The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-20, Page 17ing, transporting, and carpentry work involved in this year'sprep- gration will be more than wel-come. It is remarkable how many turn out each year to co- operate in thig work. 0. 0- • * • Lester Ferguson states that Miss Katherine Craig of' Kincardine • Township, who' is now the Bruce County Dairy Princess, will be, in the parade at the Ripley Fair. Kathy. is the granddaughter of Mrs. Fills Gossell of Ripley and a stud- ent nurse at. Victoria Hospital in London. She was the runner-up to Sherry this summer and now takes the Bruce County title when Sherry won at the C.N.E. in Toronto. is Wee BY AB WYLDS Miss Sherry Pollock° was able to get home about the middle of last week after-putting over a diousand miles on the new white car. In the week she was at Buf- falo, Stratford , Kleinburg , Rich- mond Hill and London. At laeinburg she met Pierre BUrton, swell known on teleVison, and talked with him. He is a resident of this town just outside Toronto. She also met the vice president of the C.N.E. Doug [timer. Doug, knpwn to some lathe Ripley area , livei in Schprriberg wnere Sherry's aunt sail uncle also live. ' I 4. 'S • • • * WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS TO ATTEND THE ‘-• of the WILLIS CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE 480-9th AVENUE, HANOVER, ONTARIO Sunday, September 24, 1972 from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. JOHN C. WILLIS, CHIROPRACTOR - Fall Fertilization Pays Phone ,428-2125•'• • Distric • 47 Elora Street, Harriston Ontario Phone . 1:18-1011 OR 338-30 3 8 -ew Dundee 696-2926 Evenings 357 - 1 656 EDIIESPAY„ SEPTEMBER 20th, 1912 X12 THE 1.1,1CICNOW SENTINEL, 14,CKNOW, ONTARIO PAO' SIVENTEENI last Friday morning the rail- mad.crossing near the Ripley Chopping Mill was fixed. The old plank in this crossing was the orst of the wear from the traffic. Some were split and rotted and each time a. car sped over them aburhpy sound occtirred-:-No tore will this .be the case as the railway section crews from Wing- ham-and Palmerston removed all e plank and laid, new asphalt pavement. The blaCk paving rerial,came-from—Durbam-and_---- emen used one of their own ks to roll it down smooth. Cache job were Alf Ritchie and on Gardiner of the Wingham crew and Elwood McTaggart and Willis Gregg from Palmerston. Detour signs were placed in ' front of Albert Verheye's restaur- • Shortly before noon dri Friday . the Ripley fire whistle sounded. The fire was at the farm of Jack Curran-on the ninth concession of Ashfield township where at the time it was reported that both the house and barn wereturning. It is understood that the Lucknow Fire Department , facing a" tough struggle with the brisk southwind blowing at the time, called for Ripley to help. The fire com- pletely destroyed the renovated home of the. Curran family vl.ho were away at the time. The firemen saved the barn. The breezy south wind was fine for drying the harvest crops but very bad for fire fighting. * * * • * The farm sale of Mr. and Mrs. -Russ Needham is scheduled for this Saturday at their place on the 10th concession West In Huron • Township. Given a nice day it should be a big 'ale judging by the contents listed...__Mr_and1Mist Needham, Donna and Mary are going to live in. Ripley. Mr: and Mrs. Donald Farrell, who were married last Saturday, are tak- ing over the farm. Recently Murdock McDonald, caretaker, at both the Ripley District High School and Ripley Post Office, suffered a heart 'attack and 'has been.resting at his-home—here-under medical care. Helping his wife Pearl at the school is Mr. McCallum and art-he-post office het sister-in law Mrs. Maftha•Huston. Ripley area folk wish. Murdock a speedy recovery. * a • There was a stir around Ripley last Saturday morning as people' got their weekend shopping done, Then at noon one could feel and see the streets quiet down as many people made their way to Lucknow at noon to see the big parade and enjoy the nice day at the Lucknow Fall Fair. Then again about in the afternoon the tempo in 'Ripley 'picked up as people_began,to_return_hame. Village foreman Ambrose Gam7 had .the underground copper piping and water stop leading to' • the tap in Gore Park repaired on Saturday.. This inVolved consid- erable Work in excavating, remov- ing •ro en pars7t-'—arifl'ating- them. In this he was assisted by his son Allan Gamble , John Mac- Donald and Redvers Johnson.. • • Ripley's two grocery stores, operated by Mrs. Grade Carruth- ers and Mr. and Mrs. Lawri • James, each had new lady clerks assisting -the regular staff this past week. At Mrs. Carruthers' store, where Mrs. Wayne Nixon is now the regular clerk, Mrs. Noreen MacCharlesJefur,ned for a day and at the James' store, • where Mrs. Grace Murray was on vacation, Mrs. Danielle Martel was on the job. • Up from Toronto for the week • end-vas- William- -Robert-son of . Agincourt. Dill Visited with his sister Mary and brother Bobby' at their home on the 10th COnces- sion east. He also visited with friends in Ripley and attended the Lucknoii fall fair on Saturday. * * * • * Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Pollock and family Of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pollock of Toronto visited on the-eekerld inithe Ripley area l - • * * • • sted 1- in on In Riple ant and at the Ripley rink corner re-routing the cars andtrucks around route 403,. or Malcolm Street. Placing the signs for- the village were Ambrose Gimble and Redvers Johnson, • * • 41 * • Next week President Lester Ferguson and the directors will be getting the display stands up and the park ready for the' Ripley-Hur- orvFall-FairTen-Ri,clay-a-n&Satur-- day , September 29 and 30. Since these stands must be taken from storage and .pUt up in both, the I Ripley District Hip School audi- torium and the Huron Township hall each year , a work crew will Start next. Monday evening. Any- one wishing to help with the lift- • • • • ••••• • „ • BULK SPREADING SERVICE for convenience hy is a Fall application of fertilizer so profitable? PDRES.§ING RAY AND PASTURE insures' winter Nardi- ,and-hence—wi : I , creased soil fertility level also means extra spring and summer wth—higher yields/more feed per acre/more milk per cow'/ regain on beef. ALLPLOW-DOWIVitialiot ler important requirement or next B cash crops. Plow-down prevents seed burning when a larger cunt of fertilizer than is safe to apply near the seed, is to be The fertilizer is better, mixed in soil and where straw or corn ks are turned under; results in a, faster decomposition. ry EMEMBER ! CO-OP Bulk Spreading is fast, labour saving and ornical.You get CO-OP Fertilizer spread for you at approxi- tely the bag price. Another of the many farmer-owned Co-op lees. A reception dance was held on. Friday evening in the auditorium of the Ripley District High-School for Mr. a rrd Mrs . Bruce-Colwell. Glenn Boyd's orchestra supplied " the music. Mrs. Colwell is the former Shirley Reid, a grad- uate of the Ripley school and it was nice for them to hold their' receion in the auditorium be- fore leaving for their residence in Winnipeg. Shirley's grand- father „the late John H. Reid of 'Pine 'River ,:was .one of a dele- gation of three of us who went to Toronto in March 1962 to secure permission to build this-auditor- ; iutn , so .perhaps this event was also a fitting tribute to his corn- -munity-wOrk. Special Meeting -Of Water System • • S. • WHITECHURCip NEWS A special meeting of Willie- church Water. System signers and those in need of water was held -on--Friday evenirig-in Whitechurch Community .'Memorial Hall. , There were 25 =enders with 4 hollseholders in need of water. The president. John. Jamieson open. ed the meeting with a welcome, to all. Elwood Groskorth then ex- plained_the_water_systemis_super- viv.sd by the Ministry of Environ- ment ',. replacing Ontario Water Resources7----He-theirexplained the system equipment and finan- cial standing. A Yearly rate was set at $54 for 10 years, payable November 1, and to Ray in full $500. If 5 new signers wish water' and pay in advance the system will prb- ceed with necessary changes. It was agreed to pay Elwood Gros- korth .08¢ .a mile expenses when on system business and $2 per hour for work at system. MORTGAGES First and Second Mortgages BOUAIIT - SOLD - ARRANGED Available For FARMS - RESIDENTIAL • IMPROVEMENTS FAR MOR FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS LIMITED