The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-06, Page 14AF TABLE SYRUP 59c 10% OFF ON ALL REG. 85c OVEN PRIDE --- WORK CLOTHES FLOUR MONDAY, I WEDNESDAY, AND BOOTS 7 lbs. — 69c FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P.M. ECONOMY SIZE KLEENEX 2 ,— 79c CASH SALES ONLY Further Donations To Local Swimming Pool Fund Further donations to the Luc k now isd -District Lions-Club com- munity swimming pool fund are: Mrs. Beatrice O'Donnell, Luck now, $5; 'Ross Forster, Lucknow, $5; David Kirkland, Lucknow $20; T. C. Maguire ,:Halifax, N.S., -$20rGardon-Struthers i _Lu $5; Lorne Reid, Lucknow , $15; Jessie. Stevenson ; Lucknow ; $5;, Wanda Lippert, R. R. 1 Lucknowt, $1; Fred.McQuillin , Lucknew.. $5; Beatrice McQuillin, R. R. 1 Lueknow; $2; With 'de Boer, R. R. 1 Lucknow , $2;' Mel Morrison, R. R. 1 Lucknow , $5; Ronald Forster, R. R. 1 Lucknow, $25; PAGE FOURTEEN THE LUCKNOW.SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6111, 1972 Married In Lucknow . , = Photo by Snyder HALDENBY ..nited Church, SILVERWOODS BUTTER — 75c lb. SAVE 30c PURITAN OR SWIFTS BEEF' OR IRISH STEW 2. $1.00 4 en" played by Mrs. Ross Cumming: Lucknow She was preceded down the aisle by her four attendants, Mrs. James' Nugent of London, sister of the bride; Miss Linda Mewhinney of Kitchener; Mrs. Kenneth Broviii-,-ifiter of-the groom; Miss Kathy Hedley, of the groom. The charming. little flower girl was Miss Michele Humphrey, niece of the bride, and the ring beater was Michael Humphrey, nephew of the bride, A portrait of loveliness, the bride was attired in a floor-length gown of polyester satin with em- broidered lace insertion of mauve satin ribbon-woven through, long full sleeveS, high neck line and trimmed with mauve satin ribbon"and lace down ...the front to the waist and around the bottom of her dress. Her headdress Was ajuliet cap of satin which held'. her 'shoulder- length veil. Her long train from her. waist .floWing down the aisle behind her was also trimmed with white embroidered lace in-, sertion and mauve satin ribbon woven through. The bride carried a white Bible, covered with a mauve and white.orchid trimmed with lonifeep mauve satin ribbon. Her attendants .were similarly gowned in mauve brocade with short puff sleeves'and.dainty4 daisy trim around neck line and empire waist. Large white pict- ure hats were worn trimmed with mauve satin ribbon. They car- ried baskets of yellow and white daisies with long deep mauve satin streamers. The little ring- bearer'S outfit was a black tux- edo with lace trimmed blotise and he carried the rings for the - HUMPHREY double ring ceremony on a white satin pillow. Groomsman was Bob Haldenby, brother of the groom and attend- ants .were Ted' Milne, George Trumphrerand-James- Nugent.— .1.,.Ishers were Allan McDonald Of Lucknow and Ray Haldenby of Teeswater. The soloist Dale Haldenby, bra.: ther of the groom, sang "Each. for Each Other".and "Hand in harid we 'Walk together" . ' The,two ushers lighted the cand ,. elabras, of yellow candles ,which formed the background with yari- gated daisies, summer flowers and mauve ribbons. The pews were marked with, mauve satin ribbon. . The mother of the bride wore a dress of-peau de-soie French-rose-__ ,with'rnatching head-dress. She' wore; a corsage of white carnations and white accessories. The ,groort's mother wore a maiive crimp knit dreSs with mauve head- dress and black accessories. She ,wore a corsage of pink carnations. The wedding dinner was in the church parlour. The head table was centered with a three tier round wedding cake trimmed with candles and yellow carnations were on each table. The delic- ious hOt dinner was served by 'the ladies of the •United Church. Charles McDonald,, uncle of the bride, was Master of Ceremon- ies. The groom responded on be- half of Sandra •and himself, thank ing everyone for making this day such a happy 'occasion:--- After the dinner the guests were invited back to 'the bride's home to see her trousseau and shoWer and , wedding gifts. . At eight-thirty in the. Lucknow Legion Hiii" a-pfivaTe re-c-cption was held; where a large, crowd danced to the music of "The Alley Cat's". Lunch was served at midnight. For travelling the 'bride.was dressed in a navy short dress with long figured sleeve's, navy shoes and hand bag. The bride and groom went to Niagara Palls . then up to Manitoulin.Lsland and Northern Parts. The grOom is a carpenter for Ellis & Don Comp-. any of London and the bride is a hairdresser in . London. $6; Jack' MacDonald, Lucknow $100; John Jordhn, Lucknow $5; Thos Salkeld, Luclaiow, $20; EarLMacDonald, Lucknow, $10; Donald Henderson, Lucknow $100; Mrs. Ena Henderson, Luck- now $25; Betsy Henderson, Lon- don, $10; Nelson Raynard., now , $5; Chas. Anderson, Luck- now , $25; Mrs. Winifred Mac- Rae, London, $200; Gordon Mil- ler, London, $10. Mrs. N. A. Graham, Toronto, $15; Noble Johnston, Lucknow -$1=0;-Jack-Ritchie know $10; Allan Ritchie , R.: 3 Lucknow, $10; Geo. Cranston, R. 3 Luck- now , $5; D. A. Hackett, R. 3, Lucknow $25; Douglas Raynard, R. 3. Lucknow, $10; Jas. Hunter, R. 3 Lucknow $20; Frank Ritchie, R. 3 Lucknow', $10; Bruce Harrill- ton , Lucknow, $10; Ezra Stanley, Lucknow , $25; Mrs. John Erner- Lucknow $10; Jas. Culbert, Luck- now , $;.15;• Wm: Houston, Lucknow -$.1.50; Mary I\,4tteOd,-- Luelaiow , .$1; Gordon Barger Sr. Lucknow $10; Harry Hackett, Lucknow $5; Simon de Boer ; Lticknow,, $1; Clair Johnstone, Lucknow, $2;-Mrs. Wrn,. ScOtt , Lucknow , $2; Bill Grant., Lucknow, $5; Jim Wilson, Lucknow , $25; Bob Carripbell, •Lucknow $20; Bill Moffat , Lucknow, $25; Graydon Ritchie Lucknow, $5; Don Cam- eron, R. R. 2 Lucknow, $25; 'Harold Ritchie , Lucknow., $25; -Bob Ritchie; Lucknow , $15; Ronald Alton, R. '2 Lucknow $15; Mrs'. Verna McClenaghan, Luck- now , $3; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brooks, Preston, Ont. , $10; Mr. and Mrs-; ROss Henderson,..R. 3 Lucknow , $20; Mr. and Mrs. Bob IrWin, R. 3 Lucknow, $25; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, 'Ritchie , R. 3 Lucknow, ,$20; Miss Elva Ritchie, R. Lucknow, , $5; Mr. arid Mrs. Ted ;Vanderveld 'R. 3 lucknoW , $25;, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kaastra, R. 3 Lucknow, $25; Mr. and 'Mrs.' Jim GibSon, R. a Lucknow, $15; Lorne MacDonald, R. 3 Luck- now , $15; Lorne Luth&, R. '3 LucknOw , $5; Warren Wylds, R. 3 Lucknow', $20; Mrs. Rose,°Robb, R. 3 Dile-know , $10; R. 3 'Lucknow $10; Jack 'McLennan, R. 3 Gooderich, $5; Glen Boyd, R. 4 Ripley, '$10; Mac Boyd, R. 4 . Ripley, $20; Anonymous $2; Brian. Keitli, R. 5.,Lucknow $2.36; Mrs. L. H. Cowan and Mrs. Hai- el Anderson Mississauga, $100; Stan Mustard, Lucknow, $25; Cameron MacDonald, Lucknow, $25; Al Irwin, Timmins, Ont., $20; Basil Hogan, R. 3 Cuckriow, $25; Robt. Farris , . u- $10; Cliff Hartman, R. 3' Lucknow, $5; Allan Barger, R. 3 Lucknow, $25; Jack MacKenzie, R. 3 Luck- now, $25; Alex Farrish, R. 3 Lucknow, $25; A. Forgeti, R. 3 Lucknow $2; Merle Kerr, R. 3 Goderich,, $2; 'Gordon Robb, R.3 Goderich, $25; Jas. West, R. 3 poderich,: $10; Ma-bel aid, R. 3 ,Goderieh; $2; Mrs. Jean West, R. 3- Goderich,..$2; Allan MacDonald , R. 3 Goderich, $5, Alvin Moran, R. Lucknow, $5; Bruce MacDonald , R. 7 Luck - now , $5; Danny Wilion, R. 7 • Lucknow , $2; Dave Forten; R. 7 Lucknow , $2; A VanOsch, R. 7 Lucknow , '$15; Grant' Farrish , R. 3 Luckn9w , $50; Ross MacKen- zie , R. 3 Goderich, $20; Geo, Moncreif, R. 3 Goderich, $25; Bill Kempton, R. 3 Goderich, 420; ,Bob McNain, 'R. 3 Goderich, $25; Glenn Campbell, R. 1 Kincardine, $3; Lynn Lowry, R. 1 KinCardine , $20; Ernie Gibson, R. 3 Goderich , • $20; Jack Camp - , bell, R. 1 Kincardine , $10; Les' HortOn, R. 1 Kincardine,' $2; Duncan Thorburn, Goder- ich, $5;. Gordon Boyd, R.-a 6od- each , $20; Ralph Fillmore, 12. 3 Goderich., $20; (jeo.. (;ihson, R. 3, Goderich , $`2. ; Uolin Jame , R. 3 GoOerich, $:); Eldon Brad-. ley , R. 3 Goderich, .$1uc; Brenda Tremblay, R. '1 Godey -CONTINUED O PAGE15 Lucknow United Church on Sat- urday, August 19 at 4 o'clock was, the scene , of a beautiful summer wedding, when Sandra Humphrey and Barry Haldenby were united in marriage-by-Rev.-R.---G—Nicli:_-____ oils. The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hurriphrey of Lucknow, The groom% Parents are Mrs. Norman Haldenby and the late Mr. Haldenby of Holyrood. - The bride entered the church on ==i, the arm of her father, Whii-ga7v-e— - her in marriage, to the strains of "Praise-my Sold -the_Kingr of Heav Lorne Forster , R. R. 1 Lucknc v -$5;- Art: Bruce' McMillan; Lucknow , .$25; Vern. Hunter, Lucknow, $20; Mrs. Virginia M. Pangburn, Calgary,. $5; Doaglas Graham, Lucknow , $25; Rev: Robt: Nich- olls, Lucknow, $20; Fred Taeksbri, Lucknow, $10;' James Smith, Luck- now , $10; Spence Irwin, Lueknow, $5; Mr. and Mrs: Leonard. Cook, Lucknow , $10; Elmer Thuroo, Waterloo, $5; Mrs. I. Hawkwood, Cochrane , Alta $100; Geo. White '& Sons Ltd. , London, $10; Ken Webster, London, $5; Mrs. Evelyn Corbett , Rexdale ;$2; Harold 'Burns, Scarborough, $5; Elizabeth M. Anderson, Prince George, B.C., $10; Aft Andrew , Kapuskasing, $15.15; ° 'Calvin Mc Kay, Windsor, $20; Marjorie LeViek, Willowdale $10; Mrs. Wm, Golloher; Nor- wood, $5; Mrs. W. L. Hoff- man\,,Durinville , $2; -Mrs. Albert C. Maiie., Goderich, $5; John A. Switzer, New WeStrninister, B.C. , $10; Eugene Gardner, Luck- now , $50; John Robb, Lueknow $5; Elmo Pritchard , Lucknow ,,' $10; .Mrs. W. Farrish, Lueknow