The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-08-09, Page 8WIN $3,500 KINCARDINE DISTRICT GENERAL HOSPITAL BUILDING FUND SWEEPSTAKE # 1 PRSEEDS TO BE USED .FOt EXPANSION AND EQUIPPING AT HOSPITAL JACKPOT DRAW SEPT. I6.1972 1st Prize - '2.000" 7nd Prize - s500°° PRIZES $ 700 PER TICKET EARLY BIRD DRAW . --JULY 1. 1972LS200 00 2.-JULY 15, 1972-5200 00 3 -JULY 29, 1972- 5200 00 4.- AUGUST 12,'1917-520000 AUGUST 26 197i-$20.0 0 FOR TICKETS WRITE: BOX 2,000. KINCARDINE, ONTARIO • C▪ la FA. 0E JUST FOR SOU AT EAST .END OF .LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2034 CHICKEN., DINNERS REGULARLY $1.33 THIS_ SALE ONLY $1.09 111110,114110, 4111110 .010. 441i0K .01110. .111161. 4.11ip 40100, ano. gimp airmo .4•10. 41110.' NESTLE'S ICED TEA REGULARLY 20c NOW 10c STOCK UP FOR THE SUMMER MONDAY, 'TUESDAY, 'WEDNESDAY AUGUST 14, 15 AND 16 PHONE IN YOUR ORDER AND WE WILL HAVE IT\ READY WHEN. YOU' ARRIVE 528-2034 OPEN 11,A.M. TO, 2 A.M. 7 DAYS A WEEK MONUMENTS For" soUnd -cotmsel-and a fair pike on a monument correctly designed from quality material', rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, Prop. • ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS WALKER TON PHONE 8814234 ONTARIO 4 PAW EIGHT THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, AUGusT 9th, g. 4 • PURPLE GROVE— An apology to Mrs. Victor 1 /4.awley-, whose •name-we left out of the lunch committee when reporting last week's 25th anniver- sary Celebration of Purple Grove's .Women's Institute. Mr. and'Mrs, Judd Mailette and Jeffery of Kitchener visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Don McCosh along with Donald.Forst-.. er. • Mr. and Mrs. William Jeffery visited on Saturday and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colwell dropped in on :Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eric 'Foster , Chris and Colen of Toronto, presently ,holidaying at the Mc- Nabb cottage spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Don Dore and farnil with Chris re- maining as• an overnight guest of Frankie Dote. Vicki and Kathy Dore will be returning to Toronto with the Fosters for a few° days holidays. Mrs. Mae Campbell of Orillia Northern Ontario. spent a few days with Mr. and A surprise party, was enjoyed Mrs. Don Dore. • on Thur day asfternoon at the Mr • and ,Mrs• Francis Boyle • home of s. Gertrude Walsh -a-trd-fa-rfitly are atterndtrirthe-Fite AMBERLEY Approximately one-hundred descendants, of the late James Courtney gathered at Reids'Corn- erS Elan on*Sunday afternoon for their reunion. Donald Courtney, President and Mrs. Doug Liddle Secretary „conducted the after- noon• activities. Barry Pollock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pollock of Ripley, was guest soloth at the, services 'Sunday morning at Pine River United Church ,singing The Lord is my Shepherd. " Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cornel- ius (nee Pam Farrell) who •were married on Saturday in Pine Riv,er United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Courtney and Wendy were guests at the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Remmert in Kitchener. on Satur- day. Wendy was a bridesmaid for her friend Anne. • Mr. and Mrs. C evil Humphrey -and Mark left on Saturday to enjoy a two week visit to the Western Provinces. Mrs.. Grace Reid from Manitoba is visiting relatives in this area. Mrs. Reid is the former Grace McDonald, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter McDonald and has a brother here, Murdock McDonald and two sisters, Mrs. Ellen Cardis and Mrs. Mamie Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Rillet of Windsor visited this week with their daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Len Elmes. Dinner guests' on Tuesday even- ing with Mr.' and Mrs. Bob Court- ney were Miss Agnes Campbell, Mrs. Edaline Tracey , Scott , lance ,-,Dianne and Colleen, and Mr. and MrS. Ellwood Irwin and boys. Mrs. Melville Henry entertain- ed neighbourhood ladies at a Tupperware Party held in her home on Tuesday evening. Shannon Lee Courtney is spend- ing this week holidaying in Sarnia with the Ellwood Irwin family. REMEMBER HELP YOUR RED CROSS TO HELP KINLOUGH Mr,--and •Mrs-.-Bert_Nicholson were recent visitors with relatives in Detroit and last week end they visited with rnembers,of their family at Georgetown and Wood- stock. Jamie Langford, who has been holidaying with his grand- parents, returned home. Miss Edna Whytock of Tees-water visited during the week with Edna• and May Boyle. . - Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bennett -of Toronto spent a few • days with ter.parents Mr. and Mrs--.—Art Haldenby. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Eckenswil- ler of London visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. George Gra- ham. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Boyle , Mis. Gwen Shoebottom and Miss Joan Elliott of London 'visited with Edna and May Boyle and later went on a motor trip through , when Mrs. Walsh and Miss Winni- fred Percy each had a' birthday coming up on the week end. There was an impromptu pro-: gram.followed by delicious re - birthday,cake. All joined in singing Happy Birthday and the two ladies thanked everyone ,for the nice party which was arranged in, their honour. 11 o'clock. j Some from here attended the Craft Festival at. Luoknovr. On Saturday the H.W.I. served the dinner. ST. HELENS Mr.-and Mrs. Wilson Bryan of Orangeville were Sunday visitors' . with-Mr;-and Mrs. P., W.-Rice-.- Mr., and Mrs. Wm: NacPher- son and family spent a few ,days at , Xingston 'with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rutherford,. Mr. and Mrs': Wm: PurclOn.are enjoying a' trip throtigh Western Canada. • . Tracey and Sean Gardner of 'Wean are holidaying with their grandparents, Mr. and .Mrs. Jim • ,Curran. HELD OPEN HOUSE . Mrs. Angus McDonald held Open'Hotise on Monday evening in hononr of her daughter; Vera, 'bride -elect. E Mi. and Mrs. George Young and family visited Story Book Gardens , London', Sunday. Sharon Struthers of Ilicknow is visiting With Mr. and Mrs. Jim 7roung and family., Congratulations to Nit'. and Mrs. Glen Phillips who-i.vcre-m-arged___ recently at Langside, Mr.and Mrs. Raymond Austin, • Gordon and Connie. of Horig Kong, were recent 'visitors with Mr.. and Mrs. Robert Stewart. Gordon and Connie are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart while their parents.. attend school in Petsrborough. The Langside Presbyterian Sunday School picnic was held SAturday at the hall grounds. August 6th. Mrs. Helen Tiner was President and Lynn Fair was secret , ary. Oaks Christian Training week in Paris, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs: Bill Robinson, Lisa and Darryl of Oakville and Mr. and •Mrs. Judd Mailette and leferrof -Kitch-errervisited- last week with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Forster and family. COLWELL REUNION About 75 descendents of John Colwell of Ireland and Mary Anne BroWning of England attend- ed the Colwell family reunion picnic held at the Purple Grove Community Centre on Sunday,' Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Halden- by and Mr. and M.S., Lloyd Percy who have been holidaying at Kincardine visited with relatives here before •returning to their respective homes at Toronto and St. Catharines. -A-good-number-troll' lrere attended the Anglican parish service at Lueknow on Sunday.' On SundAy next August 18th the service will be at Port Albert at