The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-13, Page 14Canada Packers Limited POULTRY :MESSING WORKERS. IMMEDIATE. OPENINGS EXIST AT OUR WALKERTON PLANT FOR ACCEPTABLE APPLICANTS We offer good wages and excelled company benefits APPLY IN PERSON. TO OUR, OFFICES 'AT 104' CATHERINE, STREET, WALKERTON. • FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE $111.05;0 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th, 1 Dungannon 4-H DUNGANNON I The first meeting of the Dun- gannon I 4-H Club was held at the home of Mrs. Dan MacInnis on Saturday, Sqteniber9,--at-2 The leaders for the fall club are Mrs. MacIrmis, and Miss Linda Young. The subject is. "The 3rd Meal",. There are 10 members. The result of the 'election of officrs-Atas-Ptesident_Lois_Aglams; Vice Pres. , Peggy Young; Sec- retary, Sharon Tigert; Treasurer, Shelly Tigert; Press Reporter, Virginia Chisholm. Roll call followed by giving our name, age and birthdate. The next meeting at home of Mrs. MacInnis on Thurs- day September 44 at 7 p.m. It was decided that-LWanesday night would be our regular night for the meetings then everyone filled out the handout sheets. The demonstration was making pizza. DUNGANNON II Dungannon II 4-1:I group held their, first meeting on Saturday, September 9 at the home of their leader, Mrs. Doris Culbert. Nine members were present. Election of-offieersItook--place_and Pres- ident is Barb Culbert; vice-pres. Frances Logtenberg; secretary, Mary VanDiepen; Treas. , Nellie VanDiepen and 'Press Reporter, Betty Gilbert. Members' pamphlets were given-outan-ifale-n-6 sf-theirib- . were shown how to keep a record book. Assistant leader, Irene Hasty , led a 'discussion on "What's happening to supper?" The leaders told how to keep a 4-day record of meals. The new. members, Vera Van- Die en, Lynn Anderson', and, Dorothy Gilbert priaged prope measuring. Frances and 'Barb made pizza and all sampled it - not all have learned to enjoy it! Next meeting g Saturday , Sept- ember 16. Centennial. Year For Moffat Clan The Moffat Clan Reunion was held on Sunday , August 27th ; in , the Teeswater Arena. This being the Centennial year of the aFiv- al.,in Canada of the Wm. Moffat family from Scotland , it was a very important reunion. One hundred and ten members and visitors, enjoyed a bountiful dinner in spite'Cof the , rainy day. Those attending came from Guelph, Warsaw , Toronto, Ham- ilton, Burlington., London., Kitch- ener., Sudbury, Lucknow , Tees- water , Bervie Wingham , Kin- cardine; Kinloss and Culross. The Sports Committee -of Ian Moffat, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Moffat and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Moffat , provided a variety of entertainment_for everyone.. Prizes went to the oldes person, Miss Nettie Moffat Teeswater; lomin4 the farthest distance , Miss Edna Moffat ,'Sudbury; longest—married-couple;Mr:and--- Mrs. James Ross, Toronto.. During the business session, Dr. John Moffats, Dr. Wm. Moffats, and Dr. Fred Moffats, all of the Toronto area were appointed to -the-S • • rts,Committee and to the lunch' committee Mr. and /Mrs Currie Moffat and Mr.' and Mrs. Eric Evans. The next picnic will be held in Teeswater on Sunday, August 26th, 1973. ' Miss--Edna Moffat gave a pro- gress re • orrowthe-History-Sook--- of the Moffats, which is to be. rinted this year and also 'a report On the Mid KriiiaCheck,the T; official /plaid of the Moffat Clan. A three layer Centennial Cake was cut by Mrs. Bessie Steel; Mrs: Bessie Craik and Miss Nettie Mof- fat. Fall Fertilization Pays BULK SPREADING SERVICE for convenience • Why isn a Fall application of fertilizer so> profitable? TOP DRESSING HAY AND PASTURE insures winter haul ness and henstbe winter survival of the alfalfa and clover. '11 increased soil fertility level also means extra spring and sow growth—hr -yields/more --feed-per-acrelmore-milk-per-,eow more gain on beef. - FALL PLOW-DOWN, another important requirement for ne year's cash crops, Plow-down prevents 'seed burning when a large tunount-of=fertilizer-than- is safe to apply--near-theseedris,toil used. The fertilizer is better ;nixed in soil and where straw or cor stocks are turned under, results in a faster decomposition. REMEMBER ! CO-OP Bulk Spreading is fast, labour saving an economical. You get CO-OP Fertilizer spread for you at approi mately the bag priceTAn- other Of-the many farr—nerowirec1101 services. Lucknow District Coop Phone. 528-2125 Use F ER TILIZERS plum EFFECTIVE FROM MON. SEPT. 11 TO SAT. SEPT. 16. WATCH FOR THESE ADS — THEY'LL SAVE YOU MONEY „, • V0 5 HAIR SPRAY 7 ca. Sugg. Lit 1.98 ELMER UMBACII •exorie 528-3004.• I.D.A . PHARMACY LUCKNOW DON'T MISS OUR 10-DAY SEPTEMBER SALE.... SEPT.: 21 - 30 __FEATURINSOONU.S SPACIALS, BAZAAR Of BEST BUYS AND GRAS SASS. ENJOY LOW PIKES ON MANI' ITEMS EVERY DAY AT WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT GUANTITIIES Bonnie- Humphrey Verna Aitchison Head 4-H Club The first meeting of the St. elergs-Happy-Handic er was held September fifth, with nineteen girls attending. The meeting opened With the 4-11 pledge. The leaders conducted the election of officers. They are as„follows: President - club one,, Bonnie Humphrey; club two, Verna Aitchison; secretary, Carol Martin ,treasurer , Debbie Erring- ton; 'press reporter, n I ifler. ' • Mrs. MacPherson led a discus- sion with the girls, on various weights and measures found in the kitchen. Some of our 4-H girls made pizza% demon - strated how to measure'ingred- ients. Each girl sampled the pizza': ' It was decided that each 4-H me mber is- to y -$1. 00 f6r ex- penses 'involved• in this project.' Pamphlets were distributed, The meeting closed with plans for having a barbecue on September twelfth. Zippy Trinettes 'r-ft third meeting: of the Zippy Trinettes was held at the home Barb Wilkins. President' Susan Irvin called the meeting to order by iepeating The pledge. The minutes of the second meeting were read by Llieryl HaCkett. The next meeting willA3e held at the home of Leone' Cranston at Zippy Trinettes President. Susan Irvin called the fourth meeting to order and all repeated the 4-H pledge. The minutes of the third meeting were read:by Darlene Hackett. • The next meeting is. at Mary' Ann Alton's home on Saturday 23 at 1.15 The leaders too u frig three and four hand-out shee Mrs. ljOn Hackett discussedcas serole cookery and Mrs. D. A. Hackett discussed quick and easy top-,stove main courses, desserts ande l. accompaniments for the did m Two junior girls, Susan Irvin girls, Elva Ritchie :2seillna'°L oan Hackett made a tuna and ver table CasSerole. The-casserole and the tossed salad were en for lunch and each girlbrou her own-raw --fru-itfor_.a_fruit dish, which was used for dessert. The leaders talked about the four Day Meal Record and tat listing forAchievement Day.. - Wilma liac.kett thanked. 6ansiOn for having the. meting 9.15 bri September 9. The • leaders took up eachiirls Home Assignments Donna liacxett gave out some material to put on the dol for their. ..Li ni Mrs.. Don iiaeketf diScusSe6:; "The Third with fish”. l D. A. Hackett discussed Fish -or • This MCCT in,: We• cooletwie ers and beam, in a casserM which all thc. ciils 01)0'0 Darlene liaci,ett thanked Nt Willa's. for having this meet