HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-08-23, Page 12MOUE MOUEOUT
work defensively.
your job needs protective
gloves, wear them. And
take time to l learn the
right way with toOlS.
A little thought, a little
care, can bring you
safely 'through the working
day, every day.
way to.
Your Workmen's compensation Board
and The Safety Associations, Ontario
This Week: In Ripley
A large crowd attended Mrs..
Mary Fludder's auction sale of
the furnishings of the former
Thompson Nursing Home on Mal-„
colm Street in Ripley last Satur-
day afternoon. The weather was
perfect for the occasion. In
charge were auctioneers Grant
McDonald of Huron and Wallace
Ballagh of Teeswater. Assisting
were clerk Lloyd"McNall of
Wallow , collectors Brian Mac-
Donald and Reg Moore of Ripley,
John Fludder of Ripley and cash-
ier Carl Morrison of London.
* * • • •
Welcome home to Ripley to
Harry Scott who has spent the
summer visiting with his nephew,
Merton Scott , at his farm near
Melton in Northern Saskatchewan.
The fourth regular meeting of
the "Tonto's TWenty Plus" Horse
Club"was held at the farm home
of the leaders•Bill and Judy Ged-
des. west of Bervie , on August 15.
The meeting was opened by the
president John Farrell and the min•
utes were read by, secretary Joyce
Elliott. It was decided that the
clubs would attend the C.N.E.
John Farrell demonstrated to the ,
club how to harness a horse with
the help of Bill Geddes. The club
then watched slides giving
pointers on showmanship of a
horse.. The meeting adjourned
after lunch was served. Bill Bis-
sonnette reported the meeting.
,A.man quite interested in bee-
keeping and a former native of
Chatham, Ontario, J. Kenneth
Sullivan of Toledo, Ohio visited
this past week with his daughter
-and sow-in-law Mr._ and Mrs,
Wayne Cadotte in Ripley. Mr.
Sullivan is employed with an
American railway line, while his
son-in-law Mr. Cadotte works at
the Bruce Nuclear plant.
• • • • •
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Ford 'of
Coburg .1113 vacationing here with
her mother,and her sister Mrs.
John Robertson and Miss Christena
• • • • *
Work is progressing on Harold
Home for the week end was
Reuben Burnett with Mrs. Burnett ,
Jeannette and Michelle at Pine
River. Reuben, a member of the ,
staff of the Ripley District High
School, is presently taking the
driver training teaching course at
Fanshawe College in London.
• * * • *
Miss Jean Osborne of Toronto is
visiting with her brother Wray
Osborne on the fifteenth north of
O 0 * • •
Visiting their former home town.
are•;Mrs. Mabel Raney of Lcindon,
Mr. and Mrs. David Raney of .
Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs. Doug
Raney of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.
They_ate -also visiting_with Mr. an
and Mrs. Hugh Mason and family,
the former Pat Raney. They were
also at a cottage at Poplar Beach.
The former Marlene Raney , hus-
band and daughters, were also
here. •
Miss Katherine Murray of
Toronto is here visiting with her
sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
Hamilton MacKinnon.
• * *
,Assisting pm; master Don Mc lam
at the Ripley office, while . Mrs.
Marion MacTavish is on vacation,
is Mrs. Janice Hodgins.
• * • AP
Taking down a swarm of bees in
1972 PONTIAC Ventura 11 4 door, 6 cylinder, power 'steering
1972 rONTIAC IA Mans '2 door hardtop
1971. FORD Galaxie SOO 4 door hardtop, Vs automatic; power:
• steering and•poWer brakes • • .•
1970'..FORD'Custom 500, 4 door VS automatic
1970 OLDS Cittlass Supremi 4' doOr hardtop, V8 automatic
power steering, power brakes,. vinyl roof
1970 FORD XL, 2 door hardtop `:-.•
2 — 1970 CHEV Bet. Airs 4 door, VS automatic, poWer equipped
1969 CHEV statiotiwagon, VII, power steering and power brakes.
1969 NOVA 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic
1968 PARISIENNE 2 door hardtop, poWer steering, power
brakes and radii)
• 1%7• PONTIAC Grand Parlslenne
1967 PLYMOUTH 4 door sedan, '6 automatic and radio
1967 BUICK Wildcat 4 door hardtop, fully equipped
1966 CHRYSLER' 4 doOr (low mileage)
16 ft. cedar strip, 40 H.P.
electric motor
15 ft. mahogany boat, 40 H.P. electric start
Cecil Sutton, Gordon Patterson;
Mike Snobelen and Lester
* 0 • $ •
Courtney's new house east of
Pine River.. •
0 • • * •
It is nice to learn that Orah
Crawford, who was a patient in
Kincardine hospital for the past
weeks, is able to be home again.
His son-Dr. -William Craw-ford ,of--
‘,4se Borden, spent the week end
here with his parents Mr. and Mrs.
Orah Crawford.'
* • • • •
Norman. Schmidt of Walkerton
judged the fields of oats and mix-
ed grain entered in the competi--
---tions,Eields entered by Eugene
and Gordon Bridge topped both
competitions. In mixed grain
they were followed by Morley.
Scott Cecil Sutton, Wallace Pol-
lack, John C. MacDonald and
Gordon Patterson. And in oats
next in line' were Donald MacKay,
Your hcmds keep you
last Wednesday's downpour of rain
was Morrison MacKenzie at the
home. of Mr. and Mrs.. Mac Boyd,
on' the sixth concession west.
• ** • • •
Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Peterson
of Hamilton visited with his s sister
Mrs. Fran Wyldsrin Ripley last
• • • • •
Horne from,London fdr the. .
,wee.k end was Reg. Moore. visiting
with his wife., Mrs. Moore and
son John.
s' • • • •
Fall fair signs announcing the
Ripley-Huron fair on the last
Saturday in September , have
been' erected at each of The four
entrance roads to the village rec-
• • 0. * •
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hooisma of
Kitchener visited with Mr. and • -
Mrs..Charles Hooisma , John and
Jimmy in Ripley on the week end.
• • • * •
' Tom Culbert of Toronto was up,
on the wek end with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Culbert. ,
•- $
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wyld of
Weston_ visited_ with Mrs.
Charles Wyld , Mr. and Mrs. Niels
Frederiksen at their home ori. Mal-
colm Street, also with Mrs. Min-
nie Wyld in Ripley and with Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Wyld Bill and
Donnie- on the farm on the sixth
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hamilton-
and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bennett
attended the funeral of Mrs.
Hamilton's uncle, Mr.. Charles
Hyde of St,' Thomas. /
Nancy McGuire , Joyce Black,
Janice and Julie Reeves .and Carol
MacKay enjoyed a few days
Sympathy is extended to John
Roulston, on the passing of his
mother, Mrs. W. T. Rdulston.
Mr. and Mrs. David Rigg
visited for the week end with
relatives in Toronto.
Mrs. Ray Hamilton and Wendy,
Mrs. Jack McGuire and Suso
Tout spent la-sr-Thursday-in-Ned_
ship. ' •
$ * , •
Miss Christer-1a Robertson motor
ed to Ottawa a,nd return. this
past week.
* e * * •
Miss Theresa Weber, who is a
patient at St. Joe's and Victoria
Hospitals in London, was home
_Last week end to Visit with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Murrapvii
er , Mary; Mike and Tim. This
was the first visit hhie for There
since going to London.
• • O •• • •
Mr. and Mrs.. Moirier of
Hamilton spent the' week end ar
their home in Ripley,