The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-08-16, Page 17Couple Residing In Auburn.
.143 Attend.
MotDonald. Reunion
At "Cedar GrOVer, the Clan
MacDonald gathered to renew
acquaintances, with the ski.a, of
the bagpipes and drums in the
background. .143 signed the guest
The sports program was led by
Bill Harris, with the ,help 'of -
Dm , Bill and' Don Jr. Simpson.
. The children won candy, gum •
and suckers, and thoroughly en-
joyed themselves..
-Grace was-sung., and a. deli.,
ciousVariety..of food and drink
was served, •to entice our. appe-
tites. We would like to express
• our appreciation to the lunch..
committee, Jean .Westli, Mabel,
MadDonaid, Catherine Andrew,,,N)
Jessie Johnston, and Jeari,sSimp ,
son for all the work.they do. -
Dave MacDonald reported that
$167.90 was in the .treasury. The
secretary's report was read by Jane
West , starting off with a. telegram
message received by phone. It
was from Janet Manthas and child-
ren, and Jenny MacDonald from
Leesburg, Virginia, U.S.A. ,
wishing them well, and thinking
of them• on this day.
Election of a sport's committee
was held with Bill Harris and
Bob Birkhaieg in charge. On the
lunch committee Sally and, Louise
MacDonald were, voted in charge
of that department. .
There was a discussion of a
clan. picture to be taken at the
'45th Or the 50th reunion. It Was'
decided to be at the 45th and that
next year there would be some
one to be put in charge of it for
the summer of 1974.
Attend, Camp
TWenty-one Girl cuides•from
the lst Lucknow Girl Guide Corn-
:pany attended Camp Aneesh, 2
miles from OWen Sound, on July
21, 22 and 23.
Girls attending were Helen ,
• Wisser, .Ann Colwell, Norma
Maclntyre, Margaret macIntyre,
Janet Humphrey, Susan Thomp-
'son, Jill Murray, Sandra Finlay,
Kathy Treleaven, Annette Kirk-
land, Lorna BoYle, Joan Hamil-
tOn, Beverley Wilkins, Nancy
Warren, Lynda Campbell',
Kathryn McKim, Kathy Brooks.,
---Edittr'Oreer.,-MaryTEllen Haven ,
Brenda MacDonald and. Ettabelle
• Three leaders accompanying
the girls were' Mrs. Jack McKim -
. "Doc" , and Mrs. Jack MacDon-
ald - "Crutch" , bOth of Lucknow
and Miss, Wanda Shannon, a
Gold Cord Guide from Clifford.
During the week end the
Guides enjoyed such activities
as pioneer living, campfires ,
outdoor cooking , scavenger
hunt , traCking; orienteering
swim at Harrison Park, macrame
Three Guides from the 1st Luck-
now Girl Guide Company attended
camp at Doe Lalielast week.
They were Ettabelle MacDonald,
Kathryn McKim and Edith Greer.
These girls earned their Junior
Camper Badge while there.
Baskets of pink chrysanthe-
mums and white gladioli decorat-
ed the Presbyterian Church at
Kinlough for the marriage cere-
mony of. Mary Ann McEwan and
Ross Benson Brindley-ort-June-24
at 3.30 p
The brill is the daughter .of
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McEwan,
R. R. 1 Holyrood and the groom
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Car-
man 'Brindley, R. R. 4 Galerich.
Rev . T. J. McKinneF6ffiZated
at the v double ring service. Mrs.
T. J._ McKinney presided at the
Given in marriage by her father
the bride wore a crystalette sheer
gown with a high,neckline , long
sleeves Ina pelite Style. It, was
trimmed with a' french lace daisy
and her head piece was rounded
scalloped matching lace and pearl
held with a long cathedral train
and trimmed with matching dais-
' ies. She carried a cascade of red
roses and white carnations.
Died At St, Jacobs.
Rod MacDonald , president
called the clan to the platform
for the business and variety pro ,
hibrilerit'S-Sileride-Wal —
observed for those who passed
away. in the past year; Mrs. Beck
(Lindsay) Agnew , Lane MacDon.
aid, Steve Stothers, Peter Camp-
bell and Clara Richards. .
New additions to the MacDon-
ald Clan was a son to Mr. and
Mrs. John (Joan MacDonald)
Black, Wayne Keith, on July 12 ,
1972. The youngest at the picnic
was Phaedra Robson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Jim (Cathy Coburn)
--Robson.— - • --
'Over eighty years of age was
Mrs,--Sadie-Pottieand- Mrs.
Bob (Mary Edith Agnew),Birkhaieg
and family , travelled the farthest .
from Chicago, U.S.A.
Election of officers was held
and for 1973 the President is Rod
MacDonald; Vice-President , J. K.
Agnew; Secretary , Ethel Jack,
man; Treasurer, Dave MacDonald.
Auld Lang; Syne drew a close
to another successful gathering.
Everyone took home with them,
many pre ant 'memories to look
forward t n 1973.
Entertainment got under way
with music and dancing, with
Murray MacDonald , Jordy Mac-
Donald and. Mabel MacDonald
playing. Cathy Simpson, Mary
Lillian Simpson and Susan Pottier,
accompanied by 'Dave MacDon-
ald- on- the- bagpipes'; danced-a-
couple of numbers. The audience
thoroughly enjoys this type
entertainment. When the mus-
cians came back to play some
more music , the members joined
lin with a jig. Bob Birkhaieg •
sang "My`Bonnie Lassie" accom-
panied by Lillian Simpson.
men came to the platform and
they sang quite a few selections
in barbershop tradition. Dorothy
Johnson sang an Irish selection
with the men'.
A birthday cake was, brought
out' and the birthday ,song, s
to Jessie-JohnStort arid Margie Ma
Donald. Everyone wished them
the best and joined in singing
"The Lord's My Shepherd",.
at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel,
he death Of Miss Elizabeth
J. MacKenzie, daughter of the
late, P. H. MacKenzie M.P. and
Mrs. MacKenzie, occurred at the
Heritage Convalescent Home ,
St. Jacobs, on Monday, August
7th in her 87th year.
She was born in Kinloss Town-
ship on September 21st, 1885.
Miss MacKenzie attended
University of Toronto from where
she graduated in 1911. Shewas,
in Calgary until 1915 and-then
went to the States where Miss
•MacKenzie graduated as a
nurse from the Presbyterian Hosp-
ital, New York. After attending
Columbia University , she went
into social service work. She
continued in this field until re-
tiring in 1964 at the age of 79 -
where she was a superintendent .
in social work at Norfolk, Virgin-
For the past three years Miss
-MacKenzie has at the St.
Jacobs Convalescent Home.
of She was predeceased by four
brothers and one, sister, Robert
MacKenzie of Lucknow, Walter
MacKenzie of Kinioss Township,
Dr. Alex. L. MacKenzie of Tor-
onto, Hugh MacKenzie in the
West and Miss 'Marjorie Jean Mac-
Kenzie of Toronto.
Miss MacKenzie's only surviv-
ors are, nephews and -nieces Stuart
MacKenzie 'and family of Walker-
ton and the late• Steele MacKen-
ziets-family-of-Waterldo--.--- - -
.The funeral service was con-
i ngducted on'Wednesday , August 9
-Lucluiow with, interment in South'
Kinloss Cemetery. Rev. Robert
Nicholls was minister.
Pallbearers. we're Robert MacKen
zie of Toronto, Dr. Wm,. Shantz
of Waterloo, Ian Shantz of Wat-
erfoo, Wm. Thompson of,Toronto
Frank MacKenzie of Kinloss and
Gordon Fisher of LucknoW.
Following the 'funeral service
friends were invited tok the home
of Miss Maudie Fisher in. Lucknow.
sister-in-law of the bride. She
-wore a chiffon gown of peacock
blue over taffeta with a high neck.
line and, long sleeves. It was
trimmed with lace similar to that
of the Pride's and -she carried a
cascade of pink carnations and
wore tiny pink flowers in her hair.
Mr. Brian Pfrirnmer of Ben-
miller was the groomsman while
the ushers were Carl Brindley,
'a younger brother of the groom
and Bob-McEwan-„-a..-younger--„--
brother of the bride.
rides lizoL ter -wore _ a
street length dress of pink crimp-
lene and a corsage of white rose-
buds. The groom's• mother chose
a street length dress of white .• • crepe ,with corsage of red roses.
A'dinner and reception followed
,at Saltford Valley Hall. For
travelling the bride wore a white
and red dress with white acces-
sories and corsage of red. roses.
,The couple are living in Auburn.
Prior toter marriage the bride
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-Photo--by Johnston BRINDVY - fvC EWAN
Matron of honour was Mrs. • / was the recipient of many lovely
Douglas-MeEwa-n-c&Holyrood , gifts-at-various-showers.
Having soldijur-• business, 'we wouldlike to
take the' opportunity at this time to thank all our
customers for their patronage during the past
years. We also want to, thank the community for
their kindness shoWn to its during our -tragic loss.
We -hope. you ,patronize, the new owners,
Ron McKee and Barry Ireland and we wish ,them
the very bestin their new venture.
Shirley, -Steven, Kendra