The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-08-16, Page 8PA." EIGHT
Couple Mark .50th Anniversary
When It's
Time for a
- Tune-11p,
See Ifs!
A motor that's running right sounds it is
easy on gas - . . gets you where you want
to go without trouble. Let our expert me-
chanic give your car a tune-up ,
occasion was Mr. Fred Fellows,
Sarnia , a nephew' of Mr. Ensign.
Gnests were present from 'Orillia
Sarnia , Oakville, Bra mpton ,
ScarbOrough, Lucknow , Toronto',
Ottawa ,-and Goderich.
During the afternoon and even-.
ing Mr, and Mrs. Ensign Were
"at home" to friends who called
to offer congratulations and best
wishes to them. Many cards ',
_gifts and floral tributes were
received by the couple, among
them -flowers tid-greetingg-
the Mayor and council of Goder-
ich, a plaque from the Hon.
Wm. Davis, Premier of OntariO,-
and letters of congratulations
from Prime Minister Pierre Trud-
eau Robert Stanfield M.P. , Bob
McKinley M.P. and Charles
MacNaughton M.P.P. •
Pouring .tea during the after-
noon were, Mrs '. Howard Robinson,
Goderich and Mrs: Frank Fellows,'
Sarnia , sisters of the-bride and
groom. In the evening Mrs. Ern-
est Craig and Mrs. Harry West-
lake, both of Goderich, shared •
the honor. In charge of the reg-
ister was Mrs. John' Laroux.
A family dinner was held at
Victoria Street United Church.
Among those present was their
Only daughter, Mrs. Ed (Eileen)
Laroux and her , husband of Orillia.
Mr. and Mrs: Ensign's 3 grandchild=
ren and one great' grandson were
also in attendance. The minister
who officiated at the marriage /
ceremony• fifty years ago, Rev.
• Duncan McTavish and his wife
of London, Ontario, were special,
guests at the dinner. This was .
the first time that Rev. McTavish
-had the honor of attending a'
,fiftieth anniversary, of a couple he
had joined in marriage. •
Master of ceremonies for the
Tired Of sitting at home. Come to
2 „miles S. ot Kincardine on Aintree Rd.
Huron Federation
For Phone Areas
By Keith 1041.ston.
The Huron Federation of Agri-
culture has not given up yet in its
fight to gain large toll-free call-
ing areas in the northern part of,
Huron-County , a spokesman said
Thursday night.
George Underwood, R. R. 1,
Wingham ,• chairman. of the Feder-
ation'stelephone committee said
the Federation was "most disap-
pointed at the reaction of Bell •
Canada" after Bell had told the
Ontario Federation of Agriculture
that the failure of Bell to win
government approval for .increases
in telephone rates which the'
company had asked for would
mean Bell would not be able to
afford to expand services for' the-
next few • years.
.atteraptcf_the HFA to have call ,'
'This news seemed a blow to the
ing areas in the northern part of •
the county enlarged. 'At -*sent ,
free•- calling areas irk northern
Huron are -much -smaller than-
elsewhere meaning increased tel-
ephone bills for, most customers.
The Huron farm group began its
battle laSt -August when -Harry
'Bakker of Londesboro asked the /
Federation to "see what it could • ' -
do to have the .areas enlarged
petitions in' the. area and found
strong support, both among the
-people-and a naont.munic-Lipal.
councilS. The petitions were
then presented to Bell. • '
Mr. Underwood said that Bell
employed people to scrupulously
go over the petitions to make
sure 'each name was a bonafide
telephone subscriber. He • '
indicated, however „ that the,teIe•
phone committee had also found
places where Bell had made
errors, • • .
'• . "We're not through yet" ,• Mr.
Underwood said. He said the
,committee had arranged,a meet-
ing with Murray.daunt, M. P.'P.
Or Huron Bruce and would keep'.
fighting .until it won the larger
• In Other
'meeting of the Federation held
in Clinton, the county federation
approved a plan put fOrward by •
the OFA which Would- turn over
refunds from CIAG 'insurance to-.
the. OFA 'to ,.help pay the cost of.
setting up area offices such as the
one in Clinton. Under the ,plan
keep all money from township
grants and levies for Wotk, within
:the county , rather than,pass on a
part of the OFA for use at the
provincial level. This would'
mean a slight saying for the. 'Huron
Federation. .
The 'county' now pays, over .
$6000 in affiliation fees to the
OFA and receives about
$5700 from the CIAG. Under the
new planthe OFA would get •
$5190.- • . • ..
• A lettei was read. from Grant
Wallace at OFA office which
clarified the situation on elin
tree removal grants and income
tax. Mr, 'Wallace had asked for,
a ruling from' income tax officials
on the grants and was told that
as part of a farmer's. income and
that expenses incurred in elm,tree
removal could not be, •
considered a legitimate expense
Huron will contribUte funds and'
help staff a tent foi the OFA at
the International Plowing match
in 'September near Stratford, •
First in Playoffs
The Lnclaiow Juvenile ball
team played all year in an inter-
mediate grouping making a•good
showing and up 4th in the
8 team league.
They have now advanced into
W. O. A. A. Juvenile playoffs,
playing the firit game in Lucknow
On Sunday in a best 3 out of 5.
series. Chepstow won the' game.
8.- 1.
The-team is also entered in the
0.A.S.A. competition commen-
cing play Friday, August 18 and
21st against Whitechurch and 23rd
if necessary. ,
Mrs. Jack McGuire and Brian
spent Thursday in Stratford with
Mrs. Robert Engel, Marilyn and
Robbie of Dublin.
Mr. ani Mrs. a car
-May attended the funeral of
Mrs. White's cousin, Carmen
Scarrow of Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Rich of
Wingharn- and ba-by--Paul- visited- -
with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White
and May on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted White and
Allan visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Martin McNeil of Williamsford
at the week end. •
Miss Nancy McGuire, and
other Ripley Junior Farmers attend,
ed the Junior Farmers'Provincial
Field Day at the -University of
Guelph on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGuire,
-Ronald- and Brian and Mrs.—Walter-
Black and Joyce visited with Mrs.
Robert Engel and children at her
cottage on Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. David Rigg and
Adon were in Toronto for the ,
week end visiting with friends and
Mr. and-Mrs. Wm. John Ensign
of 117 Wolfe St. ,,Goderich, cel-
ebrated their 50th wedding anni-
versary with friends and relatives
on Saturday, July 29.
The couple-irere-married
Lucknow on 'August 2,.1922. Mrs.
Ensign (Elsie) is the elder daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward Dexter of Lucknow and John
is the son'of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Eli Ensign of Lucknow.
usiness a e
Juveniles Lose addle Club Meet
At Taylor Stables
.The regulat meeting of the
Riders Roost Saddle Club was held
at the Taylor Stables... Beautiful
pictures were shown by Ken Tay' .
lor of the Royal Lippizzan
Stallions. While in Sarasota,
Florida the Taylors attended this
show and brought back a wealth
of pictures.' These horses were
developed in Spain some .30(}'.
years ago and were originally
Owned by Royalty. They are the•
rarest and most aristocratic in the
world. Only a few hundred have
existed at one time.:
The great Lipizzan Stallions
were created for war and were
originally owned ly the Raps-
burgh Royal family of. Austria,
and have been ridden and trained
by two generations of Hermanns.
Colonel Hermann was fortunate
in saving the LizWans from the
advancing Russians and retreating
Nazis at the end of`World ltjar. 2, ,
General George. Patton has been
the subject of numerous articles,
stories and movies. col. Her- •
manns Royal Lipizzan Stallions
show performed. to an audience of
--more-tha-n-7-5:0-,alpe.op1_e last /
year and are known as the Ballet '
dancers of the HorSe world.
Four guests were present at the
club, Ron and Edna Alton and
Cecil and' IvIar>te-11 Cranston of
The Huron Trail Rideis. Carolyn
Taylor gave a short talk on shoe-
ing horses, and questions were
answered by Rbn Alton. The door
prize was won by Paul Zinn, a
nylon halter.
.,The next meetiq, will be held
at Merle and SheiI4 Gunbys, Aug'
list-127 QUiZz on-rare of tack.
Mr. Garrie of Purina Feeds was
special guest and showed film on
barrel racing and on reining the
horse. These films were from
the Anierican. Quarter Horse
Association and were veryniuch
enjoyed by the club.