HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-04, Page 4FOR SALE FOR SALE' -- hockey equipment to fit 5 to 7 year old, hockey pants, shin pads, gloves, hehnet and size 1 Bauer skates just used one year. All in good condition. Allan Irwin, R.R. 1 Ripley, phone 395-5370' after 5 p.m. PICTURE FRAMING - our spec- ialty, , wood and metal. Snyder - - __Photo Studiot _Wingham. James • Saltier, proprietor, phone 357-11151. FOR RENT. FOR RENT -- bed sitting room Lucknow, furnished, cooking fa ities, linen supplied. Glenn's Alu ments phone 528-3723. FOR RENT -- 4 bedroom fa house, close go Lucknow, 3 ph bath, built-in cupboards,• comb ation furnace. Available immedi ely. Apply to Box M, Lucknow Se inel. FOR RENT farmhouse in Di gatmon area, all convenience Phone 529-7574. RENTING SPACE - for tent tra ers for winter storage. PhonA 3821. _ CARD OF THANK .Mrs. Garnet Henderson and fai ily wish to thank all those WhoSe congratulations byphone,inp Son, gr letters and telegrains. thoughtfulness was greatly ippre iated. . We are pleased to have this o portunity ,to thank our friends ai neighbours for the. friendly evens put on for. ,us in the hall and tl lovely pair of .table. lamps preset ed to us from •the Crewe commit ity. Tom and beloris:Culbe --CherST Mut Lim We wish to express lhanks fi cardS, gifts and good wishes e tended to us, on the occasion our, 62nd, wedding anniverary. was deeply appreciated. • AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant .44cDonald, Ripley • Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Tees-water 392-6170 THE ,l'EESWATER NEWS - is , available at The Lucknow Sentinel, 10c per copy. If you are interested in the news of Teeswater and Dis- trict, pick up a copy. BARN EQUIPMENT complete line of Acorn Equipment and Clay' Equipment for pushbutton farm- ing; * Weststeel-Rosco 'Granaries Chore - Boy Milking Parlours; Lowry Barn Supply, Amberley, phone 395-5286. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL -is for sale at Mel Stanley's Sunoco,. Umbach's Pharmacy, H. and B. Discount and Koyle's Supertest in Lucknow. HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES paid for dead and disabled cows and horses. Call collect ;';1-3459 Walkerton. Graf Stock Removal: PLAYING CARDS Plastic coated single decks from $1.19 up as well as double decks and euchre decks (euchre cards Only). Drop in at The Lucknow Sentinel. PATZ Farm Automation ' Stable Cleaners Silo Unloaders, Cattle Feeders • Andrew Berg Highway S • 1 MILE EAST OF CLINTON. Plows 402-7281 • TURKEY SHOOT The, 2nd -annual Turkey Shoot will beheld at Port. Albert Ball Park on Monday, October 9th at p.m. Proceeds in'support of . jKingsbridge Scout and Cub Troop. ••••••••••••••••• BLYTH BINGO Come to Blyth. Lions Club Bingo, every Saturday night at 8:30 p.m. in Blyth Memorial • Hall. Admission $1.00; 12 regular games of $10 each; 2 share - the -wealth games; $25 ,special; door prize. • $125.00 jackpot on 60 calls' or under; if not taken $10 added each week. TURKEY SHOOT The Lions Club .3rd Annual Tur- key Shoot will' be, held ,Monday, October 9th at 1 p..M. at the Gravel Pit, Pk miles south of. Lucknow. Shoots for -chickens, hams and turkeys. Proceeds for community projects. - TURKEY . SUPPER' A 'Hot Turkey Supper, sponsored by Lucknow .United Church Women, will 'be held in the Church Fellow- ship ROom on Tuesday, October 17. Supper served from 5 to 8 p.m. Adults $2.00, children 12 and under $1.00. • for. excellent care 'there; also friends, neighbours and relativ for CardS, flowers,' gifts, letters a visits. S'peci'al thanks-to~Rev; R, ArmStrong for • visits at both Is :pitals. 'It was deeply. appreciate AnRie 14..Kenne A most sincere thank you to wliblielpett-nralteotir-50th-weddi anniversary such 'a happy a Imethorable occasion: to all family; relatives, friends and net !lours for the lovely gifts, ca flowers and visits; to' the Town Goderich, The Maitland Cam Club for the dinner •and recept and to all those who helped vide lunch.' Tom and Pearl,Diek Harold Smith,and G,erald Mur wish to thank the Kinloss Li Boys Ball Team for the gifts ceived recently' in appreciation their coaching assistance. We wish to express to neightx and friends our heartfelt thanks help and kindnesses at the tim our h9use fire: to the Lucia Ripley' and. Goderich Fire Del ments and•to 'the' ladies who he with lunch and coffee lor the men, odrappsriebcciearteed thanks., All deeply Jack and Elleaennd T18 PAO! FOUR 4 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4th, lf? \\\ Z.N.:kskkk • '4 4. 1V *••%:' :37 , 4 FOR SALE - Beatty automatic feed and• manure handling equip- ment, stabling and pressure sys- tems. Contact Beatty Farm Ser- vice-Centre, Clinton-482-9561: - HOUSE FOR SALE - in LUck- now, 3 bedrooms, hall, bathroom upstairs, 2 piece bathroom down stairs, living room, kitchen, closed in porch, garage attached. Apply Robert 'Reid, Bob St., across from PubliC&Ittilo , phone 528-3820. FOR SALE -- used 30" range, good working order. Greer T.V. and Electric, phone 528-3112, Luck- now. FOR SALE ---- Van Dale Silo Un- loaders, George °Wraith, Box 95 Goderich:-Phone-Residence_524cM02.. or/ Shop 524-6511. GIBSON UPHOLSTERING FUrnitiire - Cars - Trucks Car seats rebuilt ,z--• recovered Phone Wingham 357-1217 evenings. FOR SALE TABLE PAPER Table Paper is now avail tole checked patterns aof yellow, green or red 36" wide by 100' length, priced $3.50 a roll. Also available as before in white at $2.25 a-roll. The Lucknow Sentinel. FOR SALE - 10" Papec hammer- mill, Ru&sell Irvin, R.R. 7 Luck- now, phone 529-7408. FOR SALE - box girl's clothing, sizes. 6 to 8; boy's clothing, sizes 16 to 18; 28" CCM man's bicycle. Mrs. Dan McInnes, Holyrood, phone 395-2856. ' -SLILY LA10E-GENERAL-STORE TOR RESTAURANT „ KINLOSi, ONTARIO 1/2 gallon ice cream - 85c , Clearance Sale of all men's, ladies and children's dress shoes from $1 to 04190 Open Daily. II:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. Closed Tuesday Evening ' FOR SALE - rabbits and chickens, live or dressed. Phone 395-5364. FOR SALE - Simplicity wringer -washer,. good as new. Greer TV and Electric, Lucknow,' phone 528-3112 • FOR' SALE - milk-fed , carions, place -order now for Thanksgiving, Phyllis Jerome, R.R. 3 iLucknow, phone 529-7605. BERG STABLE. EQUIPMENT Contact Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3 Holyrood, phone 395-5390. FOR SALE - geese and chickens, oven ready or live. Orders accepted for geese and ducks and chickens until Christmas.- Telephone George Detzler 392-6486. FOR. SALE --•• or rent, 2 bedroom house on Campbell Street, Luck- now. All modern convenience& • ne 528-3723. FOR SALE - large oven ready Phone John Rutherford, 58.6744. ROY'S ALUMINUM SALES AND: SERVICE, win- dows, doors. For free estimate call Roy Emberlin, your local dealer. DOW. EXCAVATING AND TRUCKING sand and gravel. Phone Symes Bros., Lucknow 528-3047. THIRD PRINTING NOW AVAILABLE, Norman Robertson's History of Bruce County, first published ,in 1906, second printing in 1960. ' PRICE $7.00 Add $1 for shipping and handling We also have available the sequel of this bbok, The History of The County of Bruce 1907 - 1968 written by Norman McLeod same price. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL FERRIS TRACTOR 'PARTS Continually wrecking farm 'trac- tors, many late models. Burgess- ville 519-424911L , SANDBLASTING • DEMOLITION - WORK SPRAY PAINTING ARNOLD 'STOTHERS PHONE 529.74113 FOR ESTIMATE'S FOR SALE EXCELLENT SILAGE CORN for sale in field, St. Helens area. Call Clete DaltOn 529-7124. FOR SALE - chesterfield in ,good condition. Mrs. Leonard Cook, Lucknow, phone 528-2039. NOW AVAILABLE DR. W. V. JOHNSTON'S BOOK ?Before the Age of Miracles: Memoirs of A Country Doctor", IS now available at The Lucknow Sentinel, Dr. Johnston was a gen- eral practitioner in Lucknow for 30 ,years and his book involves his life and work in this community. $6.95 at The Lucknow Sentinel. Alail-orders_accepted_ WANTED A IMMEDIATE PAYMENT for good standing timber and bushes. Write Robert Eagleson, Aisla Craig, giv- ing-location-and-telephone-number or phone• 232-4450 before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. WANTED • ' All types of fat and, replacement cattle. 'PHONE IN THE EVENING 832-5865 or phone 881-0863 EXPERIENCED HELP wanted in -- Ladies Wear or Yard Good 'Depart- ment N, Lucknow Sentinel. FEMALE HELP WANTED AVON IS CALLING YOU We're looking for people who like people - and like making money in spare time. TWO LADIES RE- QUIRED_IN 'ASHFIELP & WEST WAWANOSH. 'For information, ,no obligation please call tonight. MRS. MILLSON, LONDON 451-0541 HELP WANTED -- Artex Hobby Products' needs full or part' time help in 'the Lucknow area, contact Rosalyn Lembke, R.R. 3, • Ayton, 'Ontario, or phone 519-665-2255. WANTED general carpentry, cabinets, formica and arborite tops. Elmer Culbert 395-5298. KNECHTEL MILLING LTD. HELP WANTED"• ' FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME CUSTODIAN BRUCE PENINSULA DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL • LION'S HEAD, ONTARIO Full-time: 40 hours per week; salary range $5,300 - $6,300 plus' generous staff benefits. Part-time: 12 hours per week; hourly rate $1.90. • Starting date approximately Dec- ember 1, 1972. . Applicants must be willing to do shift work if required and be able to provide medical certificate and proof of. satisfactory chest x-ray or tuberculin test. , All applications must be' on Ap- plication Form which can be ob- tained by writing or telephoning the employer below. Apply' immed- iately (and in any case not later than October 20, 1972). ' Ths Bruce Counti•Board Of Education ' Box 110 Chesloy, Ontario Attention: Mel F. Wedow Supervisor of Buildings and Maintenance Services COMING EVENTS. SUPER CASH---BINGO Legion Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday, 8:45 p.m. Pot of Gold game - winner take all. 14 reg- ular games, SW each. 2 Share, the Wealth games. A $30 SpeciaL Jack-, pot game for $110.00 on 58 calls or' $25 consolation prize. inli•=0.1•110. CONSIGNMENT STOCKER SALE'S October 16, 30 - Abcomodation fdr 400 -head LUCKNOW COMMUNITY SALE Robert Macintosh Phone 395-5230 or 528-9912 DANCE SATURDAY • The-Lucknow---Legion-are_spon-__ storing a dance in the. Hall on Sat- urday, October '14th. Music ,by "The Twylites". Admission $1.00 per person. Persons 18' and- over , welcome: ilmo••••••=m, 'RECEPTION Tom Culbert (Delores Hart). will be held, at, Dungannon Agricultural Hall on Friday, -October 6. Music by,' Fordwich Ramblers. Lunch served. Everyone welcome, '40 ANNUAL MEETING The AnnuaLMeeting of the Bruce County Unit:, of the 'Canadian Can- cer Society will be held on Wednes- day evening, October 18th at 8:30 p.m. at' the Hartley House Hotel, Walkerton. Speaker: Dr. J. D. Hamilton; Surg. A good represent- ation froni-the local branch is re- quested. Coffee and sandwiches will be served. • Quebec, Canada. A complete, •seli- ection• of parts and accessories to choose from. No matter where you live, you'll always receive fast service. , FOR SALE -• 6 first litter sows due 2-weeks, bred saddleback. Phone 529-7264:“ FOR SALE - a wringer washer; antique love seat; rocker and 3 matching chairs. Ken MacDonald, "FREE" your own snowmobile re- pair parts and accessory catalogue, FOR SALE - Charolais Bull, 1 21/2 "Saye up to 30%. Just mail your years old, good breeder, $520. Joe name and address 'to "Direct Dis- Metzger, R:R. 3 Lucknow, 395-5482. tributing Inc.,• P.O.-Box 1178, Hull • - WANTED ONTARIO WHEAT Grades 1 and 2 - $1.50 bus. Feed Wheat Grade ;1.40 bus. PAPERING PAINTING Floor Sanding and 'Spray Paint- DELIVERED -- HANOVER ing, Fred Emberlin, Phone Luck- A Reception or r. an • age and over. Proceeds for the Swimming Pool Fund. Keep 'this date open. RIPLEY HOCKEY MEETING A meeting of hockey coaches, managers and anyone interested in minor .hockey, will be held in theRiAty. Legion Hall, Friday, October 6th at 8:30 .in. till111.1111,11)41617"..."-"a•CETNVA 10 60 IN MEMORIAM STEWART - in loving memo the late Philip S. Stewart, passed away on October 1,15 No farewells were spoken No time . to say goodbye You were gone before we kno And knew why. Our hearts still ache with SI And secret tears still flout What it meant to lose you, d No one will ever know. Ever remembered by wife family and grandchildren. will sponsor a, dance in the Luck- h im District Hospital and flnow 'Legion Hall on Saturday, Nov, persons, 18 years of Clark; also lo Victoria liospil ember 4th for Staff in' London,,'Drs. and nuts( HOCKEY CLUB DIKE Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Camera The- Intermediate Hoc. ey Club I wish to thank the staff of Win