The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-27, Page 16ro Get yours a today at... VG RA and GREY TRUST COMP.ANY SINCE:. 1889 Leal-and Nianager.. Elgin and Kingston Streets Goderich 524.7 381 • e rewarding art of Self-Defence. .„ • T THE 13/C001.01N SENTINEL, lekOCKNOW# ONTARIO • WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 27th, 1972 PAGE SIXTEEN Tops Club The Lucknow Chapter of Tops met at the Lucknow Town Hall for their weekly meeting, Wed- nesday. September 20th. 111/2 lbs. were lost this week. Penal- ties were paid by any gaining weight and a plastic pig present- ed to the "pig-of-the-week". . The group has diyidecl into two teams and Marianna Porter is to prepare an 'incentive' for the competition. Marion Mowbray will make the crown for the Queen-of-the -week. Inspiration Day for this area will be held in OWen Sound on October 14th. Everyone is to keep .a record of everything she eats for one,day of this week. Dr. l. C. McKim will be pres- ent at the next meeting when he will tell what each member's weight goal should be. The meeting closed with exercises tb an Ed Allen .record.. Next meeting•will be September h at 8 o'clock in the Town Hall.. Would You Invest a ,Few Hours in a Trip hat Could Improve r Livestock Income? Thousands of farmers have inspected the SHUR • GAIN RESEARCH FARM 2t Maple, Ontario. We have, good reason to believe .that many of our farm visitors take away, management, and feedinb ideas that they'ie able to, use, to their profit, at home. If your livestock production interest is in hogs, dairy cattle, beef cattle, laying hens broilers, turkeys, sheep, or the roughage production programs that best sustain livestock operations. . . then there's much at the SHUR • GAIN RESEARCH FARM that will interest, and maybe profit, you.' Here's your opportunity to wisely "invest a few hours in a trip". Get full details at our mill. SHUR-GAIN OLIVET _Mr._andivIrs_. Bert. White-and family of Morpeth, Ontario vis- . ited with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGuire and family visited with Mrs. Rob ert Engel and children at their cottage on Saturday evening. Miss Wendy Hamilton spent Friday evening with some school friendi-and-had_a_pyjama party. Mr. Bert Eaton was able to ' come home on Sunday from Vic - toria Hospital. `° Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bennett of St.. Gatharines_on the_hirrh, of a wee daughter'. Bill and Diane spend their week ends at Their summer home here. Congratulations also to Mr. and Mrs. Doug Moore of Ripley on the birth-of-a-son ,a-brother_for_Mich- ael and Eddie. -- --Thelivertmit-of4tT-Andrewt U.C.W. held a very sticcessful zummage sale last week end. They still have alot of bargains left so are going to have it again on Saturday, September 30th. Look for the advertisement in this week's paper. THIS WEEK CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 Beef Producers. The third per- son featured in this paper was Bob Emerson of/R. R. 3, Ripley ' - the Purple Grove area of Huron. town- ship. In fact Bob lives right at the Pu irple Grov_e_Cornerwith_his par- ents , Mr. and Mrs. George , Emer- son. A pictiire was shown' of Bob's new powerful tractor which he used to work up 425 acres of corn land. Bob bought this' giant tractor from implement dealer Ron Stanley of Bervieand finds it great for his farms totalling 750 acres. • • S. • * A former native of the' sixth -doncessicin-West in Huron WWII ship, Andrew Smith Cameron passed :away in the Walkerton r General Hospital on Sunday,. September 17. The funeral ser vice was held on Tuesday after- noon' of last week at the McLen- nan-McCreath Home in Ripley followed by interment in the -Riple-y-Cerneter-y.--Rev--deorge_ N. Ball of St. Andrew's United Church , Ripley was in charge. Andy, as he •.was known to his many friends here, was born in Huron township on July 8, 1904. He worked the family .farm on , which is located S.S. No. 5 school. During recent 'years he resided at Brucelea Haven in' Walkerton. Surviving are his' brotherl*Pete at Pine.River, sister tare!,'and Mac Boyd of the sixth concession west in Huron, and also several nieces and nephews; '• • • • _ 5- Early last week Norman Schmidt ofWilkerton, aecOrtipan, --ied-by--the_secretar_y_of_the±Riple_y_ Agricultural Spciety, judged the 'forty some entries in the Grain. and Ensilage ,Corn competitions in this' area. The top fields in both competitions were on the second concession west of Smoky ,Hollow. Don Mac'Tavish had the top score of .92, in both competi- tions. Incidentally Don was busy silo filling and noted on the job • with him ,were Elmer Smelter Grant McDonald , and Leonard Irwin.. Farther west on the second concession Bill. Danforth has sev- eral farms in corn - .his' fields scored 91. In the ensilage corn they were followed by Gordon Roulston 90, Gordon Patterson 89, Jim. Needham 88, John C. Mac- Donald 87, Bob Emerson 86 Francis Boyle 88, Cecil suitors 84, Eugene 'and Gordon Bridge 83. In order were entries by Don,ald MacKay, Wes Stnith, Mike Snob- elen, Wallace and Mel PoliliaTi-,' Ralph Grubb, Jack Farrell, George Emerson, Walter Forster and Mor- ley, Scott. In the grain competition follow , ing behind Don tvlacTsavish and Bill Danforth were. Gordon Bridge, Gordon Patterson, John C. Mac - Donald , Gordon Roulston, Mike Snobelen, Cecil Sutton, Francis Boyle , Donald 'MacKay , Wes &fifth, Wallace Pollock, Eugene Eitiligg7Morle—Sraty ; Bob •Erner- son , Jim Needham., Walter Fors ter , Mel Pollock., George'Emer- son , jack Farrell and Ralph Grubb. • .$ * * --Guaranteed Investment Certificates • Too many risen and women get hurt at work; just because . they don't look.After themselve The secret is to work . defensively. Here's one way,to improve' your self-defence—talk safety. YourWorkmen's Compensation Boars and Ifie Safety Associations, Ontario s Accidents are less Itrely-to happeti-when rveiyone, is alert. . , . The mire waY to. Sherry, Pollock., Ontario Dairy Princess' will officially open Tees, water Fair on Friday evening, October 6th= and Fill-also-attend- the fair on Sattirday. . • • * * * On Friday,, Rev ,. Kenneth Roon• ey of Ripley underwent gall blad- der .gurgery at V iciorli Hospital, London. His many friends wish.. him a"speedy recovery. •