The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-20, Page 10' ; a •••- V .;• L ; 1 ••• k I• 1 F#' • Purchase 50.0oirs. For Church Hall The September 'meeting of St. Joseph's Council Catholic Women's League. was held Mon- day evening in the Parish Hall with eighteen members in attend- ance, Father Ed Dentinger open ed the meeting with the League prayer and. Mrs. Joe Courtney pres ided. Church. Life Convener, Mrs. John Austin gave the scripture reading taken from St. Matthew , Chapter 21, verse 18 followed by her monthly report. The prayer for vocations was said. Father Ed Dentinger gave an interesting account of the bus trip to Our. Lady of Fatima Shrine , -St-:-Maryls-rOntarior A reading _ entitled "Fashions" was given by Mrs. Wilfred Austin. _ . complete catalogue. For you .,..a Kecpsake:copy :.'of your Invitation in luxurious gold.. Select your wedding inv.i_tations from our IN.TERN 4rioNAL STSATFOAD THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL • - • After a summer recess, the Pine River U.C.W. met in the Church on Tuesday evening for the September meeting. Mrs. Car- rick Coiling., conVener, presided for the worship service. • • Mrs. Ron Irwin read the Scrip- tures and led in prayer. The C.G.I.T. girls were present . to sing several African songs. Mrs. Coiling introduced the Study of Africa, concentrating on Ghana and gave, an interesting and informative sketch, also condudting a question and answer .period. A play - "An African _Family" was enjoyed with parts taken by Mrs.. Carrick Coiling, Mrs. Mervyn Funston, Mrs. Jack _With Mrs. Lynn Lowry at the org- an everyone joined in singing ''Onward Christian People". Following the worship service all went to the basement where Abe_business-was-conduCted_ar_ound .the luncheon tables. The Presid- ent , Mrs. Bob Rutledge presided. Mrs. Murray Farrell gave the 'Treasurer's report. Rev. Mr. Hill closed the meeting with the Benediction. Pine ,River UCW THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO The regular meeting of Trinity U.C.W. was held, on September 14 in the Church basement with . an attendance of 17 ladies and one Child. Mrs. Jim Hunter' opened the meeting with a verse "Three Gates of Gold". Hymn 82 was sung and the Lord's. Prayer repeat- ed in unison: Dertions were on the Study of Salome "The Ambi- tioui Mother". Scripture was read by Mrs. Jerry Cranston and ,the 'Bible Study was given by Mrs. Ken Alton who als,o closed devo- tions with prayer. Mrs. Hummel read an invitation to "World- Mission Event" to be held in Walkerton., October 1. with a Resources Hour being held 'at 3.30 p.m. and a, Mass Rally at 7.30 p.m. Mr. Hummel, asked for a committee to be named to help him plan "Church Week" later this Fall. Mrs. Alex Hackett., Mrs. Charles Wilkins arid-MfS.-Chesteriiac-k- - ett , were nominated, Dr. Lambert of Goderich will be guest speaker at our Fall Thankoffering to be held on Oct- ober 12 at 8.30 in the evening. ,--7=-Mrs--.HumrrieLintroduced ter .• the.horne of Mrs„...George Jar- guests, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur . dine. Mrs. Cam Thoinpson open Menzies. Mr. Menzies has 'ed the call to Worship. The. been Canadian High Commission- scripture was read by Mrs. Ross er to Australia for..the past six Henderson.-' Mrs, Bryce . Elliott and a half years., Mrs. Menzies had the meditation. We sang • spoke to us, comparing the differ- the Hymn "When I survey the ent ways , of life Australian womr wondroud Cross" and we closed en have to Canadian VOttien. with Ivlfs-Milfray-Fiehderson Mr: Menzies spoke about New leading in prayer. Mrs. Garnet liendemn gave a reading,. Mrs. Bryce Elliott introdticdd the guest speaker Mrs. Ewan MacLean. Mrs. MacLean's topic was'"Worn- in theSouth Pacific and We en- joyed them both very much. Mrs. Jim Hunter had a .short prayer and closing hymn was 301. A dainty lunch was -served .by..the committee in z arge- a and Mrs. Russel Alton are host- / esses for October •meeting. by Mrs. David' Haldenby. Mrs. Bill SCott favoured with a lovely solo "Nothing is' imposs- ible". The roll call was answer, ed with the word "harvest". Cor- -respondence-was-read: Mrs. Jack Scott introduced Mrs. Frank Fair of Ripley, who brought many Worthwhile thoughts on . "Working partners with God". — Mrs-,-Mid ford -Wall-thanked _ . Mrs., Fair and presented her with a remerribrance on behalf 'of the ladies. Members.from the 'Bervie A.C.W. were guests and a wel- come was extended to them. "Touching shoulders with you" was given by Mrs. Roy Schneller. Miss Edna Boyle conducted .a con- test on "hymn titles". Cards were Signed forthe-sicli, Grace was sung and the meeting Closed with prayer after which a buffet luncheon was served, Mrs: Ronald Thacker gave .the courtesy remarks and Mrs. George "Young Spoke on behalf of the ' Bernie branch, 'The October meet. ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Ronald Thacker. The September meeting of the Anglican Chtirch Women was held On Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jack Scott. Mrs. Gertrude Walsh Ps Mrs. Roy Schneller read the tuie and prayer. followed: Th meditation on harvest was prepar- Hear Of Life In Australia strong of Winghatn Presbyterian Church, and special music by a'quartette from Lucknow at 11. 00 a . in. In St: 9aul's Anglic anChurc h; Bishop Appleyard of London con- . ducted Deconsecration service at 3.30 p.m. following the closing of their long-established church Mrs Ewan 'MacLean Is Guest Speaker There were 15 attending the September meeting of Unit 4 of Lucknow United Church Women 4 110th ANNIVERSARY SERVICE ST. HELENS UNITED- CHURCH. • Sunday, .Septembei! '24th. MISS ANNETTE OUGHTON, SOLOIST A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED' TO ALL 'GUEST MINISTER Rev:Robert Nicholls, B.A. of Lucknow United Church at 11 o'clock AT The Treasurer's report was ---:Guinea and other small islands given. Slides were shown and a LUCKNOW UNITED , CHURCH Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. Minister SEPTEMBER 24th 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship GUEST SPEAKER Rev. James Hummel Those Wishing transportation to church contact Wm. G. Hunter 528-2741 POINT TO PONDER - The way we treat people is the way 'we treat God. * Tenant De Chardin Liicknoii • Presbyterian Church pietui NOtile, MA.; B.D. llllniiter Phone 5282740 'SEPTEMBER 24th - 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship at • Correspondence was read. The Stratfoid Deanery meeting is being held in Goderich this yearorr-Wednesdayepternber - 20th. . " • A motion was .made by Mrs. John Austin and seconded by Mrs. Carl Riegling that we have a social evening and water safety films be shown when the presen- sation of the citations are made to Rita Knoop and Kathy Doherty. comnientary given by Mrs. Bob Howard and Mrs'. Joe ° Courtney of their trip to St. Jos- eph's' Oratory Montreal , Cap-de Madleine and Saint Anne de Beaupre.----Roll_Call_was_taken by Mrs. lark Dalton. Mrs. John Howard reported on tire Girl Guides 'for Mrs. Walter Clare. Guides will .commence on Thurs- day, September 14th with new leaders Mrs. K. Vanderburg, Mrs. T. Van Diepen and Misi Judy Moran.' A motion was made by Mrs. John Howard and seconded by Mrs. Bob Howard that the - C.W.L. look after dry cleaning ering report was read by, Mrs. • John. Howard,. 'A motion was made 'by Mrs. John HoWard and seconded by Mrs. Reis •Miltenburg - -that we-purchase- 50-chairs-fog the'hall. It was moved by Mrs. Carl Riegling and 'seconded by , Mrs. Mark Dalton that we see --about-hractes_for the_tables__ Mr's. Jim Martin, Communica- tions and Public' Relations COn- vener,_gaveher report. Orders are now being taken. for League Pins. Mrs. Mark Dalton, Social. Action Convener, read an article on Catholic organizations. • It was decided to try luminous, paint on our new sign. Mrs. Carl Riegling reported on . the furnishings-in_the rectory , the ... Marian Villa Guild, the blind appeal and our family in India.' It was moved by Mrs. Carl Rieg- ling , an'd seconded by Mrs. Bob Howard that we send a gift to the • girl in our Indian family who is soon to be married. The Thompson Nursing Horne in Ripley closed on July 31st. Mrs. John Austin, Mrs. John Van Rooy and Mrs. Ries 1V1iltenbing took some of the patients on an outing before the-hot .treAtted The meeting.. was adjourned by Mrs. Frank Riegling and 'closed with prayer. During Inch the - (Frank Gi ft was won by Mrs. 'Frank Riegling. en in the Service' of the Church", 'She said that it didn't matter • • whether you have on talent or , two as long as you use it to the best of your ability. She finished with•a Poem called "The Little Things" M urray gs". Henderson thanked' a gift. Mrs.. ,Thompson thanked her • committee and Mrs. Jardine for • the use of her home. NeClosed' singing-the Hymn "Jake my Life . and Let it Be". Ernest • • - Ackert commenced the business with the offering and the .offertory prayer. ;Mrs.- Nckerf•thablted.. Mrs-. • Mac-Leanher-loyely_taik.L. and the committee. She,•gave a. -' reading "Lord Of the Harvest". The roll call.was answered by what each member had done on their vacation. Mrs. Gerald .Priestap read -the minutes,. It-was mention- a at t.--1:k--trabernieet---- ing. has been changed ,to the home of Mrs. Bob: McIntosh, • Mrs. Jack Treleaven gave the •, treasurer's report. Mrs. Ackert ,finished the business- with, a..'read-• ing concern i ng Stewardship. A Ieltc-i-ons-tinch-vra-s-serveed-by-rehe— committee. . • vignro WEDDING INVITATIONS • PAGE, TEN. - i• • • r. . Mrs: Frank Fair Was ACW Speaker The United Church had 11.00 a.m. and 7.30 pan. services at which 'a former. minister, Rev. W. J. Rogers (1945-1947) was guest speaker. His sermons --were-entitled "What-have--we • done well over the years?." and. "Repugnant Virtues". The Jr. Choir in the a.m. provided lov- ely numbers, "I Found a Miracle'! and "All By, Ourselves"_and_tbe five Erringtpn family sang'"Holy, 'Holy, Holy". In the evening 22 members of the Belgrave Men's Choir under the leadership. of Rev. Roberts gave two nurn- hers , Steven Sallows of 'Wingham was their-organist. It is, good to hear music provided by Karen Rivett and Steven Sallows, both quite .young people.' ' The flow- ers were gifts from former mem- bers as memorials. Lunch-served follow ing•t4e_____ morning service gave an opporturt ity to renew acquaintance with Rev. and ML'S. RogetS and other friends. Rev. Claxence Mc- Clenaghan conducted the services WEDNIESPA7G SEPTEMBER 20th, •1972 LUCKNOW ThreeSpecia Church Services At Dungannon DUNGANNON NEWS ' On Sunday special services .were held in each of Dtmgannon's 'churches. .; The Presbyterian Church 'had „Rev . Robert Arm- CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH- / W. Van Siempvcoort Pastor Services: 10:00 a.m. Seryice 2:30 p.m. Service VISITORS WELCOME .0%.•••••••..osi•••••••••••••Nosos.".. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••W%•.......^.0%,..o.,..woiev