The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-06, Page 8I I • 16. =IWO I • CLOSEDAT-7-1114-.-EVERY-EVENING---1 -- is one of our representatives MR. J. D. BRINKLOW will be at THE BEDFORD HOTEL, GODEgICH 9:16 A.M. TO 12 NOON Farrier visited while her parents, Mi. and Mrs. Wayne.'Farrier toured the East Coast. Mr. •and 'Mrs. Wayne. Farrier returned from the tollr on the week:end 4" • • Rev-:and Mrs. Clarence Mc-. 'Clenaghan of Dungannon visited On Wednesday with Mr. •and Mrs. -INDLISTRIAL - DEVELOPMENT BANK 197 York Street, London 12, Ontario PAO" EIGHT THE LUCKN.OW SENTINEL, LUCKNOVif ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, . SEPTEMBER ,.6th, WI A MATER LS:113T A 'TOY. Run s for S'afety:e Safe LET US VIECA'... Why Worry? Get New Wipers Now Driving in the rain is difficult. Don't add to that with worn window wipers which impair vision. Come in soon for a complete checkup of your car. It may save you. LIAUDONALD LUCK NOW Misslesex Unit- of the Canadian Cancer Society., chairi '..their spe ial eVents•committee. • Huron .Unit president Mrs. CAN IDB SERVE YOU? PTEMBE 11 1972 We are pleased to report that Mrs. Bill Evans was permitted to return hoine on Saturday at noon from Wingham and District Hospit ' al and to have all her family with them to celebrate their 50th wedding. anniversary. Henry Wyberiga of Bowmanville spent the holiday week end at the manse with•his parents Mr. . and Mrs. Victor Wybenga. On the return trip he was accompan- ied to Bowmanville by his -Cousin Freddie Wybenga , who had spent a 3 week holiday here with his cousins Clarence and John Wy- benga. Mr. and Mrs: 'Russell McGuire visited Sunday with Mr. and ,Mrs. Ira Zurbrigg of ,Listowel. Elmer McGuire of„Toronto spent the week end with his par- - eict-fM-K-a-iid-K/Iff.-Thigtel McGuire. Mr. and MrS. Carman Whytock and:Jackie visited Sun- day with his parents' Mr. and Mrs: Alex Whytock of Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. Percy McClen- aghan and Gavin of Listowel spent the week end with his grandmother Mrs. Lillian Mc- Clenaghan. This community is sorry to learn that Mrs. Sadie Barbour of St. Helens entered St. Mary's'. ospita-1---i-Kitchener-on-Mcinday - for an eye operation. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gaunt on Wednesday last went to 'Ajax to visit with their daughter Mrs. Dan Dirstein, Mr. Dirstein and family. Mrs. Edith. Brown of London spent the week end with her par- ents Mr, and Mrs. Bill Evans, wha_were_ceiebratinigibeir 50th Wedding anniversary. Mr. and' Mrs. Carl MCClenag- han on Sunday attended the Rod- eo at Exeter. Mr. •and Mrs. Bill Parker of Lucan visited on Sunday with his • par e-nts::-.1v1r. Clenaghan. • lair . and Mrs .. Garnet.Farrier and Mis. Eunice Gillespie visited F on .Fr id ay with Mrs.Barbour of • / • '-`11.1"Ebu g , h. littic TO YEARS.AGO MAY 1962 Fred Pierce, a native of New BrunsWick who had been with the United Co-operatives of Ontario for two years , assumed the poii- tion of manager of Lucknow Dist- rict Co-operative, Mr. Pierce succeeded Don Elliott. Luckdow merchants adopted the "Friday%Night-Open" proposal, `Closing at 6 p.m. Saturday. The decision was reached at a largely attended Business Men's Meeting when, four proposals were presented and voted on. The contract for the . construction of the Wading to house the artificial ice-making machinery was, let to A: J. Brown of Walkerton at a' price of $1,986, including sales tax. Two Lucknow girls Barbara Rathwell_ancLEleanor Whitby joined a chartered bus at Harris- ton to attend a Guide and Brown- ie. Rally in Toronto. In Toronto they met Lady Baden-,Powell, World Chief Guide , whoPwas completkfig a Canadian tour. 30 YEARS AGO MAY 1942 Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacCallurn. of Kinloss Township -held and auction sale .prior to moving to•: • Lucknow.. They had 'purchased • t11 .SaM Smith residence on Hav- elock Street , Sonth, Mr; Mac- Callum. was continuing his con- struction trade. The results of operations of the Canadian National Railway System as tabled` in the House Of :Commont tel,ealed that the fin- ancial showing of the §ystern in 1941 was better than in any net previous year. Reyenue , after the payment of all Operating ex- penses, was $66,608,341, an in- Mark Anniversary With Family WHITECHURCH NEWS Durit says they are expecting • branch office' members,' volun- teers throughout the County, and , . _other_intereited_citizens to come and hear Bill 'Brady speak.' Huron County has made $28 ,6'31 in donations so far, for the. 1972 campaign.' Bill Brady Will Be_ A record attendanCe•is expect- ed when the Huron. Unit_of Canadian Cancer Society meets in Clinton September 19 for the annual meeting and banquet. The guest speaker will be one' of Canada's best knoWn radio and television personalities; Brady.. A director of e Lond on LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES WITH MARGARET THOMPSON ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••t••••••••••••4 crease of $21,600,929, over the previous year. 50 YEARS AGO" MAY 1922 Sid PlOwright sold his black- smithing business to Archie Patter- son of Whitechurch. Mr. Patter- son had been in business in White- church and sold out to Mr. Hutchi- son. Another business change in Luck now, took place when D. R. Mac- • Intosh sold his merchantile ,busi- ness to F. W. Templin of London ; -a-former , Mr. Terriplin irnmedicately. re- sold' to E. A. Palmer. Mr..Mac- ,Intosh had been in business in Lucknow' for some 34 years. Josh- Dawson of Kinloss Town- ,s4ip had u t c lose his fine barn .by fire durinti an elect- rical storm., ,The barn was corn- paratively new ,. a former one occupying the same site , had . been destroyed by ,fire a few years previously, lV >MVOs? -rya 0 P 71,4 fc era sorys: 17oeFRi rt 44 5 ePti P. II • 1 was Vic abo log: I=re tie ter n-F Mrs. Carl McClenaghan.. Mr. and Mrs. Kirke Beecroft and Angela'of Exeter spent the- week end•with his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Beecroft and Karen, Saddle club members from • Luckziow were riding in the vic- inity in Wawanosh on. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Currie were at Guelph Saturday evening at 7 p.m. at St. Paul's West- minster church tO attend the. wedding of his niece Sharon Deacon. The 'reception was held at the Canadian German Club, .where dinner was served smorgas:- bord style. In this district and thittighOut Canada many persons and firms 'in practically all typeS of businesses including Agriculture • Tourist and Recreational _Pdigime%geS • Constructiciessional Services • Transportation • Wholesale and Retail Trades, as well as Manttfacturint have obtained loans from the IDB to acquire land, buildings, and machinery, to increase working capital, to start a new business, and for other purposes. If you consider that IDB can be of service. you are invited to arrange an appointment with the IDB representative by telephoning V-(' Telephone: 524-7337 - or in advance by writing to 3rd ANNUAL FALL COLOUR 'TQ.U• PERSONALLY ESCORTED RY: 9 OF GODER1CH SEPTEMBER 30th OCTOBER 1st 45.90 (2 or more sharing) SINGLE $ 6 .00 EXTRA • .0'4,70.47"0.4", • .r• , ,,,,, COST INCLUDES: DELUXE HIGHWAY COACH TRANSPORTATION. ACCOMMODATION AT HALISURTON'S FINEST RESORT, THE 'WIG4-MOG" INN S.CENiC" OF 18EAU7IFUL---HALI-BURTO HIGHLANDS '4. DELICIOUS CHEF PREPARED MEALS • EARLY RESERVATION'S 'REQUIRED. THROUGH Zile(go - vrrou at oust uir /3t tr 59A HAMILTON STREET — GODERICH. - 524-8366 30 EXETER.--LUCKNOw—stkfoRTH--ZENITH 215 JELL