HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-04, Page 13H • I N ay !moupinomi.., L97 DRESPAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1971 THE LVCK.NOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,. ONTARI9 ?AGE: THIRTEEN ' ELEG EUROPE VD S TO IUL GRA VILLAGE •11 HENDE awn Lu perfo all are NADA • atulates you on Ian series, winning goal if, today' JOYNT, REEVE OF LUCKNOW EGRA VILLAGE HENDE' NADA iner! accomiiIiitnietts- ---• of distinction great country • 'SIGN OF PRIDE - This message on Luc knowt.s main 'street says 'it It was painted on th,e board fence at the site of Lucknow's new bank by a group of commim- it_y_minded_Henderson supporters K. W. Record Phoio. 'own is Lot only t to your resent. •FROM THE TORONTO DAILY JOYNT, REEVE IPAL COUNCIL -Henderson's-picture-4s available • 'ROM PUBL E PAUL :RSON, T Lions! Way leering for ENDED-. The group of_Gerler- al Motors dealers who will give a Buick Century to either Paul Henderson or -mil Esposito i whichever one fails to . win in the Labatt's most valuable player contest) includes Marvin. and Martin Starr, Bob Riimb1e, Ed Brown and Stu Rodbart.-z-Also in on_ the deal_are • Shuber, Prudential and Canadian Impe- rial Banlrof Commerce . The once-in-a-lifetime picture of Paul Henderson's leap of jubilation upon scor- ing' the winning goal 'for Team Canada against Russia Thursday is available through 'The Star. The exclusive photo, taken by Star pho- tographer Frank Lennon. is available to the public in the form of an 11-by-19-inch lithographed print. Price is 95 cents plus 5 cents provincial sales tax. Send your order to: trockey Pic P.O. Box 8182 Terminal A Toronto The picture, which rali on the front page of yesterday's Star, was taken just after Henderson had scored with 34 seconds remaining to play to break a 5-5 deadlock and win the eight-game series. , .• DM R PURI ERSON, itions On tool, Sun' )y scouts, telegram • we'd be Thursday, game on' ,hey sure ieen hap' that goal T all SO L's daughters 7, and Oration e • ga me at, Ile school ither, rn alirt• me, kiss,' p on their made the and tremendous ry proud I Canada. NTS. AND STAFF PUBLIO SCHOOL Everyone was and yelling and I cry I was so happy.' had to go finish my . that was hard." IlderSon is with her Moscow while her are' looked after by tUer, wife of Darryl native of St. Jacobs, nto, Maple. Leafs. Lucknow, Col_ acinghis own woids al boy became a Ports history le was in school he g 'hockey One daY d,an examination. I hl,dd a.t him and told at mind,the hockey e should think about as wen, ,i to him that very wkey playerg eve ' of NHL _r FROM THE TORONTO DAILY STAR . PRAGUE •---• Maple Leaf president . Harold Ballard says he Is prepared to'rene: • gotiate • the two-year 'con- tract he cOncluded 'with .Paul Henderson Iasi' slim- mer. to, reward him' fnr his . - spectacular contributions to Team' C:a n a' d a 's victory. over the' Soviet Union Na- tionals in the 'first World L. Series of hockey. It is understOod Ballard has . authorize.d a, $25•,090 , raise :Mr Henderson. "Without Hendersen,. the whole thing ,would have gone. down the drain.,!' said • Ballard, •who • is in rrague. to see the Canadian proles- sionals, play, the Czechaslo- vakian first-stringcrs this, evening. Henderson shor the ning goal. on each occW•ion as the Canadians.' Swept their last three inatelies'in. Moscow to produce an (Nor- all nries edge of foUr victo- ries. to three, with one . gatO • "I've •ca'lled Maple Leaf Gardeng 'and ordered. my people to answer the phone. by describing the place as the home of 'Paul Hender- son," said, Ballard. "The guy is a national hero." . Ballard said'he alSo plans • to work 'out special fi-' nancial benefit's for Ron Ell- ' His ; skated with lion:. _derso .. ,an• aline With Bobby_ ; Clarke of rhiladelohia Flyer's, for reserve defence- man Brian GlOnnio, and I or • three Leaf emplo•yecs who • toiled on the Team Catrida staff—traincr Joe S r • physiotherapiFt hari Elleff , and equipment man Toni- Nayler. "This is. the greateSt thing that ever happened in hoCkey," Ballard Stated, "Ptli thow did tremendous 'Work. 'After we \vim in -.MosCow 'Thursday. night, Sgro and Nayler were at the rink until. fiVe • • in the morning, . while eV— erybody elSe wils out cele- brating, so we would be ready to catch an. early motning plane," Ellis and Henderson s;gried up for two yearS in atto.rney„N,IF.a- gles.-yn, 'said last night they wojild seek longer tenure id pl-ace of large s a' 1 r. y boosts, if it's all the same to Ballard. . would think they • would, be ldoking for three 't.q lye y':'ars if Mr. Ballard. doeS „want to reopen nego- tia!ions.: kagleSon said: isn't required to,„ of eoure. Tho.:deals do exist. But I.• think it's a,.hell , gesture on- hi.), part: The'se,' • ::11 -, do 'scent to have uncthing. coming' lo' them on t';ic •c'if what thev've done.- , Henderson counted 'seven the eight. . V.anies. against the Soviets to tio the Soviets' Alexan-, der Yakushev for the over- 'all leadership in that de: •partment. ' • .• Eagleson brought up the matter of new contract's early last week.' Henderson had .13-e.en playing soperbly • .and Ellis, while not produc- . ing mach in the . way of points, .was 'doing .a thor- ocgki defensive job against •the ',Soviets' main. offensive threat. Valery Kharlamov. At that time, Rai-lard de-_ . dined. But .he said today he • ivid. been moVed to recon-, side]. in the enthusiasm and - excitement. of Thursday'S heart stopping finale when Team Canada'counted three' . . times. in -the third period to ‘vipe ont a 5-3 Soviet .advan- . t ag-e and fashion a 6-5 win... "We'd '•.like 'to put on a good show, but I know if I were a player, ,rd find ft very 'difficult :to pr.epare myself for this game even though We •are well awee that. the Czechs. .beat the Aussians in 'Apri1 and won the World Amateur cham-. pionship," said coach HarrY Sinden. More On page 14 .. Ballard' may be bubbling byt the Team Canada play- ers ,.have experienced a ma-. jor letdoWn. And• now they . come_ at that - 't h r bbin g with anticipation of the historic first.encoun- ter between their National side and, the handpicked stars of the. National Hack. ey League. ,