HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-08-23, Page 8PRO • STEAM IRON $8.88 • Lucknow REG BONES 04 SONS CLOSE OUT OF HARDWARE .Reductioos (:)-1,..t°1 50%. -Off ON PAINT, FARM ANb•GARDEN SUPPLIES, HOUSEWARES, BICYCLES, PLUMBING, SPORTING GOODS,'RADIOS, TOYS, ELECTRIC APPLIANCES, CLOCKS, ETC„ ETC., ETC. VEGOMATIC Riogular VIM $4.99 'COMPLETE STOCK OF HARDWARE 'MUST BE CLEARED 'TO MAKE ROOM FOR EXPANSION OF THE VILLAGE SHOP VISCOUNT TRANSISTOR RADIO 'Ng. $14.97 $10.77 OTHER RADIOS — $42.00 Hardware LUCKNOW, ONT; 5284906 RECREATION BEAT Lucknow Public School. Tenders were called far the construction of the new Lucknow called, for a nine-classroom, one District, High-School. The plans storey school, approximately 300_by 60 feet-of concrete blockL and brick construction with wood beams and joists. Seven tenders were received. 40 YEARS AGO 1•• WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 230., 19i2 III EIGHT. i•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4••••• THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,-LUCKNOW, ONTARIO •i! icontinues to receive many requests !for assistance from businessmen ..and farmers in, Huron County. To maintain prompt serlice , this • assigned a second credit officer to administer.accounts • in this county. • g. G. W. Peever , a long time resident of Mid-Western Ontario, will now join J. D. Brinklow in. Making frequent visits to Goder- ich, Clinton,. Exeter, Seaforth, Wingham and other communities to meet with residents interested in IDB financing. . ' 'DB makes term loans to every kind of business, including farms, retail outlets , service industries and professional practices, -for every worthMhile purpose , where reasonable financing is not else- where available. ' Where You Get Total APRIL19-8-2— - 1---igovernmen Sponsoreebali tear Drive in here where you get quality gas, plus fast, complete service no matter what your auto need! You'll like thedifference, and out prices, too. CLOSED AT 7 P.M..EVERY',EVENING ao .orsoylo .m No on.. mato ow an an ••--------- ow ----- . ma 'goo 20, YEARS AGO. APRIL 1952 1i barn raising was held: at loch alslfat the farm of Lloyd MacDon- ald', when a gang of men put up a frame to replace the barn des- troyed by fire the previous fall. A barn raising was becoming comparatively rare and "old hands" at the job were'get- ting fewer. This raising was in -charge .of Frank Hamilton. Local winners in the essay con- test sponsored by the Lucknow, Branch' of the Canadian Legion were: 1st , Ruth TreleaVen; 2nd, Marilyn Kilpatrick, both of --A social evening,was held in the-Oddfellow's-Raf to celebrate the seventh birthday of Jewel Rebekah Lodge. Maple 'syrup was selling for ", $2.00 a gallon. At the annual meeting of the Lucknow. Lawn Bowling Club plans were made for the coming season. The 'election of officers was as --follows President, L. A. Finney; Vice President , George Hassal; Secretary , Dr. W. V. Johnston; Grounds Committee , G. H. Smith, Howard Agnew , Dave Archer; Membership, A. E. Mc- Kim, W. J. Davison, Dave Horne; ,• • Bruce Farm .Report BUYING A BOAR What is a good boar these days? It seems that the qualities which really make the difference to your eventual. income from the boar are hard to judge by looking at him. These two traits are back- fat thickness and his age at 200 pounds. Both qualities are import- ant if you 'desire fast finishing lean market hogs, The average backfat thickness of boars tested in 1971 was Q.82 inches and the age at 200 pounds was 155 days. These figures are the average so halt the 'boars were either leaner and - or younger. There are two sales coming up with above av-,, erage boars being offered. The dates are August 24th and Sept- 'weber 21st at the Waterloo R.O.P. test station. The time of the sales will be 8:00 p.m. Colin Reesor Associate. Agricultural Rep. DETERMINING SILAGE MOISTURE Research in Ontario has shown that corn, silage reaches maxi- mum dry matter yield about 2-3 weeks Wore maxlilium-yield of grain corn. During, this 2 - 3 week period sugars are moved from the stalk to the grain, but total dry weight does not change. A recent test'at Guelph shoived that hybrids' reached• their max- um yield at about 70 %' whole- plantt moisture. However, factors-1 other than maximum yield usu- ally determine when corn should be ensiled. For instance above 65% moisture, seepage can be a , problem in .most large upright silos. Also animal intake can be 'enough silage to meet their dry from the area , the cars, drivers • matterintake-requirements. per -in the soa_p_box derby ed out to enjoy free skating and p duringajLenjoyable two hours. Tennis is now available at the participate. If enough people show interest in the sport, lessons and competition will be offered in the spring., Labour Day week end in. Luck- now promises to be very ititerest- ing and" lots of fun this year. Fri- day, Seitember 1st, ill .be the ay will ierBetFBarbeue outside the arena. At 6. o'clock a• penny carnival with games of chance-, 'fun and hilarity will be held in the arena.' A Big Barn Dance with the CKNX Ranch val. A good time is assured and everyone is Welcome. Saturday,, September'2nd is the big, day. A Car rally designed to test your wits and driving Skill will kiCk off the day's events. If you would like to enter con- tact the recreation office for an LOOKING. BACKWARDS • THROUGH THE. SENTINEL FILES. WITH MARGARET THOMPSON ••••••••.••••••4••••••••••t•••••••••••••••••••• local tournaments , Sam Rath- well, Robert Rae, F. T. Arm- strong7 60 YEARS AGO APRIL 1912 Fire of unknown origin com- pletely destroyed the 'Royal Hotel in Lucknow. The building was owned by Thomas Todd and leas- ed to James Clark. S. R. Haldenby.sold his' Kin- 'lough General Store business to William McLean of the 12th concession of Kinloss- Township , Appoint New Area-Worker Industrial Development Bank Gas Up SILVER DOLLAR COMPETITION Bruce County again has entered four 4.11 members in the Silver Dollar Competition, sponsored by rn United Breeders Inc. This co- _p_etion is for 4-II dairy club mem- bets and consists of ' a quiz on Dairy Husbandry and an essay on a current dairy topic. Also each contestant must show 'his 'or her call and they are also judged _for showmanship. Last year, Mur- ray 'Moyer of Mildmay" won the- top showman award in thiS com- petition. This year the show is be- ing held at Orangeville on Sept- ember 2nd. The contestants are Murray Moyer and Ralph Dietrich of Mildmay, Murray Vilnytoek of Teeswater and Dianne MacKay of Ripley. Denis Quish ---- Associate Agticultural-Rep. in twen y come on out and give bim a run for his money, (lie will be avail- able after the races to sign auto- graphs.) After 'the soap 'box derby the car rally will he heading back into Lucknow either by Highway 86 or the Dungannon Road so be on the lookout for them as they -curie-int6 taw n_ entry form. The cars will leave A Skating Party for residents of, park between twelve and Kinloss Township held last Thurs- the hall one o'clock Saturday, September' day evening and sponsored by the Kinloss Recreation'ComMittee 2nd. At one o'clock there will be a parade including the child- turned out to be, a great success. ren from the playgrounds dressed .----.5-e %-.--Irthe'silage- is too -- - ' Adults teenagers and youngsters , to represent different peoples: wet then animals can't eat totalling approxlinately1.00-rturn- ---Pu around the world , antique cars ' a problem when moisture is much For most situations 65%. whole and many of the most beautiful plant moisture is -ideal, but this girls in and around Lucknow. stage is difficult to. measure. In this same Guelph' study, it was These grls will be competing . found that 65% whole-plant mois- in the Miss Lucknow Beauty Con- ture corresponded to an average test which is sponsored by the • grain moisture percentage of 44%. Agricultural Society. After the TQ determine grain moisture parade 'the antique cars will be . use the following procedure:-on display at the ball park for 1. Collect 40 - 50 kernels from the the afternoon. At 2 o'clock the . centre of 10 representative ears of corn. Mix the .ketnelS well. . young people in our. area will 2. Weigh 100 grams of kernels have a chance to show their skills and place i on a.pie plate in an on the. Wheeler Street Drag Strip oven set at .200° for eight hours, in a Classical -Soap Box Derby. 3.. Iteweigh the kernels, and. the Many people young and old, arell• difference between .the 'two ready entered to try and take weights plus 2% is the moisture away the world title held by the percentage. • included relays,. .- _- Sunday afternoon was the scene of another successful program spon sored by the Ashfield and West Wawanosh Recreation 'Committees . The program was entitled 'Fun Days' and some excellent softball, games, races, and a scavenger hunt provided a festive attnosphere for pants and spectators alike. The success of these ventures is, a strong indication thdt more activities of-this nature can and should be carried on. If you do not have scales that Sunkist Kid from Citrus Californ- igh-in--grams--and--do-not....wis No one has even beaten him, to buy one, then this, office can sio determine 'moisture percentage. The only precaution is that the kernels should be placed in a smallsall sealed plastic bag when bringing, them in. This is to min- imize any moisture loss there might be. Rick 1.1pfold Soils.. and Crop Specialist arena. Extra equipment has --arrived-se-th-at---eveDy MONUMENTS For -sound counsel and-a-fair-price on-a4n.onument- correctly designed from quality material, rely on SKELTON—MEMORI ALS • Pat O'Flagan, :Prop. ESTABLISHED OVER. SIXTY YEARS • • WALKERTON PHONE 081-0234 ' , ONTARIO At 7o'clock a baseball game with the Local Businessmen against the 'different Village and Township Councillors and Reeves wil-l-be'-held-in_thei)a 11. park. The highlight of the week end will be ddance•with the rrrusic of Callous Blue from Wingharn. Miss LL1Cknow will he judged and Crowned during that dance. Fot further details about Labour Day Week end' celebrations see the ads in this week's Sentinel. LE. Mac DONALD LUCKNOW