HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-08-23, Page 10THE fs.:ucKNoW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE TEE
On Sunday afternoon Gillespie
and Farrier relatives held a picnic
at Wingham Park where around
35 gathered. The time was spent
swimming by the younger fry'
while the older folk enjoyed visit-
ing with old' time friends. Attend-
ing from a distance were Mr. and
Mrs. Jack. Gillespie and family
of Sarnia,- Miss Winnifred Farrier
of Toronto, -Mr. and Mrs. Clay-
ton Schultz of Goderich, and •
Mrs. Eunice Gillespie.
Mr. and Mrs.'Garnet Farrier,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gillespie of
Sarnia , Miss Winnifred Farrier of
Toronto attended the Haidenby-
Humphrey wedding on Saturday
at 4 o'clock at the United Church,
Lucknow. The reception was the
same evening at the Lucknow •
Legion Hall.
On Friday Mr. and Mrs. Ger-
shorn Johnston of Wingham visit-
ed Mr. and Mrs. Gary Black of
Clinton., Mr. and Mrs. Charles
WoOd of Egmondville and Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Johnston and fam-
ily of St. Pauls. On Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston and.
Mr. and Mrs. Gershon' Johnston
,,visited Kenneth Woods, an accid-
ent victim at St. Joseph's Hospit-
al, London. On Sunday Mr. and
Mrs. Gershon Johnston returned
home from St. Pauls.
On Saturday evening in White-
church Community Memorial ,
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and Mrs. Brian Purdon (newly-
weds)* The large crowd was'entertain-
ed With Tiffin's orchestra supply-
ing music for dancing and Brian
Rintoul calling off. At lunch
time Mr. and Mrs. Purdon were
called to the platform, given
seats of honor while Elroy. Laidlaw
addressed them. Archie Purdon
presented them on behalf of the
attenders with a gift of money.
Mr. and Mrs.• Purdon both replied
thanking the sponsors for planning
the enjoyable occasion, 'to all
attenders for coming, and for
their gift. All sang For They Are
Jolly Good Fellows. 'Dancing was,
resumed till closing time.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Chapman
Murray. Pont MPP
Was GOpst Speaker •
At St. Josephs. 'CWI.
The August meeting of St. Jos-
eph's Council, C.W.L. opened
with prayer. After introducing
Father Ed Dentinger, C.R. our
new pastor, Mrs. Joe. Courtney ,
President, welcomed members
from. the various groups invited in-
cluding Ashfield Women's' Mission.
ary Society , Trinity U.C. W. ,
Port Albert Anglican Guild ,
Blake's U.C. W.. Nile U.C.W. ,
Dungannon U.C.W. and Women's
Institute , St. Augustine , Lucknow
Wingbam. Goderich and Kings-
bridge C.W.L.Attendance was
estimated at approximately ro-o.
Miss Margaret Austin introduc-
ed the guest speaker; Murray •
Gaunt , M.P.P. for Huron Bruce.
Mr. Gatint presented a. film on
the 'Ontario Legislature 'showing
the role of members of the various
parties, the cabinet and Prime
Minister. A qUestion period fol - -
lowed. Among topics discussed
were the recent introduction'of
girls as pages, weed seed prohib-
ition, the Milk Marketing Board,
hydro rates, food prices and de-
lays in'ma i ser•v s.
Clarence Doherty thanked Mr.
Gaunt and presented him with a •
gift of appreciation.
The meeting was•adjourned'by
Mrs. Wilfred Austin-and closed •
with prayer Lunch and a social
time followed.
and grandson Bradley Smith visit-
ed on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Smith at Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Inglis of
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia visited
with his grandmother Mrs. Tom
Inglis, Betty and Tom, while on
holidays. Eric is a son of Mr.
and Mrs. Roddy ,1nglis.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter, Elliott
and Ruth, Mrs. G. Elliott and
Mrs. ,Robert Galbraith of Wing-
ham also attended the Luchten-
berg - Elliott wedding at 3
o'clock at the. Presbyterian
Church Ailsa Craig on Saturday,
August 19. The wedding dinner
and reception was held in Aisla
Ailsa Craig Jiall.
Mrs. Gordon Elliott of Wing-
ham spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Elliott and
Carman Farrier and daughters.
of Toronto are on, a 3 week ,tour
Of the East Coast.
Last week-Bob-Adams supertris--
ed the remodelling of the stable
in Bill Gibson's barn.
Attending the Millar-MacDon-
ald wedding Friday night at
7 p.m. at St. Helens Church,
from here Were Mrs. Ben MCClen-
aghan, Mr. and. Mrs. Carl Mc-
Clenaghan, Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McIntyre of
Val Caron, Mr. and Mrs. Mel-
vin McClenaghan of Waterloo,
of St. Thomas, Mr. 'and Mrs.
Bill Parker of Lucan all attended
the reception of Mr. and Mrs.
Millar at Lucknow Legion Hall on
Friday evening.
Miss Betty Scott of Listowel is
visiting her cousin Kay Wilkens.
Mr.. and, Mrs. Gordon Fisher of
and family of Guelph were week :
end visitors with his parents Mr.
and Mrs. George Fisher of. Wing-
Rhonda Gibson and •LOri Fisher
of Guelph visited last week' with
their grandparents Mr. and Mrs.
George Fisher.
Miss Mildred McClenaghan left
on Wednesday by plane to visit
with her cousin Mrs. Doris Lees-
on at Napalm°, British Columbia.
Mrs. Ewan MacLean opened the
August meeting of the Ashfield
Presbyterian Women's Missionary
Society.held at the home of Mrs'.
Grant. Farrishswith a call to wor-
Mrs. G. Parrish led , in prayer ,
and the -roll Call was answered by
a proverb. Mrs.' Duncan Parrish
read the scripture lesson and Mrs.
Duncan Simpson gave the medita-
tion on "Dorcas". Mrs. Parrish
gave the offertory prayer..
Mrs. E. 'MacLean conducted the
business arid• the rest of the time •
was spent making gifts for, the
Armagh Home.
There were 23 present; includ-
ing 2 children and 3 teens.
The hostess and committee served
Chalmers WMS
On Wednesday Chalmers Pres-.
byterian Women's Missionary
Society was held in the Sunday
School room with Mrs. Bill Evans
hostess. In the absence of Past
President and President Mrs. Pas-
Rev. RObert Nicholls, B.A.
11 a.m. Morning Worship
Those' wishing transportation to
church contact
Win. G. Hunter 528-2741
Summer Services
July 2, 9, 16
South ainloss Church °
July 23, 30, August 6, 13
Lucknow United Church
August 20, 27, Sept. 3
Lucknow Presbyterian Church
Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D.
Phone 528-2740
- AUGUST 27th_._ -
ii a.M. Morning Worship
August 20, 27, September 3
Joint services at Lucknow
J. V. Van Stempvoort
10:00 a.m. Service
2:90 p.m. Service
the shepherds received glory on
the hills of 13ethlehern, the
Disciples received glory in the
Upper Room, Mary Magdelene
received glory after the crucifi-
xion in the Garden. She' read a
letter from. F.E.B.C. (Far East
Broadcasting Corporation).
Hall a receptioliwas sel-Rospresided=with-Mrs. Daw—
son Craig taking . Mrs. W. R. Pur-
don's part. All were welcomed
and the meeting opened with -the
call to worship and prayer.
Miss Lila •Emerson read the
scripture. Mrs. VictOr Wybenga
gave the meditation Dynamic
Kernels - telling the story of the
Kernels of a head of• wheat being
planted and the second year en-
ough grain was on hand for por-
ridge for the preacher with some
left for planting. Each year
there was more and 1/10 was
given to the- church and the other
9/10 planted. Mrs. Mewhinney
gave the prayer.
Mrs. Wesley Tiffin gave an
article'Spring Glory, telling how ,
Mrs.- Wesley 1 iiiin requested
all articles for the bale be in
by end of September and can
include hospital gifts , used cloth-
ing for men, women and children
Mrs. Vicr Wybenga will have ;\
the Septe ber meeting at her
home. Th roll call was answer-
ed by a verse with grain of the.
' e_.___Mr E o Laidlaw con-
ducted a quiz.
Mrs. Russel Ross gave' an article
"The Lordt-s -Offering" after which-
the Offering was received and
dedicated by Miss Annie Laidlaw -
he topic Mottliew-wasrzi
Mrs. Dawson Craig. Matthew
the Publican was a tax collector
and after becoming a
follower of .Jesu-s 'he was an e , Evan
elist and writer. Each disciple
had ,•a separate life to live until
Jesus wanted , them for other work
to fulfill His plans.
Mrs.. Mewhinney gave an art-
icle on Work, which is a cure for
mental and physical ailments.
Mrs. Ross closed the meeting
with a hymn and prayer.
. •
The ladies Aid 'meeting was
then held. Mrs. Caslick gave a
reading Why Not Pass a Compli-
ment? Lyou pass a compliment
to some one they, become 'happy ,
and pass a compliment to some
one-else, thus making the world
a happier place. Grace was
sung and 'lunch served by the
hostess Mrs. Bill Evans.
. e
Some 250 Attend
OWL Supper
Some 25.0 people enjoyed a
delicious ham , turkey and salad
er served b ',.the Catholic
Women's League, Kingsbridge.
St. Joseph's Parish Hall on Sun-
day August 20 at 5 p.m. .?
Following the supper a draw
was made for the following -
1,st_prize , a hand-worked rug
made by C. W. L. members, M
Bill 'Hogan and Mrs. Jim
Gilmore , was Brother Carl Voll,
`St. Joseph's Rectory ; R. 3
Goderich. The first draw
was made 'by Rev. 'Father Ed
Dentinger , parish priest. 2nd •
prize , hand -worked afghan, .wont
done by C,W.L. member Mrs.
Dennis Dalton, was won by Mrs.
Donald MacKenzie, R. R.'3
luCknow. The second draw was
made by Mgs. Phelan of St.
Augustine. 3rd prize, $20 cash,
given- by an anonymous donor.,
was won by Miss -Eleanor Rosinke,
Toronto. This draw was made
by Mrs. Ewan MacLean of R. R.
3.---Lueknow. 4th prize $10
cash,. donated by C. W,L;
Tier Mrs. UrsUla Hebert, was
won by 'Mrs. Nora Sinnett, .
Seattle Washington; This draw
was made by.Torn Bryan of Tor-