The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-20, Page 22CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER DODGE PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE 357-3862 1972 DODGE Polara, 4 door, 8 automatic, power steering and radio, with 8,000 miles 1970 DODGE Coronet stationwagon, 8 automatic, power steering, brakes and radio 1969 DODGE Coronet 4 door, 6 automatic with radio 1969 PLYMOUTH Satelite 2 door hardtop, 8 automatic, power steering, brakes and radio 1968 RAMBLER, 2 do?r hardtop, 6 automatic with radio 1968 PLYMOUTH, 4 door, .8 automatic with power • Passage Sets Bath Rom_Locks Key in Knob Sets .0111; 411110. .111.11. 'IOW a/OW 411.11. .41111111. 411111. 410111111.. 4411111 4111111.1. ST. LAWRENCE CEMENT I. Chain-flat' Bill Hunter, Camer- on MacDonald and Ed Blackwell of the Lucknow "Recreation COM- mittee attended the September meeting of the Lucknow village counc il. Purpose of the meeting was to clarify some points concerning the installation of the comMunity swimming pool. A motion had been made at the last recreation meeting that the committee attend the next meet- ing of council. )pivioviintlivAypimphyoltv 111 Aeatiandk/A PREFINI$HED OGANY-- PANELS $3.99...Ppr Sheet 44.1121.11011111‘. 410111100 411101W +NNW -4111110.. 401111pARRIIIP 'motion by Whitby and Glenn moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Hunter and the pool committee on behalf of the municipality. In reply, Bill thanked council for this co.nfidence and said that fiejliad Made — errors at times, they had done their best for the community. Reeve Joynt explained the method of payment on the pool.. He said that to be eligible for grants ;mone ytaised_must_gro_ through the village accounts. He said the Lions campaign money was.placed in a Special village account and. the. cheques written by the village in order that proper grants would be received.' Bill- Hunter said that twosimil- ar pools.have been Instal-la within 100 miles of 'Lucknow,; one ...in Wyoming and one in, Sarnia. One has been in 14 years and the other 2 years. Both have proved very satisfactory and were thor- oughly investigated, before the Lucknow.pool was decided on. He said that the pool was. attrac- tive because o t e. ow main e ance costs in years to come. Both Councillors Wraith and Solomon expressed doubts about the pool construction. ReeVe JOynt said , "Any further knocks is only going to deterior- ate the canyasS. As, far as I-am-- concerned , this matter, of.discussion is closed". meeting. adjourned I HIRED IT THROUGH THE WANT. ADS_ FMK TWIIINTY•TWQi THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th, 1972 • Swimming Paoli Discussed At September -CouncilMeeting NN W. W. HENDERSO:N. LUMBER LTD. The meeting produced an ex- • change of comments about the pool installation, methods of installation and future mainten- ance which sometimes became a bit heated between members of council, Eldon Wraith, a member of council and also a member of the Lucknow Recreation Commiittee, was disturbed that referenele had been made in the local paper that the Recreation Committee in Lucknow had been responsible for planning of the' swimming poOl. Mr. Wraith said that as a member of that committee , at 'no time had he been involved in planning or choosing of a, pool. Bill Hunter, chairman of the Recreation Committee, said that .while the original pool planning e P&-cre-atianal-COm-- 'rnittee , an area committee was later formed and some investiga- tion work done and 'later still he as' an individual, because of his interest in the project, had con.;- tinued-ort the fa,ct finding pro-__ ject concerning the pool. He said the Recreation Committee , as such, did not sponsor the pool. Councillor Murvin Solomon wanted 'to know whethet this was a Recreational Committee pro- jector amens Clull_projeat_ Mr. Solomon was told that this could be considered as a Lions f ro-ject in-that they had-agreed to spearhead the fund raising for the pool installation. Main bone of contention, with Councillor Wraith was in regard to future maintenance and operat- ing costs of the pool. Asked what he wanted from the meeting Mr. Wraith said /that he wanted W see signed agreements by the four municipalities that they would share equally in future. op- erating costs of the-pool. .. Chairman Hunter tolci_Mr.. Wraith and others at the council table, that verbal agreement on maintenance and operating had been made between Lucknow nosh before, the pool was contract- ed. Reeve George Joynt stated that there had been two meetings of all concerned about the 'pool project and the .time to ask ques- tions and raise objections was at these meeting , not now after she Lions Club have been beating their brains out in raising-ftriffi — for this project. The first meet- ing was in the town ball with the pool representative present and this •was the time to be asking questions, he said. ,,Reeve Joynt said that it did not matter 'where the meetifigliad--- been held , but that the important thing was that all points had been clarified before the pool construc-:, tion commenced. The most recent meeting, he said, had taken-place at the- May-fair- P.est-- aurant when majority representa- tion from all four municipalities 'was present. 'Operation and main- tenance was discused at that meetin'g‘and there was no dissent- ing voice in the meeting when a poll 'was taken of the indiViduals present. Mr; Joynt' said tharthese-- Municipal representatives agreed and obligated themselves at.this meeting. They are all honourable men, representing their mUnicip- alities; and most of us have not been in a hurry about getting this assurance into, written agreements. Councillor_Wraith said that he had not been able to attend' that meeting but Understood that the „, agreement on future maintenance had,been made in principle and that the matter was to 'be taken back to each council table. He said. that_he would ,like. each and every council to give this formal approval. Stemming from this , a 'motion' was put by Councillors Whitby • . Got ne41 accept/ their equal share of one quarter of the operating and main• tenance costs of the Lucknow Pool, The motion carried. Buster Whitby, a, member of council and a member of the Recreation Committee , spoke highly of the work done by Bill Thuiterowthe-pocrlpr-o-rect-=a'n-d- - - other recreation activity. A I PORTLAND AND MASONRY ..• glob geni.401. gims. 4100. SCHOOL CHILDREN'S PARADE AT 1:15 SHAR FROM DAWSON'S CORNER SPONSORED BY DUNGANNON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY - SEPTEMBER, 28 BAND IN. ATTENDANCE ROBERT. McK1NLEY, WILL'OPEN THE FAIR ALL PUBLIC SCHOOL' CHILDPEN FREE FOR AFTERNOON PROGRAMME SPECIAL. EVENTS BY HURON TRAIL RIDERS ° RIDES FOR YOUNG AND OLD Harness Racing RACE (or classified) Non winhers of f500 up 'to September 1st, 1972 PURSE $125 FREE - FOR - ALL RACE PURSE $150 Horse entries to be in not later than 10 a.m. on September 28 SATURDAY, SEPT.. 30 DANCING TO COUNTRY MLIS1CMEN 1.0 - 1 GORbON SMYTH, PRESIDENT R.R. 2 AUBURN T. M. DURNIN, SECRETARY-TREASURER 'I UNGANNON -44