HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-08-02, Page 20TO: U. Ross Milton, Administrator, Clinton Centre, Conestoga College Please — send me application form 482-3458 Name Address _arrange an appointment for en interview Tel. No. •- ,-..C.PrIPPOV,renewwormewmsf......* - - • High School attended Yeat Conestoga 'College of Applied al SECRETARIAL SC1ENcE . Will begin this. September -at the CLINTON . .CENTRE. 177 THE-FIRST—YEAR-STUDIES-INCLUDE:__ Secretarial/Procedures Shorthand and Machine Transcription Typewriting — Psychology English Language and. Literature The following year, application of skills, in specialized situations will be • developed. INDIVIDUALIZED LEARNING will take place in a modern ENGINEERED CLASSROOM SETTING Admission Requirements: Ontario Grade 12 or be over 19 years of 4ge.,and possess an apt- itude for secretarial science. Arts •and Technology Atwo-year college programme in OLIVET Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNairn and • I Karen of Seaforth an Mr. and Mrs. 'Doug Moore and family of Ripley visited with Mr2 and Mrs. Oscar White recently. Susan Tout 'of Kincardine spent a couple of days visiting with Wendy Hamilton. . Recent-visitors with Mr--. and Mrs. Oscar White were Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Lens of Tottenham. Mrs. Jack McGuire and Brian visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howe-of Listowel on Monday. after noon.' Mrs. Ray H4milton and Mrs. Jack. McGuire visited with Mrs. David King in Goderieh Hospital on Sunday. . Miss 'Wendy Hamilton spent the weekend-at Penetang with Mr. and Mrs.. Russell Tout and Susan wioNESDAY, A001.1$T 20..1112 THE ..LUCKNOW., SENTINEL, kiKKPI,Q1P.4 ONTARIO It PAGE .11NENTy - • • 4 Held Shower for Jean Bonnett KINLOUGH NEWS.. • ' A bridal shower was held in the Holyrood Hali:on Thursday even- ing , July 2Oth for Miss Jean Bone nett. Mrs. Raynard Ackert pres- ided and gave' some short readings. Mrs. P. A. Murray also gave a reading. Nancy. Mc- Innes favoured with a piano solo and Mrs. Gerald Murray conducted a "Hot Potato" gam-e. Mrs. William McPherson sang a lovely-solo.."-Bless This House" Mrs. Dan McInnes conducted a contest "Name the person". Mrs. Glen Haldenby gave a reading which was followed by the Wedding March played by Miss Edna Boyle who alsO accompanied the other numbers. The bride and her attendants took their places and Mrs. Dan McInnes read an address to Jean expressing good wishes. 'he ..was assisted with her gifts by Mrs. Bob Bonnett , and Mrs.. Donald Peterbiugh read the attached verses: Several local girls assisted in putting the gifts in place. Jean thanked everyone and in- vited them to her home to see her trousseau., "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow" was sung. Lunch was served and a social time was spent. • Canada borders on three oceans (Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific), with a narrow continental shelf in the West and a wide one in the East, of Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs, OsCar White visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mauer and' Todd of Pinkerton on Sunday. : Miss Karen McNairn of Seaforth is 'spending a week holidaying with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White. Natalie Metirs, daughter. of • Mr. and Mrs. Gerq Metirs is a patient irrWinglidurHospital.' W wish her a speedy return u. ONTARIO NOTICE Of PUBLIC MEETING*: SELECT COMMITTEE ON LAN.D DRAINAGE By resolution of the Legislature of Ontario a select committee was appointed on June 30, 1.972 to examine, study and inquire into the following matters regarding, land drainage in 'Ontario:, (1) The objectives of land drainage as an agricultural practice and the benefits to be derived from such practice. (2) The associated problems of competing land use in the urban fringe and in wetlands, .as.influenced by land drainage prol e-cts - (3) The problem of public interest in land use over the. ' drainage of private lands by individuals. n • (4) The prior evaluationof•the benefits and costs of -a drainage project. • - (5) An evaluation of the. petition procedure for initiating, a drainage.prolect. • (6) A • review of .the construction improvement and maintenance procedures under "The Drainage ,Act" in achieVing the objectives. (7) A review of the appeal procedures under "The Drainage Act". • (8) A review of the financial procedures and assistande under "The Drainage Act" and other drainage programs. (9) A study of the costs of land drainage and what influences such co sts and how they may be reduced, i.e. engineering costs, etc. • (10) An evaluation of construction practices in general and erosiohand-weercontrofordramage-dOehes-in-detat.E. . (11) A review of the administrative practices and methods in carrying out responsibility under "The Drainage Act". After due study and consideration to recommend such Changes in the laws,, procedures and processes ai in the opinion of the, ComMittee may be necessary and desirable. . The- Committee-has-the-intention- ofl visiting -al-l-areas-in-the Province anti to hold public hearings on the questions associated with the above. terms of reference. This therefore, is to invite all interested parties, individlialor otherwise, to• indicate to. the Committee, by (AUGUST 1.5, 19121 their intention to submit written briefs or their desire to attend the hearings s and make oral representations'. The response to this invitation will determine the times and, places of hearings. A written notice setting out the time and place of the public hearings will be given as soon as possible ,to all persons who have filed nbtice of intention 'to make written or Oral sub- missions. Lorne Henderson, M P:P Chairman, Select Committee on Land Drainage Box 201 Parliament Buildings ' Toronto, Oritario WHITECHQRCH: Visitors on Wednesday with Mr.,and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ruddick of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. [lave Henderson and Sherry, Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Voisin. and family , all of Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin visited.last week with Mr., and of-Bramford: Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Baird Lou Ann, Shelley and Angelo of Cayuga visited from Tugsday.to -Thursday with Mr. and Mrs.- Carl McClenaghan. Mrs . Baird .is the-former-June-Ross. On-Wednes- day the Bairds- and .McClenaghans visited with Mr. and Mrs. Don Thompson and family at their cottage at the lake. Mrs. Baird , Mrs. McClenaghan and Mrs. Thompson were all school chums. Mrs. Art Rock visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mc- Clenaghan and Rev.. and Mrs. Clarence McClenaghan also visit- ed at the same holne. lvir. and Mrs. Ronald Scott of Tisdale , Saskatehewan visited a few days Ht week witriVilr. ci Mrs. Garnet "Farrier and Mrs.,, Euhice Gillespie . Mrs. Scott. is the former Connie Lylin IsILghbor, a granddaughter of Mrs. 'Gillespie's sister Millie., Mr. and Mrs. Senn, both teachers at Tis- dale School, were on their wed- ding trip to the Maritime Provin- WIN $3,500 KINCARDINE DISTRICT GENERAL HOSPITAL BUILDING FUND SWEEPSTAKE # 1 PROCEEDS TO BE USED FOR EXPANSION AND EQUIPPING AT HOSPITAL PRIZES JACKPOT DRAW SEPT. '16.1972 Vst—Prie e t 2-400" ?ad Prize' 'SOO" PER TICKET FOR TICKETS WRITE: BOX 2,0.00. KINCARDINE, ONTARIO Ces. Of interest to older resid- ents will be the fact that a son of the. late Jack Mac Kay was their Inspector at Tisdale"School. Mr. and Nits. Garnet Farrier and Mrs. Eunice Gillespie visited Sunday with Mr. and irs. Gordon Murray of Walton. " Mr. and Mrs. Angps Falconer and Kevin of Strathroy spent -Sunday' evening with and Mrs,- Eob Mowbray after. attending -A:1--Ment-ge—ule.r_y_ picnic • Miss Karen Wilson of Wingharn spent the week c'nci with her friend. Miss Jean Sinipscin. Bob Mowbray , on Saturday, acdompanied and-Mrs. Alex Mowbray . to Londori. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coultes and Darlene were Sunday even- ing visitors with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caslick. The community extends their sympathy to, Mr . ,and Mrs. Clav eince Adams and family and Mi. and Mrs,'Don' Caesar and family, in the recent passing of 'Mrs. Adams' and Don. Caesar's prettier Paul Caesar' of Dungannp. Les Ritchie of Lucknow visited on Wednesday with his brother Russel Ritchie. 'The communy i extends.a wel-, come to Mr. and Mrs. Des Roches and family who have moved rec- ently to the house and lot known to older residents as the former Mirehouse house on the farm.. .Mr. Des'Roahes,is employed with the Lands and forests on High . way'# 4. 21, • • EARLY BIRD DR,AW 2 - JULY 1S, 1972-$200.00 . -JULY 1, 1572-7S200.00 3 -JULY 29, 1972-: ¶200,00 4 = AUGUST 12, 1977-$200 00 - AUGUST 76, 1977-$200 DO