HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-04, Page 6THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL CUCKNOW, ONTARIO Notice To Creditors NOTICE .TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JANET MILLS Deceased All personslhaving.claims against the Estate of Janet Mills, late of the Village of, Lucknow, in the County of Bruce,• Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 4th day of June 1972, are hereby notified ' to send full particulars of their claims\ to the undersigned Solici- tor for the Estate on or before the 12th day of October 1972, after Which date the Estate will be dis- tributed_ amongst-_ those entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of Which the Administrator with the Will annexed, shall then have notice. Dated at Listowel, Ontario, this 22nd day, of September 1972. R. W. ANDREW, Listowel, Ontario Solicitor for the administrator with Will Annexed. NOTICE. TO CREDITORS In the Estate of CLARA • ISABELLE ' RICHARDS deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Clara Isabelle Rich- ards, late of the Village of Luck- now, in the County of Bruce, Mar ried Woman, Deceased, who died on or about the 19th day of July 1972, are hereby notified to send -4111-Particulars et_their claims to the undersigned Solicitor for the Estate on or before the 13th day of October 1972, after which date the Estate will be distributed amongst those entitled thereto hay- ing regard only' to the claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. Dated at Listowel, Ontario, thitt 15th day of September, 1972. R. W. ANDREW, Listowel, Ontario Solicitor for the Executors • • • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of DONALD EDWARD CARDIS deceased All ersons having claims against the Estate of Doit.drEdward Card- is, late of the Village of, Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 20th day of July 1972, are=h- =hereby-notified-to-_s- end-full_ particulars of their claims to the undersigned Solicitor for the Es- tate, on or before the 13th day of October 1972, after which date the Estate will be distriluted amongst those entitled thereto having, re- gard only / to the claims of which the • Execktfiii shall then have notice. Dated at Listowel, Ontario, this 15th day of September 1972. R.. W. ANDREW, Listowel, Ontario Solicitor for' the Executrix • a . • • MONUMENTS FOr Sound &angel and a fair price an a monument correctly designed from quality material, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS at O'Hagan, Prop. ESTAI3LisHED OVER SliTY YEARS WALKERTON PHONE 881-0234 ONTARIO Glcsss Bottles wit be discontinued Tuesday, October 10th;, 1972 FOR A' REFUND PLEASE CONTACT FAIRVIEW DAIRY LUCKNOW 528-2001. .4/49:1149:r*„. ,,,, YOUR MANWITH A 4 ../ '4 Want Ad .•;„ • , rtrw OS•ta ,9 474',2';AM.,:m ' :•-•• Canada. faCkertA Limited REQUIRES POULTRY PROCESSING WORKERS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS EXIST AT OUR WALKERTON PLANT FOR ACCEPTABLE APPLICANTS-- We offer good wages .and excellent company benefits APPLY IN PERSON TO OUR ,OFFICES AT 104 CATHERINE STREET, WALKERTON. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE 1$14550 ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR .401, .10" 41Ir IP .110, .411. 4111. ' Applications are invited for the newly-established position of Assistant Administrater of Huronview,. a 310. bed Home for, the Aged, located near Clinton in Huron Comity. The successful candidate will, under the direction of the. Administrator, be responsible for co-ordinating all purchasing of supplies and equipnient and for supervising the maintenance ..cd building and grounds; will assist the Administrator in direct- ing all the day to day activities of the Home, including. residents' well-being, personal care and nursing, social s'ervices, iecrea• Waal and Other programs, finance, houSekeeping, personnel, etc.; will have 'a demonstrated interest in , elderly persons; will have or be willing to undertake Studies in the field, including a sound knowledge of . Ontario's Home for the Aged and Rest Homes Mt. Excellent working • conditions, full employee benefits and -Sal all commensurate treisisg and experienee. Applications in. writing giving complete resume of education and experience will be received by the undersigned ttro to 5 p.m, Wednesday; October, 25, 1972. C. A. Archibald, Administrator P.G. Box 219, Clinton Ammo WEDNESDAY, .00TOBER 4th, 1971 Bruce Farm Report GRAI t N EXCH all' ANGE Las fs successful Corn Ex- change is being continued and ex- panded this year to include oats and barley. The Grain Exchange allows producers to increase the size of their buying or selling areas. After registering, supplying in- formation as to type of grain, ,quantity involved, whether buying or selling and the details of sale, registrants will receive literature on how to •buy and sell all kinds of g r a i n, plus a ..list of scale and • moisture testing ' -loc- ations (including any service charges involve,d). A list of buyers and sellers will also be included as well as the prices at points in the co-operating Counties. Last year the service included Peel, H.alton, Perth, Wellington; Water- loo; Bruce, Grey, Dufferin •and Simcoe counties. The list is divided into 2 types of corn, shelled (both high - mois- ture and dried) and ear, as well as `oats and barley. The list will be revised each Wednesday until November 29th, according to the current market and sent out to Uwe in the Exchange. After this date the list will be revised monthly. , The Exchange will not become involved in pricing decisions, 'as Its only function is to bring buy- ers and sellers together. The per- son ho registers must contact chaser or' vendor about other details. Buyers can register with the ntacting the Ontario Minis- STOCKER FEEDER SALE Saturday; 'October 7th HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES LOCHALSH Recent visitors with Mr; and Mrs: Gordon Finlayson were• Mr. and Mrs; John Finlayson of Mex.; ice, Mr.-and Mrs. Mac Finlayson of Toronto, D'onald Finlayson of Toronto, Rod Finlayson of Sarnia , and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Finlayson and family of Teeswater. Friends of Mr's. Levi Good, who now resides in Ripley but for sev- eral years resided on the former Bob Hamilton farm, •wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Good is ill in London. Mr. and Mrs, Art Matthewman have now taken up permanent res- idence on their farm here having moved from Toronto :during the past week: Many from this area attended the ploughing match 'at Sebring- ville during the past week. Among them the Elphick Bros. , the Bradley families'and many others. The Farris.h brothers , Ken and the • price David and Graham Hamilton and spent the. week end at ;heir horn.; Corn Ex es here. ,They are playing hock- local office of ey.for the Stratford Warders. John McCharles and. Gary' Stentot of Petrolia visited with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles and attended Ripley. Fair 44447.44+4+.+4+44444444+44+4 1F THEY EAT THEY STAY HEALTHY" So.' says Louis'Soetemanp of Forest. Ontario. ,'After a' winter when many neighbouring hog men had serious herd health problems, my medication bills will be well be- low last year". - Louis. Soetemans was the first farmer in North America to use the BP PropCorn.system to store high moisture 'corn. He buys in weaners at 35 to 40 puts them on 30 to 50 lbs. of starler;-tiaen-turns_ to_whole_ Propm_ Neguvon;-and-Ruelene-are-licenc--- ed for use in Ontario for this pur- pose, and all are . also effective in controlling, lice. Neguvon and Ruelene Can be used as pour-on applications and .Co-Ral is used as a' , spray.' The pour-on appli- cation, is a simple and easy meth- od of treating cattle for warbles. All of these chemicals are avail-. able at most farm supply centres throughout the province at ap- proximately equal costs. Each dollar invested in systemic insect- icides returns several dollars' in beftefits. Always remember to, read and follow the manufactur- er's label directions, and kill those warbles. Ross Moon, Beef Cattle Specialist EVALUATION DAY We hear via the .grape Ovine that farmers are being told that they have to have their property eval- Uated before they can file their 1972 income tax. We have 'a copy of the 1972 tax form and I can- not• find .such a requirement. FORMS AVAILABLE For those who wish to record their assets, we have forms to as- sist you in valuing your real ea- tate and also in listing your other assets. These forms are available at our office in Walkerton. . M. R. Bolton, Agricultural Representative try of Agriculture and Food, or. the Soils and Crops Branch,, Croi) -Science-Department, University of Guelph. Rick Upfold, Soils and Crops Specialist KILL WARBLES . Warbles cost you, the producer, money. Warble flies cause re- - duced weight gains, reduced milk production, and possible injuries due to gadding, and war- ble grubs cause reduced weight gains due to irritation ; of the animal and general stress. Grub infected cattle also command a lower market price because car- casses are devalued and have to be trimmed, and hide values are reduced. Warble grubs can be killed in beef animals before substantial damage is done, by the application of systemic insecticides during September, October or November. The chemical products Co-Ral, corn-treated corn. "Now I'm finding • that .as they pass the"140 lb. mark they ,eat less and less concentrate and• instead, appear to:eat their fill of PropcOrn-treated corn". , "My kisses ficirn diSeaSe are way down, and. all I can say 'is that Prop- . co,rrf keeps them eating and if they eat they keep healthy". e For the hi/1'story on Louis Sciete- marls and other farmed who feed high moisture . Propcorn-treated' corn to their livestock' to keep them •• healthier, look 'for the 8-page insert which. appeared in the July issue of •Farm and Country, or Write Niagara. Chemicals,- Division of FMC' of Canada Ltd.,,Burlingtori,.Ontatio Or BP Oil Limited,tAgricultUral Chemi- cals Branch, T245 - Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal 109, or ask: TED. ROUSE at RIPLEY FEED AND SUPPLY RIPLEY, ONT. 1:30 pm. 850 HEAD Consisting of 500 Steers, 200 Heifers and 150 Calves FOR CONSIGNMENTS CONTACT THE MANAGEMENT Victor }targreayes 482-7511 (Clinton) Doug Riddell 237-3576 (Dashwood) Jack Riddell - 237-3431 (Dashwood) Auctioneers Hector McNeil and Larry Gardiner