HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-11, Page 9114 a ssra - PHONE 357-1630 — . - — SHOW TIMES Friday and. Saturday at 7:15 and 9:15.• All other days, one show at 8:00, except where noted on the program. *********,nniCir Tl4URS., FRI., SAT., - OCT. 12, 13, 14 Adult Entertainment "Easy Rider" Coiour - Starring Jack Nicholson Make sure you see this action packed movie this time around. * * * Mt Mt SATURDAY MATINEE OCT. 14 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11th„ 1972 THE ILUCKNOW ENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE Brownie News NNNNNS‘s.'s.\\%\‘‘•%%00000..\\N.NtA •1,•1%‘1,.•‘• s. / / / / / / / ,41**41~6e4le *Al*AP,A*4".4 6,.. l On Tuesday, October 3rd the Btovinies opened their Meeting . . with a game "Human Ladders". -The Brownies were then put in', two groups for going out on a Nature Hunt. While the brownies were, away crown Owl tested. Jan- et Wilkins for semaphore. Tawny Owl had the Tweenies to explain the Brownie Promise to them, so they could learn it, Suzanne Kirkland was Fairy Queen and she placed the Toad- stool for Brownie Ring. We had one new Tweenie , Anne Hamil- ton. Brown Owl then presented Janet Wilkins with, her Golden Hand. Janet has now completed her Brownie work and will go on to Guides. Several Interest Badges were then given out by Brown Owl. Nancy -Thompson-and-Deborah Bolt-got— their Cyclist Badge. Collector Badges went to Brenda Phillips and Elizabeth Wilkins with Suz- anne Kirkland and Janet Wilkins receiving their Craft -Badge: . - ' At Pow. Wow we sang Happy Birthday to Marion Raynard and Elizabeth Wilkins. Each Brownie_ then had a chance to show or tell about what she saw or heard on. the Nature Hike. Brown Owl told nd Dun- .....„......„,,,,..............,,,,,......w,„ft„........... .........,..,A,,...........w., a hike next week if the weather crutch0 was suitable and if not we would Mr, and Brother Passes At Helena, Montana hold our regular meeting. Robert Mowbray. (io......N.•••••••••••••••••••.......,,‘,....,.................,....,..° has been , We cloSed our meeting-with the Mr. and Mo. Gordon art , Wingham and Janet Sleight- 1/2 years WHITECHURCH NEWS Swedish Prayer'. . Campbell of Listowel spent the By , holm. zxpected-L - Mr. and Mrs..'Carl McClenag- On Thursday, when Mrs. Robert found. week end with her sister Mrs. Rowlrrived home-from-visiting— , Holiday-visitors-with-Mr--.---and---- , DaVe Obtrrholtgerof-Wingharn, . han were Sunday evening visitors ny of us • s under al, London .a telegram was wait- Mrs., Garry Duncan of Pon Credit , Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Campbell of Strathroy Visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falconer Donald. with Mr. and Mr u<s. Aentgrtuesh,My aacn-d her son Russel at Victoria Hospit- Mrs, Milian Moore were Mr. and ,ing to tell her that .her ,brotherand his parents Mr. and-I9Es. Win. of tistdwervere-S-unday-guests----- Mr father Lloyd. Montgomery, a Tom Mirehouse , son of the late Duncan of Mississauga. ' with Mr; and Mrs. Mack Cardiff ,Craig Massey, of Unionville patient at Wingham and District. Mr. and Mrs. ThoMai Mirehouse, Mrs. Dorothy Moore and :Tom brought 8 head of Charolais cattle of Brussels ' ' Hospital. : • had passed away Thursday .„ Oct- Congratulations to Randy Scott , owned by Orville Osborne , for Moore of Wroxeter Visited on Other Rintoul visitors on the / over 5,at Helena, Montana , U.S. Thursday with Mr.' and Mrs. 'Wal- who. won ,Grandchampion at TeeS- holiday were Mr. and Mrs. *Bill •whom Leroy works, to Teeswat- He was :born. 94 years ago at the water Fair for his Brown Swiss er Fair. They' received various ter Moore and family. Lee, Allan and Linda of Burling- .home_now _owned by_Mr..7and Mrs_ --Miss-Lori-Purdon_spetz_Monda_y__ calf arid second for showmanship. prizes among them being Grand ton--„--Mr, and ivirs-.--John-Rintoul . Des Roches, 2nd concession, Kin- with her friend Miss Dale Mac- He won 1st in competition for all Champion prize for bill. The and granddaughter Kelly McKay, loss. He leaves to mourn his Bruce County in connection with cattle were brought to Teeswater Donald of St. Helens. ,of near Unionville, loss his wife, 3 sons and 2 daugh- 4-H work. Patsy Scott won 1st from Simcoe fair. On S'aturday' Mr. and Mrs. Gershon' Johnston We are pleased to'report that ° ters. His sisters Mrs, Robert Ross for her Jersey calf , second id evening Mr. and Mrs. Leroy. Winghain spent the week end with (Jennie) Whitechurch, Mrs. Bill Ben McClenaghan was discharged Rintoul. Mr. and Mrs., Tom Mas- Mr: and Mrs. Charles Woods at showmanship and third when corn-. on Thursday from Wingham `-and. Craig (Pearl) Toronto are the their trailer Kincardine BeaCh. Mr, peting for Jerseys in Bruce County District Hospital. - sey , Unionville , Mr. and Mrs. only ones left ._of a family of ten. and Mrs. Smith ; Kitchener and 4-H. : Attending a. shower last week Orville Osborne, owner of the ' , 'cttle, all attended the reCeption Rev. and Mrs. Robert. Watt of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Smith of Tor- Mr. and Mrs. Caesar, Randy, atl Lucan at the home of Mrs. Par of Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Robinson . Toronto were Monday visitors . ' onto were also c7allers at the `trail-Patsy ; Christine and Vicki visited i er for"Miss Julia Schenk, bride-to-(nee Doris Rintoul). Toni Massey with Mr. and Mrs. George er. . ' , with her parents Mr. and Mrs, be, were Mrs. Sadie Barhour, AESAR ThoMpson and Mr. and Mrs. Gershom Johnston left on Mon- Jim Strothers of Teeswater after , Mrs.: Angus MacDonald, St. was a close _friend of the manager Of Belgrave CO-op, whom he met' illaiiMoo . da y' go a few daysAiLi&Mr,___Alie__Trater. fait_Saturda_y eVen-l He]."s ., Ivirs,Ben_mcciena,ghan at-Th7TeMridni a nOtli -frithil Bob Bregrnan of Langside , whom - he also visited; Mr. Massey 'is a, feed lot manager. LYCEUM .THEATR E 'of new , :ated at -ch. These >m Mrs. Ernest nto. :r 15, there nday ' lurch here hie may ices at - Ihydreamer" immiN liormilisimpasamdr FRI.-SAT.-SUN. OCT. 13-14-15 WOMEN SO HOT WITH DESIRE THEY MELT THE. CHAINS -THAT ENSLAVE THEM! starling PAM GRIER •ANITRA FORD •CANDICE ROMAN . 'CAROL SPEED and SID HAIG oduceg by Jane Schaffer • *wen and di by Jack Hal -A New World Pictures Release a mu Imiti • laPi /MMES TANENBAUM wo JOIE SCHAFFER CHAIN.ES /EACH DICKERSON 7:74.1 RICHARD cam • THEY UVE HARD...THEY LOVE HARD... IMETROCOL011 BAKER SMITH TOM WILLIAM Amara GARYLITTLEJOHN•RITANURRAY•CARLSTERNIG ii-AWNSTRONG HARD .1.11.11 SHOWTIME -- 8 p.m. De. r HCTyllf PLUS COOK NELSON Or "Kivu t RIM mroompolow ilieliownies that we wouldSO:on' - / / r / / / / r / e / / / / stm.1 5 .a...41 6 r...1 7 ' / , ,,, / FILNIwAYs 01.0i4 A wirnriaANSOlatmonso isarrommo r/ r / . • ', •---' / IlmisdArosir e / rJRTAYNOS JAIXWESTON / • / • , TOM SKERIIITT ..• RAQUEL WELCH . 0, • ' .olitSinsijni BRYNNER ielhalif OW • / / / / / / / //Starts WED NESDAY! , „ . "ME tun van AULT • / IAN It 1 ' MOMS. NO OINIONCUIL / / ' ' .111 ;P e 44'4. NOW IOWA ANAHMLINAI / / 0* ALAN MLA MOE TOE / / '..milOIE umnsIVELI 111FAINEller. riesuirt I COMININIS - Eirather ENTEIMMISIBIT'" / /' ' "10100 iroodo II hcipo Jamestan --Liftelt GIOLIVINOLL WWI 110100 / :Oki . LiallitITRUMLL / e / • PRICKS= e / I t ii: 1Cs -h21iff I, e--.-- 1::": 4 II .1: 101 t 41. 5 4 - ' / A.-de. / / / / 3 1 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / PARK GODER1CH, ON T. 524-7 11 11491.Ihrough THURS. shov9.1Ime 8 FRI, SAT. 1.00wilie 7:30 A 9:15 nom Ccowpoift st; maaucndos "".01.111 WWI PETER FONDA, PENIsliS HOPPER J CI mcrtoscit•I • 4;-9, • A man . went ibokl bg tpr Amgr)co.. tocl;ouldn't find anywhere / r / r. r. / r.. r .1 / I. / ACI11110 Sown* IlEstim 14 / / / / / / / / / ley of d Mrs'. y. Mrs;' edy._ f week with rwood and her former cArthui under- ware store th of the d to Mr. ker and • ently to I from oved to early mis- y. 357.198/ 'Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wybenga , and Mrs. Jack Johnston and family ing. , .Kathy and Rua were at Walker- of St. Pauls. ' • . Mr., and Mrs. Harry Gutoskie ' ton Hospital on Monday, where Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul', Mr. and Michelle of Kitchener spent the former visited with Mrs. Earl and Mrs.. Neil Rintoul and 'Steven the week end with her parents, Mr, Caslick and Mrs. RusSell Ross. of Fordyce,'. Mr. and Mrs. Harry and Mrs. Bill Rintoul-and attend- Mrs. A. E. Purdon had the mis- Gutoskie and Michelle of Kitchen- ed the reception for Mr. and ,Mrs. fortune to fall at her home on er ,.Mr. and Mrs. Dave Oberholt- Leonard Robinson at Belgraye. Monday and cut the hack of her zer of Wingliam, 'Mx. and Mrs. Mr. and 'Mrs. Relison Falconer, head which required .stitches. Leonard Robinson of Wingham ,. Paul and Lynn of Sarnia spent the o other complications could be Miss-Denise Hallam-o-f=adon„----weekdd-with kirs. _ .._ • FRI-SAT.-SUN..— 'OCT. 1 3- 1 4.1 5.011111111 - . -- - - -- - -ANYTHING E GE RUNAWAY 7 . THEY WAN WITH MICRO SKIRTS \SIG NI )es NI-THEY TAKE! Plus 2nd AND MINI MORALS s ilo As Anions! 4 • ' - Iiii An Aiiihtall" 11111/11/11 OPEN 1:00M DRIVE-IN GODERICH HWY 8 AT CONCESSION RD 4 . PHONE 524 9981 4.. „ •P•et: #5746- Stiorrlowe MISTY ROWE NORMAN KLAN LINDA AVEPY RESTRICTED TO MESONS ' IS YEAIS-61-10 '0E-OVIT DMITTANCE for s, Mrs. Carl McClenaghan•and Mrs. Douglas MacDonald, St. Helens. Sunday visitors' at the Ben Mc- Clenaghan home were Mr. and Mrs. Irwin. McClenaghan, Nancy, and Pamela Fzucs, ,all of St. Thomas. Earl Thompson spent the week end . with his friend Paul 'Ackert at their cottage at 13ttiee Mr. and Mrs: Harry' Moss , Janie and Susan of Plattsville were 'Thanksgiving Day visitors . with her.parents Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan and brother Carl and Mrs. McClenaghan. Visitors on the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul were, Mrs. Leroy Rintoul, Carol, Kimberley and Debbie of Kettle-,./ by , Mr. and Mrs. Tom Massey of Unionville and Leroy Rintoul' and Craig Massey to get clothes dried from Siincoe fair where it rained through out the fair. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans during the week end were Mrs. Edith Brown and on Sunday Mt.. and Mrs. Ted Evans and fam- ily , Brampton, Mr..and MO.. Eric Evans , Hyde Park. Guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mt.s. Dan:Tiffin to celebrate their- daughter Joyce's birthday' were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tiffin and Lori, Mr. and Mrs. Bevin Tiffin and Stephen', Mrs. Elizabeth Tiffin andloan, Mrs. Ethel Stew-