The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-13, Page 17s. Mary CouSins. and George 1972 PONTIAC Le Mans 2 door hardtop 1970 FORD Custom. SOO, 4 door V8 automatic 1970 OLDS Cutlass Supreme 4 door hardtop, VS automatic power steering, power brakes, vinyl roof 1970 FORD XL, 2 .door hardtop 1970 FORD Custom SOO, 4 door, V8 automatic, power steering 2— 1970 CHEV Bel Airs 4 door& VI automatidl po vier Oqu!ppod 1969. CHEV stationwagon, V8, pawer steering and power brak4 1969 NOVA 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic 1969 AMBASSADOR, 2 door hardtop, VS automatic, air 'conditioning 1969 CHEV 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic transmission 1968 PARISIENNE 2 dc‘or hardtop, power steering, power brakes and radio 1967 PONTIAC"Grand Parisienne 1967 PLYMOUTH 4 door sedan, 6 automatic and radii 1967 BUICK Wikkat 4 door hardtop, fully.. equipped r or whole or half The Road Superintendent was instructed to apply for the Interim Stbsidy on road expenditures on a motion by Councillors McDonald and Aitchison.; - - - The road accounts were 'ordered paid on motion of Councillors Aitchison and Durnin. The, following general accounts were passed for payment on mot tion of Councillors McDonald.and Durnin. 4 Genevieve kinalian, Purdon Drain account , 207,16; Wrn.L.Ki ahari, NrdOn train account , 55.36; Lorne Durnin, refund of taxed (1967), 13.75; Municipal' World -Ltd"-- forms Acts-T-20,48;-- J. A . McDonagh Agenay, come' pensation premium, 47.00; Allan- Miller, sheep claim, 225.10; Jas. R. Aitchison, livestock. claim, • On motion of Councillor Hick- ey, the meeting adjourned to October 3rd, at the Hall at 8.00 p. m . --JOAN ARMSTRONG,: -CLEW. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL offers a complete selection of. weddiqg 'announcements -styled-for, the diacrim. , inating, ask far • - rri7-11P • 194 EDNESOAY, SEPTEMBER 11$11. 1972 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUC OW, ONTARIO nom smiiterio. sm. SEPTEMBER 15 AND 16 ,Sc 17c on E. sper, ugust ny >nton . She LUCKNOW OWNERS -- W. JOS. and DEAN E. AGNEW DUNGANNON Thresher's 'Reunion at Blyth On • .Saturday. On Sunday Miss Patsy Million and Mrs. Elsie Dahm,of Stratford visited Mr. and Mrs; Ivers. A few ladies met at Brookside School on Monday evening to organize a 'Weight Watcherf Group" . Ripley. W1.7 Dessertand Euchre. • A dessert and euchre party was enjoyed 'by, the Ripley Women's Institule members and friends On Friday afternoon in the Legion Hall. Prize winners were Mrs. John A. McDonal4 and Eva Cul- bert. 'The person with the near- /est birthday to the date was Mrt. Peet Who received a corsage. Mis Gemmell was convener of the . program. Following the euchre a brief business meeting was held with Mrs; McLean and Mrs. Joe Scott • presiding. Members were asked to bring two pies to the Women's Institute booth at the Fair. Mrs. Peet and Mrs. lack Scott will attend Training School on "Dress- ing up Home Grown Vegetables" and will lead the 4-H Girl.S. The Senior Training school on "Work- ing with Knits" will be attended by Mrs. Peet and Mrs. Donald Blue. A vote of thanks was ex- tended Mrs Lock for her work in convening the booth at George McDonald's sale in July. It was reported that $116.00 was donat- ed to Kincardine Hospital Atixil- iary as proceeds from the hospit- al tea, Ripley Institute will pres• nt-orrOctiaberthe=s1dilch--• was given at Silver Lake Cele- bration, at Whitechurch. The next meeting will be held on October 13th when the Senior • Citizens will be entertained. Members were asked to keep in mind the County Rally on the third Thursday (56-6517er, , to be held in Allenford, 7 16 ft. cedar strip, 41 H.P. electric motor at;ItElf.11e1WW1c-start .BE .SURIE . TO VISIT OUR DISPLAY • AT THE LUCKNOW FALL JAI somps imiplivimmemmovemmiNetwagasOmmi•Ormallivamelpoimmiviiallompollpowo SCHMID'S JEWELLERY-A-ND-CHINA le son h n) ;AMOR' (Flor- nd , ichildren Mrs.. Percy. Graham of Lucknow ted Friday with Mrs. Thos. held on Edmon- Jasper• tiCknow Frank 1i-S-home frOfi-Okbt-- , Alberta, for a holiday. with parents, Mi. and Mrs. H. y, and other members of the Miller of Detroit visited Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ivers this week end _and with themkey attende the PHONE - 5234342.. BLYTH mg West-Wavginosh ite-SoppbtkOstst Fitst..Come-4irst Served f Beef es 0. ides eef ood Hamburg Homemade Sausage ' 50 Ib lots 0 noots 4 9c LB. 5 2 c LB. -THESE.PR-ICESANCLUDEICUTIING=W-R-APPING ----- AND QUICK FREEZING AT NO EXTRA CHARGE • PLE RIPLEY, ONT. STORE HOURS Tam '6pm CLOSED THURSDAY AFTERNOONS EAT MARKET 3954961 The regular September session of West•Wawanosh Township Council was held at the Hall on Tuesdayth. evening, September • 5 The-minutes Of-a-Teefal July meeting and the regular August session were read and adopted on motion of Councillors Hickey and AitChison. i he Crea was instructed-to write the Lucknow' Fire Depart- ment, in .regard to providing' more efficient fire yrotection to the rural areas. Resolutions from the Town of Clinton and the Erie .Economic Council were placed before Coun cil, and the Clerk was)NT'D =instrueted-±-wfile-th Council decided to contidercthe Dungannon,Drainage Works Re- port ori_Sept-einber--26th-and--in structed the Clerk to make the necessary preparations for that • date. 85.00; Herb. Finnigan, sheep claims, 67.00; Donald Thompson „livestock inspection, 7.00; Harvey McPhee, livestock inspec. dons, '21.00; Robt. Aitchison, -livestoc k inspecTion , 7:0-07— / ROAD ACCOUNTS Harvey Culbert , salary , 411.33; George Humphrey, operator , 429.79; Allan 1V1cDoniald , opera - tor, 339.29; Don Hunking, load- ing and hauling, 4707.86; Rob- ert Purves, pit run gravel, 818.35; ' Corrugated Pipe. Co. , couplers., .13.05; Huron County , chloride (Auburn), 11.03; B.P. Oil' CO. , fuel and grease, 456.89; D.R.M. 'Co: Ltd. , hose and bolts, 20.63;. ord's Ga-rage,-tire-repair, .105.78; iMartins Store, gas and supplies, 13.41;.1. A. McDonagh, ,compensation ins. , 250;25; Sig-. nal Star, tender, 3.75; Receiver General, C.P.P. , U.I. I.,T, , 326.1)3. 9c L .„. 1,,