The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-06, Page 13of Teeswater spent the week end
with Mr, and Mrs. Lyman Sutton,
Gary and John.
• The H. W.I. will meet on
Thursday evening at the home of
Mrs. Frank Maulden.
Roll call - a new' variety of
flower or vegetable. Topic -,
Farm vacations, Mrs. Walter
Forster. Motto' - Every good
member should grow turnips -
turn up for meetings , turn up with
a smile. 4-1-1 Club Garden ClUb.
Directors - Mrs. Alex Percy,, Mrs,
Tom Hodgins.
On Sunday next September
10th the Anglican Parish service
will be held in port Albert at
11 o'clock.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Nicholson over the week end
were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Evans,
Linda , Larry and Lisa and Mr.
and Mrs, .Jerry Collison of George-
Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Hodgins returned from a trip to
the Maritimes, where they visit-
ed with Mr. and, Mrs, Donald
Hodgins and? David. Donald has
spent the summer working with
a veterinarian at Arnhearst, Nova
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hodgins
and David returned to the home
of his parents here and also visit-
ed With her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Cronin at Mildmay, before DOn-
aid enters his final year at
Guelph University.
Miss, Shirley Bushell began her
fall term at Fatishawe College ,
Get yourt,
today at...
Lealend Hill, Manager
Elgin and Kingston
Goderich 524-7381
RM and
on the cool side, made this sec -
'and gathering of the family,mem-
bers to Epley an enjoyable outing •
• • • • -
Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E.
0. Forrester at their Malcolm
Ronald Cla'Pham and daughters
Rhonda and Lori of Willowdale.
* * • • a
With Mr. and Mrs. Niels
Frederiksen this past week were
friends Mr.,and Mrs. Les Ross of
Keswick and Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Metzler of Willowdale.
• • • • •
'With Mr. and Mrs'. Ab Wylds
on the week encLwere Mr. and
Mrs. Colin Lloyd and daughter
Rachel of Oakville.
h, 1171 EDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th, 1972
Zippy Tritiettes
The second. meeting of the
Zippy Trinettei was held Monday,
August 28th at the home of Joan
Hackett. ,
President SUsan'Irvin called the
meeting to order by repeating the
'4-H 'pledge. The minutes of the
last meeting were read by Wilma
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Barb Wilkins at
1.30 oh September 4th.. The lead
ers took up each girl'i Home
A discussion was held about the
dolls and it was decided to dress
them in a white sweater with a
4-H emblerri and a gieen skirt.
The leaders gave out some pam-
phlets dealing with this club.,
Mrs.' Don. Hackett discussed
-Patio Parties and took'up Hand
Out Sheets. Mrs. ,D. A. Hackett
discussed barbeques and picnics.
This 'meeting was a barbeque
supper , and barbeque chicken
was had and each 4-H member,
and leaders brought her own car-
rots, onions and potatoes wrapped
in foil which were barbequed.
It was learned from this meet-
ing that for barbequing food one
needs time and patience.
through Ripley from the Mac=
moved through Rip-
ley north 'on their way to their
next job ,at Tara last Tuesday
morning: However gravel haul-
ing has not stopped as the Reev-
es trucks from Mount Forest
took over.
. • a •
Miss Mary Weber, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Murray, Weber
of Malcolm Street , was taken
.to Kincardine and' District Hos-
*pital about the middle of last
week. Mary is now a patient
there. Miss' Theresa Weber, who
is a patient in London, was home
on the week end.
-Last-week end Mr.:-Renben
Burnett of the Ripley District High
School staff returned from taking
a three Week sumnier course at
Fanshawe College in London. Thir-
iy-two teachersfrom all over
Ontario were in attendance. The
course was to qualify teachers id
Driver Instruction as a. subject in
Ontario High Schools. Mr. 'Burn-
ett successfully completed the
course with a mark well over 80
per cent and received a certificate
signed by Thomas L. Wells;
ister of Education. The course
was sponsored and conducted by
the Ontario MOTor Vehicle League
in co-operation with the Canada
Safety CoUncil and the Insurance
Bureau of Canada and approved by
the Ontario Ministry of Education
and the Ontario Ministry of Trans-
portation and Comniunications,
The other teachers taking the
course had never heard'of Reuben's
home town, Ripley , when b.e,first
erdered the course. Needless to
say Mr. Burnett was especially
delighted when the Friday news
stated that the new Ontario Dairy
Princess was from Ripley and
from_his school-, Sherry complet-
ed Grade 12'at the Ripley Distriet
High School last June.
• * • a
Sympathy is 'expressed to the
members of •the Needham family
on their bereavement last week. .
Ira James Peedham passed away
last Thursday, At gust
cardine and District Hospital in
his 74th year. Juit the week be-
fore lie had been .moved down to
Kincardine-from Gateway Haven
Home in Marton where he had -
been residing. Surviving are one
sister Agnes, Mrs Peter Leeson
9f Elmira , and four brothers Stew-
art of Ripley , Russel of Huron,
Walter of Gateway in Wiarton
and Albert ofNiagard Falls. TWo
brothers, Charles and Clark, pre-
deceased him. The funeral was
held last Saturday afternoon at .
the McLennan-McCreath Home
with interrnent in Ripley Cemet-•
— !!!•._,,,-
Mr.' and Mrs. BA Smith and
i-bbie of North Bay visited with
lathes here during the week?
s parents Mr. and Mrs. Jim
mith returned with them for a
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
lfoiir McLean of 775 Hunting-
ood Drive, Agincourt, on the
rtlbof their son, on August 30th,
el Andrews.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bertrand
Simcoe visited with Miss Winni
d Percy, Bill and Brian Percy
d with het uncle Bruce Orr.
Members of the family of Miss
ndra Percy left this week for
innipeg, where they will
ttend the Munro-Percy wed-
g qn September 9th at Inercity
ssion in. Logan. Presbyterian
Mr. and. Mrs. Gerald Gibson,
fi, Susan, Wendy and Jackie .
ad _the
lrnunity •
fliers On
.son and
he week•
. Percy
on Wing-
i r e5-2
.fly White'
enile soft-
A .S .A
a score,
irch, • •
uncan of
y -week,
1.r. and
r.; and' Rs,
louse on
de; of the
k the
m -
Only Scorpion• St Anger dares
to-make t-his-chgli-enge.
cause only Scorpion offers
these engineering advances
'for 1973:
"Para-Rail" suspension.
Combines the best features
of both slide rails and'
bog • andgo.
See the entire ScorpiOn Stinger line for 1973:
Super stinger 440—Super Stinger 400—Stinger 340
Stinger' 290 and 290 ET—Super, Stingerette 340. ,
See what the '73 Scorpion's got..'.
See for yourself who's Number One!
Look out, cat! Look out, Ski-Doo.! Scorpion Stinger is comin' thru!
Delivers—more—of—the -en-
gine's power to the track
than any 'consu'rrier clutch
"Power-Bite" track. All-
poly track grips the snow
better for more get-up-
On display now at your authorized scorpion dealer:
The Verheye family reunion
and picnic was held last Sunday
afternoon in Gore Park in Ripley.
Fair sunny weather , just a little
The wedding of Miss Susan
Bradley of Ripley and Mr. Barry
Cliffe LOndon wag held On
Saturday afternoon in KfioX Pres-
byterian Church in Ripley'. On
Wednesday evening a commun.;
ity .shoWer was held in the church
hall for Susan t