The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-13, Page 2PLAN NOW FOR YOUR ENTRIES IN THE FALL FAIR • • ' #.1411••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4144 IAL TS LUCKNOW FALL FAIR SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER• 1'6 LOOK OVER THIS LIST OF VARIOUS 'CLASSES YOU CAN ENTER AND THE CASH PRIZES GIVEN. • 1. Decorated Bicycle $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 .50c 2. Decorated Tricycle 3.0f) E00 M 1.00' .50c 3. Decorated Doll Carriage . 1.50 1.00 .75 .50 4. Best Costumed Rider on decorated pony: (Animals will• not be judged) 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2,00 5. Largest family at the, fair $5.00 6. Oldest Lady at the fair • 5.00 7. Oldest Gentleman at the fair 5.00 • 8. Best Original National Costume worn by Lady Visitor at the fair 9. Best Copied National Costume worn 6.00 5.00 3.00 by__Lady_Director at fair 10. Best Copied National Costume worn by Lady Visitor at fair 6.00 5.00 3.00 6.00 5.00 3.00 DO AWAY CONTINUED FROM.PAGE 1 and year commencing in 1972. „ The election if required in 1972 will be on 'Monday , December ." 4th, with the polling hours froth 11.00 a.m. till 8.00 p.m. 4. Nomination meetings as . such will not 'be held. FOr a pros pective candidate to be nominat- ed for a municipal or school' • board office , his nomination' • must be sanctioned in writing by ten eligible voters and received by the clerk of the municipality • holding the election-between November 9th of this year and '• November lath, at 5.00 p.m. , thuls dispensing with the previous form of having a mover and sec- onder, the candidate's consent PAGE TWO p LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th, 1972 .0 The LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . "The Sepoy Town" - On the Huron-Bruce Boundary Second Class. Mail Registration Number • 0847 Established 1873t- PUblished Each Wednesday Afternoon Member of the C.W.N.A. and 0.W.144. Subscription Rate, $6.00 a year in advance - to the U.S.A,, $8.00 . . Donald C. Thompson; Publisher WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th, 1972 A GOOD JOB DONE ! The community is completing its most successful summer season of recreational activity and a word of praise and commendation is in order for members of the Lucknow Recreation Planning and Dev- elopment Committee. - A varied and interesting program was carried out during the summer months by this group of six people working under the Op- portunities For Youth Program, a federal government sponsored pro- gram. -The-Opportunities_for_Youth Program across. Canada recelyes some harsh, criticism from time to time, and rightly so. Many of the projects which we have read about border on the ridiculous, and are a total waste of the taxpayers Money. Anyone working with public money is wide open for criticism, and the Lucknow program is no different, in this: regard. Many are _quick to downgrade any r community project •and yet slow to admit whenaI-tendfob-has- -.We compliment the LucknoW Recreation Committee for endors- -ing- the Progranr-last spring, the ifirut-y-tifixerts-who-hbve-assisted in The groundwork has been laid in many areas. Here's hoping the future_will?see some of these projects flourish - • .. GUEST EDITORIAL SALUTE THE GROUP McNAY - COOPER Mr. and Mrs. HaroldCooper are pleased to announce, the fortlf- coming marriage of their daughter, Eleanor Jaquelyn to Mr. William Beverley McNay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kelso McNay. The wedding will take place on Saturday, Oct- ober 14th at 3.00 p.m.. in St. Peter's Anglican Church, Lucknow. FORAN - DIETRICH. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dietrich, R. R. 3 Dashwood, Ontario wish to announce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter Linda Diane to Mr. Cornelius Joseph Foran, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Foran, R. R. 2 Auburn. The mar- riage will take place on Friday 'September 22, 197? at 7.30 p.m. in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Mount Carmel, Ontario. Comments Continue On Pool Project ' Donations continue-to from out of town residents toward the swimming•pool fund. • • • • "Enclosed is, a cheque for. Swim- ming pool Fund. I wish/the Club 'success in' their venture ," writes Virs-7-theriniGladys)-Moore4,01-- Hamilton. • • • "It's great to the commun- ity taking on such 'a worthwhile prOject" writes Paul Henderson of Mississauga in donating to the pool fund. • • • "Good luck" comes from A. N. Todd, 14 Manning Ave. , Stratford. • • - • It Mrs. Rose Knight, of London says "It's a wonderful thing" and "so,pleased" when dropping into the Sentinel Office to donatedonate to the swimming pool fund. • • • * • . 'T various ways in promoting the summer program and the six young people who did a fine job of providing varied activity throughout the summer season. and the Department of Agriculture and Food. 1. One bushel Fall Wheat - named 2. One bushel Oats - named 3. One bushel Barley - named 4. I/4 bale first cut hay 5. 1/4 bale second cut hay 6. Six-stalk sheat_of, Ensilage_Corn - Specify variety and number 7. TWelve ears cob corn: Specify number and variety 8. Sheaf of oats CLASS 19 -- GRAIN SECTION Prizes $6.00 $4.00 $2.00' $1.00 • Sponsored-jointly-by-the-Lucknow-Agriculturl-Society- BY BRIAN KEI'1111 ° James L. Spence of Burlington - - - • "My_chesue for $100 is On considering life in Lucknow during the summer of '72, it seems that we owe many of its memories to the Recreation Planning and Development Committee, Created by Rick Pritchard and Ken Roulston, aided by the Government's 'Opportunities for Youth' pro- gram, the committee has earned honours and success in every corner. `From the Boxing Club to the._ Community Choir, from house league ,baseball to `playground', all of their endeavours have consistently • • • . . i received good response. Certainly, their introduction of roller skating - remains as a centre of activity previously unknown tb Ludmow. All in all, the Recreation •Committee has been terrific for. "find- ing things for people to do". Let's salute the group for their excellent efforts, and Ludmow's success story of '72! While visiting in__Lucknow (Jur- has been the most appreciated venture; -A twelve hours per Nveeklt and qualification to accompany the nomination. , 5. An advance poll will be held in the clerk's Office if ail-election is 'required on Monday, November' 27th and Saturday, December 2nd, between the hours of,11. 00 a.m. - 8. 00 p.m. The above changes are made in the election and nomination pro- cedure with the hope that More interest will be taken- in -muniCipal affairs, also to set a standard time for"municipal eiections in air .aunicipalities. The abolition of the nominating meeting does not mean that there will not be a public" meeting to give ratepayers the privilege.to voice their opin- ion. To date, local councils' have, not decided if a public Meeting.will be held.. • ing'the holiday week end Mrs. Alma MacDonald of Thornbury --gave $10 to Harvey Webster to be donated ,t6 the Swimming Pool Fund in Memory of-her husband "Train Time Jack" MacDonald. • • . •• • "Enclosed please find Money order to help in your campaign fora pool in the village. , It is a very worthwhile project," writes Mina Alton -of Loriddri: S . • • • • Mrs'. Arabell Bushell of Strat-• ford , in donating to the SWirri- ming Pool Fund , commented that she was glad to see that Lucknow and District was going ahead with such a worthy project. She also mentioned enjoying all • the news columns by Marion Mc.- Charles before and during the Craft. Festival., • • • • tit e "Only too pleased to help a dream overdue come true. , Tanks for including us in your Swimming Pool Campaign," writes Eileen and Cummings of Owen Sound. • • enclosed as a ,donation to the Lucknow Swimming Pool Fund; I wish you every success in this very worthwhile project. Your mailing list to former residents should .be expanded to the - maximum degree." • 11. Best Original National Costume worn by _Lady Director at fair • 6.00 5.00 3.00 12. Best National Costume worn by 6.00 5.00 3.00 Gentleman visitor at fair . , 6.00 5.00 3.00 13. Best National Costume worn ill Gentleman director 15. Public School FloatS in parade 158.0000 '160..0 006 450. 2.00 100 14. Schools Parading in Costume 16. High' Schocil Floats in Parade 15.00 •10.00 5'00 3.00 17. Decorated Cars . . .. .. . 6.00 --7;OD 5*--341.0 18. Antique Cars. prior to 1930 12.00 8.00 5.00 ' : 20. Best Comic'Float 25.00'50° 260 20.000 11 55; 19. Best Society Float . Best-Patriotic-Float '25 00_20.00 15.00 22. Best Clown (in parade) , 5.00 3.00 2.00 • 0=0====10=.0r==;=1000i:=3 - -CLASS--16A -SADDLE..HORSES, 1. Parade_clas.s (mast ride in parade) $12.00 $10:00 $ 8.00 $-6.00 $ 4.00 $ 2.00 2. Saddle horse iesaddle, rider properly attired , 12.00 10.00 8:00 6.00 4.00 20 3. Western Pleasure saddle class 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 100 4. Best mare or gelding on grounds' 5.00 3.00 2,00 ' • CLASS .16B - RODEO EVENTS $3.00 $2.00 $L00 4.00 2.00 1.00 the following four' on fair day 4.00 "Ioef " 4.00 3a0 2'00 4.00 , 3.00 2,60 4.00 3.00 2.00 .msvememmmr' 1. Potato Race on pony • $4.00 2. Musical chairs on horseback 6.00 Entry fee of 50c per entry in each of events to be paid to the secretary by 1 p.m 3. Barrel race on horseback . 6.00 4. 'Flag race on horseback 6,00 5. Pick up race on 'horseback 6.00 6. Relay Race on horseback - 6.00 •••••