HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-04, Page 20-7-- BODY REPAIR RELIABLE•ECONOMICAL 11. You II Get 'a . Good Deal Just ask your friends. You can rely on us for fair estimates, reasonable costs, exptrt work. After accident damage or just daily—wear and tear, let us restore your car's like-new look. FRONT END ALIGNMENT SPECIALISTS . Windshield Replacement at Competitve Prices 4 4 St. Helens 414- — Twenty girls answered the • roll call "a favourite casserole recipe" at the fourth meeting of /the St. Helens Happy Handicrafters on Tuesday evening. Lynda Lyons, Sally Dorscht and Debbie Errington demonstrated the making of a tuna casserole. k discussion took place on, casserole cookery , easy top stove main courses, desserts and lunch boxes. Our book covers are blue with black lettering, and each member is to make their own design. Samples of the tuna casserole were enjoyed by the girls. We -then-closed-with-the-4-H_Creed. Janet Adams Is 4H President WH1TECHURCH NEWS Whitechurch 4-H Club held their first meeting at the home of their leader Mrs. Walter Elliott on September 30 at 9 a.m. The assistant leader Mrs. Elmer . Sleightholm was alsd present.. Present for the club were Ruth Elliott , Wendy England, Linda Moore , Kathy Wybenga , Lori Purdon, Kathy Purdon, Janet Adams;Mar-y Lou-Adams.,Jan- ene Purdon, Rhonda Gibson. The meeting opened by all repeating the pledge,in. jihison.„ The leaders then diScussed the pamphlets given to each girl. -porAthievement-Day-the-club- chose to Demonstrate Vegetable Relish Plate or Tray.- -" The question Why do•we put food on the table? To answer this a note on Family Food was given. e=Fo The Food-Guide-fort was studied,'A note was given on yegetables for Daily Meals. ' Demonstrations. Mrs. Sleight- holm demOnstrated how to meas- ure accurately and why flour should be sifted before measuring. Group Work-- Jnene n. _Purdo.._ demonstrated p teaspoons are in a tablespoon. Wendy England showed there' are-TB-tablespoons in 1 cup. Kathy Wybenga demon: strated how to measure, 1,cup water. Rheindi Gibson showed how,to measure 1/4 tsp. 'flour and Linda Moore measured a teaspoon of sugar. For next meeting Donna Moffat' Is 4-H President The llicknow #2 4-H club net for its first meeting Tuesday, §tpte0hef, 26 pr: the Lucknow , The 4-H Pledge was repeated Wendy England will cook carrots, Janene Purdon bake squash, Janet Adams cook cabbage and Ruth Elliott make white sauce. Officers elected were Presidenr; Janet Adams; 1st vice, Mary Lou Adams; Secretary, Kathy Wyben- ga; press Reporter, Wendy Eng- land°. The next meeting will be Saturday, October 7 at 9 a.m. at the home of Mrs.. Walter Elliott. The meeting closed with the 4-H Creed. by thirteen girls after which the election of officers took place. The positions are filled as follows; President";`Donna Moffat; Vice President, June Alton. Our leaders Mrs, Boyle and Loreen Conley distributed the -metnberNI- a-raphiets,Ind-A)ther---- additional information. • Mrs. 134::•yle gave a brief 'outline of the requirements of the course and alsO led in a discussion of working, habits and dishwashing. PAGS' TIN* THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOV/, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER Oft, GEER TORE AL ARNOLD 'SSN R.R. 7 Lucknow Lanes Phone 529-7248 IIP 1E 4la VA S PARAMOUNT PINK SALMON, Ws --- 53c HEREFORD CORN BEEF, 12 oz. tin --- 79c CAMPBELL'S CHUNKY BEEF SOUP 19 oz.tin ,_ 53c 30 OZ. BOTTLES of CANADA DRY 4 for 89c plus deposit plus tax ANTIFREEZE IN STOCK Free ESTIMATE MOTOR SALES LTD. t. David St., Goderich 524-9449 OPEN MONDAY THANKSGIVING DAY • '0 Mrs. 'Conley demonstrated ways of measuring salt , sugar and flour. Girls were selected to do the cooking, consisting of three types: boiling, baking and panning, at the next meeting. The 'Meeting closed with the 4-H Creed. Canny Cooks. 0.-1'he second meeting a the Kairshea 4-H was held at the' home of Margaret MacIntyre on Saturday moining. The president opened with roll call and the 4-H pledge. The' - secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. We decided to call r - `---olub—KairsheaCanny Cooks__ Mrs. Murray told us what to . I look for when buying or selecting , vegetables'. , We •were shown different meth- ods of cooking vegetables by some of the members and we made a cream sauce for the car- rots. We then looked at some vege- ta les and ttie to-i entity them. t ALK ABOUT Oh September 8 the Ontario Government released a report called “Prospetzts,for the Georgian Bay Region". The Report was its analysis of the development problems and growth, potentials for this Region and your community. The Government asked for your views on how we should plan the social and ------ — economic future of the Region. We'd like to know what you think. Government representatives will be available' to discqss your ideas ate a series of Public Meetings being held for your convenience. WALKERTON: Wednesday,- October 11 • Walkerton District Secondary School, 1320 Yonge. Street OWEN,SOUND: Thursdgy, October 12 Owen Sound Collegiate and Vocational Institute, 951 Fifth Ave. East A All meetings will start at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments will tbe served. Supper Servers The 4th meeting of the Dun- gannon Supper Servers-was held on Wednesday, September 27 at the home of Miss Linda Young at 7 p.m. The meeting was brought to.order with everyone reciting the-4--H pledge. Roll call was everyone naming .a fav- ourite casserole , and giving the -- recipe. The secretarial report was read by Peggy. Young in absence of Sharon. Tigert. We are to decide whit we want for'our 8th slipper meeting. Casseroles were discussed and Linda and Bev read us a page ox so on casseroles. Achievement Day will be on Saturday , Nov- ember 11 at Wingham,High School. Our books are to be handed in on November 3. The handout sheets were filled in. The next meeting will 'be at Mrs. MacInnis's on Wednesday , ' 4 October , at 7 p.m. YOUR FUTURE HEL:R-PtAN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT BRANCH MINISTRY OF TREASURY, ECONOMICS & INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS