HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-08-02, Page 10Wife Insurance Working or looking after the house and children, Your wife makes an important Contribution to the family budget. Insure her life just to case. Ask your CIAG representative for helpful suggestions on this and other insurance needs. AUTOMOBILE — LIFE HOME PROTECTION FARM FAMILY LIABILITY ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS BUSINESS — SNOWMOBILE BOAT — CAMPER - TRAILER • *'-'JEA14 WHITBY LUCKNO W 1111111), CIAG INSURANCE CO ul,LHATORs IN.SLRA.N.CL. ASSOCIATION.% OF C.LELPH *.i..•••••,••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES WITH MARGARET THOMPSON ••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••'•••••••••••• FUII 4F 16.14, SOS ICE BO For example mod. notes, baby thank you's, all- occasion cards,, bridge, sets, paste, cartridge pen refills, bridge score pada, etc. etc., etc. -*****-1g—It4.441-4-4-11,*41-40-********41.44-****** OPEN SATURDAY 'TIL_ 12--NOON--- LUCKNOW NTINEI. 'OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 6 P.M. C.; 4 :4 46. '20 YEARS AGO MARCH 195 2 A sleet and windstorm played havoc with telephone lines of the Goderich- Rural:Telephone-Com -- pany. On the Dungannon system some; forty poles were down between Lucknow and Dungannon. Six poles on the heavy lead line south' Dungannon were also down and off. wires broken and tangled. Some of the' poleg were heaved out of -the ground by the heavy load of ice on the wires. Others were splintered and in some days tossed over the fences into the fields. The price of milk advanced .:from 18¢ to 190.a quart. Pints . sold' for 11¢ and half pints of cream for 220. / • •Ashfield WMS The July 'meeting of thee. Ash- field Women's -Missionary Society held in the church school room had Mrs. Wm. Ross in charge of the program. She called for a minute's silence in memory of the late Mrs. David MacMurchy who had served as. Supply Sectletary for a number of years. •Mis. Ross then led in prayer and gave the call to worship. 40 YEARS AGO MARCH 1932 The Lucknow dry goods store previously conducted by A. E. Buswell and later controlled and operated by Robinson and Little. Co. of London, was disposed of . -and-became_known_asi Templeton 'and Co. store. Miss Emma McCluskey was. manager.. , A school report of S. No. 2 Kinloss named the folloWing pupils Kathleen 'Graham, Billy Pettigrew , Mable ,Bushell, •Or- land McFarlan, Elmer Huffman,. Muriel McFarlan, Mary Petti- grew , Morley Bushell, Mary Mc- Lean;.Harold Haldenby , Helen .Thompson, Eleanor McFarlan, Sadie Pettigrew , Aisla Bushell, Freddie Guest ., Agnes Pettigrew , -Gordon--Huffman-i-Audrey---McFar Ian, Marion Walsh, Harvey 'Huffman, no. on ro11 .20. 'Teacher Clara MacDonald. Trinity U.C.W. Mrs. Frank Ritchie held the July meeting pf the Trinity United Church Women in the church basement. President Mrs. Jim Hunter opened with a verse alid the Lord's Prayer repeated in— — unison, The roll call was answer- ed with a picture of your early age passed around with a guessing contest. Mrs. Alex Hackett read the scripture_frorn_at—lake_with the meditation on "Martha" and pray- er by Mrs. William Andrew. Hymn 114 closed this part of meeting. Mrs. .Jim Hunter read a letter from the Lucimow Craft Festival stiting rulis anilpg.ces. Articles of sewing were brought, in for the Festival. Several ladies were appointed to 1Pok after Trinity United Church booth Mrs. Alex Hackett reported on/ repairs made on the manse. Col- lection was taken by Suzanne Alton,. The closing hymn was followed-by-pra-yer by-lvlrs; Jinn Hunter. Lunch was served by the host- ess and Mrs.' Andrew Ritchie and Mrs. Herb Wilkins. There will be no August meeting.. Mrs. Tim Reurink will . be hostess for the September meeting. Former Amberley Resident Died MRS. WALTER BROWN Dorotha Rachael Collison. Brown, 72, of 6365 St. John St, Niagara Falls died Friday, July 14 in Greater Niagara General Hospital. She was the widow of Walter Morris Brown. --Born in Thedford , Ontario, she was an adherent of the United • Church. She was a member of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Brown were form- er residents of Aniberley. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. George (Lila) Porter , ara Falls, two step-daughters, Mrs. Eldon (Allene) Bradley‘, , Amberley , Mrs. Murray (Doris) MacLennan, Wingham; one brother Robert Collison of Tillson- burg, and one sister Mrs. Mary Glendenning, Niagara Falls. Her first husband Harry George Lee died in 1945. Funeral service and burial were held in Niagara Falls on Monday, July 17. 60 YEARS AGO • . MARCH 1912 A dissolution of partnership of the Lucknow firm of McIntosh and Cameron took place , with each partner , continuing in busi- ness separately.. D. R. McIntosh opened his business in the Murray Block and R. D. Cameron retain- ed the present store in the Allin MacCharles Bros.,Donald and Potcher.dispogedof their grocery and bakery business to W. J. Spindler. • Lucknow Presbyterian Church Hey, Glenn Itoble, Minister Phone 528-2740 AUGUST 6th NO SUNDAY SCHOOL DURING AUGUST July 23 e101;icAeusglatt 6, 13 . S __LUcknowIeIngiCluu•ch Held Picnic At Ashfield Park A busload of members of the Lucknow Horticultural Society held a very enjoyable picnic at Ashfield Park on Monday afternoon July 17. , The picnic committee with Mrs. Wm. G. Hunter as convener, Mrs. George Kennedy , Mrs. Ross Shiells, MAC:--Grace Campbell and Elmer Umbach planned and carried out a very .interesting pro- gramme of contests and music. In the contests prizes were won by Mrs. R: Shepherd and daughter Lynn, Mrs. C. Congram ; Ada Webster and Walter Alton. After a delicious lunch Elmer Umbach led in avery lively sing- song programme in which he play-. . M. Shepherd, Mrs. Cumming, Helen Thompson, Mrs. E. Ackert and Mrs. J. W. Jcynt contributed LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH J. W. Van Stempoort Pastor Services: 10:00 a.m. Service 2:30 p.m. Service VISITORS WELCOME LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Nicholls, RA, Minister AUGUST nth 11 a.m. Morning Worship Those wishing transportation to, church. contact Win. G. Hunter 528-7/41 •••••••116111.• Summer Services July 2, 9, 16 South Kinloss Church. July 23; 30, August 6, 13 Lucknow United Church August, 20, 27, Sept. 3 Lucknow Presbyterian Church duets , .whfch were much enjOyed during the siriginQ•of familiar songs and rounds. A. vote of tha-nks-lo-all_;the. corr?litttee• for providing such an unJoyable' out,- • ing for the rhemht2rs was expressed by. Helen Thompson:. • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE TEN Mrs. Alvin Robb read a poem, God of the Nations, Mrs. Ross read scripture and Mrs. Robb gave the meditation. A letter was read from Mrs. W. 0. Rhoad, a former member, telling of the floods near her home in Keysville Va, Mrs. Robb showed pictures taken on her trip, to Paris and London. • The roll call was answered by eleven members, with "Why I am glad--to -be--aCa-radian-t—An_in_T___ vitation to the meeting of the Catholic Women's League on August :14 when Murray Gaunt, M. P. P. will be the. speaker was. read. Grace was sung and lunch, serv- ed by the committee. • • 3 OFF wRipsiESDAY, AuGusr/no, 1972 ************'**************** • - ALLOW PAFER. AND NOTES ; ALL OCCASION CARDS