contractors,
for the new well project.
Mrs. Carroll McKim and Dr. Jack McKim
Installed As Worthy Matron and Patron
Huron Chapter 8t Eastern Star
i follows:
Village' of Lucknow , residential,
40.72 (56.34); commercial,
47.66 (63.11). -
County of Bruce, residential
and commercial are the same ,
Public School, residentia
24.42 (9.79); commercial 27.14
'•Separate School tesidentia4
27.09 (27:10). There are no
commercial properties axable
for separate school ptfiposes.
High school residential 19.52
(19.28); commercial 21.68 (21.42).
The death of Miss'Elizabeth
Murdie occurred on Thursda y, •
October 12th in Wingham and -
District Hospital in her 92nd year.
The funeral was held at Mac,-
Kenzie Memorial,Chapel, Luck-
now on Saturday, October 14.
Interment was in Greenhill
Cem tery,. •
Garry McLay was born and
raised in Bruce County near the
village of Lions Head. He re-
ceived his elementary, and second-
ary education in.E,astnor Town- -
ship ., Lions Head and Wiarton.
- Garry attended London
Teachers' College where he was
enrolled in the Special French
Option.. He also graduated with
a•B.A. degree in French from Un-
iversity of Waterloo. • '
This past summer Garry attended
a special Intenilve Summer -•
se in French at CoMpton, Quebec.
Mr. McLay was hired in Sept-
ember of 1972. as an-itinerant •
teacher of Oral Fiench. He is
presently teaching Elementary'
French to grades Seven and Eight
in Hillcrest Centtal Teeswater,
Ripley-Huron Central and Lucknow
Central Public.SchOOls.
• •