HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-08-09, Page 1By Marion McCharles.
If crowds of people, numbering
close to 10,000, are any indica -
don of success, then the Lucknow
Summer Craft Festival of August
4 and 5, 1972 tops all records of
any one function for, attractions
to the Sepoy Town.
'The theme Ciadh Milk Fealte ,
chosen for the first Festival in
1971, was truly shown at the 2nd •
Craft Festival held on Friday and
Saturday. With cool sunshiny
weather and a gaily decorated
arena , everyone was in a festive
Exhibits were of a superior
quality and many were the corn-
ments on this fact'. Everyone
felt the•crafters had all done an
excellent job of up dating their
Did. you see the bejewelled
goose .eggs? This exhibitor raises
Quilts And 'Hand Crafts Draw Interest '
$6.00 A Year In Advance — $2.00 Extra To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1972 • Single Copy 15c Pages
Attendance Set At Close to_, 1'0,000 Graduate Nurse soweeeeeeeeabeevse4w..~4•4444
Patricia Louise Arnold graduat .-
ed from St. Thomas-Elgin School
of Nursing on June'14.
Patricia is the 'daughter of Mr.
Arnold , R.
Kincardine and granddaughter of
Mr's. Abilene Orr of Langside.
Announce Field
Lucknow Legion To
Assist Swimming
Pool Fund
Lucknow, Brancluat thg, RizylaJ.
'Canadian Legion, No. 309, has
made plans to assist the 'swimming
pool project for the area.
At a meeting in July, the Leg-
ion decided that all proceeds
from their weekly bingos in Aug-
ust and September,. as well as
dances held on August pth and
September 16th, would go to the
swimming pool fund.
In addition, any rent collected
for the Legion Hall from other
-groups putting on 'fund raising
events, for the pool, will be don-
ated to the pool project by the
Mike Dalton
Loses Barn In
Friday Fire
Fire destroyed the barn of Mike •
Dalton on Friday morning shortly "
before 10 a.m. The Dalton farm
is on Highway '21, about
3/4 of a miie south of Kintail.
Lost in the fire were 15 pigs,
about' 3500 bales of hay , some.;
shelled corn and pig and cattle
feed. -
A calf is all that was saved.
Lucknow Fire Department
answered the alarm arid concen-
trated on saving an adjacent gar-
age. .The barn was a total loss.
alignment will take effect on •
the date 'of Mr Garratt's appoint-
ment. . ••
Boards of education in Bruce
and Huron Counties have agreed
on changes in the boundary 'lines
ofschool area's involving the
F. E. Madill Secondary School
in Wingham , which will also •
affect the Walkerton and Kincar-
dine schools.
Under the former.system , which
was in effect prior to the forma-
tion of County School. Boards,
students in Lucknow'; teeswater , •
Culross- Kinloss -and a small_part_
of Greenock attended F.' E. Mad-
ill School in Wingham.
All these niunicipalities are
under the. Bruce County Board of
Education and the Bruce' Board
was buying the education for
about 500 students from the Wing-
ham School ;which is in Huron
The Right Reverend Carman J.
Queen, Bishop of the Anglican
Diocese of Huron.,,,anno.nCed to-
-day that he has appointed the •
Reverend. George Garratt of West-
on to the ..Parish of Lucknow. •Mr.
Garrott will take up' his new ap-,
pointment on October 1st. He
succeeds the Reverend Robert T.
dendahl;whef-rethe awl
the active ministry at the end of July.
r. Garrott, after twenty-one
years in business, trained for
the ministry at Wycliffe College ,
Toronto. Since his Ordination, he
has served. in several parishes in
the Diocese of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Garratt have been part time residtvnts of Lucid-tow
for several years now. A few
years ago they built a small home
on Rose Street just east, of the
residence of Evart MacPherson,
where -they have vent their leis-ure time.
The Parish Of Luoknow , present-
ly a five pointcharge, has been
changed to a four-point pakish•
consisting of St. Peter's, Luck
now; St. John*s:; 13ervie; the
Church of the Ascension, Kitilough;
and St. Paul's, Ripley. This new
.Mrs. Ewart MacPherson of
Lucknow has gained a wide repu-
tation forherhand made quilts ,
paintings and other hand crafts. •
She had a display at last week-
end' Lucknow Summer Craft Fest-
ival. Mrs. MacPherson, on the
right , was assisted during the show'
by her sister Freda , left , Mrs:
Jim Reid of Seoforth.
County and under the Huron Board
of EduCatibn.
The new lines Will put all of
Greenock Township in Bruce.
Still going to Wingham. will be
students from Lticknow and Tees-
water , Kinloss township osydents
from Concession 8 South r nd Cul-
ross township from Concession 9
When Huron board drew up and
approved the agreement it omit-,
ted Teeswater , a fact noted by
Bruce trustee Ross MacRae. When
BrUCe gave approval. Teeswa'ter
was included.
About 50 pupils are now in the
area transferred to Bruce.
The agreement goes into ef-
fect SePtember 1, 1973,. for
rop inners
In Fair Contest
The result's of the Field Crop
Competition sponsored by the
Lacknow Agricultural Society are
as follows:-,
HAY: Andrew Gaunt 96 Blake
Alton 89, Vernon Hunter 87,
Gordon Struthers 85, Russel Irvin
82, Oliver McCharles 80, Austin
Martin 79 1/2;' Donald Simpson
79, Eldon Bradley 78 „Robert Gil-
Christ 77', Duncan Farrish 76 1/2,
Evan Keith '76, Philip Steer
75 .1/2, Don Bell 75, Alvin Alton
74, Donald Maclntyre 73, Glen.
Walden 72, Fred ,McQuillin 71.
BARLEY: Donald Alton 89; Bill
Andrew 87, Glen Walden' 85 ;Jim
M-Crenzie 84, Jim Aitchison 88,
Ken Alton 82, Austin Martin 80,
Donald Murray 79, Alvin Alton
77, Chester Finnigan 76 , Ross
Ga.nnie 75., Gordon Finlayson 74
Each of the above Competitors
must show 'a sarnple4:of hay and
grain at the fair to complete
this project. •
Grade 9 and 10 students. Those./
in higher grades may continue '
in Wingham until they finish
seeondary school but the transfer.
must be. completed' by the.start
of the 1976 term.
The boundary between schools
at. Walkerton and Kincardine has
not been formed yet. but it was •
suggested Culross pupils and those
from the east of Kinloss may be
transported to' Walkerton.
The agreententmad-e between"
Bruce and Huron Boards of Educa-
tion is as follows:
Whereas prior to January 1,
1969, certain portions of the
County of Bruce formed part of
the Huron-Bruce District High
Music Results
• • r.
Joan Hackett, daughter of
'Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hackett of
Ashfield, passed her Grade .6
piano with honours.
Ursula Courtney , daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Courtney,of
Goderich, passed her Grade 8
Both girls are working in the;
Western Conservatory of Music.
They are the pupils of Mrs. Ken/
Altori"of Ashfield.
School'Board and the secondary,
school students from said area
attended school' in. Huron County,
And whereas by The Secondary
Schools and Boards of Education
Amendment Act, 1968, the said
Hurdn-Bruce District High School
Board was dissolved and The
Bruce Board and TheHuron Board
were created ,
And whereas the parties hereto
desire to enter into an Agreement
to provide for the continued edu-
catiqn of Bruce County students
in the County of Huron,
Now therefore this agreement
w.itnesseth that , for valuable
consideratioin, the parties hereto
Rey. George-Garrett
amed To. Lucknow Parish
North of Holyrood Will Be Out of Wingham in 1973 •
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