HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-11, Page 23• )4' wEDNESDAY -OCTOPER ritti.)1972. PAGE Twitirowiativ THE 1.3.0C1CP1OW SENTINEL, 1-HcKNOIK, ONTARIO An irwitation to take COOP and save dollars on one of these books. "Meet The ,Candidateer .Night Arranged , By Huron Federation Out Less Tian 114 Turn Out To. Hear Form 'Policy • Candidates for the riding of Huron in the upcoming federal election got a chance to reveal their parties' -a-gricultural-palicie on Thursday night but few farmers turned out to listen. Less than 100 farmers turned out to the "meet the candidates" night sponsored by the Huron. Fed eration of Agriculture. The late bean harvest seemed to,et most of the blame for the poor turnout, The, speakers inciticted Robert McKinley, Progressive Conserva- tive candidate and present mem- ber; Shirley Weary , New Demo- cratic Party 'Candidate and Char- les Thomas, Liberal candidate. AiLtinschedttled speaker was Ed Bain of Goderich , an independ- ent candidate who had not been invited to speak but showed up at the meeting and asked to' be heard. His request was ------granted-and-he-proeeedeci-to-give--- his belief that socialism was the only answer for Canada to be strong and independent. He said he had travelled in many European socialist states and they Each of the other speakers out- lined agricultural policy of the party he or she represented then ere asked a-w-ries -ef-ctitestions' from the floor and from a s.pokes- mAn for the Federation of Agricul- ture. Mr. ThOmas said the Liberal Policy was a continuing one and pointed to' such past policies as the new Farm Credit Act , Bill C7176. (the marketing act) and the Small Farms DevelOpMent Act. He said he had spent an hour and a half one day, earlier this year with Prime Minister Tru- deau and that the PM wants to hear feedback from farmers on the problems of the day, through. the local candidateS. He said he also discussed local problems recently with Agriculta al Minister Bud Olson who assured him that the government supported atterriptS-to re-establish the sugar beet industry in West- ern Ontario and, that it was pre- pared to give cash advances to farmers storing, corn on the farm. if some kind of farm organization had none of the problems that could be e_t_up_t_41han4.1elthe face our country. ments (the government can not e of °graph- le spec McCall's Cookbook The complete step-by-step cooking and serving guide with over 750 pages. Suggested retail value $8.50. You save $4.51 Your - choice only Random House College Dictionary One of the most comprehensive, authoritative desk dictionaries ever published with over 155,000 up-to-date entries. Suggested retail value $7.95. You save $3.96 • t For warmth you can rely on, sign up today for CO-OP Fuel Oil Service — and cash in twits: • 1. The assurance of worry-free, winter-long home heating comfort and 2. A Special Bonus Cookbook or Dictionary offer that is .a real thrifty, ,buyl • This offer is available to ell new and g existin • CO-OP 'Home Heat customers. Phone 528-2125 e • Total Home Heat Service Warmth you can rely on I 1, club, SuSanne Corrin and Danny Hartin. - Ken Taylor congratulated the winners'at the show held October 1st and the winners had their rib-, bons and medalions on display. Ken-ihformed us that 37 horses took part in the show and we will start making plans for a bigger and better one next year. 'Special thanks to Mri. Griffen- ham and Ron Alton who did the, judging free of charge. This means so veiny-inudli to a new club as this was our first attempt at raising money. door prize was won by David Aal., dens. Carolyn Taylor gave a lesson 'on equitation and Joan Leeson on leads. Our full executive meet-- ing is next Thesday evening and the next regular meeting in two weeks at Merle arid Sheila Gun- - .by's. A Trail Ride and wiener roast is to be held 'on Sunday. Meet at jack Ritchie's farm at , noon. Ken Taylor has offered to take the all important Chuck wa-gon-w-h4ob-isvary-impOrtint part of every trail ride. • The Club is open to suggestions r n faext yeari-Oryinpiad. - The d convert e. le , Opt on would epaiate y school without ove pro- $ iity of the ne street, ds apart), ady stated ends to onsidera - e second- semis; ham as the,Ripley future hool district ption of 11 and corn- ardine hool after is expand - nal pro nated to be , . . • lerefore, 'wing: 5ternbr lo and second - PleY and 3nsidered a 13 ullit,With dents aceor r _ pMq0ct... th the sec- s. led by Ow irniaa), • Chairman), FULLY PROGRAMMED 2 SPEED AUTOMATIC WASHER Twelve fully programmed cycles to wash all of your clothes SIMPLICITY clean. 'A prewash cycle is also` available for extra heavily soiled clothes. Bleach dispenser, is included and controlled 4ay push buttons on.the console. Push a program button on the fully illuminated, leather grained control panel and your SIMPLICITY washer does' the rest'. A fabric conditioner dispenser is' featured, Exclu- sive SIMPLICITY 2 Year Parts Warranty. Only 27 gallons of water required -for complete regular wash cycle. Special soap cycle. Whisper-Drive transmis- sion warranted for 5 years. NON THE HOME LAUNDRY SPECIALISTS _, • ‘‘‘N.•NONAN.i01. %1t.‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘N‘ON.N.'t.\\N•00..\%N. Greer and Elec tric Lticknow Phone -5284112 dined to ame less on costs rid-' ms. The as the lments ms of staff give the money directly to farm- ers). Mr. McKinley pointed to his past achievements as the member from Huron. He said he had serv- ed as the Conservative agricultur al critic in the Houses and that it was through his efforts and those Of his party that important chang- es came about in Bill C-176 and he_Earmeredit Raul.. He took shots at government • policies such as those which had encograged diversification of - farm production:in western Can- ada which, he said, hurt Ontario egg and hog producers." He said that the present unemployment insurance set up made it hard to get farM help because the work- . ers would rather draw unemploy- ment insurance than work, And, he claimed the government rather than encouraging a sugar beet industry in Ontario had hindered it refusing-to_guarante_e_xhar if plant for processing the sugar was built a quota of 24 per cent of the Canadian market would be set aside for Canadian-produced 'sugar. Mrs. Weary said NDP Were aimed at halting the erosion of rural communities. The NDP• .promises , she said , to set up 'a farm 'machinery board which would look after a machinery ,test-ing,pcograna,and -bring-About, standardization of farm machin- ery and set up a program to en- courage manufacture andqmpor- tation of farm Machinery. . An NDP government would set \ up a commission to study the best .size, for_afar_m_unit_and would bring in a land bank which would buy upland which was for sale —and lease it-back to farmers-So they would, not have to invest so Much in land. .It would prohibit foreign and corporate takeover of land and provide low-interest ° loans to young farmers to help therri get started. She said there must be more planning in rural communities with More decentra- lization and, involvement of the local people. During the question period , Phil Durand', speaking for the Fed eration claimed that farmers were subsidizing low food prices for consumers.. He said that farm eis were suffering with low in- comes in order to keep food -Get some- thing could be done to Stop this. Mrs. Weary said that food pric- es must be kept down but that the .farmer should not be the one to pay for low. prices. "If this' means subsidizing the farmer ther this must be done" she said. Mr. McKinley claitned the -yes_ enx_gimt_lp,s .a cheap food policy and believes farmers should be maintained only to produce 'cheap food. The Con- servatives ,'On the other hand, he said , believe that if the fanner is in good financial' shape, the whole economy will be in good shape. M. Thomas replied that the only cheap food policy ;he Liber- als had was that they did a great deal of research to find ways for farmers to produce food as cheaply as possible , thus allowing the farmers to prosper while keep- ing food prices down.' Record Turnout At Saddle Club The regular meeting of Riders Roost Saddle Club Was held Wed , nesday at the home of Ralph and 4. Pat Aalders with ,areealrd- turn out. Two new members joined the 1011111:111.11.11;;;;;;;\ 'tilts ti . 1 itimettttettil, , P. ...... , •