The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-13, Page 6WANTED
standing timber and bushes. Write
Robert' Eagleson,Aisle Craig, giv-
ing location and telephone number
or phone. 232-4450 before 8 a.m. or
after 6 p.m.•
All types of fat and replacement
832-5865 or phone :.; 1-0863
WANTED — building lot in Luck-
now. Please state' size, location and
price to Box No. E, % The Luck-
now Sentinel.
WANTED — a high, school boy to
do milking after school this fall.
Apply Clete Dalton, R.R. ' Luck-
now, phone 529-7124.
to rent or buy, 2 or 3
oom house in Lucknow. Write
to Harry Edenborongh, 9 Meadow-
lark Rd., Elmira, Ont.
WANTED — cattle to feed for, the
winter. Phone 395-5436.
_ W
Lucknow Bowling' Alley. Phone
David Sproul; 528-2904.
WANTED — boy's or girl's bicycle
16" or 20" wheel. Mrs. Eric Exel,
R.R. 5 Lucknow, phone 357-2067.
Brother Paws
and Mrs. JohnWilltS, Hanover;
Mr, and' Mrs. Ronald Coultes and
Darlene; Mr. and Mrs. Rae Lewis
Joyce Coultes , Torn Miller; Mr,
and Mrs. Gordon Scott, Ripley;
Mrs. Dave McAllister, Culross. "
Mrs. Wright of Rosemount and her' daughter Mrs. Cover of -Kin-
cardine spent two days last week
with the former's sister Mrs. Rus-
.sel Chapman and Mr. Chapman.
Eath-Lady--birector of-the-Luck--
now Agricultural Society are asked
to bring two fruit pies for the
booth-on. Fair Day, Saturday, Sept-
ember 16th.
WANTED -- general carpentry,
cabinets, formica and arborite tops.
Elmer Culbert 395-5298.
WANTED — 18 year old youth
wishes employment, store, farm or
-factory-work-Contact Wally Mason,
Brussels, phone 887-6392.
WE HAVE. FARM. WORK for 2 ex-
perienced tractor drivers. W. Liv-
ingston, R.R. 1 Dungannon, phone
Responsible person for general
office work at local firm, full time,
5 day week. Send qualifications to
Box F, % The Lucknow Sentinel.
on_County_and these students will,
be attending school at Wingham.
At the present time they as well .
as another 98 from Huron Town-
ship, may go to F. E. Madill
Secondary School if they are tak-'
in g double .commercial or double
wocational subjects or "mein the
Occupational course, which they
cannot obtain at Ripley High
School. In September 1973 there
will be a double busrun on High-
86 as .theiouth Si-de- , -
. to Wingham and the,north side,
l-luron township, will go to Kin-
cardine or Walkerton (which-
, ever school will be offering the
vocational subjects that the stud-
ens 'w'ish to take).
Also. in connection with the
y_c Boundarhanges - At the first
meeting last pri , ruseCounty
Boundary Committee confronted .
our Committee with the proposal
that since they were having to
pay tuition fees to Huron Board
for some 400 students from Luck-
now Kinloss, Teeswater and .
Culross to attend F. E. Madill
S. that we should reCiprocate
arid let the students living in the
Bruce Farm Report
Hanover Fair Grounds was the
place of action for the 4-H on
September 1st. It started' into full
swing at 9:30 with 114, registering
from Bruce County. In the morn-,
ing all the 4-H judges had to
judge four livestock classes and
give reasons on two of these clas-
ses. In the afternoon there was
a variety of classes including:
i) •2 clqsses of barley and hay
to judge.
ii) identification of 20 weeds and
general agricultural quiz
iv) 10, tractor 'parts to name and
tell their functions.
Congratulations go to Ralph
Dietrich of Mildmay who won the
high aggregate score over the 114
members, with a score of 677
points out of .a total of 800. He
won a gold watchi-which-was -don-
ated by the Bruce County Junior
Farmers. Ralph also won the high
senior award:
The high novice was Gary 13a1-
lagh of • Teeswater, who scored
611 out of 800 points and the high
intermediate was Linda McLean
from Che-slex-with-a-score-of
out of 800 points.
• WANTED — Holstein bull calves,
7287. c
WANT TO BUY — 10 or 15 gallon
hot water heater. Doug Raynard,
R.R. 3 Lucknow, phone 529-7148.
Daryl. Ball
The sale dates for the Northern
Feeder- Sales are as follows:
Thursday, September 14th, South
River; Thursday, September 21st,
Wiarton; -.Wednesday, September
- -27th--Thessalon; Thursday, :Sept:
28th, Manitoulin; Tuesday,
October 3rd, La Sarre, P.Q.,
Thursday, October 5th, New Lisk-
eard; Friday, October 6th, South
accurate estimate of the . cuta-
bility and quality of their cattle.
It Will have no effect on the
average price because packer
buyers have' been buying differ-
ent cattle to suit the various re-
tail outlets for years.
Since, a price differential was
not imposed on the various.
it is possible that any one
oflhe top grad-e-SIAT,-21-)-niay-
top the market on a particular
day. Under the American system
there are five grades for cutabil-
ity and the'top grade is U.S.
prime which is 3 for cutability..
Trading live cattle in my opin-
out of a counter already wrapped
in brownpaper. The new grading
system gets us one step closer to
trading in meat rather than hides,
guts, bones, fat and feed plus
meat. - - - - -
Anytime after the first frost is
the time to apply 2; 4DB to con-
trol Bull Thistle and Yellow Roc-
ket in ,legume fields. The rate 'is
.16 to 20 ounces per acre.
M. R. Bolton,
Agricultural Representative
I thought I should add my opin-
ion to everyone elses on the new
beef grades.
I believe they will be a tremen-
dous asset to the beef producers
in selling their cattle because
Hears Speaker.
On Farm Vacations.
The •September meeting of the
H. held at the home of
Mrs. Frank Maulden. The presid•
ent Mrs. Morgan Johnston presid-
ed and the meeting opened with
the Ode and the' Mary
Stewart Collect. Mrs. Lorne
Sidle gave the financial state-
ment and also read the correspond-
ence. ,
Displays for the fall fairs were
planned. Mrs. Jack Scott report-
ed on "Citizenship and World
Affairs". The roll call was "A
" new variety of flower or vegetable
Mrs. Walter Rirster of Ripley'
was the guest speaker and gave a
splendid talk on "Farm Vacations".
The FOrster family have been
engaged in this work and have
made many interesting friends and
soniefrom far away places: Mrs.
P. A. Murray thanked-Mrs-:--Fors---
ter for coming and for her most
interesting talk. The meeting
closed with "0 Canada" and •
Grace. Lunch was served by the
al Director. kir Bruce, Mr. Born-
larchener anci-b-trtrolt,7
London, Regional Director for.
Huron were called in to meet
with the Boundary, committees.
It was then stated that since the
Department Of Education had giv-
-eri-grarnts---in--order-to--build- the Mast
academic and vocational wings at
Wingham to facilitate the students
coming from Ashfield, Lucknow
Icinloss, etc then'in no way •
could. the _Department give. grams
on another school (Kincardine will
be building a vocational wing on
that school this coming year) for
the same pupils, especially when,
there is still space for these stud-
r.its at Wirigham. The 'hew •
agreement on boundaries was
drawn up and Grade 9 and 10
students, living on the 10th .of Kin-
or Walkerton in September 1973.
and those finishing on or before
June 1976 will continue to go to
- If anyone in the 'area wishes
information, has a complaint , or
wants to discuss a. problem, give
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson of
Kinlough were Sunday evening
callers with Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Evans. .
Mr, and Mrs. Angus Falconer
and Kevin of Suatluoy spent the
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Groskorth. ert Mowbray and Mrs. A. E,., Pur-
Shauria and Matthew of don. • ,
Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mof' Miss Dods Fisher and Miss Mar-
fat Heather and Ansley of Lon ian Reinhardt_ of London spent the
don, were Week end visitors with week end with the former's par-
their parents Mr. and Mrs. El- ents Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher:
wood Groskorth.
_ School of Hairdressing, London.
Debbie, Kevin and Blaine of Oak -
ville spent the week end with his
parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coul-
tes and her parents. Mr.. and Mrs.
M. Pipe of Brussels and with Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Craig'and Lana.
Miss Edna Boyle.
The September meeting of
Chalmers W.M.S. will be held
Wednesday, September 20 at
the home of Mrs. Victor Wybenga
Mts Annie Laidlaw. Helpers Mrs.
Lorne Forster, Mrs. Norman Mac-
Donald. Roll call - Forgive.
Courtesy, Mrs, Elroy Laidlaw.
Birthday Tea. Bale articles to be
handed in.,
Doris is attending the Marvel
- ,Wallace Conn and Douglas
Conley on Saturday accompanied
by Jason Conley and Trevor Hunt-
er attended' the Thresher Reunion
at. Blyth. The youngsters were
thrilled with the machinery.
4, •
This community extends their
sympathy 'to Mr. apd Mrs. Milan
Moore , Mr. and Mrs. George
Thompson and family in the pass-
ing of Mrs. Moore and Mrs.
Thompson's `brother, Dr. Arthur
Watt of London on Thursday ,
September 7 with the funeral on
Saturday at 10•o'clock. He was
a'Doctor at Beck Sanatorium,
Mr. and Mrs. Victor. Wybenga
visited on Friday with Mrs. Annie
McQuillin at Psychiatric Hospital,
Wde Park-left otiSaMarfom---
trip overseas to England, where
they will visit , with his relatives.
On Friday night at 7 o'clock
at the United Church, Wingham
the wedding of Tim Collyer and.
Diane Caslick was held with the
reception at the Blue Barn. At-
tendin rorn__tLte_comuiunfty_ were
grandparents of the bride Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Caslick, Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace Conn and 'Alma; Mr. and
Mrs. Herb Hunter of London; Mr.
and Mrs. Doug Conley; Mr. and
Mrs. Russ_el ilciss, Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Ross, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs
Jim Taylor; Mr. and Mrs. pill •
Caslick and Patsy; Mr. and Mrs.
George Miller, Hamilton; Mr.
Victor Wybenga was in Torontc
an Wednesday making arrange-
ments for, attending Knox Col-
lege this fall.
Mr. and. Mrs. Jim Ross, Mark
and Cathy of Kitchener spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs. •Rus-
sel Ross and attended the Collyer-
Caslick wedding Friday everting:
On Saturday Mr. and Mrs.
Herb Hunter and Miss Alma
Conn visited Mr..and Mrs.:John ,
Willis of Hanover and Trevor
Huntevisited with Mr. and Mrs.
Doug Conley andiaion,
Week end visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Wallace Gonn-were--Miss------
Alma Conn of Guelph, Mr. and
Mrs. Herb Hunter and Trevor of
London. "
Mr. and Mo. Eric Evans of
Custom Bistchering:— Curing and 'Smoking .
Cutting and Wrapping — Sausage Making -- Fast Freezing
, •ess. -wow ow. +mop is. dinew. atm. ogir gar 411.1. 410P
Haim cattle in on Thursday for Friday's kill
4N. 41110 dew +sir 4amp. di•Ni• .0110, 401•0
Witk- Bittoolorc- We-Atiii11117-To4tangYour--Beltt -r°A1
1 To Weeks -- Whatever Your Requirements Ale-. '-
Iamb In-
We' Sell Choice Home Killed Beet, Pork
In Any Quantity. At. Lowe8t Marketing Prices , •
,ABArrom 395.C2905HAS. IIOOISMA, PROP.
STORE 39-2961
Rev. Peter D. Mellegers of
Paisley had charge of the mes-
sage,at the Wingharn Presbyterian
Church Sunday 'morning: He and
Mrs. Mellegers visited in the
afternoon with Mr. and Mrs..
Victor Wybenga of Whitechurch
where Mr.. Wybenga is student
preacher at Chalmers Presbyter-
ian church.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood
and Sylvia of Egmondville were
Monday eveningvisitors with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Gershom
Johnston., Wingham.
On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs,
Kenneth Johnston and Debbie left
for their at Victoria, B.C.
Miss Winnifred ' Farrier of Tor-
onto spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. Garnet Farrier and '
accompanied them to the wedding
reception at the Wingham Golf
Course for Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Keel, nee Marian Reid.
The family picnic reunion of
Mr. and Mrs. Gershom Johnston
of Wingham was held on Sunday
at the home of Mr. and,Mrs. Jim
Johnston and family of Listowel.
Present besides the above men-
-awed-were-Mr . and:-Mrs-.-Charlp
Woods and family of Egmondville;
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie
and family , 2nd-cOncessioirKin-
loss; Mr.. and Mrs. Kenneth John-
ston and Debbie of Victoria, LC.;
Mr. And Mrs. Jack Johnston and
farnily of St. Pauls; Mrs. Lois MC-
Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Larry
-Mc-Michae ,Jim R~ Triton, r.
and Mrs. Jerry Bainty of Toronto;
Miss Carol Williams.; Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Rolinson and family; Mr; and
Mrs: John Collins, Sarnia; Mr.
and Mrs.. Gary Black, Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Lovering of Stratford;
-Aronnd-50were_present for the
reunion. , Plans were made for.
next years gathering, when Mr..
and Mrs. Jim Johnston will have
.charge of the' sports.
I would like to thank allthe
4-H members who gave a cfine )
,showing and took the time ourof
their busy schedule of harvesting
to come to the Annual Judging
Competition. Thanks also to any-
--one-else_whoitelmtniake this a
success. °
triangle 'fro-m-A-mberlerto that--
alsh to Kintail attend Kincardine
High School. A survey had been
taken of these students at F. E.
Madill S.S. _last winter hence
rumors were started in this area
of boundary changes. After 2
meetings, of both Committees, ,
a deadlock arose over, this area—
in north Ashfield and the Region-