The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-13, Page 1Jane Le iber- Ina Wed. , died ri.the I. by, ;on es in. (idj.. ,eon of ) sisters 1)11ndif Mord. fourteen great )rnter ri r life. anon, ining Le • 0 0.00 A Yoar In Advanco $2.00'Extra To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th 1972 'Single Copy 15c 24 Pops MISS DOMINION OF. CANADA. WILL AT LUCKNOW FAIR Opening Enrolinents. At Area Schools: • Area schools resumed classes following Labour Day. Atiend ance at the F. E. Madill Second- ary School in Wingham this term is about 60 down from the estim- ated enrolment, 1370 registered opening day but this could adjust to 1430 accord- Lucknow Agricultural Society is busy tying in' all the plans for the 107th Fall Fair to be held in' Luck- _now:this' Friday, and Saturday , ' September 15 and 16. Recent weeks have seen the plans form- ulate, but work has been going on over the past twelve months . by members of the association. ' ing to Gordon Phillips, principal. The fluctuation will be caused by students registering late return- ing from' late vacations, summer jobs and farm"harvesting. Ten new teachers joined the staff. • CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 Bob Gilchrist is Fall Fair pres- ident and Ross and Elaine Erring- top are -the secretary-treasurers Of the association. If you need last minute information, this trio should be able•to help you out.. Friday 'is the opening day of , CONTINUED_ONTAG.E.22._ 'Wins. Scholarship . SHIRLEY ROBB Shirley Robb , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Robb, R. R. 3 - Goderich , receivetha $100 schol- arship from Huron County for being the top county student in the Home Economics course at Centralia College. Shirley will start her second year, September 18 , specializing 'in foods. Mac Keith Shows Wipning Cattle Alm.ia Hereford Farms at Union ville had' the grand champion. Hereford bull and cow at the Can- adian National Exhibition. AM WEEK NE BRUCE BOARD WANTED THEM, DEPARTMENT SAY NO • Deadhiek-Over Lochalsh, Antherley, Kintail Triangle kitesolved Leading the .LucknoVi Fall Fair . Trade--e 16 will be Miss Dominion of Can- ada. She will spend ,the day in' Wallow and on Satniday evening will crown Miss Midwestern Ontar io at the beauty contest held in conjunction with the Fair, ,Miss Midwestern Ontario will be picked from a group of girls, Oon ler Ghonat.West Afriaa Wallace Houston; youngest son Of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Houston of Holyrood, left from Ottawa on Monday evening, Septerriber 11th for Ghana , 'Africa. The trip " will be made, by Air, Canada , via'_ • 1)/lOnifeal t-o London, England' where he will spend a day and, a half before flying on to Africa. Wallace will be in the employ of Terra Surveys Ltd. , Ottawa., He will be aeroplane mechanic and this time will 'also be doing aerial photography. Wallace was in the Camerouns , West 'Africa for six months in 1970. This • assignment is to 'be for-at least 'three months. With the passing of Bill 77, an act respecting the Municipal lection Act , 201 con-. sting-Ol'inlend merits to the Municipal Act resulting from Bill 77, there will be consider‘ ble change in the Municipal representing towns throughout the Area She win win an all expense 'paid week at Niagara Falls next summer where she will have. the opportunity to compete in the Miss Dorriinion of Canada contest for 1973." Bonny Brady ; 'the present Miss Dominion Of Canada , has ash blonde hair, blue eyes and is from Perth , Ontario. ,She is known as Canada's most beauti;- ful representative. Since a distinguished panel of judges selected her Miss Dorn- inion'of Canada, she CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 Band Reorganize --for-Carrying Year Practice for the. Luclmow and District Concert Band resumed On September 5 at 7.00 p.m. for' what is hoped to be a successful year. Before the summerholidays , this year's executive was chosen, with the results as follows: Pres- ident , Dale Lougheed; Vice-Pres- ident, Anne- A-ckert and Secretary Treastirer , Ruth Henderson. Nomination and, Election Proced- ure in 1972. • - The following a-re-a-few of-the changes that are of interest to local electors: . 1. Voters Lists will be prepared by the AsseSsment Commission . OPS apt • Madill Showing the Almira entries. was. Mac Keith, herdsman 'at" the A progressive_educationaLpro- gram has been expanded at. Ripley' Huron Central School. According to principal Floyd Stanley,, the program, introduced- last-ye-aT-irrgTailes-1-antlias been expanded to grades 1, 2 and 3 this term. Each year is divided into three units. Students, who might not be progressing as rapidly as others, 'might only complete two of the three units in one year and over a three year period might take an extra year 4to complete all units of work. By the same token, a student who is progressing rapidly might be able to complete three years work in two. It is hoped to eliminate failures in the upper grades of public school by gearing the' work in lower grades to the ability of the student. the program in- volves a great deal of organiza- tion and rdlinitig by-the-teaching Highway 86.staff. , just west of Town. Expand Progressive Education Program Mrs. Marian Zinn, Huron Conn- . Unionville farm. Mac is a native ty School. Board member for Ash- of Culross Township and is well/ field and.West Wawanosh, reports known in this area: 'They have also had winning en- the following items of interest concerning the Huron Board: tries at Ottawa and Peterborough and are presently showing at Lon-. - That in the boundary changes don Fair. for students attending F. E. Mad- VVkAA/V V VVI/N/VV/V i ill Secondary School reported n vvvvv Sentinel of August 9th, it was omitted that the property on. the PLEASE CALLI previously they had farmed on south side of Hi-hway #86, Town- ship of Ashfield, from Lot 6, Con-. cession '14, Eastern Division to LOt 3, Concession 14, Western' Division (formerly 'Paramount School Section and Ripley High School Area) reverts back to Hur-- COITINUED ON PAGE 6 Lucknow have Purchased the' HERE AND THERE Archie' Nicholson home on Inglis Street . ' . Donald and Susan Andrew ,of, It was six years in August since Lucknow left by car on. August 11 Mr. and Mrs. Reid moved to for the yukon Territory. They LucknOw to their home on Bob are now at Faro, which is 6Q Street , across from the school. miles east of Dawson City, and' where Donald is-now-working in the Mines., * 1" .• • Donald Elliott,son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Elliott Lticknow has , entered Western University, Lon- don in 2nd year Economics. , Buys Village Home STUDENTS GOING Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Reid of —This is--the-time-Pf-year-When students commence or return to various institutionS'Of education and 'when others commence new . jobs following graduation.' The Sentinel would like to hear of these. Call. at the office or phone 528-2822. TyneerVAS9VVVV9 • • • Officers from information collect- ed by Enumerators. The enumer-, --at ion will be done in the five weeks following Labour Day each year„ The Clerk of the municip-. ality will be the revising officer. 2. All residents 18 years' of age and over may vote , also they may run for office of councillor, school board or, any other elected office. 3. All local municipal and school board elections will be held otithe same day ;the First Monday in December every see- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Allan Andrew, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Andrew , LUCknow , has entered Western University, Lon- don, in Engineering. * * * * Wanda Htinter ,. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hunter of Zion, is teaching Horne Econornics this year at.Kernahan Park Secondary School , St. Catharines. * * Do Away With Nomination Meeting As We Know It Change In Nomination and Election Procedure