HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-11, Page 15WEDNESDAY.' .00TONER 11l 1,11. P RA P •,1 The St. Augustine Youth Club , held their first meeting on Octob- er lst after their adjournment for the surnmer. This meeting was held in the Parish Hall at 2.30 p.m. The meeting opened with a Short prayer and-therrthe election- of the officers were held for the I forthcoming year. • I The officers are: Janice foran, i re-elected for President; Mike ' Boyle, Vice -President; Donna ., Foran, Secretary Treasurer. • Pelleted Rations? Some Livestock! Sometimes! Some Places! Feeders of hOgs, 'chicken. broilers and turkeys 'derive the greatest feeding advantages from pelleted rations. With broilers and turkeys; the purpose is to enable the birds to eat more. With Mugs therp—areff*ig—afit-antages improved feeding efficiency (about 10%), and improved rates of gain (7-8%). The explanation is that the pelleted rations provi de, increased digestible energy, increased availability of other: nutrients, and reduced feed wastage through the virtual elitilination of tines and dust. For other classes of livestock,, notably. laying hens and cattle, the advantages are largely in handling.. Bin flOw is made easier arid segrega— tion df. ingredients is reduced. Maybeit's 'time you ,switched to S.HUR•GAIN .PELLETED RATIONS? Let's discuss it. THE LUCKNOW SENTIN4 LUCKHOW ONTARIO' Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Emerson, Darlene , Sharon and Brenda of St. Catharines spent the week end • with Miss ,Lila Emerson and Mr, and Mrs. Victor Emerson. They also attended the reception for Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Millar (nee Vera MacDonald) held at _Lucknow Legion Hall with Tiffins Orchestra supplying the music. Miss Marilyn Robertson of East Wawanosh'entered the Queen of the Furrow Plowing Contest held at Sebringville on Thursday. Quite a number from the com- munity and village attended, the 'ploughing match at Sebringville from Tuesday to Saturday,. This was one of the best matches due .probably to good weather. WHITECHURCH ai • WHITECHURCH Callers on Mr, ana Mrs. Daw- son Craig and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Craig on Sunday were Hugh and Ronald MCBurney and Jim Robert- son. Hugh McBurney is from Northern Quebec, Ronald from Hamilton.and Jim Robertson' from London. On-Friday__Mrs-Duglas Con- ley of Wingham accompanied by Mrs. Wallace Conn and Mrs. Rob- 'err Ross from here visited in. Lon- don at Victoria Hospital with Russel Ross and Earl Caslick. Mrs. Ross remained in London over- -riighnWithlvlisses--Barbara-and--- -- Jean Campbell. They visited the patients Saturday morning and returned home Saturday afternoon with Misses Campbell arid friends enroute to spend the week end at Red Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hunter and Trevor of London, Alma Conn Toronto were holiday visitors with --Mr.-and-Mr-sl-Wallace Conn, We are sorry to report that . Dave Gibb is a patient in Wing- . him, and District „Hospital. The community wishes him a speedy recovery, On Sunday Whitechurch and Binbrook'k-f. tball .JuVenile teams played at Wingham diamond. Were tied at, 9 innings 3' - 3. They played 14 innings with a score 4 - 3 for 'Whitechurch. This is for 0.A.S.A. • • 'Visitors on Sunday with Miss 'Annie ^Kennedy Of Wingham were • Mrs. Bolt , Mrs. „Irwin and Kenneth Purvis of Mitchell. We are 'pleased to report that Mrs. Earl Caslick at Walkerton Hospital is able to be Lip and walking around.. Mrs. Russell-. Ross had a cast on the leg but had to have it removed. At-Vittoria Hospital Russel Ross, also accident victim, wail, removed on the week end from Intensive Care. Earl Caslick was still left in Intensive Care but is holding his ,own. Home for the holiday•week end were Alma Conn of Toronto; Joann Laidlaw of Goderich; Mary Lou Wall, Joyce Tiffin', Janette Johnston all of London; Irene de Boer of -Stratford;, John Gibb and C-harles-Thompson-ofANWker-ton„, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson were in 'Lucknow on Tuesday where Mrs.. Emerson attended the U.C. W., meeting of Unie2 and Victor visited with. John Wraith. Elwood Groskorth and Carman Whytock were in Toronto on Thursday where Carman had a, check up. Wi-Iford-Clippertonii Mrs.. 'Bessie,. Mulliss and Mr. and •Mrs. Fred . Tiffin on Friday attended Simcoe Fair and visited with Mrs. Mullis' sister Mrs. Margaret Cousins at Thamesford and Joan ' accompanied them home. r . arF s. A-rt-Dawson of London were Saturday visitors wirh Miss Annie Kennedy Of Wingham. Henry and RuditWybenga of Bowmanville spent the Thanks- giving holiday with their parents -Mr. and- Mrs. Victor Wybenga and . family ' Canny . Cooks The third meeting of the Kair- lhea Canny, Cooks Was held at Mary Eadie's home on Saturday; October '/. .-The preSidenr opened with the pledge and roll call. The minutes of the last meeting were read. Different members demon- strated how to make stuffed biked potatoes, soup and scalloped turn- -ips—IvIrs.„Murra y disclissed plan-__ ning vegetables into meals, • food budgeting and usei'of vege- tables. •At the end of the meet- ing we each got a vegetable we had never had before to take home and cook. Classy Cookies, The Lucknolassy__Coo ers, held their second meeting Thursday, October 5 , at the Luck. now Central Public School. The president Elizabeth Rit- chie, conducted the meeting which opened with the 4-H Pled- ge. The roll call was then answered by twelve girls. The secretary and treasurer gave their reports respectively. The' leaders then discnssed the following topics; selecting fresh vegetables, care and preparation of vegetables,, cooking vegetableS and seasonings and sauces for cooked vegetables. • Soine of the girls demonstrated methods of cooking vegetables • Taldh-iNere; pan 1 kirrr— and boiling. • The Classy Cookers closed the Meeting with the 4-H Creed. Salad Queens On Saturday , October 7 White-. ing at, the home of leader Mrs. Walter Elliott with 10 members in-attendance. _Meeting opened with president Janet Adams pres- iding and all repeating 4-13. pledge_in u_nison, The min-, utes were read by-secretary Kathy Wybenga. Roll ca,11 was answered by deciding on a club name , which is Whitechurch Salad Queens. Discussion - seleCting frestfvegetablei, preparing veg- etables and actual cooking of vegetables in different ways. Seasoning. and sauces for cooked vegetables was discussed. Dem- onstrations - Janene Purdon dem- onstrated how to cook squash , Janet Adams demonstrated hoW• to pan cabbage, Ruth Elliott dem- onstrated making of white sauce.' Wendy England demonstrated cooking carrots. The next meet- ing October 21 is at Mrs. Sleight'. hams- Roll call name favorite vegetable and how you like. it served. Closed with 4-H Creed. Janice Foran Heads YoOth Club MORTGAMS First and Second Mortgages laT,SOLD,RRANGED Available For FARMS ; -RESIDENT' IMPROVEMENTS 47 Elora Street, Harriston, Ontario Phone 33 `8-303' OR 338 3038 Evenings FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS LIMITED FAR MOR 411Club •C%••%<':',.:::X.;,"05::".C;4(:::44,Pe:4,C A social committee was' appoint ed to oversee the many activities of this group. It was decided. due to the success 'of last year's • dance, that another one would be held this Fall. We also decided that we would go Roller Skating as a group in the Lucknow,arena. After a short discussion the meet- ing was closed with a prayer. An- other meeting will be held in two weeks. We.are welcoming new members. 0 •