HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-08-02, Page 94.4 5'; 7i3II1141 kOWNIE , „ , B'S -CLINTON - ONTARIO VICEMIRE WED. - THURS. - FRI. — August 2-3-4 Aokontaig:ilir4ce. ATe,../tN E ' " A • MITT N RLSTRICT ,.= " "nii rang. ards u Der • DONALD C. °Y. CA% vie A Artherland L mann- j 0,K .......... I' It! ff (Dollars) JAMES GARNER PLUS alb . Adult ErdertainMent PRE.. HOLLIDAY DUSIGTOn DAWN ?ww SHOW! how " rp• ' " r,oy,. A Ntarriow,';',t!,,1 D. Adult Entertainment Color A Paramount Picture UNMAN, WITTERING AND ZIGO F Showing 'for 1 Full 'Week August 9 to 15 THE FRENCH L PAULA PRENTISS :P;467 26thEllItuTrYT:t01.1410 CONNECTION o .„MOVE s, GENEVIEVE WAITE -.-- monis . "Minion la fibs lisrpe 011151111UNWili NUMEITusi 604,,,c0f4 a ' Mire. , ..g• ... . owsiontoktioorsocibt., •+l(/(Ace "DESTROY ALL MONSTERS" In-COLO:it; a 1 " vampire also t\‘ " 777j 71, 'PRICE ' CljatirtirL- GRIRTH-orso pun.. DON'T DARE COME ALONE!! ROGERHOrERT MICHAEL *QUARRY PERRY MURPHY MICHAEL DONNA MACREADY ANDERS • MC INITIMANIMIT MAN.T-UM—WED. • ARJES VERNE TAKESIFIXF OVER THE EDGE OF ME mom A NAIIONAl GANIAAL AILEASI OTAtvAv r0I4 • I A 'MAI,. I, A WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 102 THE ILUCKNOWIENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE NINE 12 This -Week . In Ripley h, an Ili 4::::%M.II>AMik'eakr.•!•71'W,:"A''Ve..... shed and it is used at the time of the Ripley Huron Fall Fair on the last Saturday in September to stable the castle herds. .During the remainder of the year sever- al district farmers 'use it for storage of large implements. Along with Lester Ferguson were Doug and Bob Bissonnette , John C, MacDonald , Donald Wyld, Jim Brooks ,-.Francis and Bryan BOyle , Jim Needham, Wally and Mike Pollock, Doug Messenger , Jack- Farrell and Lester Farrell. The -shed roof is rather- afge---a;s-sho by the fact that it took 24,squares of steel sheeting to do the one side. Perhaps next year the north in side will be covered. *•* * Visiting last Sunday With Mrs.. Donalda Gossell at her home in Ripley were Mrs. Violet Reilly and Mrs. H. Crawford, Mr. and. Mrs. Mac Haig, all of London. Also with her were Mr.. and Mrs. Walter Lingham of Peter borough. * • • * .111 Visiting with /v/r. and Mrs. E. 0. ForreSter on Malcolm Street were. Mr.. and Mrs: Wayne Wal- lace and son Adam of Oshawa.. ' * 0 * * * 'Mrs. Alex Osborne of Kilrnalco_trn , Scotland spent several dairt-Ripley visiting with her friend, Mrs. Nellie MacLeOd. Mrs. Osborne and Mrs. MacLeod were friends •years ago in Scotland. Mrs. Osborne -was-here-in-1952: to attend the 'Ripley Huron Lewis Centennial Re- union during the first of August and recalled the playing of the 48th Pipe Band at Ripley. Mrs. Osborne has returned to Toronto where, she will visit till mid Aug- ust with her daughter Mrs. Pelzl. Last week Mr. and Mrs.' Pelzl and three children Of Agincourt were on• a . moror-vacation-in— Bruce County while Mrs. Osborne was in Ripley. . * * Mr. and Mrs. 'Ted Rouse sons Jeff and Gregg are 'on vacation in the Muskoka district. In the meantime Alex MacIntoih of Lucknow and Niels Frederiksen of Ripley are looking after the Rip- ley Choppingind Feed Mill. Able to return home to Ripley__ from Kincardine and District Hospital was Rev. Kenneth Rooney of Knox Church. All Ripley folks Wish Mr. Rooney a continued re- yi 2nd Haldenby Picnic Held KINLOUGH NEWS On Sunday , July 23rd , fifty-two members 'of the Haldenby families gathered at Westford at the home of MrS. N. E. Halden- by for their second annual picnic. Following an afternoon of races and games all enjoyed a bounti- ful buffet picnic supper. During the repast prizes were given out to the oldest Man pres- , ent - Mr. Roy Haldenby; the old- est lady present , Mrs. ,Harvey • Anderson; the youngest 'member present , Perini Haldenby; the largest family preseit , Mr. and Mr's. Wayne Porter , Walkerton; the closest birthdate , Danny Porter; persons coming the farth- est ,"Mr. and Mrs. F. 14reindorf , Elmira. A' business session named Mrs. Mel Dahmer Kincardine , con- vener for the 1973 picnic to be held-in the same place. Committees were named for sports and food. BY AO WYLDS The Ripley and District Lions Club/held a beef barbecue laSt Sunday afternoon and early even- ing in the Community-Park behind the Huron TownshiP hall. This was the first fund raising event sponsored by the club, newly formed earlier this year. • a a • 'Last Saturday , President Lester Ferguson of the Ripley Agricultur;. i-s-neiettga th era tog work crew to put a new rod on the south side of the cattle barn. This is the former j<nox Church MRS.MILLER SAT. - MON. & TUES. --- August 5-7-8 illIARREn BEAM and GOLDIE HAWn 16 FEATURES t Al cy • Fnrerrd b7 SUN. NITS vmsotskur SOME MACHINES ARE TOO HOT FOR ANY MAN TO HANDLE • ,THE HARD RIDE_ ; OLOR wined b AMERICAN INTERNATION I PICTURES Plus "THE -SKULL" starring CHRISTOPHER LEE and PETER CUSHING Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cotton, sons Bryan and Doug of Toronto, are spending a two. week vacation wir---arhis mother's home On Ma 1- colrn 'Street, in Ripley, covery. Miss Theresa Weber , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Weber , was transferred from Kincardine Hospital to St. Joe's. Hospital in London this past week. • * • * • Mrs. Victoria Smith of Ripley is a patient in Kincardine and District Hospital for the past two weeks. -0- • - -0- a- tb- Jack Treleaven of Lucknow is getting the Ripley. elevator ready for the coming fall wheat harvest. Clarence Pollock's workmen are making necessary electrical re- pairs. RA 10 • Speaking of elevators, George Harkness and Donald Reid of the Purple Grove area., have been busy dismantliDg the former RDry Martyn grain elevator. .It has been quite an undertaking due to its large size and sturdy con- struction. It will be remembered as the big building beside the former Riple); railway 'station . which was torn down last year. • • • • • ' Next Monday evening, August 7, the-Ripley Huron fill fair board will be holding their monthly meeting in the Ripley District' High School. The large road side signs"advertising the fall fair have been recently erected -at the four ,entrances to the village. WE b. — THURS. —FRI.—SAT. AUG. 2-3---4--5 Sean Connery aJames Bond 007r7" "Diamonds Are Forever" JIIIST,JOHN-nrway CASE CHARLES GRAY SHY um amour( 01001f ..R1110 DEAR MU Dirt P416101111 AL NEM R rani ...HMV WAN NAM Immo, %ROOM WIWI so holi~ impaiwKIN.ALMAI mks% macaw AMU ENTEITANWENT PLUS SUNDAY Is this the' warcrythat JraiLsa the world... TA ' ',AMU DITENTA11111011' P,oduced bv ALBERTO 6RIMALDI hy FRANK KRAMER COLOR AUG. 6 DUSK TO DAWN SHOW 'NAT DITAINAMIENT