HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-08-23, Page 7CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER DODGE PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE 357-3862 1972 DODGE Monaco Brougham 4 door hardtop, fully equipped, demonstrator, 6,000 miles 1972 PLYMOUTH Graid Brougham sedan, fully equipped, Pa 7,000 miles 1970 'TORINO 2 door, 6 automatic 1970 DODGE Coronet stationwagon, '8 automatic, power steering, brakes and radio 1969 DODGE Coronet 4 door, 6 automatic with radio 1969 FORD Custom 2 door,40 automatic, power steering, brakes and radio 1969 PLYMOUTH Satelite 2 door hardtop, 8 automatic', power steering, brakes and radio 1968 RAMBLER, 2. door hardtop, 6 automatic with radio. .1965 FORD Fairlane, 2 door hardtop, 8 standard with radio ONTARIO EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 2 miles S. of K incardine on Aintree Rd. tH.E 1,14CKNOW SENTINEI, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN. 972 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23r4„ 1972 WHITECHURCH (Intended for last week) Simon de Doer of Toronto spent the week end with his par- ents Mr. arid Mrs. Peter de Boer and family. On Sunday Philip Steer was also a visitor at the 1:1 iday' cele- on y. iam aig rs with e 1st /grapd, rt Mery par- ultes lay benga, visited is ley 4nd- Ow- :re for his. ned on t Bow- The August meeting of the Kairshea WOmen's institute was held.at the' home of Mrs. E'van Keith. The meeting opened , with the Opening Ode and repeat- ing the Ilary-.Stewatt Collect. The scripture was read by Lynda Young. TheSenimInstitute-C-Oursc - "knitting.with knits" was discussed and Mrs. George Young and Mrs. Hank Hartemink agreed to be_the eaders. The training school is arKincardine ;November .9th and 10th. Cheryl Haldenby was to me to the Korean child in Sept-ember : 'A demonstration by 4-H girls on Flower Arranging was most / interesting and informative. - The speaker for-the evening meeting was Mrs. Warren Zinn. Mrs. Zinn is chairman of the. Huron County Board of Education, this being her fourth year as trus- tee on the Board. She spoke on resent day Education, with some questions from the audience. Her • talk was most informative. Mrs • Lynda. Young thanked. the _ abd presented 'her with a ift. Standing Committee re- orts were heard and courtesy re-• arks_given by -Mrs:Young. The meeting closed by singing Canada and the Grace. Lunch ERIN° as served by the hostess and NON Directors Mrs. Allan MacItlyre nd Mrs. George Young ; TS d The Huron Federation of Agriculture voted ThUrsday night at a meeting in 'Clinton to seek a meeting of the Ontario Legis bture's Select ComMittee on Land Drainage in-Huron County:. The--eommittee-was-set-up-Jun 30' by 'the Ontario Government to look into all aspects of municipal drains and will hold meetings in various locations across the prov- ince. lolm Soldan , R. R. 1, Zurich , • who made the motion to call for the meeting, cited the .problems' with engineering as one of the major reasons why such an invest- igation is needed. . He said the government inquiry Mrs Warren Zinn Was GuestSpeaker • de Boer home. On Saturday evening at 7 o'clock a relative Get Acquainted Shower was held at the home of Mrs. Ewart MacPherson, Luck- now for Rintoul relatives for Dixie Motley of Belleville R. 7, bride4to-be. Her mother froin Belleville was also presenefor the occasion. The groom to be . is Douglas Cameron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph . Cameron. Miss Motley and Douglas Cameron both attended Guelph University. Miss Nancy de Boer returned home on the week end after a weeks visit with her friend-Miss Aleeta Brouwers of near Guelph. Mr. and Mrs.' Dawson Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes --were Sunday-gtiestrwith-Mr . and Alex Craig celebrating lana's birthday. BRIDAL SHOWER On Saturday . evening a shower' for bride-to-be Doris Rintoul was held in Whitechurch Community Memorial Hall decorated in pink' and dihite. , Doris was ushered to' a chair on the platform with her sisters Mrs. Oberholtzer and. Mrs. Campbell. The mistress of cere- mony was MrS. Harold Gaunt. Community singing included Let .Me-ea-11---You Sweetheart:- The Bregman girls Joann and Christine and Karen and Lou Ann, Young accompanied by Mrs. Gam. et Farrier, sang. Karen Young and Janis Gaunt both gave 'a piano solo. A skit, a mock wedding, put on by' Ruth Elliott , Janie Laidlaw , Gayle Rintoul and Mrs. Jean Young with Mrs. Lorne Durnin pianist proved very humorous and interesting'. Among the many gifts received were ironing board electric iron, electric coffee percolator, pop- . up toaster , towels; sheets, pilloW cases, pyrex dishes, electric wall clock ,Nset of.TV fables, • casseroles. • Doris thanked the sponsors On June 30th, 1972, the Ontatio ,pegislature appointed a Select Committee,to examine, inquke r into and report upon the Ontario Municipal Board and to make recommendations on: (a) the purpose, object and functions of the Ontario Municipal Board. (b) the jurisdiction of the Ontario Municipal Board. (c) the structure and 'organization of the Ontario Municipal Board. (d) the procedures and practices of the Ontario Municipal. Board. (e) the procedures by way of appeal from the orders and rulings of the Ontario Municipal Board, including appeals by way of petitions to the Lieutenant Governor in Council: (f) the relationship of the Ontario Municipal Board in the discharge of its responsibilities with the Provincial Government, local govern- ment and the individual citizen. The Committee invites written briefs from individuals and organizations-who-may-wish-to-present-informationv-opinions-or suggestions regarding any of the abov,e matters relating to the Ontario Municipal Board. BRIEFS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY 'SEPTEMBER 15th, 1972 TO THE CLERK OF THE COMMITTEE, BOX 233, , MAIN-PARLIAMENT BUILDING, TORONTO 182, ONTARIO, SELECT COMMITTEE OF THE LEGISLATURE. ON THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD INVITATION TO SUBMIT WRITTEN BRIEFS PUBLIC NOTICE was a good idea and that "It should have been done a long .time ago". He was supported, by' George Underwood of R. R. 1 Wingham who said one of the biggest prob.' lems is that engineers do not have to be responsible for their work. "If an engineer makes a goof, too bade" he said , "You're Out your money". He said there • should be some way that a munici. Talky-can -c-onTellack-on-the-eri-77 gineer if it is proved the engin% eer made 'a mistake in designing a drain. Warble fly spraying problems alsO came up for discnssion at the meeting. Bill' Dolmage R. R.:1, Londesboro, brought up the sub ject. Many 'at the meeting felt 4 that warble fly sprayers and inspec. tors were not' properly trained and, qualified for the job. It was also noted that the warble fly cycle seems to be changing and the warbles are coming, out later in the year (July or August) and thus are being missed with spring spray ing. The whole question was re- ferred to the resolution committee which, will draft a resolution for a later meeting,..__ One resolution was passed at the meeting. It was drafted by Adrian Vos of Blyth after he noted the complaint in a recent news- paper article from southwestern Ontario that there was a market for Canadian canned foods in the Carribean but there were no lic- ensed trucking companies in the area to carry the goods to port and Teronto-based truckers would not come to southwestern Ontario for less than full loads. It-was noted that the first orders from the Carribean would be less than a truck load until the buyers were satisfied with the Canadian prod- uct.- Under the present conditions, it is difficult to get the goods to._ the Carribean so.the buyers turn to U.S: suppliers. Mr. Vos', resolution asked for an investigation of the Ontario HighWay Transport Board for its refusal to grant a licence to • southwestern Ontario truckers to carry the goods and thus block- ing the markets for Canadian farm products:- - - - --- Guest speaker at the meeting was H. B. Wallace, safety con- sultant with the London Branch of the Ministry of transport and Corinnunications.. He told the audience 'that there was rib such thing as an accident ex- cept an act of God.. He said that all accidents are collisions caused John P. MacBeth, Q.C., M.P.P.; Chairm'an ' Alex IvIcPedries, Clerk of the shower, all, the folks for coming and for their gifts. She invited all to Open House- home of her mother Mrs. Bill Rintoul' afternoon and evening of August 26. Lunch was then served• by the hostess.. On Friday evening at Wingham Ball Park Clifford and Whitechurch played an Intermed- iate first 0. A .S.A. softbal3 game with a score l6-,2 in favor of Whitechurch. Victor Emerson accompanied Brian Rintoul, auctioneer to the afternoon. Little Lee Fisher, son of Mr. and/ Mrs. Gordon Fisher of Guelph, - spent a few days on the week end with his aunt and uncle and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibson and family, , Those representing Whitechurch Women's Institute at the.Log Cab- in at Southampton Museum on Monday were Mrs. Russel McGuire, Mrs., Jas. McInnes, Mrs. Elgin Johnson and Mrs. McArthur. - sale of a barn on'the property of • Dan McKinnon, 6th oneession, Kinlosond y offers a complete selection of wedding announcements styled for the discrim- inating. ask for . THE LIKKNOW__.. SENTINK:. ET ATTENTION by: ia) lack of Knowledge; (b) un- safe acts or _CO un-/ safe conditions. Use of the term accident he said, meant people were trying, to fool themselves. into thinking these collisions could not have been prevented. To Seek Meeting With Committee Ontanid:Drainage By Keith Roulston HE —COUNTRY MU -SICM -EN DOOR PRIZE