HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-06, Page 71)1341110 .1 e d fr, 1.. 215,934 Net long term liabilities Reserves and reserve funds ' 57,151 Surplus (deficit) and unapplied capital receipts ,379 $526,496 Analysis of Revenue for the year ended December 31,, 1971 1971 1971 Budget Actual axa on Realty - Residential and farm $ . $214,656 , - Commercial and industrial 3,120 Ontario ' Residential property tax reduction 42,253 42,253 ' Per Capita 8,230 8,230 Employment incentive program 1971 1,541 Specific- - Recreation 500 682 Warble Fly 350 351 Arena, capital grant ,.. 4,045 $139,583 $153,110 Municipalities $139,583 $153,110 Other revenue Licenses and permits 550 $, 340 Rents ,concessions and franchises 400 425 Provision for deferred revenue Service_charges_m, _.„....._ .„ ..., , . ...... 1,000 1,125 379 $ Roadways nm ( 36,183) 41,042 85,250 91,437 General , welfare assistance 3,000 4,571 , Total Expenditure •, $427,638 $437,944 (Excess of expenditure over revenue for the year) (4,480) Suiplus (deficit) at the beginning of the year ' 4,859 Surplus (deficit) at the end of the year Scat ment of Ca s ital. Fund 0 erations for the year ended Deember 31, 1971 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE- T Public works Recreation and community services Community planning and development Transfers to others 1971 , 1970 I $198,843 7,982 2,628 .35,108 . . • -.50,768 $ 45,718' $249,611 CAPITAL FINANCING Long term liabilities incurred Contributions from other 'governments -Contributions-from-the-reventre fund Other $ 31,600 $ 50,000 • 52,153 10A10 --36i252 3,508 111,206 ••••••••••••••••••••••••,* ($' 45,718) ($249,611) ing another semester this fall. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Gord- on Kidd of Georgetown came for the latter's mother Mrs' John Ryan who will spend a' few days with them prior to their trip to Italy and• other European countries. ' • -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glenn and -I-1=1d 'Bud" -last Sundayhad family gathering and smorgasbord dinner at their home. Guests .• included Mr. and Mrs. Don,Glenn and, four children of ToronTo; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Glenn and Jan-• fine of Lucknow; Mr. and Mrs, Vernon' Glenn and three children of Goderich and Mr. and MrS. Gerrie Glenn and twin girls Ang-, ela and Arletta of Dungannon. Mrs, Frank Glenn visited last week at Wiarton with her.daugh- ter Joyce , Mr. and Mrs. Herb Pocock and family toth'elp,them get settled there from Holmes- ville. Eldon McClenaghan and his friend Jack Cottin from Winde- mere sperit'the holiday week end aLthe forsive,shome. here; Mr. and Mrs. John Hoyle of,Dundalk also visited On Monday with Rev. and• Mrs.. Clarence McCla.naghan. and family.. • THE.-1.4.4KNOW. SEN.TINEL1sUCKNOW, ONTARIO The Corporation -4)f the Township of Ashfield Auditor's Report and Financial Statements FAQIR MEN WEDNESD AY, SEPTEMBER 6th, 1972' ASK FOR d d 0I NVITATIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS., ACCESSORIES id d in her late his end, iv uB be y s. n B 0 is re a • former in. Sun r he ccom isited urida h :st, Pa to pple peci Ste calle ousi y . EX rou eac O st Fa .mg u 'ne Mr ur cc . L Mr Ha 0 Mrs. 5 Lorne Eadie , Mary and of Holyrood visited the 's mother , Mrs. J. Reed day , September 3, to hon.. r‘on her 80th birthday.'' panied by Girvin Reed they Mrs. Clarence Dustow on y 'afternoon. e-Dcconsecration-S-erviceat-- 111'4 Church in Dungannon I e on 'September .17. Bishop yard will be in Charge of the' al service. phen Stothers of Winnipeg d on.Saturday to visit his - us, Mrs. Mary Bere and Earn- . citement this week centres d re-opening of schools. hers and'scholars.welcOme pportumry udy again. 11 Fairs too are -already in ress. Dungannon Fair is , rsday, September 28 - a big 'day fair . . and MrS. Jack Eedy and el are spending the holiday k end with Mr. and Mrs. H. . Eedy. Michael will be re- nunpvirth-them to Strathroy. he sympathy of the commun- is extended to Mr. and Mrs. es Campbell in their dlouble eavement this past week. ob gmyth of Toronto has been, tinvecently-with-liis brother-- wu Smyth. ongratulations and best wishes extended to Mr. and Mrs: m Culbert of Crewe who were rried Ftiday evening, Septem- .- 1 . We welcome Mrs. lbert and her daughters Cheryl d Linda to our comitiunity. th A NNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Grahain McNee re honoured last Sunday on eir 35th wedding anniversary th a family dinner, at the home their (laughter Mrs. Jim Hay- • i acid Ivlr ,tea ten; Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Aldliarn children have_moVed to a me near Carlow . 1/Its:Mar Bere, Ratliy'and Rite Visited the fortrier's daugh- r Ruth L3ere , in Windsor. Ruth ccessfully" completed her sum- er semesusr and will be start- THE LUCKNOW - - SENTINEL Contributions from other governments . J. M. Reed Mel' 80th Birthday Total revenueis UNGANNON_NEW,S___ • Taxation General government Protection to persons and property Public works.196,025 180,261 Sanitation'and waste removal Social and family services Recreation and community services Community planning and development Finaneial expenses Education Region or county - share 'of expenditure '70,905 69,641. • foe'the year ended December 31, 1971 REVENUE - 1971 .. 1970 $255,845 .$241,857 . 148,595 11,309 $423,158. • $ 94_52 $ 10,641 4,282 2,660 153,110 14,203 1,222 5,153 12,033 • 2,973 $401,761 Consolidated Balance Sheet as at December 31, 1971 ASSETS k. Current Assets '1971 1972 Cash , $ (2,842) ($16,037) - Accounts receivable , 198,477 219,736 , Taxes receivable . 101,156 96,370 Other current assets 13,771 13,107 / capital outlay to be recovered in future years 215,9M $310,542 '$313,176 217,834 $526,496 $531,010 LIABILITIES / - Current Liabilities • Temporary loans $232,600 $230,000 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 20,432 31,025 $2,81;025-L- $252,032 217,834 47,292 4,859 $531,010 . 1970 Actual $203,652 3,163 $206,815 1,095 33,947 $241,857 ..,„. ••• 32 42,198 8,230 • ' 94,952 2,489 694 •$148,563 $148,595 566 700 ' / - 592 1,000 7,726 .552 173 • $ 10,400 $ 14,203 $ 11,309 ' Total revenue $407,069 $423,158 $401,761 Analysis - of Expenditure for the year ended December 31, 1971 1971 1971 1970 Budget ' Actual Actual General government $ 11,200 $ 9,852 $ 10,641 ProteCtion to persons and property 2,719 4,282. 2,660 Public Works - 183,496 196,025 180,261 Sanitation and waste removal 700 1,222 681 Social-and-fanay-services 5-,02S . 5,153 5,059- Recreation and community services - 7,083 - 12,033 1,973 ,Community planning and development ' 3,000 • , 2,973 115 Financial expenses 20,859 18,293 , 59,623 • Education- 10E059 106;900 - -107;290 Region or county -- share of expenditure 70,875 70,905 • 69,641 Other , 109 Total expenditure $411,925 $427,638 • $437,944 18'293 • P ayments in lieu of taxes 96'896 4"W-----7-011TCt --r10 5,680591 Sped, al charges' 37,132 37,081 - 1,973 1 115 Contributions from other lovernments Business • $219,954 $217,776 988 $257,086 $255,845 en ties an in eres on taxes 7,500 10,626 Income from investments 550 • 553 Taxes written off recovered - 400 170 Land, severance fee --- --- - 300 Provision for deferred revenue 664 To; The Members of Council and Ratepayers of the Corporation of the Township of Ashfield I have examined the 1971 financial statenonts of .the Corpor- ation of the Township of Ashfield which are listed on the attached Index. My examination included a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of accounting records and other supporting evidence as I considered necessary in the 'circumstances. 'In my opinion these financial statements present fairly the fin- ancial position of the Corporation of •the Township of Ashfield as at December 31, 1971 and the results of its operations for the year Ulan .ended,;, in accordance with- accounting principles. generally' accepted for Ontario municipalities applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year, except the bank loans are in excess of the amount authorized by the Municipal Act. (Signed) A. M. Harper City - Goderich, Ontario Date - June 30, 1972 License Number - 4223 StatementifTeve-nue- & Expenditure EXPENDITURE • er evt • " I 0