HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-08-23, Page 6figD THE RED CROSS IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU HELPING PEOPLE LIKE YOU .1 • WE. ALSO SERVICE, OUTBOARD, MARINE MOWERS • .0011111111111.1.•-4111111111.111.-•.41111.11111.01. RNAMENTAL IRON WORK syan HELP WANTED FOR FOUNDRY DIVISION MEN FOR GENERAL FOUNDRY WORK 4se. !irm. 41emi. • FOR SHEET METAL DIVISION SHEAR OPERATOR REQUIRED —.7"-- 4111101. 411i1o. 41.11. APPLY AT THE OFFICE OF' Western Foundry Co. Ltd. Wingham Canada Packers 'Limited. REQUIRES POULTRY PROCESSING WORKERS ro IMMEDIATE OPENINGS- EXIST AT OUR -- WALKERTON PLANT FOR ACCEPTABLE APPLICANTS --We-offeirgood- wages-and-mellent-conmiany benefits family of Ghana , Africa. On the, week end wedding bells were ringing for three St Helens' young people namely Vera Mc- Donald and Gordon Millar; Sandra Humphrey-a-nd-Barry--Haide nby Sandy McQuillan and LuAnn • Smith. Dr, and Mrs. •Archie, McQuillan and their little sons, Jiminy and Danny of Ottawa visited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McQuillan last week. Seventh Annual 1 BEAN ° SAT AUGUST Micah sod Smote Inside* Cmisestles st II S.C. Coop' SEW_ FAMOUS STREET NARKET ' - Bean Queen Contest Demo pi The Arena Saturday Vght Cwj l wt..Maw"*M i4 Si SUAI TO visit OAHU ACM APPLY IN PERSONTO OUR OFFICES AT 104 CATHERINg STREET, WALKERTON. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE 1101.0550 CLEARING AUCTION SALE - Of Livestock, Machinery and some Household Effects will be held for ALVIN ALTON. Lot W.H. of 8, Con. 10, AShfield Township, 2 blocks south and 1% blocks west of Lucknow MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 at 12:30 Livestock . . . 6 Holstein cbws, pasture bred. Hereford, 3 yearling Holstein heifers; 3 Holstein heifer calves; 1 Hereford calf; 1 B.W.F. calf. Machinery . . Case 400 tractor with hydraulic and power• steering, has a loader with forks, dirt scoop and blade; 5 yr. old Case 730 has 1800 hrs., new, tires and chains; 1957 Int farm truck with dump box (as is); John Deere 7 ft mower; Massey 4 bar side rake on rubber; 4 fur- row Case (16. in.) plow; Case 12, ft. cultivator'; 10 ft. chain harrow; 8 ft. chain harrow; John Deere wag- on with 16 ft. rack; 5 yr. old Int. 4 row corn planter; snow blower; 125 bu. manure spreader-16-ft grain auger (4 in.) with motor; 44 McCollough chain saw with 24 in. blade; 90L super' twin (4 ft. blade) 2 man saw; wheel barrows; em- ery; sprayer with 30 ft. boom; electric chopper; hammer mill with ft. belt; cedar posts and rails; --anchors; hemlock plank; used 'steel roofing; storm windows; pressure system; hot water tank; 1957 Mercury 1/2 ton truck; riding lawn mower; quantity of mixed grain. Milk Equipment . . De Laval vacuum pump, Surge steel double sink, drain racks, steel double laundry ,tub, number house- -=hold-items-and-antiquies. TERMS CASH — FARM SOLD'. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for , adcidents Brian' Riptoul, Auctioneer • PAGE SIX. A SOLICITOR WILL BE AT THE RIPLEY OFFICE FRIDAY-MORNINGS Mica will be open Monday 'to Friday (Thursday afternoon closing) Phone 395-2633 AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Antiques will be held for • MRS. BERT MASON At 763 Princess St. Kincardine On THURSDAY, AUGUST 31 . at 1:00 o'clock 1 wine chesterfield and wine, chair; 1 turquoise chair; 1 green chesterfield and chair, like new; 1 music cabinet;. 1 small rocking chair (no arms); 1 metal couch; 1 end table; 1 chrome table; picture frames; 1 coffee table; 1 metall- cupboard; 2 small tables; 1 pres-1 sure cooker; 1 bookcase; .2 odd j chairs; 1 settee; 1 clothes hamper;' 1 white chest of drawers;i;,,ringer washer; 1 floor lamp;.1 small table; 1 clothes horse; 2 beds; crocks; garden tools; 'table lamps; stereo Hi Fi and radio; black and white 21". T.V.; bed and dresser; dryer; some dishes; antique elec-. tric fixture; electric iron; dining' room table; china cabinet and chairs; iron bed; 1 Westinghouse refrigerator; 1 Westinghouse Elec- tric stove; a spool type, bed; pedal r sewin -inachine-coal-pil--lamps; =-1 4' piece wash .stand set; old 'wooden barrel washing Machine; 10ther articles too numerous to mention. Owner or auctioneers not responsible for any accidents or injuries on property day of sale ERMS-TASH MRS. BERT MASON, Prop., Auctioneers: Grant McDonald, Phone 395.5353 Wallace Ballagh, Phone 302-8170 I an "f• - • I wEONMAX, AUGUST 23,rci97.2 AUCTION SALE CASH AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery, Truck,, Grain and 'Household Effects For, IRVINE J. LEMONT Lot 15, Con. 17, Greenock Twp, 3 mile north of Glammis or 61/4 mile southwest of Paisley. on County Road SATURDAY, AUGUST 26 at 1:00 o'clock sharp, the following. Truck . • . 1969 Chevrolet ton truck with 4 speed transmission, 8 cylinder motor, 'long wide box, rack and tarp pole, 30,000 miles. Machinery •. . . M-F 165 diesel tractor 'with load- er, snow bucket, gravel pan and blade; M-F b5 diesel tractor with high arch and malt' power; Hy- drain 4 furrow plough; George White 3 point hitch cultivator; Bis- se1.16 - 18 plate disc; Cockshutt 15 run seed drill on rubber; 6 section smoothing harrow; New Holland 3 point hitch 7 ft. mower; New Holland high speed rake;. New Hol- land bale elevator; New Holland bale iiiiief;--George White-wagon with rack; roller bearing wagon with rack; Mount Forest 28 - 45 threshing machine with cutter,. 7 in. 140 ft. drive belt; New, Idea manure spreader; New Hollanct buzz saw; Shallow Lake sleighs with-=rack; walking plough;, 2000 lb. scales; 'ropes; pig -cra e -an scales; gas brooder stove; 2 gal- vanized water troughs; lumber; cedar rails; anchor pbsts; harness; electric motors; garden tiller; el- ectric hammermill and 3 horse motor; 10 x '14 tarp;' loading chute; step ladder; 32 ft. extension lad, der;-hydraulie-tracteseattra tor chains; wire stretchers; Rem- ington chain saw; other items not listed. Some Mixed Grain 1 Guernsey Cow . 4 yrs. old, hand milked, Here- ford calf at foot Household Effects . . Zenith refrigerabir with freezer; Zenith automatic washing mach- ine; Findlay propane gas stove (nearly new); brass bed; springs and mattress; dressing table;' kit- chen, chairs; studio couch; small tables; buffet with mirror; 2 fern- ernies; drop-leaf table; 2 electric irons; set 4 irons with handle; oc- casional chair; • feather pillows; woolen -blankets ;--daily-thurnf-but- ter bowl; ladle; rolling pin (hand made).; bake board; "jars, etc. No reserve 'as farm is sold. A' clean modern listing' of " machinery TERMS CA H Owner' or auctioneer not responsible for any accidents that • may occur day of sale IRVINE J. LEMONT, Prop. GORDON L. RIBEY, Auctioneer Phone 368-7101 • Ripley WI Sponsor Hospital Tea Beautiful floral arrangements and a painting exhibit of local oil paintings formed ihe setting for the. successful Hospital Tea sponsored by the Ripley Women's Institute in the Legion Hall, Ripley on August 15th. The President Mrs. Jack Mc- Lean and secretary Mrs. Walter Culbert met the guests at' the door. Mrs. Lock convened the tea tab- les and pouring tea were' Mrs. Hazel McDonald and Mrs. E. hnes_441m._Eair_ind Mrs. Lott Culbert arranged the oil paintings and flowers. Waitresses were Mrs. Nick Pete , Mrs. 3. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Frank Scott , Mrs. Bert Irwin, Mrs. Graham Cook, MrS.. Donnie Mac- Donald, Mrs. Francis Gemmell. Tlie bake table was attended by Mrs. 'Cornish and Mri. Reg Moore. Those arranging serving plates were Mrs. Joe, Scott, Mrs. Elwyn Pollock, Mrs. Fair and Mrs. John A. McDonald. -Following_the_tea_pbns were made for the next meeting on September 8th, the second Fri- day rather than the first in the month. • WHREMRC-Ht-T7 Intended for Last Week Mrs. Orville Tiffin on Sunday was a guest for her birthday cele- bration at the horne of her son Dan, Mrs. Tiffin and family. Mrs. Albert Coultes was ad- mitted on' Monday to' Wingham and District Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Craig were Sunday evening visitors pith Mrs. Janet-Ha-11:-Wingham. Debbie, Kevin and Blaine Cotkltes of Oakville spent last week holidaying with theirigrade parents•Mr. and Mrs. Albert 'Coultes and-, . and Mrs.-Merv- yn Pipe of Brussels. Their par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coultes of Oakville arrived on Sunday and' took them 'home. After a weeks holiday at his home Henry Wybenga returned on Sunday, to carpenter work at Bow- rnanville. - and =Mrs. Victor Wybenga Kathy; Clarence and John visite Sunday and . Monday with his brothers Mr.-and Mrs. Sidney Wybenga and family; Mt. and Mrs. Minnie Wybenga of Bow- ma nv Fred Wybenga of Bawnianville accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Vic- tor Wybenga and family,here for a holiday. .•••,•••-,* AUCTION SALE In Luclutovi office, Wednesday mornings Phone 528-2320 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW„ ;ONTARIO ST. HELENS AUCTION SALE .110111•E: ..LUCKNOW MACHINE SHOP. ON ROSS ST. — JUST OFF LUCKNOW'S MAIN ST. IN THE FORMER ELMER JOHNSTON GARAGE Phone 528-2702 WE SERVICE AND HAVE PARTS. IN STOCK FOR THE FOLLOWING MAKES OF AIR COOLED ENGINES Briggs and Stratton Motors .Lauson Tecumseh Kohler -- Sachs — Hirth JLO • Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Martin . spent 'a few days holidaying in Northern Ontario. Mrs. Ward Shickluna of Toron- to visited with her brother , Mr. Andrew Gaunt and Mrs. Gaunt. Terry Wilson, John Andrew . and Douglas Miller are enjoying a week's camping in Eastern Ontario and United States. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mewhin- ney and family visited on Sunday at Milton with Douglas Mewhin- ney.. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank McQuillin and Mr. and Mrs. Fred McQuillin were. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin McCabe of Windsor. P Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Martin Reunion at Tavistock on Sunday. Mr.- and Mrs. Ken GreWar , Nancy and Bradley of Mississauga Spent a , few days at the Webb farm. On their return they were accomp- anied by Mrs. Harvey Webb and Mrs. B. Stothers, who left by plane Sunday evening for the British Isles. There they will , meet Mr. an CHANGE OF OFFICE HOURS CRAWFORD & MILL Barristers Wingham, Ont. announce effective