HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-04, Page 1unconscious.
His' right hand was badly burned
by the current and all that re-
mained of the hand was the index
finger and the little finger. He
also suffered a bad barn on the
Keith is married to the former
Linda, Cook of Blyth. He has.
been with. Hydro for about. 6 leaf's,
He is a patient in Room 487,
St. Joseph's Hospital, London.
It is thought that the entirchand
.may have to be removed above '
the wrist so that he may be prop-
-erly fitted-with-an-artificial
Work Commences
To Sunoco Garage
Work commenced Monday at'
Mel Stanley's Sunoco Garage on
Lucknow's main street on anex-
tion program which will see con-
siderable changes 'over the next.,
weeks. " •
The garage residence ,hased for
many years by Mr. and Mrs. Char-
les Mason, located to the east
the garage and gas station,/ will
be demolished and removed.
is built cut over the garage and
gas pumps, will also go. It was
formerly tenanted, by Mrs, Jadk
Cooke and daughter Janet.
The changes among other
things, will give easier access to
the gas pumps 'and garage.
The property is owned by Sun-
/1 •
rho 1,11
he NEL
WOO A Year In Advance $x:00 Extra. To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4th 1972 • Single Copy 15c 24 Parts
E 39c
E 35c
Ay •
14420 •
Dr. W. V. Johnston's
Book Now On Sale
At The Sentinel "
Dr. W„ Victor Johnston's book,
"Before the Age of Miracles;
Memoirs of a Country Doctor" , is
now on sale at the Lucknow Sentin-
Dr. Johnston was a general prac-
titioner in Lucknow for, thirty years
and his book is a 're flection Of
his life and practice in this com-
The book is available. by mail
order at the same price of $6.95..
he,Sentinel has been appointed ,
sales agent, for the new book in
this area and early. indications are •
that the book viitt be much in
(-John Johnstone, sorr of Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Johnstone of Luck ,
now has returnedfOrlus 2nd year
irBusineis Administration to Con-
estoga.College , Kitchener.
$ * • • *
Miss Janie Needham,, daughter
'of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Needham ,
R. R. 5 Lucknow , has a position .
in London as Graphic Designer for
Piggotts Printing. She' is a_grad - '
uate of Parson's School' of Design
in New York.
Lay Cornerstone For
Brucelea Addition
Bruce County Warden Harvey
Davis of Elderslie Township laid
the corner stone, for the new 66-
bed--a dd itio n-to-Brac-elevnaven .
at Walkerton.
Warden Davis was assisted by
Dies From Car
Calvin Purvis, .58, a native of
West Wawanosh Township, died
on Thursday from injuries' receiv-
ed in a two car motor accident
in Port Hurorr, Michigan, the
previous Saturday.
Mr. Purvis suffered serious in-
juries and was hospitalized in
Port Huron HoSpital until his
.death ;
A'passenger in the car, Frances
Asharrt, was less seriously injur-ed,
The fUnerni was held on Mon-day from the Needham Funeral
Home in London with burial in
Woodland. Cemetery , London. A
Legion :Service was held at the funeral-cha pel on Sunday evening
under auspices of Duchess of kent Branch 263.
Mr. Purvis is a brothei of Alex Purvii of West WaWariosh , Leslie Purvis of -Lucknow, Kenneth Par-
vit; Mrs, Elizabeth klt, Mrs.
Annie Irwin, Miss; Marjorie
vis, all of R. 'R. 5 , Mitchell and
Mis."Ro'bert (Urena) Lyons, of
West Wawanosh.
Lucknow And District
Salutes You Paul
What do you say one week after it has all been said.
For Canadians, last Thursday afternoon was one of the
most satisfying and unifying days since confederation over 100
When Team Canada won the eighth game of the Canada --
Russia series and took the overall series championship, every
Canadian heart' beat- more rapidly and every head was raised
a little higher.
It probably was the single most unifying event hi the his-
tory of our country. .
where' in this country
adians were glued to
In every corner of Canada f from Atlantic to Pacific, Can-
was the interest more keenly felt, than in
their radios and television sets. But no-
the Lucknow communi ty.
‘Paul Henderson,- a member of Team Canada, had- scored
the winning goals in the 6th and 7th game of the Canada - Russia
series. Paul had played exceptionally well in the entire series
and had put the, name Henderson up there with the real big
names in hockey.
Who could ask for more from the young man, from Ludmow
who played all his minor hockey here, attended school in The
Sepoy Town, graduating up the hockey ladder from Junior B
to Junior A to Detroit Red Wings and finally Toronto Maple
Paul had giVen for Team Canada all and more than was
expected of him by Canadian hockey fans. He had been one of
the more steadying forces for, Canada through the entire series.
But. Paul had not: finiShed the job!
With 34 seconds left in the final game, the score deadlocked
More Stories'On Poges 2, 12 13, 14
Badly 1tijured Hand
In . Hydro-:Accident
Keith Loder of London, a form
er resident of LucknOw and an
employee of Ontario Hydro, re
ce'ived a' bad injury while on the
job last Wednesday and may lose
his4 entire right. hand
'Keith, the son of Mr. and Mrs.'
Wilson Loder.of Kitchener, lived
in Lucknow as a youth when his
parents operated-the Mayfair Rest-
aurant: He is a brother of Mrs.
Glen. Hodgins of Kinlough.
Keith went up a hydro pole in
the London area to tie wires after
being advised that the line was
dead. The Hne was.a:live-and-he
received Ihe'shock, rendering him
400 head were sold at the Luck-
now Gonimunity Sale stocker
cattle sale on Monday. Robert'
McIntosh was sale manager.
Six Hereford steers averaging
enswiller , R. 1 Belgrave to Bob
Jewell, "Goderich for 40.10.
Eleven' Charlais steers averag-
ing 835 lbs. were sold ,by Leo
Courtney R. 7 Lucknow to Bruce
Coleman , Seaforth at 39 . 85 .
Four heiferi averaging 485 lbs.
were sold by Frank Eckenswiller,
R-LBelgrav_e_to Lloyd Collins ,
Kintail at 370.
'Two heifeis averaging 625 lbs.
were sold by Russell Brindley,
R. 3 Auburn.to Robb Bros. „Am-
6erley for, 35.35. "
SeVenteen steer calves averag-
ing 347 lbs. were sold by Bob,
McIntosh, Lucknov,t to Chester
Haekett Ashfield for 47.50.
ClOrigOinon. Fall
Fair H:410 •
The 114th Dungaruion Fair was
held.Thursday, September 28th
with perfect weather conditions.
A parade was led by the Lucknow
Pipe Band from Dawson's Corner
on Main Street to the Agricultural
„ Brookside SchOol sang , led by
teacher Don Cameron and accom-
panied by teachers Rick Orr , Art
Finlayson and Bill Black on guit-
ars Kingsbridge School also,sang
Goderich Woman To Represent-NDP
In Huron Riding On October 30
Shirley Weary of Goderich, a,,
high school teaCher and Mother
of four, was'chosen by acclama-
tion Wednesday night, of last week
as the New Democratic Party sand
-idatefor-Huron riding_in the OCA -
ober 30 federal election.
Mrs. Weary, 38, ran unsuccess-
fully for •the NDP in the 1968 fed-
eral contest.
In her acceptance speech, she
told an audience of about 35 pei-
sons that major problems facing
and were led by their music teach-
er Mrs. Duncan Simpson.
Bob Meyer of Teeswater was
master of ceremonies. for the after
noon programme. Gordon Smyth.
president , of the Dungannon Agri-
cultural Society , welcomed every-
one. ion Alton, vice president
of the Agricultural Society intro-
duced Bob McKinley, M.P. for